BUY YOUR GROCERIES FROM SLEDGE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1919 THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Professiomil Cords. Dentist Look for the name: All in sealed packages. M E Helps appetif* and digestion. Three flavors. ^ThriftuJiff (rep pn ] in 1^0 rodd mt not enough to make HVRIGLEYS fiood. we must KEEP it good until you set It. Hence the sealed package —impurity-proof -guarding,' preserving the delicious con>' tents—the beneficial goody. The Flavor Lasts SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT When you think of Electricity, think of LOFTIS. If anything goes wrong with your lights, call LOFTIS. If you need wiring done, remember LOFTIS. If you need Electric Supplies of any kind see LOFTIS. L. C. LOFTIS, Electrician. I IB CITY MARKET Is the best place in town to get the best of EVERYTHING to eat. The best of Fresh and Cured Meats, Chickens, Eggs, Butter and Vegetables are to be found here at all times. We will pay the highest cash price for all kinds of Country Produce. THE CITY MARKET W. H. DUCKWORTH S. F. ALLISON A. M. WHITE U. G. WOODWARD Announcing the Chevrolet White & Woodward of Rosman wish to an nounce that they have accepted the agency for The Chevrolet Cars and will deliver, right to your door, a touring car for $835.00 and a roadster for $820.00 Re member we deliver right here. Notify us for demon stration. * White (& Woodward WHAT REAL THRiFT WILL ACCOMPLISH Successful Men Began By Saving Their Money As a Matter of Fixed Habit. **The Chevrolet’ Rosman, N. C. Abraham Lh^coln was a notable ex emplar of the value of thrift of time. We can picture him trudging forty miles to borrow a grammar. We can see him proae before the pine fire at night aftea* a hard day’s work log- cutting, reading and re-reading the statutes of Indiana, the only book he owi^ed, or learning to write and figure with a piece of charcoal on the back of a wooden shovel, as he had no paper OP ink. Another example of what a boy can do who does not waste time is that of a Milwaukee man, Nels Anton Chris tensen, recently appointed by the United States government, through Secretary of the Navy Daniels, on the inventors’ staff of the now United States Naval Board, which includes the greatest inventive minds in the nation. Bom in Denmark, Nels Christen sen’s school days ended at 14 years. After that he worked in a machine shop days and attended a technical schoiol in the evenings. From his savings he defrayed the expense of a course at the Copenhagen Technique Institute, from which he was graduat ed at 21. Previous to that he attain- natio>nal prominence as an engineer, having designed. v.'hon 19 years old, the Danish lightheuse at Hanstholme, one of the largest in the world. During the three years he spent on an English steamer engaged in Med- itjrranean trade he learned enough English to secure a position with an English manufacturing concern. Since coming to the United States he has in vented many compressed airbrake starters for'railroads, aeroplanes and fire engines that have brought him world-wide fame. Thomas Edison began to save be fore he began to invent. The success ful magazine editor, Edward Bok, started saving on a salary of 50 cents a week. Grover Cleveland’s wages for his fleat year of work totaled $50. Garfield could not have become pres ident had he not saved early in life. Horace Greeley and Cooper founded their careers on saving. Ex-Govemor Ferris of Michigan, now a college president, a life-long ad vocate of thrift, tells of his own thrif ty training; “In my youth if I had a toy, I made it, and made it not to suit myself alone but it had to suit my father as well. His examination of my work and his insistence that I should put the best there was in me even into my toy» put into my back a spine and flufficient lime to last a lifetime.” Thrift was the keynote of success in the life of the late James J. Hill. He was ono of the country's most con sistent exponents of thrift, one of the greatest exr.mplars of what this vip tue coRibired with energy and high purpoFO, can do. He preached always that the man who cannot save money w^ill be a failure; that though he may have education, talent and ability, without thrifty habits he cannot suc ceed. The hen that lays an egg a day is a gold mine for her owner. Take a lesson from the hen! Lay .up for your future by investing regularly in War Savings Stamps. The cornerstone of tomorrow’s suc- oass is founded upon today’s thrift. Any postman can lay the cornerstone (rtr you with War Savings Stamps. Some one is saying what you spend f6olishly. Who is depositing your dol lars? Invest them in W. S. S. and tliem for yourself. STAMP CONVERSION IS NOW AUTHORIZED Treasury Department Offers Through Banks and Post Offices Savings Certificates in Large Denom inations. Richmond, Va.—The War Loan Or- sanization of the Fifth Federal Re serve District has been advised that hereafter War Savings Stamps may be converted into Treasury Savings Certificates of $100 and $1,000 denomi nations according to a new plan of the United States Treasury Department to afford greater convenience to hold ers and purchasers of War Savings and Thrift Stamps. The development of the savings idea is one that has been urged for some time in order to attract larger invest ments. The holder of a sufficient number of Thrift Stamps may now ex change them for a $5 War Saving.^ Stamp and in turn the holder of twenty of the $5 War Savings Stamps may convert them into a $100 Savings Certificate, or the holder of two hun dred of the $5 stamps may in tura turn them in for a $1,000 Saving Cer tificate. Conversion may be made at all first and second class postoffices and at all incorporated bonks and trust com panies that have qualified as agents of the second class. The Treasury Sav ings Certificate will be issued in reg istered form and will bear the name of the owners. They will yield four per cent compounded quarterly as rfb the War Savings Stamps. The limit of the individual investment for the 1919 series of stamps still remains at $1,000. The new Ti*easury Savings Certifi cates should prove particularly at tractive for the investment of the funds of frafrrrnal societies, labor un ions and other civic, social and reli gious organizations because the inter est is added to the principal automat ically each quarter, the entire amount being payable at maturity. HOW FAMILY INCOME MAY BE DISTRIBUTEE Every Home Should Have Own Per* sonai Household Budget If It Is to be Successful. Every household is a corporation with certain definite obligations and a more or less certain income, and it should, therefore, have a definite bud get. No general budget can be so framed as to lit the needs of every family. Families differ, even when identical in size, number, sex and general situa tion, but no family can thrive and pro gress without sound and sane financ ing; without arrangement of a reas onable financial margin; without reg ular saving and investments, such as are offered by Thrift and War Savings Stamps; and only intelligent a^er- ance to an intelligent budget can bo trusted, under ordinary circumstances, to bring about the desired results. Methods of appropriation, however, differ; a method which proves feasi ble in a given family would be worse than useless in another; but certain cardinal principles may be safely laid down. The amount of possible savings should be set apart definitely, azvd i'gidly adhered to. Other allowances may be variable or they may be held within hard and fast limits. One plan after another may be tried, if liked, until the best one suited is found. All things considered, the most eas ily efficient budget usually is that vhich allows a certain share of tlie -ncome for oach budget head listed, I 'Old', rigidly wi,thin the Items •( a|h I “'ropriatlon, and wisely applies anyi I 'lalance or surplus to the saviafi sr rccreatioii accouat. DR. J. Y. McKINNEY w Over Weilt’s Ladies* Store ROBT. L. GASH W. E. BREESE, Jr. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 17 McMinn Binlding Notary Public. CONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 I. 0.0. F. Meets every Monday 8:00 P. M., Visitors welcome. DUNN'S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A.F.&A. M. Dr. M. C. KREITZER’S — CELEBRATED SALVE — THE WONDER WORKER For Corns, Boils, Carbuncles, Bun ions, Burns, Sores, Fresh Wounds, Svrellings, Scalds, Indolent Ulcers, Tumors, Sore Breasts. Erysipelas, Acute and Cronic Rheumatism, etc., follow directions closely. Try it and you will never be with out it. Price 12 and 30 cents. For sale by Macfie-Brodie Drug Go. W. C. POWER & CO., Mfrs. 3630 N. Gratz St., Philadelphia, Pa. L Alisl£z hay malie's the boet and mo:;t ii;.lriLioua feed fjr horrcs, cattlc a;.d all live stock. Fall is the propor time for sowinjf. AVlien planted the end of Au- {r*i3t or during September, JVU falfa will yield full- crops and make under favorable conditions, four or live cuttings of nutri tious hay the following season. V/ooti’s Alfalfa Ssed l3 Ameri can cad best qnality ob- tai:iablG. CRIMSON aOVER Crimson Clover is the best o^ soil-improving and forage crops for Fall f'Ceding. Makes one of the best Winter cover crops, fur nishes excellent grazing and the earliest green feed or a good hay crop. Get the liest 1)7 order. Ing WOOD’S SEEDS ITEW TALTm CATA£Oa give.'s full description and infor- mat:o;i, and also tells about the best SEED OATS, SE'IS BT2S, SSEZ) WHEAT, for Fa’-t sOwing. Write for Catalog and prices of any Seeds required. T. W.WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEIT, aMehTnonfl, Va. Philip’s Baicery “DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS” Tou can’t afford to neglect BOWEIj DISORDERS. The minute they Start give them attention—serious and intelligent attention. Diarrhoea. Flux, Cholera Morbus, Colic, “Summer Complaint”, Choi- i era Infantum and the like are I deadly dangerous if allowed to ' “run on." ‘ There’s a remedy! It’s safe! It’s DR. THACHER’S DIARRHOEA MIXTURE—in successful i^se for half a century (through two chol era campaigns). Sold at all drug stores for 35c. Compounded in the laboratories of the THACHER MEDICINB CO,, Chattanooga, Tenn Get a bottle and have it in the house ready. Particularly for the CHILDREN; and then WATCH the kiddies and give them this good old medicine promptly. For Sale by Macfie-Broodie Drug Co. Brevard, N. C. DECIDE VmSOF The Opportunity Is Here, Baclced By Brevard Testimony. Don’t take our word for it. Don’t depend on a stranger’s state ment. Read Brevard endorsement. Read the statements of Brevard citizens. And decide for yourself. Here is one case of it. Mrs. M. L. Duckworth, Broad St., says: “I had such backache I could hardly Avalk and my kidneys were out of order. Dizzy spells c^me over me and black specks floated before my eyes. When I stooped over I could, hardly straighten and my kidneys were weak too. My ankles and hands swelled and my sight was poor. Read ing of Doan’s Kidney Pills I got a supply at the Duckworth Drug Co. and they relieved me right away. I felt like a different person.” 60c at all dealers. Foster-Milbum Co,. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. •i •I e $ I ^ MONEY S ?! e It $ $ WHY BUY BREAD OUT OF TOWN WHEN YOU CAN GET MORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD FOR THE SAME AT YOUR HOME BAKERY? Pliilip’8 Bakery e si g I A CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK Acts Like Dynamite on a Slug gish Liver and You Lose a Day’s Wotk. LIFE OF FIRST PRES IDENT OF WORLD The Life of First President of the World, History of greatest and most prominent man in the entire worldr Presi dent Woodrow Wilson. Also Life of Col. Roobe velt, 700 Business Les sons, History of Negro Race. Send in your or der at once. W. L. CARMICHAEL, Brevard R-2 • Agent. Read the advertisements in the News. Patronize those who adver tise—^they deserve your patronage, for they have shown that they believe in patronizing home industry by tlicir support of their home paper. There’s no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents buys a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone—a perfect substitute for calo mel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely' as calomel, but it doesn’t make you sick and c m not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, l>iecause it is per fectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today .and you will feel weak, sick ^nd nauseated tomorrow. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, sluggishness, headache^ coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don’t find Dod son’s Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you.— Advertisement. "FAKE” ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Gepj «ine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin'* lUillions of fraudulent Aspirin Tab lets were sold by a Brooklyn manu facturer which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. ^‘Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” the true, ^nuine, American made and Ameri can owned Tablets are markftd with the safety “Bayer Cross.” Ask for and then insist upon “Bay er Tablets of Aspirin” and always buy them in the original Bayer pack age which contains proper directions and dosage. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. J! Your advertisement in the Brevard News will be read by more than 5000 people.