THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST 1st, 1919 Fences That Stand! Apncricdll STRONGEST, MOST ECONOMICAL FENCE IN THE WORLD IS A WIRE FENCE, BE IT A BARBED WIRE OR A WOVEN WIRE FENCE. WE HAVE BOTH BARBED AND WOVEN WIRE FOR STOCK FCIICC and poultry. TURNING PLOWS WE CARRY THE FAMOUS WM. J. OLIVER ALL STEEL ONE AND TWO HORSE, RIGHT AND LEFT HAND, AND HILLSIDE PLOWS. DISHES—OUR SHELVES ARE FULL OF I ALL KINDS OF DISHES—DINNER SETS, CUPS, SAUCERS, COVERED DISHES, AND IN FACT ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF DISHES. WE ALSO HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF BREAD AND CAKE BOXES. W. E. BISHOP & COMPANY PLUMBING and PLUMBING SUPPLIES SEUCA NEWS Born—to Mr. nd Mrs. Otis Bryson a daughter, July 14, 1919. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Duff Bry son a daughter, pn July 22, 1919. Miss Azalee Whitaker spent Mon day night with Miss Rita Osteen. Miss Geneva Wilson will leave Sat urday to teach school at Oak Forest. Pierce Banther visited his aunt, Mrs. E. C. Osteen Saturday. Miss Azalee Whitaker expects to leave soon to begin her school at Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Memory Mull spent Sunday with Mrs. C. R. Sharps. Mrs. Joe Dunn has been on the sick list for the past week but is improv ing. The Selica Cheese factory expects to begin Avork soon as the machinery has arrived. Mr. and Mrs. Julus Lance visited Mr. and Mrs. Duff Bryson Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bryson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fate Osteen. Claud Orr left Saturday for Macon, Ga. where he intends to spend a few weeks. Miss Clara Bryson visited Miss Geneva Wilson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lance visited Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Blake Sunday. Wayne Whitaker is at home again after quite a stay at Hendersonville. His ir.any friends are glad to see him home again. Luke Osteen will leave the end of the week to teach school at Little River. Elzie Mull is improving. He vis ited his sister, Mrs. C. R. Sharp Sun day. I Selica graded school will open Monday, August the 4th. Misses Nicholson, Janie Gillespie and Pearl Lyday will teach. Luther Wilson, Elbert Lance, and Frank Bryson visited Brevard Sat urday. OLD MAIDS. BUY YOUR BUTTERMILK FROM SLEDGE. CAPT. LYDAY BACK FROM FRANCE Capt. C. E. Lyday has returned from France. Capt. Lyday entered the service two years ago with the rank of lieutenant and was shortly af terward promoted to the rank of Cap tain, and as special recognition of his record as a member of the medi cal division of the A. E. F. he was sent to the University of Lyons for a course in surgery. Capt. Lyday Is the guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Lyday. OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG WOMEN Many opportunities for young women have opened up and develop ed within the last few years where by they may become self supporting, independent and have achance to de velop in the direction of their choice. One of the many ways is to take training in a good hospital and be come a graduate nurse. Their ex penses are practically paid while in training and the compensation after graduation is far above the average of young women working as clerks in stores and offices. A few intelligent young women between the age of 18 and 30 years with a fairly good edu cation can learn how to become a trained nurse by addressing the Sup erintendent of the Meriwether Hos pital, Asheville, N. C. (irandmother fiald. “That’s why he’s so pale and peev ish and restless in his sieep.” Give him DR. THACHER’S WORM SYRUP and it’ll make a new child of him. And Grandmotlier KNEW — she'd used this good old remedy rn HER children. Get it at your drug: store; for 35c. THACHER Medicine Co. ChaHanooga, Tmii., U. S. A. For Sale by Macfie-Broodie Drusr Co. Brevard, N. C. WJtSICD ENOUGH TO START A BUSINESS Contractor’s Wife Tells of Her Re markable Experience. “If I had all the money, today, that I have spent on medicines be fore I got hold of Tanlac; I could set up a nice business,” said Mrs. Kate Blanton, wife of a well-known contracting painter, and living at 814 Bois D’arc street, Ft. WorUi, Texas. “Seven years ago, “she continued “I was as well and strong as any body, when a complication of troubles set in that finally, about a year ago brought me under the surgeon’s knife. The operation left me so weak and run down that my condition became alarming. I lost my appetite, and the little I forced soured and formed gas that pressed so on my heart that I felt like 1 would smother to death. I was ner vous and restless at night nd lost so much sleep, that by morning I was dull and heavy and hardly had enough energy to get out of bed for a week at a time. I suffered from spells of dizziness, my head would achc? till I thought I would go dis tracted and I felt so miserable I was afraid I'd never be fit for any thing again. “Some of my friends had been ben efited by Tanlac and advised me to try it. I sent for a bottle and before I had taken many doses of this med icine those headaches and dizzy spells disappeared. My appetite has re turned now, and I can eat hot bis cuits, sweet potatoes and many other thins^s I‘ve had to shun for years. My nerves are now steady, I sleep like a baby and get up feeling fresh and strong enough to do all my house work, and more besides. Two of my sons have taken Tanlac with grati fying results and all my family are now boosting it everywhere they go.” Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere.—adv. BUY YOUR GROCERIES FROM SLEDGE. WHAT A FARMER HAS TO SAY of Burnette & VerdeiVs Flovir IF YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED BURNETTE & VERDERY’S FLOUR AND DON’T WANT TO RUN ANY- RISK, THE BEST WAY TO FIND OUT ABOUT IT IS TO ASK SOME RELIABLE PERSON WHO HAS TRIED IT. FOLLOWING IS A LETTER RECEIVED FROM J. K. MILLS, ONE OF TRANSYLVANIA’S MOST PROSPEROUS AND BEST FARMERS: BURNETTE & VERDERY MILLING CO. Brevard, N. C. GENTLEMEN; FOR MANY YEARS I HAVE BEEN HAVING MY WHEAT GROUND OUT OF THE COUN TY AND THOUGHT I WAS GETTING AS GOOD AS COULD BE MADE, BUT PURELY BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS MY DUTY TO PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY, I DECIDED TO HAVE MY LAST ORDER GROUND AT HOME AND I FIND THAT THERE IS NO COMPARI- SON, BURNETTE & VERDERY’S FLOUR IS FAR AHEAD OF ANYtHING I HAVE EVER USED AND I SHALL GLADLY RECOMMEND IT TO ALL MY FRIENDS. YOURS VERY TRULY, The following firms in and near Brevard sell our Flour: C. C. Y'ongue, Brevard O. L. Erwin, Brevard T. M. Mitchell, Brevard F. P. Sledge, Brevard J. K. MILLS Brevard Mills Store, Brevard R. P. Kilpatrick, Brevard Brown-Patton Co., Pisgah Forest Hershell Garren, Cedar Mountain BUENETTE & VERDERY MILLING CO. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA