Mmjr "V- ‘.' \- ■¥- -.VrJ»«V ■ V' H^'V yf^ '• YARD'tffilJiiS N«oi» :«1 iVnlTe; ■u^ ^«9i7> [. L. «l?PiIAN» IBditor €. B; HioM^ jBditor 4««4 T«W«^ dEKTRUi)!: It. zAdiAinr'^^v4j r; VOS ■ . ^ Ptabliihedevery Tbarsdfty. Biftered at postomce at Ureyarcl.{ sccund-cIasB'matter. 8UB30BIPTI0N PBIOB: One year -. - ’- - $1.50 Biz months - - — .76 Ttaree months - ' - - .60 / Two months - ‘ - - .36 Pajrabl9 bjr check, stamps or money order. - Cards of thanks, resolutions and nemorials published only at half com- anercial rate, costing <o cents per inch or one-half cent per word. Snbscriptlons not continued after ex piration of time paid for except on re quest. FRIDAY, Maj 16, im ' i r-. —' GERMAN PEOPLE PROTEST No great nation in the world’s his- tary has been called upon to accept terms of -{t^ace so ;stem and drastic ^ were handed to the German dele gation at Versailles by representa tives of the Allies a few days ago. When signed it means the end of Ger man militarism and a guarantee that another great war will never be visit ed upon the civilized world. The German people object to the altimatum handed them, of course. That was to be cxpected. But their peace delegates have no other alter native, They mush either subscribe to tlie terms or submit to consequen ces which will bring them face to face 'vith conditions morflr humiliating. They are reaping what they them- aelves have sown and have no reason to expect any milder terms than the victors now propose. In 1914 Ger- inariy fully believed her armies would prevail and here are the demands * Count von Bernstorf reported to Premier Clemenceau the latter part •f the year; The ceding of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunis to Germany. yhe annexation by Germany of all tiiat part of France following a ilraight line from St. Valery to C.yons. This is about one-fourth of France, v/ith 15,000,000 inhabitants. An ideamity of ten billion francs. The admission of goods made in Germany into France free of duty for twenty-five years. jio Amariea pidcl lutf wat 1^ ya^er MfH^vdat^ ing the ti»* oar Ratolutioii, whMii h«4 to ■> tang oi' d^ied the ris^ of ^d^^ndence .^4 lev^d vfaTinfHh thcr Ajmerican colonies WM two-Hiirds German, lus sokUers were largely hireling PvaWius, and hia policy relative to America aroiiaeil the bitterest hostility tlie%to<oi^- est nii6n pf the empire. : V Note this vehement titterancev^ of Lord Chatham: **Yon cannot, I*vent;are to say it, you cannot conquer America.* What is your present situation ^ere? We do not know .the worpt, but we know thatjin ttoM campaigns we have 'done nothing,', and si|ffered much. 'You may swell evc^ expense, and strain every effort still more eJctrft^agantly; accumulate every assistiiii^pMp>i;^ can beg or borrow; traffic and barter witii every little pitiful German. princj& that sells and sends his subjects t6 the shambles of a foreign country—^your efforts are forever vain and impotent —doubly so from the mercenary aid on which you rely; for it irritates to an incurable resentment the minds of your enemies to overrun them with the sordid sons of rapine and plunder, devoting them and their pos sessions to the rapacity of hireling cruelty! ^ y *‘lf I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country I never would lay down my arms—^never! never! neVerl" Such was the war waged against American independence. And Am6r- Ica, by her participation in the World War, has about evened this score with the German^. ’ ' i ‘ ^ But the American people are still debtors—debtors beyond the possibil ity of computation. NAver can we duly appreciate the merits of Wood row Wilson, who under divine tutor age and by his own unwearied exer tions has safely guided this couijtry in time of stress and ia guiding the peoples of the earth in the New Day! Montagu Glass, in “Potash and Perlmutter At the Peace’ Conference,” The continuation of the Treaty oF credits Morris with the following ob- ^ ,^^-f ar«^ ^ axnT mi, li^jrti^cif liiiiianitgr. ter oi recMtd that i. d«v|i^,.Pf Sjr l^Wt^ oncs' Prime Miniiter of Great Briiiaj^, contm^d and^died from a caM of #carlot ^eHrC ihraced to ^.waif found that scarlet feyer ynM in the home of a seamstress who made;^ dTfSS for the^young' lady tdio died of sd^et fever. VeitHnjgf the question from-the stan<H>oint ol^ the' n^y riimificatio^s of pur live^ and interests I would say (U^in<€1^'Up And Keep-Clean. ' ^ Very sincerely,' ‘ w'.>. WALLia The Miatake Made By Many Bre- Tard Citisens. Frankfort on trade conditions. The demolishing of all French fort- tresses. The surrender to Germany of 3, 000,000 rifles, 3,000 cannon and 40, •00 horses. The granting of French patent rip:hts to German inventors without reciprocal action on the part of Ger- mtaay. The abandonment on. the part of France of her alliance with England and Russia. , That France make an alliance with Cermany for twenty-five years. “Germany will beat Russia and fin ish off England,” said Count von Bern stcrf at the time, “then Russia and Caqjand will call for our aid against «ec|^ other. As for France, she must l»e reduced and sunk forever to the 4irel of another Portugal or Turkey, even if we have to kill 5,000,000 Wenchmen to do it.” Such was the German spirit five jrears ago. Who will say it should mat be irretrievably crushed now. ' servation. , A “There wouldn't be nearly so many loafers go into the Bolshevik line if there wasn’t so many respectable people engaged in what might be call ed manufacturing Bolshevik supplies. There is a lot of States legislatures in this country which has sfeemingly formed themselves into Societies for the Encouragement of Bolshevism by earning, anyhow, the gratitude of canners and cotton manufacturers who have women and children work ing for them all hours, y’ under stand?” YOUR HEALTH WE PAY TWO DEBTS—AND ARE STILL DEBTORS In that epochal yester-time when •or sturdy forbears were endeavoring forever break the hold of Tyran- mailed hand and to plant deep tbe roots of free democratic govern- Kent in the virgin soil V>f the New W6rld, gallant Frenchmen under the ^leadership of LaFayette and Rocham- leatr came freely to aid and with the kest blood of France underwrite American independence., America’s great debt to France has arrays been freely acknowledged; Act opportunity for repayment in was never presented till in the conflict the hordes of Huns were waste the fair fields of our %Bnefa^r. Then America' stepped jHid trii^ her allies, quickly push ed the sons of rapine and plunder in etter ro<^ t^oild ^ Rhine t CLEAN UP AND KEEP CLEAN A continuity of purpose and, action is necessary in all lines of endeavor if we would succeed. To avail our selves of well being the first is to be done, the second to be observed, the more thoroughly, the better from all standpoints. It can be stated without fear of successful contradiction that a large number of our ills come from neglect of this injunction. Homes that are neglected, bodies that are not clean, foods that are contaminat ed are sources of danger .as are premises that are allowed to harbor piles of refuse offering to any and all malevolett germs a harbor in which to multiply and spread by winds and weather as for instance water chang ed with them from one place to an other to say nothing about the danger from flies and other insect pests. In our relations with each other in our -community life no person has a right to be in any way a menace to his neighbors. If the person respon sible for a lack of cleanliness were the only sufferer it would not be so deplorable but as stated above whole communities are. affected by the filt® of one person even as the useful ness of a chain depends upon -the strength of the individual Imks. No persons, it matters n^t ^hat his sta tion in life, is immune from danger that may'Invade hi»h<6^ from what Look for the'cause of backache. To be cured you must know the I cause. If it’s weak, kidneys you must set the kidneys working right. A Brevard i^sident tell you how. Mrs. J. C. Loftis, Main St., Bre vard, says: “I had a bad ti^e with my back some y^ars ago. There was a pain over my kidnejfs all' the time and it kept ^e miserable. When I would go up or down stairs pains would shoot through my back so bad that I could hardly move and often I would get so dizzy I would nearly \ fall. I had dizzy headaches and my ankles and hands swelled, too My kidneys didn’t act properly. I tried different remedies- with no relief and finally I heard of Doan’s Kidney Pills. They soon relieved me and continued use entirely cured me.” 60c at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo.,N. Y. The Board reaervw ^'riglifc. reject any and all ‘JAny and fll of the* b^ddi^V ' 'ep^' municate -iidtH tM* Cou^ sap«tfft> tendent for plans i^'spi^iAeatioai, ^Most cor^ily 'yo.aini, A. F. MITCHELL, CP. S^lpt. 5-9-4tc. . Fatronize Our Advertiser^ They are eill boosters and deserve yoxir biisiness. dtate of Oblo, City of Toledo, ' Lucaa County^ ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oatb that he !• senior partner of the flrm of J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the Cit^ of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pi^ the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLi^RS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th' day of December. A, D. 1886. - A..W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. .Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken in* ternally and acts through the Blood on .the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, Hall’s Family Pills for coastfikatlon. WHY BUY BREAD OUT OF TOWN WHEN YOU CAN GET MORE BREAD AND BETTER SAME MONEY YOUR HOME CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SUIG6ISH LlifER Crashes Into SouF Bile, Making You Sick and You Lose a Day’s Work. Calomel salivates! It’s mercury. Calo mel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it. causing cramp ing and nausea. ^ If you feel ^bilious, headachy, consti pated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone for a few cents, which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calo> mel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’^tart your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you skk, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you’ll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, it may salivate you, while if yon take Dodson’s Liver Tone you will wak&up feeling ^eat. full of ambition and ready for work or play. It’s harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it—Adverfise- ment. ' * NDTI(]ET0HD11^~ take notice that the County. Beard of Education will let a con tract jor the purpose of erecting an additional room at ^ Lake Tos^iway high school} 4l»irty 4198 .aft<^ %i% TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND Whereas, on the 25th day of Sep tember, 1918, Everitt Smith executed Deed in Trust on the land hereinafter described to the undersigned Trustee to secure the payment of a note therein mentioned and described (which Deed in Trust is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County in Book No. 12, on pagr36t)^ to is h«rt^' niiiule, (, Wh«Mlii^\, the pasrmiA^' ol pwner of aljAd^ noU undersign^ Thu^ to tba liiifli described m said Deed in Tnist to satisfy the iuiid debt w iffovided in said Dee,d in Tn^; therefore under poverip sliid Dmp of Trust. On Monday^ the 19th day of May, 1919, the andersighed Trustee wW sell at the Coint House door in the town of Broyard, in .^e said County of Transylva^nia and State of North Carolina, at public auctfen for *eash the following described l^nds situat ed, lying and being in the said coui^ty and State and in Gloucester Township joining the lands of J. M. Anders, Mack McLean and others, and more particularly described and bounded as follows: It being a part of Grant 169 grant ed D. A. Anders on the waters of French Broad River, Beginning on a chestnut oak, one comer of said Grant and running south 19 deg.*east 86 poles to a chest nut oak on the Big Bald Knob ridge, then up and with the top of said ridge 77 deg. eact 48 ]>oles to a Span ish oak, then east 16 poles to a Span ish oak in the old line; then north 23 deg. west 42 poles to a white oak; then north 21 deg. west 28 p^les to a chestn;at at a large rock; IKen north 61 deg. west 28 poles to a black oak; then '72 deg. west 18 poles to a black oak; then north—60 deg. west 28 poles to a chestnut oak; then south 66 deg. west 23 poles to the begin ning. Containing 40 aores more or less, and being th^ same land described in a certain deed bearing even date here with from Alonzo Banther to'Everitt Smith and to which said deed refer ence is hereby made. Sale made to justify said note, in terest i^nd cost and expense of sale. Datd this the 16th day .of April, 1919. W. E. BREESE, Trustee. Sapphire Theatre ~~ SATURDAY, MAY 17th The second episode of the wonderful serial, “The Man of Might,” Title, “The Leap Through Space,” you: can see' how Duncan escaped from the trap that Scar- face laftd for him in the first chapter. The first of this was mere than good, but the second will thrill you more than ever, . ^e sure you see the “Leap Through Space” Saturday, Admission lOc to everybody. MONDAY, MAY 19th / Presenting the 13th chJipter of. “Hands Up” with Ruth Roland. Who is the masked rider? See “Hands Up Monday and tell us who he is. One of the Big Hit» of the Season, is the Western Drama Deluxe which we will show on Monday. Duece Duncan fell for a petti coat one time in his life. See just how he fell and the way in which he turns his guns to do good in ploce of evil. Below a short outline >of the i>lay as will be seen at the Sapphire Theatre, Monday, May 19th. Admis sion 5 and JOc. BILL DESMOND in “DflJCE DUNCAN” ,By George Hively Directed by Thos. E. Heffron; Photo, by B. H. Wales CAST I Deuoe Duncan Bill Desmond Ann Tyson. LueUa Maxim John. Ed Brady Pedro Estavan ^ ..George Field I Brant William Ellingford Sheriff < • • • Singleton Ann Tyson leaves her cabin with a mysterious stranger who anaks himself known' to her as “John”, her brother who has gone to prison fifteen years previous, and had escaped. During their flight John ste^s Deuce Duncan’s horse, saddle and outfit. To provide for their upkeep Ann obtains a job in the town saloon, called the “Half Acre of Hell,” as a bar-maid. i John joins Steven Clement’s gang of cattle rustlers. Deuce saves Ann from the insults of the saloon ruffians. The cattle of the UR ranch have been greased. When I^^ce returns to Ann’s cabin with her he finds grease on John’s overalls. Deuce is persuaded by Ann to keep silent as he I^*ns ililim Ann that John is innocent of the crime for which he John is arrested. Influenced by Ann’s pic suades the sheriff to let John go. With information the prisoner, the sheriff makes prisoners of Clement’s John forces his attentions on Ann and confesses is not her brother, that her brother is innocent althoi ' 1 and tlwt he, John, is the only man who has proof of He demands Ann’s honor as the price of her innoc freedom. * _ John is attacked by Ijteuce and killed by the out Ann is only too glad to permit Deuce to take her ii ite REAR OF GLENN’S JEW^Y ilS?*? •*®'* liiiertloii; aacii talHal dr abbrivlstion couBtloflr m d word. TOWN LOTS, farms and thnber lands, ^le. FVank Jenkins. Brevai^ N. C. tf WANTED—Green hides of aU Unda, S. F. Allison. ' tfe FOR SALE—5-Passenger Maxwell Auto, in good repair, at a bargain. P. P. Sledge. , POTATO^ SLIPS—-I will have plenty of Sweet Potato Slips this year, including the “Queen of the South, Pfiilijp Yam” and “Porto Rica,” the • best of all. These will be ready by the 25th of May—25 and 30e per hundred. C. M.‘ Siaiard. BOOTED tomato plants, Nancy Hall potato slips grown from southern seed. Now ready. C. C. Yongue. FOB RENT—6-ro^m house on Jor dan. St.; good garden; rent very reasonable. E. T. Henning. TABiWPRTH and BERKSHIRE PIGS for sale. See C. H. Trowbridge at theV Institute. ‘tfc FOR SALE—^Three*bumer Oil Stove with Oven, in good condition, at a bargain. Apply at News Oftce. MONEY FOUND—On Probarte Ave. O^vner may have same by giving ex act amount and paying fon this ad. Itp. Mrs. G. C. Kellar. LOST—Overland * Crank between town and W. H. Duckworth’s resi dence. Finder please notify B. J. Sitton. Professional Cords. DR. J. Y. McKfNJIEY Dentist Over Weilt’s Ladies* Store ROBT. L. GASH V/. E. BREESE. Jr. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to \7 McMinn BuDding Notary Public. DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney end Counselor at Law Brevard, N. C. ' Real estate law arid abstract lof .titles & specialty. * WELCH GJiLLOW^Y Attorney Practice in all the Courts ‘Brevard, J^. C. DUNN'S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A. F. & A. M. GONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 i. 0.0. F. Meets ev^ry Monday 8K)0 P. M. Visitors welcome. NOTICE OF AN ELECTION FOR SCHOOL HOUSE BONDS [ Upon petition of the County Board of Education for Transylvania Coun ty, to the Commissioners for said County, for an election foy Catheys Creek Township, district ^o. 3, to ascertain the will of the people on the question of issuing bonds under the “State-wide ^ond Act for School Buddings,” which petition is now on file in the office of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners, said Board of County Commissioners did by an or der of the Board call said election in words and figures aa follows, viz: It is therefore ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Tran sylvania County, N. C., that an elec tion be held, and such election is hereby called to be held at the Ros- man school house in Rosman, N. C., on Wednesday, June 11, 1919, for Catheys Creek Township, district No. 3, to ascertain the will of the people of said district on the question of issuing bonds under the “State-wide Bond Act for School Buildings,” th( amount of said bond issue to be and not to exceed $10,000 (ten thousand dollars), and the rate >of interest they are to bear shall not be more than six per cent per annum, payable- semi-annually, and the length of the time the bonds are to run shall not be more than twenty years, and max imum tax that may be levied shall not exceed fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars property and forty- five ce^ on the poll. It is further ordered by the Board new registration shall be had id election, and A. M. Paxton sman, N. C. be and is hereby ted Registrar, and A. M. of Rosman, N. C. and Geo. * >f Rosman, N. C. be and they |by appointed Judges of said hich registration and telec- be conducted undeir the' regulations governing elec-. "-!Ci;rf Tax Districts aa pre- Section Four Thousand and Fifteen of the Re- T^ousand Nine Hundred If coun'ty commis- OF TRANSYLVANIA N. C. OSBORNE, Chairman, .PATRICK, Sec. t«. 4tcy ‘^*'1

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