"V--- ^ / ■: ■ - ".^.At* . \ ‘ ' '-a t ' , . f . *■ , • < ',■ ’ ’^-'' ' I • ' s' ’ - A 3^^ ;■ Nw- ’■» FMi^Y, AUdU^T S, lUt. ' W s , • ■ " V,--" ■ THE BjREVARll ll - ;■ r ^ :«>r. V '^: , /■ <; ■ /■'Vf*; j,-' ‘'' ;it.c -;.aa^yj^\-sy-;i~>e.«iafaii8gBiat:«MBiraB«BgaMgmfjjggmMBK^ 1~ > '^‘'■ - •■■•■ - v>\ ; ‘' BREVARD NEWS ^ . Name ctaantred from Cylvan Valley News. January i.i9i7< M. L. SHIPMAN, Editor C. B. OSBORNE, Managing Editor and Publisher GERTRUDE R. ZACHARY City Editor Published every Thursday. Efatered at postollice at Brevard. N.C.,as . secund-cluss matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year . - - - $1.60 Six months - - - - .76 Three months - - - .60 Twomontbs - - - .36 Payable by check, stamps or money order. Cards of thanks, resolutions and memorials published only at half conv mercial rate« costinsr lo cents per inch or one-half cent per word. Subscriptions not continued after ex piration of time piaid for except on re quest. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1919. THE INVESTIGATING CONGRESS The Republicans in Congress ap pear to be more intersted in an ef fort to hatch up charges against the Administration for campaign purpo ses next year than they afe in the enactment of constructive legisla tion, or the settlement of the contro versy that has arrisen over the rat ification of the Treaty of Peace. W,hile they are at it they might in vestigate the “inditement” of Assis tant Secretary Crowell against the War Department for providing mun itions which hastened the end of the war and saved thousands of lives and millions of money. Here are the ‘‘charges” he makes and we insist that they should be lookd into imme diately: “That America had more troops in France than the British at the sign ing of the armistice.. “ That the American artillery in France fired more than four times as many rounds of artillery amunition as the Union army did in the Civil War. “That America was tiie only coun try that succeeded in building recup erators for French designed guns, ex cept France herself. “That between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, America manufae cured as much smokeless powder as France and England combined. “That between two and three miles v/ere added to the range of the Amer ican army’s six-inch guns.. “That America developed five air planes the equal of or better than anything in Europe. “That America brought down 491 German planes and lost only 271 dur ing the war. “That the United States built al most as many aviation engines of other types as she did of the Liberty. “That America reduced the cost of helium gas from $17.00 per cubic ft. to ten cents per cubic ft. “That America shipped 533 loco- Taotives to France on their wheels, packed in baled hay, in the holds of vessels. “That American troops alone had hot coffee under fire, due to the in vention of soluble coffee in the Uni ted States. “That packing economies saved the country $55,000,000 in the ship ment of clothing alone to France and by saving ship space, offset the op erations of U-boats for several months. “That salvage during the last nine mbntlis of the ^nhur saved |100,000,,> 000. ‘ “That the total wa( conatmetion in the United States amounted to more than $1,000,000,000 in cost. < *‘That America produced over 75^ 000 ^iles of outpost wire for .signal ing purposes at the front, a material never manufactured until America entered the war. “That America developed a substi tute for salvarsan, formerly produc ed only in Gremany, and which prov ed to be far better than the German product. ” These are htings that are absolute ly new to the average American and because.of the fact the claim is so astounding and concern accomplish ments that appear well-nigh impos sible, we respectfully submit that a special committee should be selected by congress for the purpose of as certaining, if possible, how this Dem- (Ocratic administration manag|ed to put over so much in the course of only a few months. The things Germany had no idea in the world that America could do have been done quicker and better than she had been doing them herself. They are achievements that, coupled with the wonderfiil fighting spirit of the army overseas, tnade it possible to end the war eighteen months before most people believed it would be brought to a close, with an enormous saving in life and treasure. Any Democratic administration which has been able to report achi- e^fements of so great significance may expect nothing less than investiga tion from a bunch of selfish politi cians. Of course innate jealousy is at the bottom of it all. But let the books be opened. DEMOCRACY has nothing to conceal. a larg* measure, to France and this special treaty should b(B speedily rat ified.^ The people of the country are tired of the tactics of professional ob Jectors in Washington.^ They desire action, and want it now. ••Vfhj I Put Up With RaU for Yea**’ Writes N« Windsor, Farmer^ ^ “Years ago I bought some rat pois on, which nearly killed our fine watch dog. It so scared us that we suffered a long time with rats until my neigh bor told me about RATSNAP. That’s the sure rat killer and^ a safe one.’' Three sizes, 2Bc, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. CARD OF THANKS To all those kind friends who lent their untiring efforts in our behalf during our recent bereavement, we extend our thanks and deepest grati tude. We want to leave with you the full assurance that your many kindr nesses will ever be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Pyles and Family, Mrs. S. G. Vanlandingham. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUGGISH LIVER Crashes Into Sour Bile, Making you Sick and You Lose a Day’s Work. HOUSE NOT TO ADJOURN When the question of adjourn- ment was under discussion in the House recently and objection was made by one of the members. Re presentative Claude Kitchin of North Carolina, .let it be known that he heartily approved the suggestion for the reason that the country would be better off when this Republican con gress was not in session. A solar- plexus, that. Race riots in Washington, Chicago and other northern cities brings the people up there face to face with the very thing for which they have been criticising the South since the time when the Ku Klux Klan took law in its hands during the days of re construction and compelled respect for our women. Outbreaks like those recently reported from the cities mentioned are regrettable anywhere, but, in this instance, the South will not have the finger of “scorn” point ed at them by northern critics. Social equality simply will not work. The southef'n way of dealing with the negro is mighty hard to beat. Calomel salivates! It’s mercury. Calo mel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramp ing and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, consti pated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone for a few cents, which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calo mel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you’ll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson’s Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It’s harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it.—Advertise ment. kills rats and mice—that’s RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes—^no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. 25c. *ize (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 50c. size (2 cakes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. $1.6o size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildlnafs, • storasre buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. IF you CAN’T FIND IT GO TO SLEDGE’S. Are Business Builders TOWN LOTS, farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins. Brevard. N. C. tf REGISTERED BULLS For Sale choice shorthorns, ages 10 months to 14 months old; reds and roans at bargiQ. Come and see them. Greatest of all breeds to improve your native cattle for milk and beef R. W. EVERETT, Pisgah Forest, N. C. June 20. 3tp For Bast Broom in Town C. Doyle. WANTED—Some lady, as one of family; reasonable salary, good community churches schools, car service, near ocean, suburban, can arrange railroad fare, write. J. D. Neal. A. C. L. FORT Office Wilmington, N. C. 4tp FOR SALE—Six>year old mule. Will Kimzey. FOR SALE—Some nice small acer- age property with improvements, also some very fine building lots, some nice houses right up in town, can be bought on most any terms with smalt payment down. This is all first class prope^^y. Land and houses afe getting higher all the time. You had better buy now. See T. L. WALTERS. Phone no. 149. .tfc. BOY AXES $1.35. C. oyle. FOR SALE—One Cooking range, for either large family or board ing house. Will sell at bargain as I do not want to stor^. T. H. Ship man. MOTOR CLCLE for sale. C. Doyle. MONEY TO LOAN —I have some money to loan on good farms and improved town property. Terms most attractive. W. E. Breese, 4tc STOP a Leak. C. Doyle LOST—Lady’s blue serge coat, be tween here and French Broad Camp. Finder please return same to Mrs. Wilbar, care of Mrs. Wal lis, and receive reward. Itc ROOF PAINT. C. Doyle. FOR RENT—Two rooms with dining room and kitchen, all furnished. Box 27, Brevard, N. C. Itp CANNING OUTFITS. C. Doyle. LOST—A girl scout leather belt on top of See-Off. Finder please re turn to News offic. Itp FLASH LIGHT Batteries. C. Doyle. LOST—Gold crescent pin, set with pearls, around Caesars Head and Caesars Head hotel. Finder please return to News office. Electric Lights. C. Doyle. FOR RENT—Two furnished connect ing down stairs rooms adjoining bath; two single up stairs rooms, with or without board, reasonable rates. Apply at Gaston street, op posite Baptist church. 8-8-2tp *'Rat-Snap Beats the Best Trap Ever Made,” Mrs. Emily Shaw Says. “My husband bought $2 trap. I bought 50c box of RAT-SNAP. The trap only caught 3 rats but RAT- SNAP killed 12 in a week. I’m never iW^ithout RAT-SNAP. Reckon I could- not raise chicks without it.” RAT- SNAP comes in cakes. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. President Wilson makes a strong plea for the ratification of the spe cial treaty with France. It simply means that the United States would go to the relief of the French Repub lic in the event of an unprovoked at tack upon it by Germany like that which occored five years ago. Great Britian agrees to a similar compact and this would go a long way to wards preventing another world-war. America owes her independence, in WE DELIVER PROMPTLY all orders for Groceries and our Groceries are all of the first- class kind. Our stock is care fully selected because OUR TRADE is PARTICULAR and it is our aim always to please. We want your business and as we offer the best and freshest of Groceries, and ask no more, and often less prices, we would be glad to have it. MITCHELL . The Grocer. V' •• -■ \ i .'V YES, SML BOOKS! ALSO ONE OF THE STRONGEST LINES OF BOYS’ SHOES IN THE COUNTY. JUST THE THING FOP. ROUGH SCHOOL BCfYS. WE CARRY BOYS’ EXTRA KNEE PANTS IN SIZES FROM 6 TO 20. ALSO BOYS’ SHIRTS, BLOUSES, KHAKI HATS, RAIN COATS, OVER SHOES, ETC. - Help your children to avoid taking the flu this year by having them arrive at the school house with dry clothing and feet. Weilf s Gents’ Store ¥ OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE BREVARD, N. C SLEDGE SELLS CHEAP FOR SLEDGE PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH. PRICE FQpl HIDES. Spark Plug Insurance $1 per Year ONE INCH FIRING SURFACE The Elest All ’Round Pluir in America BREVARD HARDWARE CO. C. M. Doyle, Manager, Brevard, N. C. -ftlA djoCtoAA i/W. (V»ul 4iAi ttu/MiL YOUR MONEY is" NOT SAFE UNLESS IT IS IN THE BANK. OUR BANK HAS STRONG LOCKS AND THICK WALLS THAT FIRE OR BURGLARS CANNOT ENTER. MONEY THAT YOU HIDE IS NOT DOING YOU OR THE COMMUNITY ANY GOOD. IT IS DEAD MONEY AND MAY BE “LOSr* MONEY. THE NEWSPAPERS TELL US DAILY OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR MONEY BY HIDING IT. THERE ARE LOTS OF GOOD REASONS WHY YOUR MONEY SHOULD BE IN THE BANK. . BANK WITH US WE FAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY. 4^ ALL NEXT rOMINfl WEEK Vx KJ IVl 1 vj' y all next WE^IC i UNDER WAtER PROOF TENT The Famous Pickert Stock Go HIGH class plays, AND BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE; OPENING PLAY ij ‘‘LOVE AND POLITICS,” AND 4 BIG ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE. ABSOLUTELY CLEAN AND REFINED, THE OLDEST AND BEST KNO^ COMPANY PLAYING THE SOUTH. / Pri«55 10 ,^ 20 Gents "' ''m \f- mm ss AQison^s .Lot on RALPH W. OlAMBERS ■ ■ ' I .