reva rd New VOL. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 18th, 1919. NUMBER 28. WEDNESDAY WAS TROlY TRANSYLVANIA’S BIG DAY transylvama wecomes her heroes wnu GREATEST CELEBRATION IN lOSTORY Welcome home was the dominating features in Transylvania County's celebration of the re turn of her sons who went to the world war. The celebration which was held here last Wednesday stands without precedent in the annals of this county. Everybody came to town early in the day. Everybody stayed late, and everybody was happy and determined to show the Transylvania soldier boys how glad their neighbors, kinfolk, and friends were to have them home again. While the boys have been returning for several months past, this was the first opportunity the people have had to give them a real welcome home, and Tran sylvania, from the youngest to the oldest, took advantage of the occasion. The day was obser ved as a holiday throughout the county. Business was virtually suspended by all the business houses of Brevard and other towns in the county. In the early part of the morning people began to arrive from all sections of Transylvania. Those who had for several days been eagerly consulting local weather prophets were happy on Wednes day morning to find the sky clear and all signs in dicating that the weather was the regular Bre- v^ard brand. The morning was ideal.. It was just the kind to make people feel like celebrating if they had th^ chance. Transylvania had the oc casion and the day so they proceeded to make good at celebrating. Interest centered first on the parade which took place at eleven o'clock. BOHANOISON THE JOB AGAIN Every military, patriotic, and fra ternal orfjanization in the county was represented in the line of march. There were in the parade depictinj? Transylvania’s service in the war a numbel* of floats. Among the first of tlioso the memorial to the Transylvania boys who died while in the service of their country. Three of these, Boyd Ross, Fair Turner, and B. L. Glazener (fied in camp and ^lonroe Wilson died of wounds re ceived in battle. It is estimated that more than fif teen hundred people were in the par ade which led by the Ba/i:dad Teiiiplc brass band marched thru the principal streets of the town last Wcdnesiiay morninp: in honor of the Transylvania ^oidier boys home from th( v.orld The parade was form ed in front of the Franklin Hotel a:vl passed thru Main St. Oakdale -Avenue, Probarte Avenue, and Rail road .‘‘''t. to the Station. From the Sir.tion the line of march led by way of Depot St., Caldwell St. and *dain £t. to the Court House. The lloats and the long column of inarelicrj made a fine shovnn.q; to the the hundreds of people who filled the sidewalk.^ r.nd every available view point on r.Iain St. Transylvania’s h^*ts of the world v;ar who marchvd inmMniform were p:i'oeted by i^torir.s oJ^n;;plau5:e from the spectivtoro at ev^-y turn. The parade was inter rupted by a shower of rain which di(hi’t last lor.jr however and al though the marching throng did i.'Oi return to the square in military formation, the crov.'d was there by one o’cjock v.ith keen appetites and enthusiasm undarnpened. The house wives oi the county had been called upon to make the Transylvania sol dier bovs forget the days of hard tack and bully beef and right nobly did they respond io the cll. There v.'as a multitude to be fed and there was enoug fried chicken and plenty of ham s-andwiches lo.feed the popn lation of half a dozen counties ih * size of Transylvania. The ufLcrncon was p;Iven ov?r t-.i ,fi,'t’..;.es r.i'.'v' \vhic<^ i been by cummitx'; . i charge of the welcome home ceiebr;;- ticn. Every feature of the day’s ex ercises was carried thru without a hitch, aad expressions of satisfaction and pleasure Avere heard on every hand as the crowds on the streets be- Igan to disperse at the close of the I day’s celebration. And it was a cele- I bration that will linger a life-time in : the memories of those who had the good fortune to take part welcoming home Transylvania’s soldier bovs. OPENING DANCE AT FRANKLIN ! The management of the Franklin j Hotel gave a dance last Friday even- ; ing which is the first of a series of i informal dancing parties io be given weekly this summer. The entertain ment last Friday proved to be one of the most delightful social affairs of the season. The ballroom was es- pecialiy decorated for the occasion with rhododendron and a program of I excellent dance music was rendered by the hotel orchestra. Refreshments were served during the evening. Be sides the guests of the Franklin a number of visitors from Brevard and other nearby resort towns were pre sent. CHILDREN SING TO LARGE AUDIENCE On Saturday night the singin>g class of the I. O. O. F. Orphanage at Golds- : boro sang in Court House. The pro- ! gram was made up of songs and re- i citations which were well selected and i well rendered The director of the class gave an account of the v/ork of the orphanage, its history and its ai’r.s. He referred to the Oddfellovrs of Ccnnestee Lodge No. 237 as one of the most loyal branches of the or- ; gar.izatiofi-in thrj .-.tate. I AT THE MtTHODIST CHURCH , .) - Sunday School. : , : -n I M.—A sermon to boys ;! .T.'s on. “FLIES”. (Literature 'f tre subject v/ill be distributed af- . r the sormon.) S :30 P. M.—An open-air Thanks- 'iiv-rg Strvice for our Soldier Boys’ '• <• fe Vi lurn. Followed by Reminis- < ’ c .'. v/:ll bo arranged on ■ S. S. lawn. c ri’ic.l v.elcomo to nil. Preaching at Oak Grove. At 4:00 P. M. the pastor will reach at the Oak Grove Slethodist urch. iStewardo will hold meeting after- wa^s.) \ Editor Brevard News: Poor old Bohancus, He *has been smote “hip and thigh” back and front until he looks like an old rooster that has gone off and gotten his head peck ed and his tail feathers all pulled oat. ) As might be said, he has been hon pecked. The “woman with a club” A. E. R. and a “Visitor” has picked my arti cle to pieces and I will say in the language of Festus, “Thou art beside thyself. Much learning doth make thee mad.” I feel my inability to an swer an article that would do credit to Susan B. Anthony, or Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, and I shiver to think of the consequences that are to come hereafter. The woman with the club says, “Now I would ask Bohancus. (such a penful, that name)”. I want to first assure her that I have a legal right to that name, if I want it, as I know of no one who is the posessor of it, and the name is not copyrighted. I certainly do admit that the way any good woman’s husband or son votes is of vital interest to her and her children and country and the ma jority of women are as interested as men. But give them the ballot and men lose respect for them, and a ma jority of the men do not have much re spect for a suffragette anyway, if you will remember the way they have been treated in Washington, London and elsewhere. Their own mannikins must not respect them very much, or they wouldn’t let them lie in jail and go on hunger strikes and be beat up by burly policemen, and have the hose turned on them. If I were the proud posessor of a suffergette for a wife and she were treated that way, I sure would get my gun and go gunning after the fellow who misstreated her. The cooking question, pot hcoks. and pans, the preparation of food and raising children, along with corner influences was not named in my ar ticle, and therefore is out of place in the reply of the woman with a club. I know nothing about raising children, but I have wielded a fi*ying pan some little. She asked the question: “Why would not men respect women who vote?” I will answer, for the same reason that a rooster flogs an old hen for crowing. I don’t know about the drunken galoots being opposed to equal suffrage to the man. I have not consulted any of them about it. I will make it stronger than I did before. You will have some drunken women there also. For as long as water rises on the mountain sides and runs down into the valleys be low, that long we will have to con tend with blind tiger liquor. That is one thing that can’t be voted out. And I v.’ill admit that the women of the slums have been driven out of our North Carolina Cities to the third rate hotels for now habitations. I have not gone to the trouble to take a straw vote on Equal Suffrage but I do know that ?omo of the strongest women of the State and Nation are against it. The last shot I ha^’o at the woman v/ith the club is-to displace n.ijn who don’t do their duty in office. I would like to see the man who couid hold office longer than one term who has not done his duty. Now comes little “A. E. R.” with h;.-r smiling countenance and words of cheer to the down trodden creatures, and with the cries of the oppressed sounding in her ears as the “vyoices of many Vv’aters.”. As to her seven questions. 1st. As to “Why Bohancus?” That is out of place, irrevelent and dosn’t concern the question of Equal Suf frage. 2nd. Yes drunken galoots are brought to the polls and voted, and when women get tho vote, drunken wenches will be brought up and voted like little women. 3rd. The volume where you will find that Sampson’s several locks were v.'oven in the web is in the Book of Judges, and you will find it by dust ing off your family Bible and looki;ig for it. And you vviP. also find thnt the woman Delilah v,a3 core on h;ni and ho told her to have his agvsral locki shaved off, and then they were severed. 4th. Thru v/oman’s influnce, good men and bad men want to do some thing, for the sartie reason that the boy wantes to do something to make BREVARD WILL HAVE EMERGENCY eOSPITl For the convenience of the child ren who arc to be operated on for tonsils and adenoids, a wing of the Brevard Institute will be converted into a temporary hospital. Dr. Briggs will operate tv/o days i'lcxt vv’eek and probably two or three days the week folloviring. So many parents are taking advantage of this splendid opportunity that the clinic will have to run four or five days. Sonic of the children will have to v;ait for the second week’s clinis. Dr. Briggs cannot be out of his office several conseutive days. He will bring his anesthetics and nurse. Two nurses from the State Board of Health and several practical nurses in Brevard will assist. Parents are asked to bring their children on the dates indicated in notices. BIRDIE DUNN—R. N., School In spector from State Board of Health. Brevard, N. C. N. B. For the benefits of any children who have not been inspected and who desire it, Miss Dunn will bo in Dr. Wallis’ Office Saturday from 3 to 5 n. m. BREVARD TO HAVE FLY CAM PAIGN While the city authorities are hav ing a clean-up campaign, we want the children of the town to help us got rid of the fiies. Every child in Brevard under 15 years of age may enter this contest. Both moving picture houses of the town have of fered ticlcets as prizes in this con test. The child who kills 300 flies and brings them to the Home Dem onstration Office in the U. D. Library before July the twenty-sev’enth will receive a ticket to one of the local moving picture shows. The child who wins the largest number of tiekpts v;ill also get a cash prize. Any method may be used in catching the flies; but they must be caught by the person who competes for the prize without help. The contest will open next ?,Ion{!ay morning follov/ing a special sermon to children which will be preached on “Flies” in the Brevard Methodist (huvch by Rev. W. E. Poovey on Sun day morning. This*contest will last one week and will close Saturday, July the 2Gth at G p. m. Each child who takes part will be helping to make Brevard a more beautiful and more healthful town to live in. LULA M. CASSIDY, Co. Home Demonstrator. himself look big in the eyes of some g'-rl. 5th. No the style of dress dosn’t make any difference in the physical effort of the hands in placing into a box any slip of paper or ballot. And some men would be better suited with their mannikin’s breeches on than wearing the old style out of place dress they have to wear for the sake of conventionality. Cth. The poodle dog does not have any “logical connection with women voting’’. Eut in times pass I have seen poodle doge associated with the higher class of women, women v/ho want to vote and don’t have any thing much to do but keep the tovv^n straight and lead a poodle dog away from temptations. Therefore I connect them v;ith wearing brecches, voting, etc. I wiil join you in your prayer to the Lord “the pov/er to protect your child”. 7i.h. The officers of Transylvania : tv- h: VO irostiy all been reelect ed to office. They have undoubtedly done their duty or fooled a lot of people. But tha tis not for one to say. The people are the judges. As to brother Morgan, I will not pass him by because of his being a she man, I am glad to see that he up holds the right and will try to make this world better than it was whc^n he came into it. and found it such a deplorable place. I can’t refrain from quoting a little piece of Burns, fcr ~h:z ovn and rnv bonel't. “I v.aJ ,‘:ome pcv,\. i’ a gli’ty gie us. That wo could see ourselves as itliers see us. Tvv’a fra many a blunder free us. And foolish notions.” With my kindest regards and malice towards none. I am the only and original BOHANCUS. MISTREIS MADE HIT Wrra PEOPLE The auditorium was crov/ed to the doors Wednesday evening when a min strel shovz was presented by boys of the Old Hickory Division. This show is made up of men who served France with the 30th or Old Hickory Division. The company has toured North and South Carolina and Ten nessee, the states which furnished the troops for the 30th Division. Everywhere they have played to crov/ded houses and made big hits with their audiences. The people of this place expected a good show when they went to see the soldiers play and they were not disappointed in the least particular. The soldier- minstrols kept the comedy spark ac celerated throughout the evening. There was nothing out of date and slov/ about the performance. All the jokes and stunts were new. A num ber of special acts were original with members of the troupe which played here Wednesday night. The orches tra which is composed of soldiers al so was a special feature of the en tertainment, and assisted in a number of scenes throughout the show. It rendered some excellent jazz music that was much enjoyed by the local jazz fans. The singing by the quartette, James Howci!, Henry Xovick, Sig Blonberg and Jrmes Cunningham was special feature of the entertainment. Joe Stanford and Ray Powell, the com.edians, did not permit fun to lag for an instant. The show reached its climax in the final act when a realistic trench scene was put on to the accompaniment of big guns and shells bursting right be fore the audience. The proceeds from the sale of the tickets to the minstrel will be used in buying equipment for the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Club which is to be es tablished here. TRANSYLVANIA TO HAVI WELFARE BRD. FIRST COMMUNin CANNERY IN COUNTY On last Friday night a meeting of the Quebec Home Demonstration Club took place at Quebec. The meeting was conducted by Mr. Lawrence and IMiss Cassidy for the purpose of es tablishing a com.munity cannery un der the auspices of the club. The enterprise is to be started at once. The present scheme contemplates only local canning this year with a daily capacity of about one thousand cans, but it is being planned with a view^ to expanding in the near future into a complete commercial cannery with a daily capacity of not less than five thousand, the plans and specifi cations for which have been prepared by Miss Lula Cassidey, County Home Demonstration Agent, assisted by Mr. C. D. Matthews of the State De partment of agriculture. The last legislature having created the officcs of County Board of Public Welfare and Supt. of Public Welfare to bo filled by County Board of Edu cation and Commissioners in joint session, the aforesaid board entered into the election of a county Super intendent on July 7 and as provided for a small county, the board elect ed A. F. Mitchell, Superintendent of Public Instruction and agreed to pro vide an assistant when necessary in order to carry cut the provisions of the lav/. The County Superintendent of Public Welfare is to serve with out pay, cave that the aforesaid boards are to pay his assistant for the necessary time, presumeably for only the period of the compulsory school lav/ v/hich covers the length of the entire session. The County Board of Public Wel fare, which is to advise with the Supt. of Public Welfar, is composed of the following:—Rev. J. C. Seagle, Chair man ; Miss Annie Gash, Secretary and Rev. J. R. Hay. The new officers are a part of the machinery of the juve nile court of this county of which Mr. N. A. Miller is judge. The juvenile couri; has the enforcement of the com pulsory school law or in its jurisdic tion among other very important: mat ters. The attention of the reader is called to the act of the ia:3t leg sla- ture creating the aforesaid offices. Th eenforcement of the cumpulsory law is a sure thing now under the juvenile court and Supt. of Public Welfare. NEV/ AUTOMOBILE SALESROOM HERE A progressive tov,*n always attracts now business enterprises. Brevard is becoming more and more attractive to alert business men who are look ing for a satisfactory location. Mard- ly a week passes but that new inter est is not developed in Brevard as a business centre. This week sees tha opening here of new automobile sales-rooms under the management of C. H. Klueppelberg.. Mr. Kluep- pelberg is from Charlotte. He has been in charge of the Ford Auto Com pany interests in that city for the past four years. He states that he Vvill have Ford cars of all styles for immediate delivery to the Brevard trade. He will have his cars on ex hibition at Dan Merrill’s Garage. He is stopping at the Aethehvold and seems to be well pleased with our town, and the opening here for an expert auto salesman. THE REASON WHY Those who fail to receive the Nev.’s on tl'.'.z v cok 1 :ov h'^'v it happened if they attcnuod tho cele bration cn Wednesday. AT BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching at 11.00 A. M. by Rev. Middleton of Fruitland, N. C. W. K. FETZER GOES TO STATE COLLEGE Wm. McK Fetzer, director of Camp Sapphire, has just accepted an ap pointment as all-year athletic director at the State College at Raleigh. The many friends that Mr. Fetzer has made during his summer sojoum.s here feel that the Raleigh institution is to be congratulated upon the good fortune of securing Mr. Fetzer as a permanent member of its staff. He has been director of athletics at Davidson College for a number of years. The Davidson Colle,ge maga zine paid the following tribute to Mr. Fetzer’s work in a recent issue: “Various and sundry reasons have been given for Davidson’s successes— to save time and trouble—the real reason for our winning is named Coach Bill Fetzer. Georgia Tech claims the best team in the U. S.— Davidson claims the best coach—and is prepared to back her claim. W’e firmly believe that if our ‘Coach Bill’ had the material, coupled with the financial backing necessary, he covild turn out a machine that would almost tear up the Hindenburg line, and make end runs to Berlm. We give due credit to our Red and Black fighters—but we give more credit to our Red and Black thinker— Coach Fetzer, Here’s to You!” A clipping of the Atlanta Journal says of a Fetzer team: “The team often loses but is never defeated.’-’ “ ‘Tis the fighting team that v;hen downed, won’t stay down.” Morgan Blake, of Atlanta, said, “We desire here and now to claim the lightwei,ght championship of the world for the Davidson Wild Cats. No team ever put to gether in these United States of the same weight could ever get the verdict over that flock of wild men from North Carolina.”—and we be lieve Mr. Blake. Coach Fetzer graduated from Dav idson in 1906, after having made a reputation as a crack athlete oa the “Wild Cat” teams. He then vcent to Fishburne Military Academy as athletic director where he remained for six years. Staunton Military Academy then secured his services for one year, at the end of which time he returned to Fishburne for another year. In Jan. 1915, David son College, having seen the growing succcss of Fetzer as a coach, made clainis on him, and there he has re- maine;! until the present time, filling in his summers at Camp Sapphire, which he has been succes-'Iully oper- atin" fcr boys at Brevard, N. C. i Year after yer.r v/ith very limited material Fetzer has produced teams with spirit and fight which have won. He is expected to have more and bet ter material to work with this fall than in his previous experience. The result will be watched with the great est interest and expectation.

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