FRIDAY, AUGUST Ut, 1919 THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. mm / mm m m Hardware, Paints, and Oils, Buggies, Wagons and Harness Min Sporting Farmers Supply Company, brevard,n.c. J. M. ALLISON, Manager MM Mb BOHANCUSIS SnU. UNCIUNCED Editor Brevard News: I come again in my feeble way, to try to answer two articles that are unsurpassed by their logic or brilli ancy. I would rather they would come one at a time as I could an swer one better than I can tw’o or four, as at the first. “Bohancus” seems to irk the ire of a few by his assumed name. “A P. B.” admits that he has the right to use it although it is high sounding, I want to assure them they can easily find out who the writer is, and I also have the same rights they have to hide behind a “Nom Deplume.” I am going to pass up Miss “A P. B” as it is a repetition of what has already been said, and tljere is noth ing to it and therefore can’t be an swered. Clubby Woman, she first came “A Club Woman,” I am satisfied there is always to be a club in it, refers “in the Main” to my letter being a restatement of my former one. I want to deny that charge as any unbiased suffcrgette can sec she makes an er ror in that charge. I am going to ignore the famous poodle dog and the rooster, and as to my opinions I will express them in print as long as they will publish them free and when they refuse I will pay them to do it. Woman voting will not change the face of politics any. As all the men’s wives will vote as their husbands do, just like they belong to the same you can’t keep from voting to have' colored office holders in over twenty counties in North Carolina. And I will say, to those whose who want it to come on with banners flying and your sounding brass and tinkling cym bals. I can stand it if Sarah Jane and Polly Ann can. As to Judge Clark, a small guy like myself couldn’t aflord to attack any thing he has to say, as he must have said that years ago. As far as I know there is no organization against equal suffrage, and the liquor inter ests and elements are athing of the THE PRAYER CORNER I do not believe that any true American can fail to accept with en thusiasm that which has been adopt ed at The Peace Conference in Paris. In my judgement the fears which have been expressed in the United States Senate and in some newspapers are unworthy of any patriot. The Covenant ought to be adopted ‘con amore’, first because the distin guished representatives, who have been discussing these matters at the past,and I, who am against equal suf-' center of things must be better able frage with both teeth and toe nails, to judge the matter comprehensively become ^an annual feature of each' season. The trip last Saturday was made in record time and without any serious mishaps. After spending sev eral hours in Ashevifle the boys re turned to camp by motor and the boats were brought back in trucks. ELECTION OF OFFICERS MON DAY NIGHT church There will be a few women v/ho will make their miserable excuse they have for a man to vote as she wants him to vote, same as she makes him do other thing except as to the black, chocolate and tan. Does my good friends, the suf fcrgette want the same condition to exist in North Carolina, as did from 1894 to 1900? Do they want their little sisters, the young school marms going to the office of a “high yaller” or a coal black for a certificate to teach school down in Eastern North Carolina? Do they want to see as many “Niggers” in the North Caro lina Legislature as were in 1897. Suffergetts have forgotten that the first Act of the Legislature of 1901 was to" send a committee to the state,s institution for the blind, white child ren to have a “high yaller’s” name chiseled off the corner stone of that institution and the scars of that chisel are stille in evidence as a mute reminder that Col. James Young, a gentlemen of color, was a director of that in.stitution and had the right to visit, go through, ar.d into the rooms, examine the clothes and the condi tion of the children, whom the heavy hand of God had been laid upon. That within itself is enough to make the blood boil and the flesh crawl of anj Anglo Saxon. Get equal suffrage, and you will enfranchise enough v.oraen in North Carolina to bring about these condi tions. A Democratic Rcgisttar can’t say to one of them “high ya'ilei’s” and coal black ladies, “Explain the Con stitution satisfactorily to me” She w^ll say, get out my' way you white trash lemme dar. And she is going to get there. There «are enough black men who can vote and who do vote and whom and every other way. I helped to and evry other way, to rid North Carolina of the liquor curse and many more whom I can name did likewise, and I was hot influenced by any woman or man. I did it because I thought it was for the good of the people and my Country, who couldn’t than any private individuals at long distance; secondly, because it seems The regular meeting of Connestee Lodge No. 237 I. O. OrF. which takes place next Monday night will be fea tured by the election of officers. At the same meeting the Connestee Lodge will be consolidated with the Rosman organization of Oddfellows. This is to be one of the most im- A Modem Drug Stored At Your Door Mail your Orders to us—Par cel Postpaid on all orders amount ing to 50 cents or more. Everything in Drugs. to me far more commendable to sup- portant occasions of recent months pose that the generations to come will be more able to deal Avith any dif- ficuities which may arise than we of this generation; thirdly, it is most un worth of the American spirit of de resist the temptation to spend their j mocracy to be thinking only of our- money for liquor when their poor miserable wives and children needed it at home. All along in my articles I have want ed to refrain from mentioning the conditions some twenty years ago. What I have said is as true as preach ing,^ and a matter of history. Some guy got this off, “History re peats itself.” I would . come all around promising to wear a dress and roll a baby carriage if the negro didn’t come back and “Liza and Ida” would again sit in the galleries of our Legislative Halls and look down_ on George Washington Arbraham Lincoln Jones, the gentlement from Craven or Wake. It has been said, and well said, that “None but women and fools in dulge in newspaper controversies,” and I ^Iso plead guilty of being a fool, that has never given up. In conclusion I want to add, “The hair of dogs, The fur of cats, The eye of bats. The toe of frogs.” BOHANCUS. BUY YOUR BUTTERMILK FROM SLEDGE. selves and not the general good. —Bishop of Pittsburg It is a false patriotism and a per- in local fraternal circles and all Odd fellows are requested to be present Monday night. BETTER SERVICE TO TOXAWAY Beginning July 30 the South ern Railway Company put in effect a new^ schedule between Brevard and continue through to Lake Toxaway and return to Brevard at 3:27 P. M. This service will be on Wednesdays and Saturdays only and will continue throughout the season. The new schedule will give those who wish, to visit Lake Toxaway the opportunity to do so in one day. The trip to Lake Toxaway is a very popular one with visitors and residents of the town when they plan for a day’s out ing and the schedule recently in augurated by the Southern was put on with the special purpose of ac commodating these people. WOODLAND PLAYERS COMING TO BREVARD PROF. HENDERSON CONDUCTS SUMMER SCHOOL Prof. T. C. Henderson of Quebec left recently for Pembroke, N. C. w'here he will direct the summer ses sion at the Indian Normal School at that place. Prof. Henderson has been principal of the Pembroke schools for two years and owing to the suc cess which he has had with the work there he was selected by the state board of education to conduct the summer training school for Indian teachers. IF YOU CAN’T FIND IT GO TO SLEDGE’S.. kills rats and mice—that’s RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes—no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. 2Sc. size (1 cake) enough for Fantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 50c. size (2 caisee) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildin'ga. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and oat-buildin;n, srevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. verted nationalism which denies our j Lake Toxaway. Train no. 5 which obligation to assist in maintaining leaves Brevard at 11:40 A. M. will throughout the world those principles upon which our national life exists. “Liberty enlightening the World,” has been the recognized symbol of our nation’s mission to mankind. If we refuse now to translate that idea into an acceptance of practical obligation, we shall deny the fundamental prin cipal for which our country has stbod from the beginning of its history. —Bishop of Albany. A Prayer For The World O, God, our Creator and Governor, at whose word the earth came forth from darkness into light; we beseech Thee to pour Thy Spirit into the hearts of all men that they may cease from violence and turn themselves to creature wor. Let Thy lights shine upon the counsels of their hearts, that selfishness may be rebuked and that those who sincerely desire the good of mankind may be known and fol lowed.. Grant that all nations may perform their several parts in making Thy Truth to be known and join them in a strong Covenant of Peace, which shall prepare Thy Way and hasten the coming of The Kingdom ~ through Jesus Chrsit our Lord, Amen. R ATS DIE- C. D. C. so do mice, once they eat RAT- SNAP. And they leave no odor behind. Don’t take our word for it—try a package. Cats and dogs won’t touch it. Rats pass up all food to get RAT-SNAP. Three sizes. 25c. »ize (1 cake) ■'enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar, 50c. sizc (2 cakes) for ChickoJl House, coops, or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings. storage FRENCH BROAD CAMPERS MAKE TRIP TO ASHEVILLE Miss Hortense Neilson, who is a well-known interpreter of Shakesper- ian roles, is coming to Brevard at an early date. She is^aid to have with her a company of very excep- tional players. They will give tw’O perlorniances here and w'ill probably present “As You Like It'’ and “The Mrchant Of Venice.” A trip by boat to Asheville was made by several French Broad Camp boys last Saturday. About twenty- nvaof the boys who are in the camp this year made the trip down the | buildings, or factory buiidings. French Broad. This boating trip has! Guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. UNA THE BEST .' /SEDICINE FOR COUGH5 AMD COLDS Miss Iv;- Gray, Pairvicv/, Kentucky, writes: “T have taken Perura, and wor.kl say th;it it is tho heat medicine for coughs and colds I ever saw. I thnt It al^vays cure.s a colcJ lu :i siiart ivliile. It also HtroniTthens and builds up the systfHi." Sold Everyri'lierc I Eve** Saw Miss Gray’s letter breathes hope to the It is an in spiration to the sick and infirm. Ir Tuhlct E'orm Morgan’s Drug Store Rosman. N. C. FOR THE BEST BEEF AND Help the poor old printer by bring- PORK GO TO SLEDGE’S. in your copy for ads, etc. as early as possible each week. Brevard Hardware Co. When the day’s work is done The longer winter evenings require a greater use of artificial light. For your cortifort it is most important, that tljja light be the best obtainable, both from the stanu-' point of quality and quantity, Gdison Mazda Lamps are the best investment in lighting you can make. They pay dividends in better eyesight, better light, and the current saved thTDugh their use enables you to operate the various electrical devices which help so much to lighten the labor of the home. There is an Edison Mazi^a Lamp for every purpose. ' us the correct sizes to use. We kave them. Brevard jlardware Co. Don’t Oi*3er C Doyle breVard, N. C.