THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st. 1919 Have You a Home? If you do not have a Home, ;ome and let us sell you one. If you do own a Home, come and have us INSURE it. Two of the most sensible things that you can do: secure a home and protect it. GALLOWAY (& MINNIS Real Estate andxinsurance Agents CALVERT NEWS BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Departments—College Preparatorj', Normal, Music, Business, Do mest!c Art, Household Economics, Agriculture. All departments are directed by teachers with special training and large experience. They know their business. influences of the Institute are alone worth the cost of tuition. Opens on September S. vmmzitrtiu GROCERIES IF YOU WANT THE VERY BEST IN GROCERIES AND AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES, COME TO SEE US. WE ARE OUT OF THE HIGH RENT SECTION, THEREFORE WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. R. P. Kilpatrick GROCERIES, NOTIONS AND SHOES Phone 141 Near Depot. Brevard, N* C* Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway en tertained with a most, enjoyable Social on last Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Galloway’s cousin, Ralph Fisher, who has lately return ed from overseas. The parlor, dining room, and porches were attractively decorated in the national colors with flags, Japanese lanterns, and crepe paper. Various games were played, a guessing contest was also held. The prize, a box of candy, being won by Miss Maggie Owcnby of Rosman. The guests then repaired to the dining room where ice cream and cake were served. Quite a few overseas men were present, all of them in uniform. Julian Glazener came in for rather more than his share of the entertain ment, he being the only sailor in the company. Among those present were, Misses Ollie Perry, Ruth Brooks, Annie Zach ary, Pearl Combs, Mamie Hays, Alza Hogsed, Lily Comaly, Sue Nelson, Willie Mae and Ruby Lee Galloway, Edna Aiken, Kitty Batson and Mag gie Owenby. Messrs Ralph Fisher, Horace Combs Carl Galloway, Hoitier Whitmire, Jul ian (Glazener, Freeman, Hayes, Cary Norris, Frank, Jack, and Roy Fisher, Jessie Chapman, and Wm. Jackson. Miss Ruth Brooks of Brevard is visiting Mrs. J. M. Zachary. Julian Glazener has been in charge of Erwin’s store at Rosman the past two weeks during the absence of his brother. Will Glazener. Mrs. Chas. Combs has gone to Bristol, Tenn. to meet her son, who has just been discharged from the army. Carl Norris has just returned home after several months of overseas ser vice. Miss Ella Zachary is visiting friends in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Snipes of Greenville, S. C. are occupying rooms in the Zachary house. Mrs. Annie Adam visited friends in this section last week. Ben Cunningham and family of Fletcher, N. C. are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Frank Hackeney and son of Charlotte are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Zachary. Mr. and Mrs. Will Glazener return ed from their honey moon Saturday. Mr. Glazener has returned to his work at Rosman and Mrs. Glazener will be gin her school here Monday, Aug. 4th. SUMMER GIRL. NOTICE TO SCHOOL FOLK The County Board of Education in session on July 28th inst. passed an order that “All schools of the County must open on or before Aug 4th next, except f^r good cause, and except that high schools may open as late as Sept. 1st next, and furthei* that no school is to open later than Sept 1st next, except for unforeseen hinder- ances.” Please everybody help to make the 1919—1920 session a grand success. Any school committeemen who have not as yet secured teachers please re port to County Supt. at his office on a Saturday or Monday or write him at once. Yours for success, A. F. MITCHELL, Go. Supt. Brevard Lumber Co. WE HAVE IN A CAR LOAD OF THE BEST FERTILIZER NOW- GOOD FOR ALL CROPS—GARDEN i^D FIELD. J WE WILL SELL THE CELEBRAT- ED COON BRAND AGAIN THIS YEAR. USE FERTILIZER ON YOUR CROPS AND THEN WATCH THEM GROW. WE HAVE A FULL ASSORT MENT OF BUILDING MATERIAL ON HAND. Brevard Lumber Compi FRANK JENKINJ Phone 120 ny ft Manager Close to Depot “Why I Put Up With Rats for Years” Writes N. Windsor, Farmer. “Years ago I bought some rat pois on, which nearly killed our fine watch dog. It so scared us that we suffered a long time with rats until my neigh bor told me about RATSNAP. That’s the sure rat killer and a safe one.” Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. A FALSE REPORT IT HAS BEEN REPORTED TBAT I AM NO LONGER IN THE PLUMBING BUSINESS AND THIS IS TO CORRECT THE REPORT. I AM IN THE PLUMBING BUSINESS AND WILL AP PRECIATE ALL THE WORK OF THIS KIND THAT I CAN GET. I ALSO DO AUTO REPAIR ING AND HANDLE ALL KINDS OF FORD SUP PLIES AND TEXICO OILS AND GREASES. VULCANIZING INNER TUBES IS MY SPECIALTY. JESS A. SMITH EAST MAIN STREET. BREVARD, N. C. ■% Queen Quality SHOES pi BREVARD INSirniTE NOTES Captain Rufus Boylan, recently re turned from France, spent a few days at B. I. visiting his mother, Mrs. L. S. Bolan, and his sisters. Misses Lu- cile and Margaret Boylan. A party of Meridian girls, chaper oned by Prof. and Mrs. Haynes are camping out at Little River for a few days. Mrs. lone Smith of Jennings, Louis iana, arrived this week for an outing in the mountains. Miss Grace Howard, a former B. I. t student, is making an extended tour of northern resorts, including Niagara Falls, New York City, Atlantic City and other places of interest. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Thirty days after date ths County Board of Education will let a contract for some repairs on the Pleasant Hill School House, and also, several con tracts for the c9nstruction of toilets in various school districts of the coun ty. Plans and specifications for any or all of the work may be had in the office of the County Supt. of Puh- lic Instruction. Most cordially yours, A. F. MITCHELL, Co. Supt. August 2nd, 1919. 4t. JUST IN— RAPPAHANOCK PANTS STETSON HATS CARHART OVERALLS DRESS SHOES Black Taffeta, Navy Blue WORK SHOES Taffeta and a full line of other LOGGING SHOES. Dry Goods and Notions. A nice line of Men and Boy’s Suits and Pants. We keep a full line of Val- All Wool Serge, White, can Plows and extra parts for Black, and Navy Blue. same. Wheni You Can’t Find What You Want Call —^We Have It. Brown - Patton COMPANY “Ride a mile or two and save a dollar or two/*