/ THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C FRIDAY, MARCH 14ih, t»l*. Personal Mention Look through these columns; see if the names of your guests are there. If not, you have neglected your duty toward them. It does not cost any thing. Telephone, write or bring your news to News office. 'i \ Miss Maude Allison has returned to er home from Calvert where she was principal of the Calvert graded school which closed on account of in fluenza. J. H. Heath left this week for a visit to relatives in South Carolina M iss Ruth Brooks of Calvert was a visitor here Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Crokett has return ed to her home in Memphis, Tenn., after a visit to relatives here. G. W Blake of Asheville left for his home on Monday after a stay of several days here. J. W. Kirby of Atlanta has arrived front Fayetteville N. C. to visit rela- tivj^Ahere. L.*D. Alexander of Henaersonville spent a stort time here this week, IMrs. J. K. Burton has sone to S. C. for a visit to her former home. J. A. Moore of Selica was in town Friday. W. H. Parker was a Davidson Riv er visiter here recently. Mrs. J. W. Mc]\Iinn went to Ashe ville Friday. Gladys Ilcnson of Asheville arrived on Monday to visit friends here. K. r. Talbot of Penniman, Va. was j here last week. j Mrs. E. W. Harrelston left recently for a visit to Charleston, S. C. She e:-i)ocl3 to return to Brevard about the Tm-t of June. W. B. McCall went to Asheville r*ioiv.iay mornin.u: for a stay of sever-. 3:30 p. m. | days. j meeting of the Brevard Club has | .Mrs. F. H. Clark left Saturday for called for next Monday night, | Fi idmont, S. C,, to visit relatives. I purpose of which is to eat oranges | G. C. Ross has returned from a bus-! s<^“nt to the club by Mr. W. W. Clarke | iness trip to South Carolina. | of Wall Springs, Fla., who spent last M. E. Hudson of Baltimore is summer here and made many friends, anion^ the business visitors here this! Judge George Shurford of Ashe- •wi ek. • j here on a professional visit Miss. Irene Cole has gone to Knov-1 this week, ville, Tenn. to visit relatives. W. D. Brady of Asheville was in town the first of the week. I Columbus Siniard has returned ; Editor Brevard News: I from a trip to Raleigh. | In last week’s issue of the News W. L. Baker of Blantyre was a! there appeared a resolution adopted Brevard visitor recently. | by the Brevard Club expressing the I'.Irs. W. A. Morris of Fletcher has Club’s regrets at the loss sustained by rcLurned to her home after a visit the Transylvania Tanning Co. in the here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. recent fire which cost the company R. L. Lewis. | its main building, stating in substance Lee. R. Fisher of Toxaway was here ; that the Club was only awaiting an Friday. } opportunity to backup any movement W. B. Reid of the Hogback section which would insure the immediate re- was in town Monday. j building of this plant. Miss Helen Kelly of Greenville, S. | In the same issue there also appear- C. is here for a visit. ! cd an editorial which we presume was Mrs. N. B. Maxwell and little daugh A\Titten by the editor under some ter left Monday for a visit to friends , form of “Editorial Inspiration,” at Lexinton, N. C. | strongly intimating that unless there J. B. White of Savannah, Ga. is a was some expression of encourgement Brevard visitor this week. and appi'oval from the citizens of Bre- Mrs. T. H. Hampton has received a telegram from her son Walter D. Hampton, stating that he arrived in New York last Friday from France. B. L. Hendricks of Macon County w*as in town this week. Mrs. T. C. Parker of Toxaway was in town Monday. Percy Walton, who recently receiv ed honorable discharge from the army spent the week-end hero with his aunt Mrs. W. B. Connaly. W. H. Dozier of Flat Rock was a recent Brevard visitor. W. E. Shipman of Rosman was here Monday. Mrs. J. E. Wilkins of Henderson ville has arrived to visit friends. Mrs. J. A. Hines is spending a week with friends in Asheville. . C. M. Doyle went to Asheville Tues day for a two-days stay. G. W. Grant of Fletchers was a recent Brevard visitor. R. J. Brock of Asheville was here for a brief visit this week. A. P. Smith of Cedar Mountain v*ras a Brevard visitor Tuesday. Mrs. W. R. Steele left recently for Waynesville for a visit to relatives. B. J. Hammett of Namur was in town Wednesday. Mrs. A. S. Baird went this week to Greenville to visit fri.ends.. J. M. Chapman of the East Fork section was in town a short time this week.. A. D. Wright of Toxaway was in towii Tuesday. Mrs. A. G. Fulton of Norfolk, Va., ;g here for a stay with friends. The work meeting of the Auxiliary I of the Baptist church will meet with ! I^Irs. W. H. Duckworth Tuesday, Mar. ■ VOICE OF THE PEOPLE such a thing in Brevard is something pfist our understanding. Mr. Silverstein stated on different occasions that he did not intend build ing a tannery here, but v/as going to build a Belting factory and a “Finish ing Plant^’ for his Rosman product. I heartily agree with Mr. Silverstein that he built the “Finishing Plant” all right. The plant that, had it not burn ed, or should he be allowed to rebuild it, spells “Finish” to Brevard. Finish as a health resort, finish as a pleasure resort, finish as a residence town for our own people and everybody else. A finishing plant which took tjie “skill ed labor” out of many kitchens, to- wit: your cooks, in order to'increase the efficiency of the force. A finish ing plant which created such a de mand for “skilled labor,” such as had heretofore been employed at the wash tub, that many of our wives actually had to patronize Jim Bromfield in or der to get the family washing done. Let me say in conclusion and that in all ser iousness. I believe the peo ple of Brevard should be a unit in op posing the rebuilding of any such plant within the city limits as the one destroyed because of the fraud and deception practiced upon an upsus- pecting public in obtaining: their co operation .and assistance in the first place, and because of the polluting and comtaminating effect such a plant has upon both the water and atmo sphere of the immediate community, rendering itself highly, undesirable as well as detrimental to the best in terest of Brevard, and if you will eli minate the question of personal gain to a few of our business men—the merchants perhaps, and a few others —I dare say that every man, woman and child within a two mile radius ' would at once say to not allow such ' a thinsT to "be rebuilt here. i nr , I Manar^cr Glenn of the Sapphire One fc ing further and I shall stop. i Theatre has chosen for his Spring I know perfectly well how unpopular serial picture “The Iron Test,” what it is with certain of our people for an described as Vitagraph’s “latest and insijrnificant person like myself to op- i photoplay serial. Antonio , J . XI • . Moreno and Carol Holloway are the pose by word or act anvthint; that - . . . ^ ^ -n • ^ j featured stars of this newest thriller, men like Mr. Silverstein and his col- i which is from the pens of Albert E. leagues advocate. To these I can say Smith and Cyrus Townsend Brady. I have no “axe to grind” and I am i Smith is the president of the courting no special favors. As it is i Vitarmph Company and Dr. Brady ,, . , , . . is one of the foremost fiction writers with myselt so with the majority of | America. my ncijrhbors; by reason of our pov-i Manager Glenn announces that A1UNTA BOSMESS MAN IS ENIHDSED Since Taking Tanlac Alman Says He Feels as Well as He Ever Did. “If you had seen me before I be gan taking Tanlac you would hardly believe me to be the same person,” said A. F. Alman, a well-known seed merchant of 271-3 Peters street, At lanta, Ga. “For more than a year,” he con tinued, “I suffered terribly with stom ach trouble. After eating anything I would always have gas on my stom ach and would constantly belch up my undigested food. I suffered with heartburn constantly and • was ex tremely nervous, my liver was slug gish and I was bilious, too, I felt languid and tired-out most of the time and often felt so bad that I could hardly attend to my business properly. “I heard so many people praising Tanlac that I began taking it, too, and by the time I had finished my second bottle I had gained nineteen pounds. I never suffer now with heartburn or ^ indigestion and am not nervous like j I was before, I sleep well and get up j in the morning feeling fine and read- j dy for a hard day’s work.” j Tanlac is sold in Brevard by Duck worth Drug Co., in Sapphire by J. T. Harrison, Jr., in Davidson River by J. J. Patton & Son, and by all good druggists. Adv. THE IRON TEST IS FASTER THAN 3-RING CHtCUS crty we are compelled to remain here in Brevard and by reasons of Mr. Sii- verstein’s wealth he is able to go else where when conditions here do not suit him. I owe him and his associa tes nothing but goodwill in any en terprise that is not damaging to the ! thrilling story of romance and , , , ... , . ' adventure which he has seen on the balance of my neighbors but, as in announces “The Iron Test” will start at the Sap- pliire Theatre on Thursday, March 20 and that he will run an episode each week on Thursday for fifteen weeks. Mr. Glenn says that he has S3en the major portion of “The Iron Test” and he believes it to be the Miss Edith Warren of Goldsboro, N. C. is the guest of friends here. Wm. H. Howard of Durham was a business visitor hero recently. vard and vicinity the promoters of this enterprise would probably not rebuild on the old site but would seek I other fields for their investments. Miss Mary Williams of Asheville j was the guest of friends here recent ly- VV. H. Anderson of Pensacola, Fla. 'w;is here last week. IIi?s Annie Harper of Henderson- vi!lj spent the week-end with Brevard fi'cni^. I»IijP^aisy Nicholson, one of Bre- popular nruses, has return ed \ from Asheville, where she has bc!?n visiting for several days. J. T. Haney of Sparta, Ga., was here this week. Mrs. J. L. Thomas of Blantyrr* is visiting her son J. E. Thomas fo; vt few w'eeks. The class in home nursing v .i; h is being held at the Brevard tute under the auspices of the Red It will be remembered that it has been a very short time, comparatively speaking, since the people of Brevard were very urgently requested to at tend what was at the time called “get -together-meetings”, banquets, etc. at which they Xvere told if they would only go deep down in their “jeans” and bring out a sufficent sum of mon ey Brevard had a chance to land the biggest sort of an industrial enter prise; a manufacturing establishment which meant the doubling of Bre vard’s population in no time and one which would insure a payroll of twen- ty-five thousand dollars per week. We assured that is^was an enterprise h W0v»l^> eniploy only skiHed or h;fch-class labor which would mean a tfig-h-class citizenship as well. When Cross, reports an enrollment of fifty* a number of men (and a few women The class will last for two/j oo) had planked down the “kale” wcQiiSt } I aild the deed for the building site had Mrs. W. E. Breese has returnfud j been properly executed and register- from a visit to Asheville. / j ed things began to hum. Everybody ?Irs. A. L. Burke left Wedn^day 1C now: s what that humming brought to for Salem, N. C., where she witf visit i IJrevard, and now how any one could I rc’r.V vcs. W 1 Aiive the face to ask the people of the h i F. Brown of Lynchbi^g was! own to place the stamp of their ap- business this week. ( )roval upon any propsition to rebuild this instance, when the interests of the many are tc be sacrificed for the benefit of the few, count me always, if you please, with the marjority of my neighbors. Very respectfully, M. W. GALLOWAY AT THE METHODIST CHURCH 9:45—Sunday School. . 11a. m.—A sermon to children on “Twigs and Trees.” 7:30 p. m.—Subject: “Refuge.” 3:30 p. m.—Preaching at Oak Grove. Diversiiieil Ads One cent a word tor each insertion: each initial or abbreviation countinir as a word. TOWN LOTS, farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins. Brevard, N. C. tf FOR SALE OR RENT—Seven room house with bath—good garden. D. L. English. tfc WANTED—Good cheap mule, about 900 lbs. or larger. W. L. Carmich ael, R. 2, Brevard, N. C. WANTED,—Men or women to take orders among friends and neigh bors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c an hour spare time or $24 a week for full time. Experi ence unnecessary: Write, Internat ional Stocking Mill, Norristow’n. 3 7 8tp WANTED—Green hides of all kinds. S. F. Allison. tfc FOR SALE—Two Jersey heifers, about to be fresh. E. W. Blythe. tfc NOTICE I have just opened up a Blacksmith and general repair shop near the depot and will ap);>reciate any work you may see fit to send me. D. M. Orr 3tp screen. To begin with, the story has for its background a circus and the big mountains of the West, which assure plenty of action and fine pho tography. Some of the thrills noted by Mr. Glenn he relates as follows: In the first episode Antonio Mo reno leaps through a blazing hoop to a flying trapeze, and in doing so his clothes are set afire. He falls to the ground in flames. In the third episode Mr. Moreno and Miss Holloway, performing on the high trapeze are plunged down ward from the top of the “big top” when a knife inserted by the villain cuts the trapeze rope. Later on Carol Holloway is attack ed by a raging lion. Still further Mr. Moreno has a bat tle in mid-air while he is driving an airplane. He loses control of the ma chine and leaps from a great height into the sea. Again Carol Holloway risks her life to save Moreno from being crush ed by a train. Further on she per forms one of the most wonderful rid ing feats ever seen, when racing along a perilous precipious mountain trail she cuts the ropes binding Moreno to a wild horse and saves him from being plunged to destruction over the cliff. “These are only a few of the thril lers I remember,” said Mr. Glenn, “but they are a fair sample of the hazardous stunts which Mr. Moreno and Miss Holloway perrorm in the course of the serial. The things hap pen so fast that, looking at several episodes in a bunch, it is almost im possible to keep track of them all. The serial has a circus background, but the action as faster than any three-ring circus that ever tested the eyesight and neck muscles of an au dience trying to watch all three at once—and, you know, that is what we all try to do when we go to a three ring circus.” Remember the date—March 20, 1919. at SAPPHIRE THEATRE Free to all from 2 o’clock to 5 o’clock Afternoon SMORme TOEACCO FMUS FROM THE ENCYWAEDU The U» 0f Fiavoriqs Deter* mines Difference In Orends The Encydopsedia Britannica says about the manufacture of smoking to bacco: “.. .on the Continent and in America, certain 'sauces* are employed •.. the use of the ‘sauces' is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves.” Which indicates that a smoker’s enjoyment depends as much upon flavoring used as upon the tobacco. Your nose is a sure guide in the mat ter of flavorings. Try this simple test with several tobacco brands: pour some tobacco into your palm, rub briskly, and smell. ^ You will notice a distinct difference in the fragrance of every brand.^ The tobacco that smells best to you will smoke best in your pipe, you dn rest assured. Carefully aged, old Burlw tobacco, plus a dash of pure chocolate, gives TUXEDO Tobacco a pure fragrance your nose can quickly distinguish from any other tobacco. Try it and see. “Bayer Cross” on Tablets. American Owned, Entirely! E miis AWAY “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin*' Offer Relief—with Safety! For Headache Colds Grippe TmORDIG DKPUY Hairry Honigman, the “Grif fon Man,” will be at Weilt’s Gents* Store Friday and Satur day, March 21st and 22nd. Be sure and see him. Neuralgia T oothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago Influenzal Colds Achy Joints Neuritis Pain! Pain! Adults—Take one or two **Bayer Tablets of Aq^irm** with water. If necessary, re peat dose three times a day.. Aspirin is flie tra<1e mark of Bayer Mannfap* ture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid Buy tlie Bayer packages only. 20-f’Pnt ^"okago—^Also larger sizes. V'y.. SATURDAY, MARCH 15 William Fox presents George Walsh in "The Pnde Of N. r This is a war picture. The Pride of N. Y., being young Kelly, son of a builder, and the part is played by George Walsh, so everyone will know what kind of a lad the pride of N. Y. is. The contrasting charac ter is a son of wealth, played by William Bailey. The girl, taken by Regina Quinn, finds the yellow streak in this son of wealth and becomes a Red Cross Nurse, goes to France, is captured by a German Prince and is rescued by Kelly, who has been pro moted to be aviation captain. It has some fine battle scenes that will take you along with a rush. Matinee 3:00 Night 7:30 ADMISSION 5 CENTS Save your nickels and buy War Savings Stamps Duckworth Drug Co. Prescription Druggists Look out for our window display of COLORITE Duckworth Drug Company Comer Main and Broad Streets* Breyard^ N* C* Buy From die Merchant Who Advertises I

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