FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919 THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. ERMETICALLy sealed in its wax- wrapped pad^tie. air> I tight, imparity proof—| WRIGLEYS is iiyfiienic and wiioie*' somel. Tfie soody tiiafs good for young and oid. The Flavor Lasts RAILWAY RATES TO BE mAKGED Public Treasury Will Be Relieved of Burden of [Vleeting Deficits in Earnings. EDITORS’ POLl. IN CONGRESS. Heavy Vote for Return of Roads Arouses Interest at the Na tional Capital. Be core to ttt WRIGLEV*S Look for llM VV R IC L V ?> JUIQY FRUIT c.i When you think of Electricity, think of LOFTIS. If anything goes wrong with your lights, call LOFTIS. % If you need wiring done, remember LOFTIS. If you need Electric Supplies of any kind see LOFTIS. L. C. LOFTIS, Electrician. Ite CITY MARKET Is the best place in town to get the best of EVERYTHING to eat. The best of Fresh and Cured Meats, Chickens, Eggs, Butter and Vegetables are to be found here at all times. We will pay the highest cash price for all kinds of Country Produce. THE CITY MARKET W. H. DUCICWORTH S. F. ALLISON A. M. WHITE U. G. WOODWARD Announcing the Chevrolet White & Woodward of Rosman wish to an nounce that they have accepted the agency for The Chevrolet Cars and wiH deliver, right to your door, a touring car for $835.09 and a roadster for 825.00. Re member we deliver right here. Notify us for demon stration. WHite Woodward Washlnjrton.—Tlie national poll on the railroad question by G.000 news paper editors throughout the country has aroused groat interest at the na tional capital. With S3 per cent. oC the editors giving it as their Impartial opinion that the public favors an early return of the railroads to their own ers and only 11 per cent, favoring Gov ernment ownership or operation, the members of Congress of both polit ical parties propose to provide speed ily for the legislation to make It pos- sil)le to restore tlie roads to private management before the end of tiie year. In Congress there is a general agree ment that the following steps will have to be taken before the roads are re turned to their owners; 1. An advance In rates to meet the greatly increased cost of labor and materials in order that the Public Treasury may be relieved of the bur den of meeting monthly deficits and the roads made self-supporting. The Director General of liailroads states that the increase in rates thus far is about 25 per cent, as compared with an increase in .operating costs of from GO to 90 per cent. 2. Greater nationalization of public control of transportation—a single public control in the Federal Govern ment in place of 49 masters in the dif ferent States, with conflicting laws and regulations. 3. Legalization of consolidations and common use of lines and facilities whenever in the public- Interest. 4. Assurance through an act of Con gress that in the future the Govern ment will approve of rates for freight and passengers that will not only l>e fair to the public, but fair to -the roads, and that will yield a sufficient income on capital to attract the $750,tK)0,000 to $1,000,000,000 of new caph^l need ed every year for the expansion of rail road facilities. How the States voted in the nation al poll of editors on the question of the return of the railroads to private management is shown by the following chart. That the railroad question is a non-partisan issue is plain from a study of the table: SCHOOL BONDS OFFERED FOR SALE, Brevard, N. C. Catheys Creek district number three school bonds, for sale 30 days after date. On the date of June 11 last past Cfitheys Creek school district number three, Catheys Creek Township, Tran sylvania County, N. C. voted *a $10, 000.00 bond issue under the “State wide Bond Act For School Buildings.” The issue is to run not exceeding 20 years from date of bond issue. The tax levy is not to exceed 15 cents on the $100.00 valuation of property and 45 cents on each taxable poll in said district. A sinking fund will be provided in order to pay the bonded indebtness in fulll at the expiration of twenty years. The assessed val uation of the district is approx imately $1,000,000.00. The popula tion of said district is approximately 1,000 people. The district carries no other bonded indebtness. The principal and interest pf the said bond issue are to be paid at a place agreed upon. As the law provides the rato of interest cannot exceed 6 per cent payable semi-annually. It is desired to sell bonds at as low a rate of interest as possible. Accrued interest on the bond issue desirtd with as high a premium as the bidder can aflFord to give. The bond issue is to be dated June 11 last past. Please submit your bids in writing to the County Superintendent of Public Instruction for acceptance or rejection by the County Board of Edi^cation of Tran- j ylvania County, N. C. on the last Mor I day in July next. Bids to be opened I in office of Board at 2 P. M. July 28 inext. County Board of Education, I Edwin Poor, Chm.; A. F. Mitchell ! Secy. June 17, 1919 5tc. X , D0Ytx>Kr»0w\ I TH* RDOGCEut, Tn’CCOiTYfJ “The Chevrolet* Rosman, N. C.. ■ FAVORING RETURN OF ROADS TO OWNERS m OPPOSING RETURN OF ROADS TO OWNERS CD DOUBTFUL OR FAILED TO REPLY liHAMR CONN." TENN. FIjORIDA WYO. IOWA, K.Y. DEL. MASS. N.JER. S. CAR. IND. MICH. TEXAS GA. OREGON W.VA. N.CAR. UTAH VERMONT NEVADA OHIO VA. ALA. PENN. WASH. KY MAINE MISS. MONT ILL. KAN. iMISSOURI S, DAK. MINN. OKA. NEB. CAL. LA. ARI. N.MEX. WIS COL. MD. R.l. IDA. ark: N.DAr fS iPfT-sr TOTAL NEW TIRE PRICES 60 PER CENT OFF By Having your old Tires Retreaded. We reduce your tire bill more than half with Non-Skid Retreads. All kinds of tire repair work done—Vul canizing a Specialty. We guarantee satisfaction and service. ^ We make a specialty of Out-of-Town Business. , . SEND US YOUR TIRES We will get them back to you in three days. STETSON TIRE CO. Phone 3171 Asheville, N. C. Your Drugs ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR FOOD. WE USE THE BEST DRUGS OBTAINABLE IN FILLING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS, AND THEY ARE ALWAYS FILLED BY A COM PETENT PHARMACIST. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, IN FACT EVERYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST- CLASS DRUG STORE. DAVIS-WALKER DRUG CO. Successors to DUCKWORTH DRUG CO. Main Si. BREVARD, N. C. Phone 85 ATTENTION Men and Boys! We can clothe you from head to foot in clothing to suit this hot weather. We have a nice line of Palm Beach and ‘‘Kool Cloth'’ suits, light-weight un derwear, white canvas shoes and oxfords, and straw and panama hats. . Our line of dress shirts are superior to any that has ever been sh9wn in Bre vard. Weilt’s Gents’ Stori OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE BREVARD,iN. C A0C1.A.CO , IVMKNOIk). ivMox iTheooi) ' . iTrtiouGHesry cm’woRiiV 6,000 MILES Guaranteed Brevard Hardware Co* Don't Order C. Doyle Philip’s Bakery WHY BUY BREAD OUT OF TOWN WHEN YOU CAN GET MORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD FOR THE SAME MONEY AT YOUR HOME BAKERY? ♦ g fe i ■■■■■I' 5 Pililip’s Bakery EVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORIBLE! Calomel Is Ouicksilver and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It’s mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sonr tile like dynamite, cramping and sicken ing you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, consti pated, and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for a few cents a large^ottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substi tute for calomel. It is guaranteed t<> start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes ycu c*'^k the next day; it loses you a day’s wurli. Dodson’s Liver Tone straightens you right up and you feel great. Give it t® the children because it is perfectly harm- ess and doesn’t gripe.—Advertisement. ■ "FAKE” /CPIRIN^ WAS TA&UM Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” ^ Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tab lets were sold by a Brooklyn mana> facturer which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” the true, grenuine, American made and Ameri can owned Tablets arte marked witb the safety “Bayer Cross.” Ask for and then insist upon ‘‘Bay er Tablets of Aspirin” and always buy them in the original Bayer pack age whicn contains ilroper directions and dosage. Aspirin is the trade mark of Baysr Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester • of Salicylicacid.