B revai rd News VOL. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 4th, 1919. Number 26 WELCOME HOME FOR SAILORS "'SOLDIERS July the sixteenth will; without doubt, be a red letter day in the his tory of Transylvania County Never before have the people had such an occassion to celebrate and never before have plans for a public event in Transylvania been worked out with the painstaking fidelity which the committees in charge of the Wel come Home Celebration have devoted to the task of perfecting arrange ments for welcoming home the Tran sylvania soldiers and sailors. The chairmen of the various com mittees met with Mr. J. S. Silversteen general chairman of the Welcome Home Day, in the Brevard Club rooms on Monday evening for the purpose of naming the members of committees to look after details of the celebra tion. W. E. Breese, chairman of the din ner committee, stated that he had written a personal letter to 75 people requesting their aid on this committee and that a favorable reply had been received in each instance. Owing to the limited time at the disposal of the meeting Mr. Breese did not read the names of his committee. The chairman of the advertising committee, Mrs. C. B. Deaver, an nounced the following names for her committee: Mrs. F. P. Sledge, Mrs. E. H. Norwood, Lewis Hamlin, Alfred Hampton, W. S. Price, Jr., Welch Galloway, J. M. Allison, C. M. Doyle. Chm. of the finance committee ap pointed: T. H. Shipman, J. W. Smith, Revs. W. E. Poovey and J. C. Seagle as members of his committee. Rev. C. E. Puett, chairman of the Reception Committee will be assisted by the following: T. H. Galloway, C. B. Deaver, Revs. J. C. Seagle, J. R. Hay, E .H. Norwood, C. D. Chapman, and W. E. Poovey. R. H. Zachary named the following mebers of the entertainment commit tee of which he is chairman: Mes- dames Z. W. Nichols, W. W. Crouse- hom of Pisgah Forest and A. 0. Kitchen of Rosman, Misses Maud Al lison, Julia Shuford and Mary Jane King, T. H. Shipman, C. C. Hodges, B. W. Trantham, Alex Kizer, E. S. English, John Duckworth, W. H. Duck worth, Roy Marr, John Smith and W. H. Walker. Fred Miller, chairman of the ar rangement committee has named the following as members of this commit tee: Mesdam^s H. A. Plummer, H. N. Carrier, S. C. Yates, R. H. Zachary, J. S. Silversteen and Ida Bryant, Misses Annie Gash and Mary Jane King, J. W. Burnett, Fred Johnson, S. M. Macfie, Eugene Allison, Ed Pat ton, C. B. Deaver, W. H. Grogan, Jr., W. E.. Breese, Alfred Hampton, A. M. Verdery, W. S. Price, Jr., and A. M. White of Rosman. MEW AITRACnON FOR TRANSYLVANIA Transylvania County is to become known as a section of perfect motor roads as well as perfect climate. Bre vard is bein{7 brouj?ht to the atten tion of the tourists as a centre from which some of the most beautiful scenic hi}?hways in America radiate by W. O. K. King of the King & M^ill Garai!:e. Mr. King believes thAt if the people of the southern knew what a combination of wonuerful scenery and good roads this county offered Brevard would have as many visitors as could be taken care with present hotel and boarding-house facilities. With a view to giving full publicity to what Tran sylvania has to attract the motorist Mr. King has issued a booklet entitl ed Motoring “in The Land of Water falls.” This pamphlet gives a vivid account of vacation time on “the per fect motor roads thru the magnificent scenic views of the glorious waterfalls and vine clad mountains of Transyl* vania County.” Several hundred copies of the booklet are being mailed to various points throughout the south The folder is profusely illustrated with mountain scenes near Brevard. The viev/s have been reproduced with remarkable clcarneso and each fea ture of the folder has been produced with accurate attention to detail. The work was done on the presses of the Brevard Printery. Want ads bring results. Try one in the News and see for yourself. SEVEN QUESTIONS ASKED OFBOflANCDS Controversy, for its own sake is out of date; we, of the 20th Century are too busy. But, after reading the article by “Bohancus”, which ap peared in last weeks issue of the News, I am so puzzled as to be un able to refrain from asking the fol lowing, I hope fair, guestions. 1st Why “Bohancus"? A man brave enough to set himself against the tide of many waters, viz.. Woman Suffrage, which, today, is threatening the whole earth, a man so ardent in defense ow womanly purity, should surely sign and seal such a document with pardonable pride; more (^specially, as the article to which his own was a direct reply was signed not “Voter-to-be’' nor even “Feminine Triumphant” but with the full and well known name of the writer. 1st then, I ask. Why “Bohancus”? 2nd. Is it customary for men to bring up drunken “galoots” to the polls and “vote” them? If so I hum bly submit another question: Would not “poor John and Tom” be far bet ter employed at home “rocking the baby” while Mary and Jane hie them to the poles and have their try at putting said drunken “galoots” out of business? 3rd. (Important) What volume of ancient or modem history holds it self responsible for the statement “Samson told the Philistine woman to weave his severed locks into a web of cloth and his strength would leave him.” 4th And right here is he most puzzling question of all: Why, since, as “Bohancus say, the grreat men and great movements of the world have been moulded by wo men, why,for this reason, should they be debarred the ballot! ! 5th Does the mere act of casting a slip of paper into a box, easily ac complished by the right or left hand alone, necessitate the wearing of any particular style of dress? If not, why speak of “breeches and the bal lot” as that which an unalterable De cree—say of the Medes and Persians —has joined together? 6th What logical connection is there between a “poodle dog” and a vote? Also, how many women in Transyl vania County are discovered hold ing them (poodles) in their laps? On the contrary, it is no unaccus tomed sight in these favored parts to see a woman holding a baby, yes many babies, in her lap. Now, I can see a very close connec tion between a baby and a ballot. The mother looking upon this bit of help less humanity which she has launched upon a not-toogentle world, cries “Grant me this one thing, Lord, the power to protect my child!” Which digression leads me directly to question No, Seven: Why, O man, do you so highly prize the right of franchise? To which the man hasten to make answer, “In the vote lies power.” Power for what? Power to put in office men who will make and carry out laws; laws that will protect me and mine from the Destroyer, in whatever shape. And the woman with her baby in her laps hearkens. Lastly, Instead of the woman at the polls being the “dirty deuce” in a clean deck, is there not a possibility, even danger that she may turn out to be the clean ace of trumps in an otherwise doubtful hand? The above questions, Mr. Editor, I most respectfully bubmit to you and to any interested readers, and since by a- simple question I commit myself to no statement of facts, I will subscribe myself, most cor dially, A. E. R. , AT ST. PHILIPS CHURCH Special services at St. Philips Epis copal church next Sunday. Rt. Rev. J. M. Horner of Asheville will preach at the eleven o’clock service. Miss Powell will sing. AT METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 True Testimony (Communion Service.) 4:00 P. M. Preaching at Oak Grove 8:30 Transcendant Faith HOUSE KEEPERS HAVE AN IMPORTANT PART To the Good House-keepers of Tran sylvania County. On Wednesday, July 16th we are going to “Welcome Home” all our soldier and sailor boys, and also to entertain the veterans of the Civil War and Spanish American War. We want to make this the biggest day that ever happened in Transyl vania County and I know it will be your pleasure to aid in showing your appreciation of those who in long ago and also those who in the recent past offered their lives for those who stay ed at home. We therefore want the good house keepers in the County to prepare a bountiful basket of dinner and bring it to Brevard on July 16th so that we can feast our boys and their friends. We will have a parade and a brass band and a general “Get together Meeting” of the citizens of the Coun ty. You can leave your dinner baskets at the store on Main St., formerly oc cupied by Plummer & Trantham, where you will find a committee of ladies who will take charge of your property while you are watching the parade and listening to the music, and who will help to spread your din ner on the tables which will be placed on the Court House yard. Come early as we hope to begin about nine o’clock. Asking your hearty co-operation and knowing that any movement sup ported by the good women of Tran sylvania County will suceed and re lying upon you to make Wednesday, July 16th, a day that will never be forgotten in this County, I am. Respectfully, W. E. BREESE, Chairman Dinner Committee. SPECTATOR MAKES REPLYTOBOHANCm FAIR ASSGOATiON TO ELECT OFFICERS There will be a meeting of the Transylvania County Fair Associa tion, in the Court House at Brevard on Monday, July 7th, to elect officers and formulate plans for a county fair this fall. Everyone interested in making this the best fair ever held in the county is urged to be present and help formulate plans. C. E. ORR. Dear Editor Brevard News: I hasten to reply to “A VOTER” whose article appeared in last weeks issue of the News. Is the agitation in Brevard for and against Woman Suffrage an indica tion of the awakening of the national conscicnce, or is it just a method of passing away the time? ’ If the “Vo ter” would appear on Patton Ave., Asheville, any night after supper, he would find some samples of voters: young men “dressed to kill” intent to “make a hit” with Asheville’s good looking girls. I know the women and girls are disgusted with such. I be lieve also they are becoming disgust ed with the movies that always end with the hero embracing the heroine. I hope we are approaching our Uto pian ideal: the changing of methods of dancing, the elimination of booze, the proper taking care of returned soldiers, giving everybody a square deal (including the women) fair wages and reasonable working hours, etc. Women require excitement as well as men. They have shown during the past war that they were efficient in every way. If they want to vote, let them vote. I stand an interested spectator, detached from the world, as it were, hoping that in some way the world may come out all right. “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” is true to-day as well as yesterday. The women would rule not as ex-Kaiser Bill would rule, but with giving everybody a square deal. Some “wise fool” has said: “There is nothing in politics except that which one can get out of them.” We hope this order of politics may be changed and the women can do much to change the order. An interested spectator. Asheville, N. C. There will be an important business meeting of The Nation al League for Women’s Ser vice, at the home of Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, Tuesday afternoon, July the eighth, at five o’clock. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, Chairman /^f®ANDSOMEST LINER IN THE SOUTH ATLAHTTG \ - - - ^ - ^ s.s: AVALDEN Tmi>INKTHISMTROROLtSA^ITHARGE]CTNE^ HANDSOMEST LINER IN SOUTH ATLANTIC All the Southland may well take pride in the S. S. Walden, the new 9,000 ton freighter built by the United States Shipping Board for the South At lantic Maritime Corporation and assigned by the latter to the export trade between the four South Atlantic States and the Argentine Republic. For not only has the Walden been pronounced by shipping board experts “the handsomest liner in the South Atlantic” but her distinction goes fur ther than that. Strange as it may seem to those familiar with the energy and the commercial .ccrov/th of the “new South,”, the Walden is the very first liner to run in the export trade between tho Southeastern States and South America. She will ply between the ports of Charleston, Jackzonville and Buenos Aires. On her f:he v/iil f'y Iho rod, v.hito and b'lu?, pennant of the Sovith Atlantic Maritime Corporation, the quasi-public shipping organisation form- by the f.ve ports of Wiln-iington, Charleston, Savannah, Brunswick and .lacksonville for the development of trade with Latin America. Matthew Hale of Boston is president and the vice presidents are Wm. H. Sprunt of Wilmington, R. G. Rhett of Charleston, Geo. F. Armstrong of Savannah, F. D. M. Strachan of Brunswick and M. F. Coachman of Jacksonville. Other £>hips and other routes are assigned to the other ports, depending upon the harbor and freight facilities. BREVARD ENTER TAINS MASONS Masons pf the 38th district of North Carolina held their Grand Lodge here yesterday. This occasion brought to Brevard a distinguished group of North Carolinians and visit ors from other states. The visiting I Masons were the guests, while here, of Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 A. F. and A. M. The meeting convened at 2:30 Thursday afternoon in Dunns Rock Hall. Mayor T. H. Galloway delivered the address of welcome which was responded to by Hon. H. A. Grady of Clinton, S. C. After the addresses work in the first, second and third was put on. In the even ing a banquet was held at the Frank lin in honor of the visiting Masons and their friends. A specially ar ranged program was rendered by the hotel orchestra during the banquet and a number of short speeches were made which afforded much pleasure and amusement to all present. THE PRAYER CORNER Americanism We should keep steady before our minds the fact that Americanism is a question of principle, of purpose of idealism, of character; that it is not a matter of birth place, or creed or line of descent. Here in this country the represen tatives of many old world races are being fused together into a new type —a type the main features of which are already determined and were de termined at the time of the revolu tionary war; for the crucible in which all the new types are melted into one was shaped from 1776 to 1789 and our nationality was definitely fix ed in all its essentals by the men of Washington’s day. The strains will not continue ti exist separately in this country as in the old world. They will be combined in one and of this new type those men will be best rep resented what is loftiest in the na tion’s past, what is finest in her hope for the future, who stand each solely on his worth as a man, and who scorn to do evil to others, and who refuse to submit to wrong doing themselves; who have in them no taint of weak ness; who never fear to fight when fighting is demanded by sound and high morality, but who hope by their lives to bring ever nearer the day when justice and peace shall prevail within our borders and over our re lations with all foreign pov/ers. A Prayer for Independence Day O God whose name is excellent in all the earth and Thy glory above the the heavens, who, as this day didst inspire and direct the hearts of our delegates in Congress to lay the per petual foundations of peace and lib erty, and safety. We bless and adore Thy glorious Majesty, for this Thy loving kindness and providence and we humbly pray that the devout sense of this signal mercy may renew and increase in us a spirit of love and Thankfulness to Thee, its only Au thor. A spirit of peaceable submis sion to the laws and government of our country and a spirit of fervent zeal for our holy religion which Thou hast secured and preserved to us and our posterity, may we improve these in as suitable blessings for the ad vancement of religion, liberty and science throughout the land, till the wilderness and solitary place be glad through us and the desert blossom as the rose. This we beg thru the merits of Jesus Christ, our Savior Amen. C. D. C. SUFFRAGIST HAKES REPIYTOBOHANOIS AT BAPTIST CHURCH (Sunday, July 6th.) 9:45 A. M Sunday School 11 :G0 A. M. and 8:30 P. M. Preach ing by pastor. WE MUST KNOW NAMES OF WRITERS As we have stated in these columns before, we cannot print conimunica- tions in the NEWS without knowing the names of their writers although it is not necessary to publish the names. We have received some ar ticles intended for this issue of the paper which we will be glad to pub lish later if the writer will send us their names. Editor Brevard News: There has been a great deal of com* ment on the open letter signed “Bo hancus” in your issue of last week. Spitefulness and ill temper should be avoided in discussing this question, as in others; but there may be a dig nified discussion of the matter with out any wrangling. And as equal suf frage is a question of sufficient im portance for Congress and the various states to act upon, it seem a good thing that the arguments, for and against should be presented to the public. This will enable those who are undecided as yet, to form opinions based neither on prejudice on one hand, nor on foolish sentimentality on the other. Bohancus’ article, to be sure, can scarcely be called an argument—^rath er a tirad. But as it brings out some of the objections commonly urged against equal suffrage, with your per mission, I will answer his letter^ Before taking up his reasons, for opposing equal suffrage, may I re mark in passing, that Bohancus, in his excitement, or his haste, or his wrath, or whatever emotion it was that inspired his article, got his men tal process mixed. In the first para graph he draws a touching picture of poor John or Tom, rocking the cradle (no doubt that cradle was very dirty and the baby’s face ditto) while Han nah Jane and Amanda (1 am sure those are the names of those wives) voted “Drunken galoots’ from the slums. Several passages down, we are gravely informed that only “man faced women” wish to vote; women who have poodle dogs, but no babies. Does Bohancus imply here, that Tom was rocking the poodle to sleep? It takes rather a vivid imagination to pictute even the husband' of a Buf* fragist engaged thusly. Now, as I understand your cor- resondent’s position, he makes thred points: A. A woman should use her influ- ence over her husband and sons, and in this way, she can do good in an election. B. If women voted, men would not respect them. C. Good Women do not want to vote. New, I would ask Bohancus (such a “penful”—that name!) if the fact that he expects a good woman to ex ert an influence in the matter of voting, is not in itself an admission that voting is a matter that directly concerns her? If the affairs of the government are exclusively man's business, then the wife or the mother is no more justified in meddling or urging her ideas, than a man would be who insisted that his wife prepare his meals over a coal range rather than a blue flame oil stove. The husband is vitally concerned in the food ques tion, and entitled to demand whole some and palatable meals. He is not entitled to meddle in the ways and means of preparation. That is his wife's business. True, some husbands are capable of giving valuable advice on domestic management, but the av erage man is not, and it isn’t expected of him. Similarly, if the making of laws and their proper execution are not in seme degree a woman’s bus iness, she is, to use a slang phrase, “Butting in”, when she undertakes to thrust her opinions upon those whose business it is. Yet, Bohancus inplies that “A good woman,” meaning pre sumably, any good woman, does and should do this very thing. How can any v. oman be expected to have an in fluence in a matter which is common ly considered “none of her business”? It would appear then that the fact that woman’s influence is invoked, establishes that it is her business, and that she has a right to consideration. But, Mr. Editor, is not a wife’s in fluence—and a mother’s influence— often sadly over estimated. A moth er’s influence is very strong when her little boy spends most of his time in the home. But even at the age of six when he first goes to school, other in fluences must be reckoned with. There is the influence of the “big boy,** which is often exceedingly strong either for good or for evil. There is the influence of the boy chum, and of “the gang,” and of the “movie.’* There is the father’s influence which is often not in harmony with the mother’s. As he grows older, there is the street comer influence, and the (Continued on editorial page)