Brevard New VOL. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FWDAY, JULY 11th, 1919. Number 27 NEXT WEDNESDAY IS HUNSYIVANIA’SDAY Everybody in Transylvania County who can possibly get to Brevard next Wednesday should be here to help celebrate the biggest day in the his- tftry of the County. The celebration will begin with a parade at eleven o’clock in the morning. The parade will form in front of the resi dence of Mr. D. G. Ward and Will be made up of soldiers and sailors who took part in the world war in whose honor the celebration is to be held, veterans of the Civil and Spanish American Wars, repre sentatives of the various patriotic, military and fraternal organizations of the County. Representatives of the army and navy in all wars will be in uniform. Several floats illustrat ing America’s part in the War will be a part of the parade which will with out doubt be o»e of the most specta- ular displays ever seen in Western North Carolina. Music will be furnish ed by the 20 piece brass band of the Headquarters troop of the 30th Divi sion of the American Expeditionary Forces. All citizens of the County W’ho wish to do so are invited to march and all soldiers and sailors, both white and colored, in the County are extend ed a special invitation to be present in uniform. The line of march will pass thru Main St. to the Depot by way of Oak- lawn Ave., Probarte Ave., and Rail road St. and return by way of Depot St. thru Clwell St. to the Court House where a picnic dinner will be served on the Court House lawn at one o’clock. Dinner will be free to everybody and everybody is invited to bring a basket of good things to eat and take part in this feature of the celebration. The afternoon will be given over to games and numerous diversions spe cially planned by the entertainment commttee. Programs rendered by the Cedar Mountain Sextette and other musical organizations of the county will be a feature of this part of the day. Special shows will be put on for the day by both moving picture houses. Those in Uniform will be admitted free of charge. Everybody in the County is ex pected to be on Main St. by eleven o’clock next Wednesday morning. BETTERMENT OF TELEPHONE SERVICE ADVISED HICKORY NUTS ARE COMING HERE Editor Brevard News: This letter is a plain statement of acts and should be entitled “The Bet terment of our Telephone Service.” I would like to ask the subscribers of the Brevard Telephone Co. if there is not lots of room for improvement in the service we are today getting. For the past three or four months there have been no calls allowed after 10:00 P. M. except for Doctors, Po lice or the Fire Department, so that if one lives in the country and has spent an evening with friends in town and wants to let their friends know that they have arrived sefely, or if they get stuck up in mud (one will get stuck up sometimes you know on these country roads) they cannot go to the nearest phone and call for a friend or a garage to pull them out if it is after 10 o’clock. Then again it been almost impossible to get ^Tvtral to answer after 10 o’clock, writer spent over an hour recent ly Ti'ying to get Central, so as to call a doctor about 1:00 A. M. Is this efficiency or service? A town of the size and importance of Brevard, the County seat of Transyl vania County, outside of its renown as a summer resort, demands a better Telephone service than we are get ting and it’s time our progressive and up to date citizens were demanding that we get it too, we are up to date with our streets, banking facilities, stores, and everything else except our telephone service, and strangers to our fair city laugh at the inefficiency of it, especially when they have to wait, sometimes as long as an hovfr for a call to Asheville or some nearlj^ town. \ • Is it not a fact that towards t^e end of last year there was a good deal of controversy about our Telephone service, and was not a new Co. hiift- ed at, and did not at that time t owners or the management of thi present Telephone Co. promise bet ter service. Have we gotten it? Is there any prospect of our getting it? 1 don’t think so. We were promised The Hickory Nut Minstrels, a troupe comprised of men who have done their bit overseas in the 30th or Hickory Division, will play for the people of Brevard next Wednesday night. The Hickory Nuts have played in most of the larger towns of the souht and have made big hits every where they have appeared. Thirty- six veterans, all of whom helped to break the Hindenburg Line make up the company, and are just recently centlyhome from what they call the A. E. F. “kerosene circuit.” Seven teen men in the organization have been wounded, and three have been decorated for distinguished bravery. The Hickory Nut organization was formed in France shortly after the armistice and its show was pronounc ed by General Pershing and other officers as the best minstrel in the A. E. F. This show is of special inter est to the people of Western North Carolina because six of the boys in it are from Bunccombe County. Sgt. Patrick O’Hay, who heads the Hickory Nuts is a southerner, a native of Vir ginia and a veteran of four vars. He won the Victoria Medal witli eight bars for gallantry under :iro in eight battles in South Africa. H<-! is said to be the only American possessing so distinguished a decoration for mili tary service under the British Govern ment. Sgt. Hay is a real show nian and during the intervals in hia war experiences has api)eareil in musical comedies and minstrel shows ihrou.^^jh- out the United States and Canada. He is the star of the Hickory Nut troupe which comes to Brevard Wednesday. BISHOP HORNER VISITS BRE VARD AND CONFIRMS CLASS The Rt. Rev. Junius Moore Horner, D. D., Bishop of the District of Ashe ville, made his annual visitation to St. Philips church last Sunday, and after confirming a class of three per sons preached a most helpful sermon to a large congregation. He returned to Asheville on the afternoon train. The Bishop is planning to spend a day in Brevard in August if possible, to see his old friends and to make new ones. He was delighted with the im provements on the church, and with the life and progress of Brevard. DR. AIKEN LOCATES AT PICKENS Dr. J. L. Aiken has located at Pickens, S. C. after graduating at the Southern Dental College and stand ing the examinations of the Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina Dental Boards. He visited Pickens en route from Atlanta and arranged to locate there. When the S. C. Board was passed his offices were equipped and he began work imme diately. Pickens has been without a dentist for several months and is a good opening for one of that pro fession. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 Sunday School (Centenary Sunday) 11:00 Sermon on “Baptism” 8:30 “The True Isrealite.” The Cedar Mountain Tea Room Is On One Of The Best Road* In The County And Serves The Best Home made Things To Eat In The World. materialize and it seems to me that big things lAst year which did not six months or more is long enough to show a betterment in the system. If the present C9. can do no bet* ter. then it is up to the tow author ities, or some of our progressive citi zens to take over the existing Co. or better still start a new Company and let’s have a Telephone Company that will be a credit to our fair town of ^rovard and in accordance with the her improvements that we have. We n. ed it and need it badly. Mr. Editor, I don’t think I have pped on anyone’s corns in this let ter, but have merely stated what are ; facts known to all of our good citi- {zens, and if you think it worthy to fill a space in the NEWS believe it will do some good and probably help %o better things. ') Yours very truly, \ A SUBSCRIBER. 'l TO THE MOTHERS, SISTERS, WIVES AND SWEETHEARTS OF TRANSYLVANU Don’t forget to come to Brevard on Wednes day, July 16th and show the soldier any sailor boys as w^ell as the older veterans that you still love them. The boys did not get any fried chicken and good pies in France or Belgium, so lets give them all they can eat at Dinner that day. Remember to leave your baskets at the store room formerly occupied by Plummer & Tran- tham w^here a committee of young ladies will take care of them for you. COME EARLY and stay late. Yours respectfully, W. E. BREESE, Chairman Din ner Committee. STATE OFFERS HEIP TOSCHOOLCHILDREN COONCH. ENDORSES RAISE ON TELEPHONE The board of aldermen of the town of Brevard met in the mayor’s office on Monday night. Little business outside of the routine transactions came before the meeting. A representative of the local tele phone company appeared before the board with the request that the board endorse the petition which the com pany is shortly to present to the State Corporation Commission for permis sion to raise the price of all classes of phones in Brevard fifty cents per month. The city board agreed to en dorse the petition. It is stated that while the endorse ment of the local officials will have no authoritative effect on the decis ion of the State Corporation Commis sion that the latter body is much more likely to regard a petition favor ably which has been endorsed by local officials. NOTICE The arrangement committee of the Welcome Home Celebration wishes to request that all public and private buildings in town be decorated on July the sixteenth with our national colors and flags of the United States and her Allies. All business houses of the town have been requested to close during the parade. • All white and colored men who took part in the recent war are asked to wear uniform and march in the parade. Each military patriotic, fra ternal or other organization march ing in the parade is requested to car ry a banner bearing its name. Those who participate in the marching will please be on Main St. in front of D. G. Ward’s residence at eleven o’clock Wednesday morning to be as signed places in the line of march by the chief marshal. Those who drive motor cars or trucks are requested to decorate their machines. It is also suggested that all those who can do so place their cars and drivers at the disposal of the Civil War veterans and others who may not be able to march or enjoy the more strenuous features of the holiday. A large billboard will be placed on the Court House Square on which will be printed a full program of the day’s exercises. Everyone come and help make this the best day Transylvania ever had. FRED MILLER, Chairman Ar rangement Committee. AGED LADY DIES SUDDENLY Mrs. J. W. Smith, Senior, died Wednesday morning. The end came quite unexpectedly. Mrs. Smith al though advanced in years was unus ually robust for one of her age. She {retired Tuesday night in her usual good health and w’as found dead in her bed on Wednesday momini?. j She is survived by ten children, eight sons and two daughters. The funeral was held in the Bre vard Baptist Church on Thursday af- temon. The pastor. Rev. C. E. Puett, I oflRciated* assisted . by Rev. W. E. Poovey. Burial was in the Oak Grove - Cemetery. NEW EQinPMENT FOR SAPPHIRE THEATRE One of the marked characteristics of Brevard’s business enterprises is the continual endeavor of their managements to keep the standard of service equal to that of towns much larger than Brevard. Few towns many times the size of Brevard have an enterprise whose patrons receive the consideration and skilled service enjoyed by patrons of the Sapphire Theatre. The management of the Sapphire is always on the alert for improvements that will add to the pleasure or comfort of the large num ber of people who always go there to see perfect projections of the best pro ductions of the silent stage. This week the Sapphire Theatre has had installed an exhaust fan 26 inches in diameter which will give a complete change of air in the Theatre every two minutes. With this addition to its already exceptionally up-to-date equipment the Sapphire will doubtless be more popular than ever witH Bre vard film fans. SINGING CONVENTION FOR TRANSYLVANIA To All Singing Classes and Choirs in Transylvania County. You are cordially invited and re quested to be present at the Court House in Brevard on Wednesday, July 16 when we will have a County singing. We will have each choir to sing seperately and then we will have several selection in which all the choirs will join in and sing together. Professor R. N. Grisham of Green ville, S. C. with his quartette will al so be present to sing. This is one of the finest singing organizations in the South. We want to make this a treat to all the music lovers of Transylvania and we hope that every one who be longs to a choir or who can sing will be present and be prepared to help in making this a great musical event. Respectfully, E. D. RANDOLPH, Vice-Pres. J. W. BURNS, President. PLATO SCRUGGS, Sec. Transylvania County Singing Con vention. SOFFRAOST SPEAKS TO RREVARD PEOPLE A number of those who are inter ested in the question of equal suffrage had the pleasure recently of hearing the subject discussed by a speaker sent out by the National Suffrage As sociation. Miss Pidgeon spoke here on suffrage last Friday afternoon. Owing to the fact that a number of Brevard people had gone out of town to spend the Fourth of July her ! audience was not as large perhaps as it might otherwise haVe been. It did i not take those who went to the Court House to hear her long however to {discover that they were listening to a public speaker whose qualification for holding the attention of an aud- I ience were out of the ordinary. Miss Pidgeon gave a fluent presentation |.of the old and new a[rguments in favor of the ballot for women. We publish below a letter from Miss Birdie Dunn of the bureau of medicale school inspection of the state. Miss Dunn has been sent here by the state board of health to ex amine school children in this county and arrange for operations where de sired. Miss Dunn is a professional nurse with several years experience. Her services are given free of charge to the school children of this county. After she completes her examinktions a specialist will be sent to operate on children suffering from adenoids and diseased tonsils whose parents desire to take advantage of this offer on the part of the state. Don’t forget a basket of good things to cat whre you come to town Wednesday. Don’t forget a basket of good things to eat whrc you come to town Wednesday. Dinner is free to everybody Wed nesday. Come and bring a basket. Dinner is free to everybody Wed nesday. Come and bring a basket. Come to the Basket Dinner Wednes day. Everything free to everybody. Come to the Basket Dinner Wednes day. Everything free to everybody. What is Medical School Inspection for? It is for the early discoveries of physical defects in children, which may be remedied and which, if al lowed to continue may cause repar- dation in both mental and physical development. To some of these easily recognized defects are attributed incorrigibility, immorality, crime and insnity Ignoring the above extreme possibili ties, it is an indisputable fact that much ill health and many many pre mature deaths may result .indirectly, from focal infection caused by dis eased tonsils, adenoids, and diseased teeth. With thirty-two schools in Tran sylvania County returning the physi cal examination card of the school children less than 1700 children exam ined, about 40 have been checked by the teacher or county physician as having adenoids or enlarged tonsils. I think it would be perfectly con servative to double this number, as statistics report from 15 to 25 per cent of school children suffering more or less from these defects. I under- stnd that this County has about three thousand, five hundred school child ren. Either a great many were not in school or they weer not examined as the law requires both attendence and examintion. There are thirty- five schools and 3 of these have not returned cards, though a few of these were discontinued. In Brevard 125 are checked for adenoids or diseased or enlarged ton sils. Let us consider adenoids. Who has them, what they are, what they do, how to treat them. Who has them! Probably your child. What are they? Little masses or tumors that grow in the throat just above and back of the opening in the nose into the mouth, and also in front of the tubes connecting the ears with the throat. What do they do? They may cause the child to have some of these con ditions: a running nose, snuffles, fre quent bad colds, catarrh, inefficient * breathing, running ears, abscess, ear ache, deafness, red eyes, impaired vision, irregular or protrouding teeth contour or shape of face deformed the habit of snoring, breathing through mouth, standing with mouth dropped open, upper lip short, nose not porp- erly developed, dull, pale or anemic. These and .other possible condi tions reduced sooner or later the re sistance of the child and are likely to cause retardation, some way or other. Diseased or very much enlarged ton sils have many of the above symptoms to which might be added others even more grave. Diseased tonsils are sometimes held responsible for socall- ed rheumatism, heart disease, kidney trouble, bad digestion, tuberculosis, and are an open way for the entrance of germs carrying many of the com municable diseases such as diptheria, scarlet fever, etc. If you were told that yoi:r chiH had some of the enumerated diseases you would undoubtedly consult >'our doctor. Now, if you suspecl^ or know your child has adenoids or diseased tonsils and you are warned that they may OFFICERS ELECTED FOR TOXAWAY FADt At a meeting on July 1st at Tox- away school house called for the pur pose of organizing The Toxaway Community Fair, the following offi cers were elected: J. B. Neal, Presi- jdent; Roland Owen, Vice President; j and Z. V. Owen, Sec. and Treas. I It was decided by the officers and ■ and the Home and Farm Demonstra- , tion agents that as there were only two community fairs to be held in the county that the county will be divided and all parties living south and west of Brevard would be eligible to exhibit at Toxaway. • The following committees were ap pointed, the chairman of each com mittee forming the Arrangement Com mittee. Executive; C. R. McNeeley, Chair man, E. D. Owen, R. O. Thomas and W. B. Henderson. Farming: W. J. Raines, Chair man, Vance Galloway, L. R. Fisher, W. H. Hinkle and T. P. Galloway, Live Stock: V. F. Owen, Chair man, Gaston Whitmire, J. B. Price, W. E. Shipman and R. L. Hogsed. Poultry: G. E. Fisher, Chairman W. E. Shipman, B. T. Edgeton, L, C. Case and Charley Owen. Horticulture: E. D. Owen, Chair man, Herman Kitchen, D. H. Miller, Gideon Miller and T. E. ReiJ. Ladies Fancy Work: Mrs. Wade Garren, Chairman, Mrs. Wm. Ray, Mrs. R. F. Glazener, Mrs. S McIn tosh, Mrs. A. O. Kitchen and Mrs.Per- ry Hinkle. Ladies Home Economics Products Committee: Mrs. D. T. Gillespie, Chairman, Mrs. J. B. Neal, Miss Lela Brooks, Mrs. A. J, Lee, Mrs. W. E.* Shipman, Mrs. E. A. Glazener and Mrs. Vance Galloway. There will be an all day program from 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. with dinner served on the ground by the ladies of the community and an ad dress by a noted speaker on subjects pertaining to Fairs. Z. V. OWEN, Sec. SUCCESSFUL MEETING AT ETOWAH Rev. E. Allison, one of the most widely 1cnov»m preachers in this part of the state, has just closed a series of evangelistic meetings at the Eto wah Baptist church in which he far surpassed his record as a revivalist. The meeting continued through two weeks and capacity audiences attend ed each service and thirteen were bap tized at the close of the meetiltg. Rev. Mr. Allison states that he has baptized 5,512 persons during his ca reer as a minister. cause the child to be more suscepti ble to these disease is it not just as much your duty to prevent the illness as to cure it? Indeed, it is more so, for you might save the health or even the life of your child. It is a good thing for two reasons: It is humane and it is an economic thing. Look at your own child carefully, critically, and, if you are in doubt have the doctor examine him. What to do. Have a specialist remove t^em at once if your doctor advises that treat ment. Do not wait for a convenient time. Do it now. It is a real’ crime against the child to begin life with these handicaps. You are assuming a great responsibility when you deny him his right to be healthy and intelli gent. What does the State offer? It provides for the inspection of your children, it sends a specially trained nurse to consult and advise with you and it sends a specialist of recognized skill right into your coun ty to operate on those who need an operation for these defects. A tem porary hospital will be aoranged for in Brevard where children may be operated on by a specialist and cared for during the 24 hours by a trained nurse. The parents are free to re main with the children. This offer ap plies only to school children or chil dren of pre-school age. The cost of this treatment is very small compared with the regular charge where the operation is done privately. For farther partfcolars write or call on me care of Dr. Wallis. BIBDIE DUNN, R. N. School Nurse from State Board Health.