' ~ ;:4:'^‘^s4NSf■^*!’;^ V'. i ..V ' .* ■; # f viMlxxiv ' : ■ y •■^:\ V-;;?^ ?:. V/^.- BKiByABD, N. C. FRIPAY, MAY 1,611^ 191ft ffUMBrat Itu 7.-; j| TRANSYlViUUWENT AWAY OVERIflE TOP •Wc stated in these coljamns last week that Transylvania County would go ov^r the top with the Victory Lib erty Loan notwithstanding the fact that at the time we made the state ment on Friday tl)if county was sev eral thousand dollars 1>ehind her I quota. Our confideilce in the'people of Transylvania was well placed as was proved by the way the workers ]>iled up the results of tiieir work in a few hours on Friday and Saturday. Reports from every committe in the ^County shjow that the best work was done toward the end of the drive. Ti4 congratulations of the county are due the volunteer workers for this loan who gave untiringly of time and energy to the task of keeping Transylvania's record for war work one hundred per cent patriotic. But the success of this last of the series of war loans is due first of all, with out doubt, to the county chairmen of the campaign for the Fifth War Loanf Miss Eliza Wallis and G. C. Kilpat rick. In undertaking to put this loan oVer they were confronted with dif- Where is to be found a more favor ed region than the one in which the citizens of this town dwell? Nature has more th&n done her part. Words grow powerless and trite when set to the'task of portraying the natural beauties of Brevard's environment. And what town its size can boMt of the civic improvements and municipal advantages of the county seat of Tran sylvania? Her schools lare held up as models throughout the state, her streets and public buildings would do credit to a town twice as large. Her people are a striking combination of all the accepted qiudities of ideal citizenship. HoweVer the possession of all these good qualities, will not help in ^en a slight proportion of their value unless their possession who are living here right now. We arouses some enthusiasm in the people must boost the good points of the town to the exclusion of the kicker. Brevard is the only town we’ve got. Let’s boost her. Maybe if we had boosted more in the past our town would be even better now that it is. We live here and we make this town, ficulties not encountered by the work-^ right up to WE US & Co. Boost ers in the preceding campaigns. The Brevard the Beautiful, general feeling that the war is fish ed added to the fact that a number of people in the county taxed their resources to buy bonds of the fourth issue made it a hard matter to secure canvassers in the varijous sections of the county; and increased the weight of responsibility placed upon the two county chairmen. 'And by their efficiency and loyalty Transyl vania county mountains a record for patriotic service which cannot be sur passed. Mr. Kilpatrick states that bonds were bought here to the amount of $69,700. Most of these were taken in Br\vard township. Lake Toka- way, where the drive. was managed by J. W, McNeely, ranked next to, Brevard. ' BOOSTBREVARP' IHENEMniFlIL ROSMAN ELECTS CITY OFFICERS GOV. BICKETT BREVARD VISITOR Gov; T. W. Bickett, who is making a tour of the western part of the state, spent a few hours here on Mon day. The chief executive was much gratified at the interest being mani fested here in the grood roads move ment and spoke in very flattering terms of the results accomplished by the county road commission. ‘ In fact Mr. Bickett seemed highly pleased with everybody and everything Tran sylvanian in general and Brevardian in particular. Of course after receiv ing the largest^ vote ever given a candidate for his office by the people The following men were elected on May 6 to fill th^ offices of the town of Rosman for the next two years: Mayor, W. P. Hogsed; Aldermen, J. W. Glazener, L. E. Powell and B. B. White. These men were nominated in a meeting of the citizens which was held prior to the election^ and are the same men who were elected two years ago, except Mr. J. W. Glazener, who was elected in the place of Mr. D. J. Bullock, Mr. Bullock having moved away from Rosman.. I desire to thank the citizens and voters of Rosman, thru the Brevard News, our valuable county paper, for th^ confidence that they have in me. I am sure that the Aldermen and Mayor will ende&vor to serve the people of Rosman with credit for the next two years. The board has elected Mr. J. Zeb Stroup < as chief of police ; so the drunkards, boot-leg gers and mad dogs may look out. Success |o the Brevard News and its patrons. Respectfully, W. P. HOGSED, Mayor. BREVARD'S CHOICE FORTUNATE Brevard’s new chief of police, E. say that he thought we had the best in Noith Carolina but it was ^l^y enough to see what he thought.. ^ ' In the governor’s party here «vere Mr. J. G. Stikeleather, of the State Highway Commission, and Messrs.. W. S. Smathers and Patrick H. Branch % of Asheville. * REV. J. R. HAY GOES TO NEW ORLEANS Rev. J. R. Hay leaves this for New Orleans where he got attend the general assemWy of j Southern Presbyterian Ghqrch will be in session in that city weeks. On his return trip I will stop at Montreat'to installation of^ReV. Mr. Ver^ pastor «f the Pres)>yt^r:i there. All of Mr. Hay’s apjj will be filled by visiting:f During his ^absence sei Brevard and Davidson teriaa ehurehei will be J. «f the rtate, the man couMn’t reaUy ^ «"»> Iwen on the job for sev- eral days now and we hear many fav orable comments in regard to his manner of dispensing the duties of Ills'new office. Mr. Sims came from the Boyleston section and 1^ just recently returned from Franc^^here he hejped wfwk the Hindenburg Line as a member of the 30th division. Thre is no doubt in the mindt^j^otjr pe«ple that in Chief Sims^^Bive acquired a num>. ber on^i^lPwDcer to succeed Daye 10 m^de such a large num- tends wWle^ he served the of ilbiicew Mr. Holliday not pnly lor ms vigilei^ce in )f duty but for, his unfail- iiraor gave pleasure to all Clime in ins the week every member of the church will rally to the flsg of the cross through the call of Methodism and given of their time, energy and pockethooks to the raising of a fund of $3fi,000,000. Every dollar of the money raised^will be spent in missk^ %ry work, both at home and abro^- ten million being turned back into the upbuilding of churches, .schools, and hospitals in the South. A large part of this sum will go towards increasing the salaries of the ministers of the ruf ral ehurches, particularly those who have been working against great diffi> culties in the matter of taking care of circuits containing a number of churches. The Centenary movement of tho Methodist l!piscopal Churcji, South, «ot only means taicrbased salaries fw the pastors in the rural- districts but also the esrtatdishment of mission schools in m^y inaccessible ani needy conununtties of the country. pecial effort will be made to awaken the^ laymen of tAe church everywher* se that in those churches where a mia> ister cannot prei^h every Sunday, thoro^WiU be a M^tce jvst tho same. Because of the loyilty which Metho* dists everywhere have towards their churcft it is believed .thi^ even though 136,000.00(1 Is a large %um. It «|U be raised. ' *■ - AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH -Sei^on at 11:00 a* a by Rev. Mr. Davis «f Headerspm^i'^a. ..All are c«tfdially. invited ODDFEUOWSIAW BKBANQI^ Every Oddfellow in Transylvania County who could possibly get to town Monday evening came to the Oddfellows Hall where a meeting ot unusual importence was held. The 1st and, 2nd were put on'and at the close of this work the members adjourned to ^e banquet room. Here was spread'an epicuroan feast which was surpassed only by the richness of the wit and humor which darkled in the speeches qsade by some of the most ardent supporters of this frat'mity'in the county. Before the gathering dispersed a nun^ber of the members present sig nified their intention of going to Asheville next Monday to attend the State Convention of Oddfellows whieh meets there on that date. Much en thusiasm in this convention is being aroused and leading Transylvania Oddfellows are hoping to see a large delegation from the local order in Asheville on the 19th of May. A. E. Hampton, who has charge of making transportation arrangements requests that all members of, Connestee Lodge I. O. O. F. who plan to attend the Asheville meeting notify him not later than noon on Saturday the 17th. PROPERTY TO 1^ REVALUED FOR NEXT YEAR This office has received a number of inquiries within the past few^ days in regard to the workings of the law passed by the last legislature for the revaluation of property in this state. The main features of this law have been discussed at length by Mr. A. J. Maxwell in a series of articles on revaluation which he wrote especially for this paper. The work of revalu ing the property in this county is in charge of Mr. J. L. Bell, who was appointed tax supervisor for Transyl vania by the state commission oir property revaluation. Mr. Bell has been authorized to begin his work im mediately, and from his reports the tax levies for the fiscal year ending May 1920 will be made up. REV. MR. DAVIS TO PREACH EASIBINSriiRBACIS SALVATION ARMT Rev. W. H. Davis of Pisgah Forest will occupy^ the pulpit of the David son River Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning. He will also preach at Brevard on May the 25th at the afternoon service in the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Mr.^ Davis has many friends and admirers in all denomin- ,ations who welcome an opportunity to hear his discourses. MISS KING CHAIRRAAN Miss Mary Jane King has received notification of her appointment as County Chairman of the Salvation Army Drive which will be put on next week. The quota set for Transyl vania is $750.0d. BOARD ELECTS TEACHERS The members of the Brevard High School Board met with Supt A. F. Mitchell on May 3 for the purpose of electing teachers for next year. All the present teachers were reelect-, ed and two others were added in the grades—Miss Sumner of Mt. Airy for the fourth grade and. Miss Hattie Aiken for the other primal^ tacher. It'was decided to put music in the school next year und for this depart ment Miss Ethel Johnson of Pitte- boro, N. C. was elected. Sheris a graduate of Meredith- College and has successful experience |ks a teacher. She will not only ieac^frpiaiio hi^t toaeh publie school music in all the .I If " . The official endorsemeihi of the Order of the Eastern Star of Georgia, enrplliiig 5,000 women and the guaranteed backing of the order in the Salvation Army Home Service Fund campaign for $13,000,000 is giv en by Mrs. Winifred McConnell, Grand Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star, in a statement Issued by her ji^ist before starting from Savannah on a tour of the state in the interest of the campaign. ‘‘I feel confident in asking for tho support of our women in this move-, ment”, said Mrs. McConnell, ‘‘and it is proper to say at this moment that we aro pledipng the order of the Eastern Star to contribute to all work of this kind. ‘‘The S^vation Army has done so much good to every community I feel very confident in pledging tho support of my own organization. “I hope and trust they will all feel' the importance of acting promply and generously. Every community owes a great deal to ^e Salvation Army and none more than the cities whero the influence of this work roadies many cases that are wi:^idrawn from churches and organized charities. “The Eastern Star is trusting to secure the entire co-operation of its nihety-seven chapters in the state of Georgia to get funds to equip and provide for<'the. continuance of this work. So many efforts must be made to meet the demands of society as the disect result of the war and the unsetling of business. “It would please me if members of my order who read this interveiw would take it as a statement of our position and make every effort to assist county committees and organ^ izers appointed for the Salvation Army Fund. “I never have believed,” continued Mrs. McConnell, “the Salvation Army received recognition that was due it, in acknowledgement of work they have done unselfishly in the past and are continuing at the present moment. “Members of the Salvation Army have gone to the front with the boys and fed them and made doughnuts for them and shared their dangers and privations.'* ;g' GUARD YODR TONGUE Guard your tongue, both day and night, ^ Or you’ll be in a sorry plight. Most trouble comes from that source. Guard your tongue, avoid remorse. Guard your tongue when you aro at home. Let love reign throughout that zone. Don’t take offense, none is meant. Guard your tongue, ero ^ve is spent. Guard your tongue when at 1J|o storo. Don’t let temper make a score. All make mistakes, now and then, Guwd your temper, don’t lose good^. ^men. ^ ^’ , '■ ■ '• •• * '••fl » V ' - r ’■ ■. Guard your tongue, whero ero you are; Then you’ll be welcomed near and far. . ~ , Else misery will come your way» Guard your lOngoe, both nigh^ a&d day. 'poard your tongne^on every hand. To ^t end take a firm standi Regrets will then be out of touch . . ‘ Guard your tongue, don*t talk much. . ■ ■ ArUngtim GroenoMniint ■ t" -l-V-