THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st, 191» PERSONAl^ Mr. and Mrs. P.* B. Lankfcrd of Spartanburg are visiting Mrs. Lank- ICford*s father, C. L. Osborne. |pord»s jT^ Kalph Clement of the United States Navy is spending a furlough with his father, F. D. Clement. Mrs. Conly and the Misses Conly of Jacksonville, Fla. are at the Hunt Cottages. They will be joined this week by Lt. Conly who has just ar rived from overseas. Mrs. Fay of Houston, Texas arriv ed Saturday to visit her parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Hemphill. Mrs. Hewitt of Jacksonville, Fla. who has been the guest of Mrs. C. W. Hunt for several weeks leaves Mon- d^’ifor a stay at Fairfield and High- laHds. Dr. J. W. McLean of Fitzgerald, Ga. is visiting Dr. J. H. McLean. Rev. W. D. Reynolds of Korea was the guest for the week-end of Mrs. J. F. Henry. Mrs. Chas. Semple and baby of Louisville, Ky. are spending several weeks at D’Arlington. Mrs. George Micheal of Mobile, Ala., who is spending the summer at the Hotel Crary went to Asheville for a few days with friends recently. Mrs. C. P. Morrell and the Misses Morrell have arrived for their an nual visit to Brevard. R. J. Turner of Greensboro was in town this week. J. L. Brooks of Hendersonville spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Price, Jr. this week. Miss Lela Brooks and Mrs. Ray of Lake Toxaway were in town this week stopping with Mrs. W. S. Price, Jr. Miss Mignon Smith, who has been the guest of Mrs. E. H. Norwood, left recently for Fayetteville, N. C. to accept a position with the govern ment at Camp Bragg. Mrs. M. M. Henly of Asheville is here to give a series of lectures to the trirls home demonstration clubs of the county. ; Mrs. Grace Somers is here from Birmingham, Ala. for a stay at the Franklin. Dr. R. C, Smith was a visitor here this week from Asheville. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Bre vard Baptist church will meet witfc Mrs. John Cantrell Tuesday, August 5th at 3:00 P. M. ' Miss Stella Loop of Jacksonville, Fla. is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Wilson have taken rooms for the summer in the residence of Prof. B. H. Lewis. The following guests are register ed at the Crary Hotel: Mrs. H. L. Hardee and Miss Marion Hardee of At lanta; Misses Emma English and Mattie Kerr of Louisville, Ky.; Miss Gladys Woodward of Newport, Tenn. Mrs. Trellis and the Misses Trellis of Jacksonville; B. Balbin of Tampa; Misses Lou Smart and Hattie Moore of Aiigusta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller Mbnda^ftuly the 28th, a son. The Betterment Association of the Penrose High School will give an ice cream supper at the school house on Saturday evening, August the second, beginning at eight o’clock. All are cordially invited to attend. In the fly-catching contest which closed last Saturday over five thou sand flies were caught by the four contestants for the prizes offered by the local moving picture houses. Rev. J. R. Hay left Tuesday to at tend the Evangelical Conference which is in session at Montreat. Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris, Mrs. Tibbitts and the Misses Tibbitts who are guests at the Hunt Cottage left Wed nesday for a camping trip to Fair field and Highlaryls. The party will be away for a week. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ashworth of Dacusville, S. C., are here as the guests of friends. The first prize was won by Miss Esther Reece and the second by Miss Lillian Young. J. C. Wike of Sapphire was in town Saturday. Mrs. McPheeters and her cousin. Miss McPheeters of St. Louis, are guests at Norwood House. B. F. Douglas and family of Hard in, 111. are here for the summer and have taken Hershell Wilson’s house for the season. Guests of Rev. J. R. Hay during the week were: Miss Julia A. Smith of Agusta, Ga. and Dr. L. B. Salters of the staff of McLeod’s Hospital, Florence, S. C. Miss Yarborough of Raleigh is the s^uest of her aunt, Mrs. Henly, at Norwood House. Miss Hartley Butt, of Marion, N. C., who has been in France for the past year as a government nurse, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. H, Lewis. GOVERNMENT TO AID SOLDDS AND SAILORS NEED FOR FURNISHED APART MENTS Almost daily inquiries are received by the local Board of Trade for in formation in regard to the availabil ity of furnished living apartments here. These iftquiries^ome from people who wish accommodations for several months as well as those who expect to remain only through the summer. Residents of the town who have rooms to rent are urgently re quested to notify C. M. Doyle at the Brevard Hardware Store. F. L. D. Thomas, a former resi dent of this county, now of Travler’s Rest, S. C., is visiting his many Tran sylvania friends. Mr. Thomas who is a Confederate Veteran eighty-five years old says he enjoyed the Welcome Home Celebra tion held here recently more than most any o(^casion he can remember. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Allison of An niston, Ala are in Brevard for a short stay. Mr. Allison is owner of the Allison Furniture Company and is a brother of J. M. Allison of the Farm ers Supply Company. Bom—fo Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ta bor, a daughter, Mildred Virginia, July 23, Crystal, W. ya. SL2DGE PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR HIDES. Why People Buy Rat-Snap in Prefer-, ence to Rat Poison. (1) RAT-SNAP absolutely kills rats and mice. (2)What it doesn’t kill it scares away. (3) Rats killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell, they flry up insiJe. (4) Made in cakes no mixing with other food. (4) Cats or dogs won’t touch it. Three sizes, 5c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by BrCvard HardVare Co. Brevard, N. C. NOBLE SIXTY THOUSAND The Transylvania-Chapter, Amer ican Red Cross has been called on by the government at Washington to help in the work of giving aid to soldiers and sailors- who are handicapped in any way as a result of service ren dered the country in the recent war. The plan of the government for car- * ,rying on this work is comprehensive to the last degree and offers help to every individual who suffered in any way by teason of service overseas, regardless of capacity in which ser vice was rendered and length of time spent in the service of the govern ment. This offer applies to tho&e who need medical treatment, to those who are unable to carry on the pursuit in which they were ingaged before the war and wish to take special voca tional training, and to those who are in actual need of financial assistance until their affairs can be adjusted. This help on the part of the govern ment may be ha.d for the asking by those who are eligible to receive it and anyone in the county who desires further information in regard to it is urged to apply to the Transylvania Red Cross office. RED CROSS OFFICIAL TO VISIT BREVARD S. A. Pound of the Southern Red Cross headquarters will arrive here Friday. Mr. Pound belongs to the department of civilian relief of the southern Red Cross division and comes to Brevard to confer with of ficials of the Transylvania Red Cross in regard to the work of the local civilian relief committee. GET SOME OF THAT SPRING LAMB AT SLEDGE’S. NOTICE This is my last call for children for adenoid and tonsil clinics. I will be at Brevard Institute Mon day morning, Aug 4, to inspect any children in the county or town or to arrange for treatment. The clinics end Wednesday or Thursday of next week, so that this is the last chance for thft next three years that the State Board of Health will send such an opportunity to the children of the county. Any parents who expect to have their children operated on and who have not received notice of a date are asked to communicate with me* at once. Notice has been given to every child whose name has been register ed for treatment. B. DUNN, R. N. Care Dr. Wallis, Brevard, N. C. W. N. C. CONFERENCE WESLEY BIBL^ CLASS The first annual session^ of the Western North Carolina Conference Wesley Bible Class Federation will cbnvene at Lake Junaluska «t ten o’clock Thursday morning, August 7, and will continue three days, clos ing Saturday, August 9, with an ad dress by Hon. Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy. Twenty-five or more leading speakers of Souh- ern Methodism will appear from time to time on the program and a general good time of profit nd rec reation is promised all who attend. SODA WATER TAX REPEALED W’ashington, July 28.—After near ly two hours debate and while the temperature in the chamber was hov ering around the 100 mark, the house today voted to repeal the 10 per camt war tax on soda water and ice cream. “TIP TOP” BREAD, ALWAYS FRESH AT SLEDGE’S. MUSICAL COMEDY AT AUDITORIUM We welcome our heroes back from France, And treat them to the best we have; But look in vain for the forms we love, Wh*ve buried fond hopes in an early grave. ^ We shall weep and we shall miss them much. The empty chair its mute appeal Will make for their accustomed pre sence As we gather at the evening meal. They have died in the cause of free dom; — ;;e the supreme sacrifice ? world safe for democra- r lives they have paid the r.ce. Ail '.onor unto these splendid men Y ho hava died for you and me; Who left their homes at duty’s call. And fought that the world might be free. • Unto our children’s chil3ren we’ll tell Of how they fough on foreign land; And try to keep the memory green Of our Noble Sixty Thousand. E. H. N. F. D. Clement believes that va- reity is the spice of amusement as well as of life and as a re sult of his idea gives his patrons some variety in his programs at the auditorium. For this week he se cured Scott Morse’s Gloom Chasers, an aggregation of singers and dancers who present to their audiences a num ber of features not usually found on a musical comedy bill. Mr. Clement has given Brevard this summer its first series of musi cal comedies and the amount of pat ronage given his new attraction has demonstrated that the people of the town appreciate his efforts to give them a change and enjoy the enter tainments he has put on. “Do you think only of me?” mur mured the bride “Tell me that you think only of me.” “Its this way,” explained-the groom gently. “Now and then I have to think of the furniture.” NO MORE RATvS or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. It’s a sure rodent ki^ller. Try a pkg. and prove. Rats killed with RAT- SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs v/cn’t touch it. Guaranteed. 25c. size (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 50c. sizC' (2 cakes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and' out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by Brevard Hzi-iv/aro Co., Brevard, N. C. CURED INDIGESTION IDEAL FRUIT AND CANDY STORE Garren Medicine Co., Hendersonville, N. C. Gentlemen: It is with pleasure that 1 testify to the merits of Garren’s Blood Pur ifier and Tonic. I had suffered with indigestion for several years, and had tried various remedies, also had treat ment from prominent physicians, but nothing gave me relief until I tried Garren’s remedy. I gladly recommend it to all. MISS NETTIE LeGRANDE. VEETERANS OF STATE TO HAVE REUNION The Confederate Veterans of North Carolina will hold their annual re union this year at Rocky Mount. The veterans will be the guests during the convention of the city of Rocky Mount and the Bethel Heroes Chap ter, United Daughters of Confedracy. The meeting will open on August the fifth and continue for two days. Elaborate plans have been made by people of Rocky Mount for the en tertainment of their visitors and a record breaking attendance for the 1919 reunion is expected. ICE CREAM SUPPER AT GLADY BRANCH CHURCH ( — ■ ■ The ladies of the Glady Branch Sunday School will give an ice cream supper, for the benefit of the church on Saturday evening, August the 2nd, beginning at seven P. M. Everybody is cordially invited. R AT - SNAP ■ RJtTS Also mice. Absolutely prevents odors from carcass. One package proves this. Rat-Snap comes in cakes —no mixing with other food. Guar anteed. 25c. size (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 50c. size (2 cakcs) for Chicken House, coops, or ^:mall buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakcs) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. fE SENSIBLE IN MONEY MATTERS Many people look upon their auto mobile as a luxury and pay any price for auto accessories without flinching. This is wasteful and unnecessary. We handl« everything in the line of auto accessories which experience has proven good and we charge low prices. If you are sensible in money mat ters you will think twice before going elsewhere for auto supplies. Catarrh Caonot Be Cured with LOCAL. APPLlCAt^NS. as thfT cannot reach the seat or the diaeaaa. Catarrh fa a local disease, creatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an Internal remedy. Hall’s Catarrh Msdl> cine is taken interrtally and acts thru the Wood 6n the mucous surfaces of th* system. Hall's Catarph. Medicine was {>rescrib«d by >one of th* Wst physicians n this country for years. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In Hall’s Catarrli Medi cine is what produces such wonderftil results in catarrhal conditions Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. All Druer>?ists, B^’s F^amily Fills for constipation. Diversliieil Ads Are Business Bui Pyrene will make your car safe against fire calamities ana save you IS'/b on your auto insurance* BREVARD HARDWARE CO. Don’t Order C Doyle Brevard, N. C. WE DELIVER PROMPTLY Sill orders for Groceries and our Groceries are all of the first- class kind. Our stock is care fully selected because OUR TRADE is PARTICULAR and it is our aim always to please. We want your business and as we offer the best and freshest of Groceries, and ask no more, and often less prices, we would be glad to have it. MITCHELL The Grocer. TOWN LOTS, farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins. Brevard, N. C. tf FOR SALE—^One good young bay horse. Reason for selling. Do not need him. Will sell cheap. Terms if desired. Apply to Dr. J. H. McLEAN. tfc REGISTERED BULLS For Sale choice shorthorns, ages 10 months to 14 months old; reds and roans at bargin. Come and see them. Greatest of all breeds to improve your native cattle for milk and beef R. W. EVERETT, Pisgah Forest, N. C. June 20. 3tp WANTED—GOOD house girl. Will ing to pay good wages to capable girl . News Office. WANTED—Some lady, as one of family; reasonable salary, good community churches schools, car service, near ocean, suburban, can arrange railroad fare, write. J. D. Neal, A. C. L. FORT Office Wilmington, N. C. 4tp FOR SALE— Cabinet work bench. Hrc. Alice W. Paxton. FOR SALE— Ford Sedan, run less than 1000 miles. Owner wishes ta betavise '.vile wants self starter. i Erevard News. FOR SALE—Pigs W. L. Carmichael, Brevard. R. 2. FOR SALE—Some nice small acer- age property with improvements, also some very fine building lots, some nice houses right up in town, can be bought on most any terms with small payment down. This is all first class property. Land and houses are getting higher all the time. You had better buy now. See T. L. WALTERS. Phone no. 149. tfc. FOR SALE—Eight year old bay horse twelve hundred pounds, sound and good saddle and buggy animal, works single and double wagon and double plow. Tough as they get. A. N. Henton. 2tc. FOR SALE—One Cooking range, for either large family or board ing house. Will sell at bargain as I do not want to store. T. H. Ship man. WANTED—To rent some chairs for several weeks. Good price paid. Address Box 39?, Brevard. Itp. iWONEY TO LOAN —I have some money to loan on good farms and improved ,town property. Terms most attractive. W. E. Breese, 4te THE UNIVERSAL CAR There are more than 3,000,000 Ford cars in daily operation in Ameri ca- This is a little better than half of all the motor cars in u«e in the country. There is a very potent and profitable reason in this why you should buy Ford Cars for your business and for your personal use. It is a demonstrated fact that the Ford Cars have, in every line of'human desire so far as motor cars are concerned, best satisfied their owners with the service given. They must be safe; they must be comfortable; they must be always FACTS reliable; they must be convenient and they must be economical, or they wouldn’t be so tremendously popular with all classes of peopi:;. The big Ford factory has not yet reached normal production, but the war is over, and it i« getting back as fast as possible. We are getting a few cars'in rif^ht along, and we will do the best possible to give you early delivery. Runabout, $500; Touring Car, $525; Coupe, $750; Sedan, $875; Truck Chassis, $550. These prices are f. o. b. Detroit. BREVARD MOTOR CO. C. H. KLUEPPELBERG, Manager.