FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1919 THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. BREVARD NEWS Namb chansred from Cylvan Valley News, January 1.1917. M. L. SHIPMAN, Editor C. B. OSBORNE, Managing Editor and Publisher GERTRUDE R. ZACHARY City Editor Published every Thursday. Entered at postoll'ioe at Hrcvard, N.C.,as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year - - - - $ 1.50 Six months - - - - .75 Three months - - - .50 Two months _ - - .36 Payable by check, stamps or money order. Cards of thanks, resolutions and memorials v> only at half co;n- mercialrate. costinjr lo cents per inch or one-half cent per word. Subscriptions not continued after ex piration of time paid for except ou re quest. FRIDAY, AUGUSt 1st, 1919 the money cost was between $185,- 000,000,000 and $195,000,000,000; in shipping, the toll was 23,665,383 tons of merchant vessels and 1,882,- 125 tons of war vessels. These fig ures were compiled by the War De partment at the request of Senator* McCumber, Republican of North Da kota, and were made public by him as the telling reason why there should be a League of Nations. That President Wilson is not being swerved from his original position by the onsloughts of partisan Repub licans was to have been expected. The Foreign Relations Committee does not constitute the Senate of the United States, nor does it represent the sentiment of the people of the country. The President knows this and will continue to contend for a square deal. justment rolls around. The au thorities are playing no favorites this year. 'WE APPRECIATE PROMPTNESS In response to our little notices and appeal to subscribers to renew in last week’s NEWS, many have come to our assistance; the first of whom was Rev. E. H. Norwood and the second was Miss H. McC. Rhett. We mention these first two because they lost no time in answering our appeal. They realize that it takes money to run a newspaper the same as it does for anything else. We ap preciate the others who renewed just I as much as the two menioned, but I we just wanted to take this oppor- | tunity of expressing our appreciation j of promptness. There are many yet whose sub scriptions have expired and we hope they will renew at once so that they will not miss a single copy of the NEWS. Wo cannot run the kind of paper you would have us publish with out both the moral and financial sup port of the people. NEWS TO HAVE KICK KOLUM Befjinning with its next issue the NEWS will have a column for the publicatiq^ of letters from people who have any suggestions or criticisms to offer about any feature of the paper. Suggestions of any kind will be wel come and reasonable criticism is so licited. Especially do we wish to hear from those who have the habit of say ing that they “never look at the Bre vard paper.” This colum will be known as the Kick Kolum and will be open to any body. Unsigned letters will not be considered. However names of writers will not be printed without permission., Some of the Republican Senators are wondering whether they have been playing bad politics in dealing with the peace treaty. Senator Brandegee is one of them. He want ed to know Elihu Root’s opinion as to Aether the Senate’s inquiry into the''possession of unofficial copies of the treaty had “ done any damage.” Mr. Root replied: “I cannot see that any damage has been done unless it ♦ be through withdrawing the at tention of the Senate from the very serious questions before it.” The purpose of the inquiry was to fix responsibility for the leak on Pres. Wilson. It failed. If that is not “damaging” to those who instituted the “search” we are no judge of a spoiled egg. Mr. Vauflckan, Farmer, Tills How H« Lost All His Prize Seed Com “Some thne ago sent away for some pedigreed seed corn. Put it in a gun- ney sack and hung it on a rope sus pended from the roof. Rats got it all —how beats me, but they did because I got 5 dead whoppers in the morn ing after trying RAT-SNAP.” Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guar anteed by Brevard Hardware Co. Bre vard, N. C. OLD, BUT EVER NEW Representative Weaver wants the Government to remove the impedi ment it placed in the French Broad river more than forty years ago. It ought to be done and the citizens j jster. of Henderson and Ti*ansylvania counties should give united support to their congi*essman in the effort he is making to lower the bed of the river by the removal of the shoals that are standing in the way. A preacher at the close of his ser mon said: “Let fill in the house who are paying their debts stand up.” Presently every man, woman, and child, with one exception, rose to their feet. The preacher seated them and said: “Now every man not paying his debts stand up.” The exception, a care worn, hungry-looking individual, clothed in his past summer’s suit, slowly assumed a perpendicular po sition. “How is it my friend,” asked the minister, “you are the only man not able to meet his obligations?” “I run a newspaper,” he answered, “and the brethren here who stood up are my subscribers, and—” “Let us pray,” exclaimed the min- Senator Reed of Missouri pretends to be a Democrat. He was elected as a Democrat and his constituency expects him to act the part. But he isn’t and there’s a reason. He could not control President Wilson and is now engaged, with the Republicans, in an efTort to destroy him. So far as “Rat-Snap Beats the Best Trap Ever Made,” Mrs. Emily Shaw Says. “My husband bought $2 trap. I bought a 50c box of RAT-SNAP. The trap only caught 3 rats but RAT- SNAP killed 12 in a week. I’m never without RAT-SNAP. Reckon I could- not raise chicks without it.” RAT- SNAP comes in cakes. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. THE PRESIDENT STANDING FIRM Senator John Sharpe W^illiams re- centlj charged on the Senate floor that certain Republican leaders in! ! tliat body have “packed” the Foreign j llelations Committee against the i Ijeague of Nations and challenged the opposition to adduce evidence dis- pi'ovinn: the charge. Mr. Williams Sared Republicans to deny that the committee was “stacked” against the President of the United States, by : *““•*j fice last Friday two tomatoes from j N. C., lying in Catheys Creek Town- the will and power of Senator Lodge, I've Icnow, Reed is the only Democrat- garden which are prize specimens I being what is knows as the ilip leader of the R«nublicpn partv ' Senator who is opposing the 4? <.v. • i • ^ a -t u ' Garren Home Place, and in me leader 01 ine K^puoucdn party. ^ ^ s kind, and as far as we have which lands above named defendants '“Stacked” as a deck of card might i League of Nations. And he is not ^ lar^-er tomatoes i claim an interest, and the *’ said defendants and each of them are necessary parties to said special pro ceeding which is brought for the pur pose of said lands sold for partition and division as above stated. BREVARD GARDENER RAISES FINE TOMATOES NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLI CATION State of North Carolina—^Transylva nia County—In the Superior Court —Before the Clerk. Tom Garren et al. vs. Jim Garren, Mrs. Jim Garren, Essie Garren, Robert Garren, Jane Garren, Wade Garren, Jr., Dora Batcheldore, John Batcheldore, Milford J. Lan- ning, Lizzie Lanning, David Watson, (Page), Remus H. Henderson, Essie Henderson, L. A. Graham, Cannie C. Graham, Romus D. Henderson, Amie Henderson, Ellis W. Henderson, Janie Mae Henderson, Bessie Cathcart, Ja son M. Cathcart, Nathan Brindle, Hariett Frindle, R. B. Buchanan, Julia S. Buchanan, Floyd J. Sitton, Annie Sitton, S.'N. Buchanan, Mag gie S. Buchanan, Phillipp L. Sitton, Maggie Sitton, John Slagle,. Emma L. Slagle, Lee C. Sitton, Lillie Sitton, Lenord Gibson, Hester Ollie Gibson, Dan Coble, Will Lindsey, Nannie Lindsey, John Coble, Clarence Coble, Henry Sitton, Lena Sitton, Sarah Sit ton, Jane Sitton, Fannie Sitton, Louis Sitton, Bessie Sitton, Edgar Sitton, Virginia Sitton, Claude Sitton, Stan ley Sitton, Harvey Sitton, Alex Sit ton, Ruth Sitton, Hester Sitton, Mrs. Ruth Sitton et al. The defendants, Jim Garren, Mrs. Jim Garren, Essie barren, Robert Garren, Jane Garren, Wade Garren, Jr., Dora^atcheldore, John Batcheldore, Milford J. Lan ning, Lizzie Lanning, David Watson, (Page), Remus H. Henderson, Essie Henderson, L. A. Graham, Cannie C. Graham, Romus D. Henderson, Amie Henderson, Ellis W. Henderson, Janie j Mae Henderson, Bessie Cathcart, Ja- j son M. Cathcart, Nathan Brindle, j Hariett Brindle, R. B. Buchanan, i Julia S. Buchanan, Floyd J. Sitton, i Annie Sitton, S. N. Buchanan, Mag- i gie S. Buchanan, Phillipp L. Sitton, { Maggie Sitton, John Slagle, Emma L. Slagle, Lee C. Sitton, Lillie Sitton, ■ Lenord Gibson Hester Ollie Gibson, i Dan Coble, Will Lindsey, Nannie ; Lindsey, John Coble, Clarence Coble, ' Henry Sitton, Lena Sitton, Sarah Sit ton, Jane Sitton, Fannie Siton, Louis Sitton, Bessie Sitton, Edgar Sitton, Virginia Sitton, Claude Sitton, Stan ley Sitton, Harvey Sitton, Alex Sit ton, Ruth Sitton, Hester Sitton, Mrs. Ruth Sitton, in the above entitled ; special proceeding will take notice | that on the 9th day of July, 1919, a j summons was issued in said special 1 proceeding against said defendants | by N. A. Miller, Clerk of the Super- ; ior Court of Transylvania County, | North Carolina, which summons was returnable into the office of the clerk ! of the superior court of said county, ; on July 29th, 1919, and the above | named non-resident defendants will j also take notice that said special pro- | ceeding is brought by the plaintiffs i against the defendants for the pur- j THE STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Indianapolis, Indiana B. H. Lewis, District Agent, Brevard, N. C. A Few Live Agents Wanted At Once. I I North Carolina State Gollegg of Agriculture and Engineering WEST RALEIGH A^ Land Grant College founded under an act of Congress by the State Legislature of North Carolina in 'VJarch, 1887. Splendidly equipped for the education of the sons of the State in the tcclinical and industrial arts. Four year courses in Apriculture, in Afrrirultural Chemistry, and in Civil, Elcctrical, Mechanical, Chemical and Texiile Engineering. New departments in Agricultural Engineering and Highway Engineering. Numerous short courses. Unit of i’.eserve Officers Training Corps. Seniors and Juniors receive pay amouniing to §118 annually. All students receive free nnifnrma amounting in four years to $164. Strong athletic teams. $40,000 Y. M. C. A. building. Regular paid secretary. Two hundred and forty free scholarships. Repuirement for admission; eleven units—practically equivalent to the completion, of tenth grade vork. Board $16.00. per month. Tuition $45.00 per year. Room rent, heat and light $30.00 per year. Enrollment last session 1,020, exclusive of all summer students. Fall term begins Septeir.bcr 3. For catalogue, illustrzted circular or entrance blanks, write * E. B. OWEN, Registrar • 1 39^:331? pose of obtaining an order for the F. S. Starrette brought to this of- fpartition and division of cer- ' tam lands m Transylvania County, Your Drugs ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR FOOD. WE USE THE BEST DRUGS OBTAINABLE IN FILLING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS, AND THEY ARE ALWAYS FILLED BY A COM PETENT PHARMACIST. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, IN FACT EVERYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST- CLASS DRUG STORE, DAVIS-WALKER DRUG CO. Successors to DUCKWORTH DRUG CO. Main St. BREVARD, N. C. Phone 85 have been, against the President be- so much of a Democrat, cause he was President and because he was a Democrat. And not only that, but because he was leader of haye never been raised in this county. One of Mr. Starrette’s tomatoes weighed one pound seven and one- emerge from his hiding place this , ,, .. , i half ounces. The other tipped the The tax dodger may as well the movement in favor of a covenant | for there will be small chance j ounces, of peace for the world; “stacked” an j of escape. Rich and poor alike are ; perfect in shape and fla- international committee, which has | to receive a visit from the tax as . were gifts which were much never been considered a partisan | sessor and all property is to be list- j appreciated by the BREVARD NEWS committee, against the hope of the | ed at actual cash value. The pur-1 BREVARD PRINTERY. Mr. world for peace and against the cov- <?nant of the League of Nations. Republicans squirmed under the tcrrific fire of the Senator of Miss issippi, but were unable to escape the effect of it. Senator Moses, Repub lican spokesman admitted the “stack ing,” but tried to justify the act by explaining that what he intended to say was that it was “stacked” with Republicans. To which Senator Wil liams replied: “The Senator may not camouflage things. He knows as well AS I do that the motion of the Sena tor from Pennsylvania (Mr. Knox) is not merely the, motion of the crim inal lawyer, with a client about to lang, for a continuance; but that it is a motion to defeat the covenant of peace and the League of Nations, «nd that is all that is behind it. You are trying to defeat the League of Nations. I do not intend to be sonal. I mean this whole infernal gang.” That is a serious charge against the Republican leaders. No graver accusation has ever . been brought against them. And the serious part of the whole business is that the charge has apparently been sustain ed. Petty politics is behind it all and President Wilson is eternally right in standing firm for the League without any reservations. Let the Republi cans defeat it if they will and take the responsibility for preventing uni versal and perpetual peace. The world war cost the livoe of 7,582,800 soldiers of all countries; pose of the new plan is not to in crease the rate, but to equalize the burden of taxation. Inequaliti^ are not to be permitted and the man who sid-steps the truth in listing his property will find himself in a very bad plight when time for final ad- Starretts says that he has raised, this year, bushels of tomatoes, equally as fine as the ones brought to this of fice, on the A. M. Verdery farm. SLEDGE CASH. SELLS CHEAP FOR The defendants, and each of them, will, further take notice that they are required jto anpear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Transylvania County, N. C., on the 9th day of August, 1919, and an swer or demur to the petition and camplaint of the plaintiffs in the above proceeding, which petition and complaint is on file in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, N. C., or the relief demanded in said complaint will be granted. This the 29th day of July, 1919. N. A. MILLER, Clerk of Superior Court in and for Transylvania County, N. C. LEWIS P. HAMLIN, Attorney for Plaii^iffs. T A MammotK Reconstruction Project MADE POSSIBLE —AND NECESSARY —BY ADVERTISING KET/ T/RIGI-EY CHS,T/IITG CUM FACTORY. CHICAGO nevr p HE slready trenondous dicv/ini^ &um factory c£ tl;a '^,rrx. Wri^Ioy Jr. Company, ' at 35tK Sti-eet end Achlar.d Avenue, CKica^Oi is to to doubled in aiz,e. TKe first | unit of tL:; nz-7/ ctructi'rc h now under ccnstracticii. '\\r.Qii ccJmpletci, tr.3 'ur.;- will ccmprbo a ntillion r.nd a qiir.;1;or ii^:ua’rc ic-t cf spacc, devoted entirely | to tKa raaniiiafiuro oi c!icv.’:r.;v Tho co'rcrad ci:c >.ur.drcd by luir.dred i feet, tlie building Iracsnient. It is of lioavy re-irricrccd ^ concrete and steel, v^Kite t; rrn r' :ta exterior. Track facilities for locding, fifty cars at' one tiiae ara provided. Lpec ] features are a raodsrn roc5-J,cirden, recreation lir.ll, restaurant, Kospital, vreifara dc~.'.rtiuent, liLrary, cluL roorr..", sir.ckir.^ room, Kar.d-ball courts, gymnasium and showers. S. Scott Joy, Jlrchitect, E. \7. Sproul Co., General Conlradcn, Spark Plug Insurance $1 per Year ^^nuL ONE INCH FIRING SURFACE The Best All *Round Piujir America BREVARP HARDWARE CO. C. M. Doyle, Manager, Brevard, N. C. A YOUR MONEY IS NOK SAFE UNLESS IT IS IN THE 3ANK. OUR BANK HAS \sTRONG LOCKS AND THICK WALLS THAT FIRE OR BURGLARS CANNOT ENTER. MONEY THAT YOU HIDE]IS NOT DOING YOU OR THE COMMUNITY ANY GOOD. IT/ IS DEAD MONEY AND MAY BE-“LOST” MONEY. THE NEWSPAPERS TELL US DAILY OF 7EOPLE WHO HAVE LOS|T THEIR MONEY BY HIDING IT. THERE ARE LOTS OF fcoOD REASONS WHY YOUR MONEY SHOULD BE IN THE SANK. BANK WE PAV 4 PER CE^IT 11 riTH US :REST ON TIME DEPOSITS X BREYARD BA/NKING COMPANY

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