/ ■ -?>' V ‘■ : t I91* THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD; K. |L timm m m y« \ ' , I '■■',Av , r< ’*> ' h^-< K ■ ■ 4. ‘ I. 'f^ ''^V r- . 1 I --^4 I' :A. •* ■ LOGGING BUGGY WAGON PLOW Harness! SADDLES BRIDLES TRACES AND LINES HARNESS LEATHER SOLE LEATHER EVERYTHING IN THE LOGGING LINE—CANT HOOKS, LOGGING DOGS, SAWS, BOTH SIMMONS AND ADKINS. IN FACT WE CARRY EVERYTHING FOR THE MAN WHO WORKS IN TIMBER. • % WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE OF HARDWARE IN TRANSLYVANIA COUNTY. 7. Farmers Supply Company, brevard, n. c J. M. ALLISON, Manager i'i-. i j . BOHANCUS DOPE '(Continued from page one.) The man may not surrender this authority. He is held responsible for tile conduct of his family. The fourth Commandment emphasfees this re sponsibility in the matter of the Sab- bftth. Eli failed on this point and the failure brought unt|old disaster to - Iiis family and his people. His is the lesson for all families, and for all times. ^^His sons made themselves ‘vile and he restrained them not.” I Sam. ii. 11-14. When Abraham stood before the Lord looking toward Sodom, the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham the tiling which I do? etc. For I know Hiat he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgement.” Then the Lord conferred fully with him about the destruction of Sodom and Go morrah. Here we note this remark able thing; Abraham’s righteous rule over his household was not only pleas ing to the Lord, but he assigned it as a reason for making him a confiden tial friend and advisor. Gen. xviii. 19. We have seen that the family is the primordial unit in church and state and that both are profoundly interested in its integrity. Family corruption and disintegration under mine them both. The,two enemies which now threaten the integi#y of Uie family are twin sisters—easy divorce and woman suffrage. Easy divorce ignores the fact that both husband and wife “are no more twain but one flesh;” it undermines llie home; it discounts the strongest Iranian affections in the interest of a sordid selfishness. The child is rob bed of its birthright, the supreme nnited love of father and mother, and falls into the abyss of their mutual «latre4 and selfishness. It degrades tlie family to a mere partnership be tween equals which may be dissolved at the interest or caprice of either party without social stigma or dis- crsce. ' Woman suffrage asserts this same ^quality ef partnership, and denies the headship of the man over the woman. It claims to emancipate woman from thraldom which they say is heritage fron^ Paganism. It opens up all oc- cn|Mtions and ambitions of life ^ to woman equally with man. It makes woman the rival and competitor of BENNET—CLARKE On Thursday evening at the resi dence of the bride’s brother. Prof. Bennett, Miss Lela Bennett was mar ried to Wm. Clarke of Canton, N. C. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. E. Poovey. Mrs. Clarke is a grad uate of Brevard Institute and has many friends in Brevard. Mr. Clarke is engaged in business at Canton where the young couple will make their home. BUY YOUR BUTTERMILK FROM SLEDGE. REUNION OF OSBORNE FAMILY A reunion of the family of the late W. K. and Mrs. Osborne was hel^ last Sunday at the Osborne home stead near Brevard. About forty people took part in the celebration. All members of the family were pre sent except Dr. V. W. Osborne of Stone Mountain, Ga., who recently returned from France and spent some time at his mother’s home here im mediately after his return to this country. IF YOU CAN’T FIND IT GO TO SLEDGE’S. HUMAN APPEAL STRONG IN ALICE JOYCE PICTURE “THE THIRD DEGREE” instead of “a help meet for him.’* li 80 ffur as it makes woman the bread winner it consigns her again to the barbaric thraldom of which they profess to find the remedy. We say therefore that “woman suf frage” opposes the divine plan, sub- vertB sdl law and authority, defeats its own aims; degrades woman and pro BK>tes infidelity. What earthly king or, potentate has l^eater responsibility or blessing placed upon him than a good wife and MOfUier?.—^What realm is greater thui - the home?—^Where will you find a inore Quetmly Queen than the Queen ^ a home when she is rearing “Godly seed’* juid is within her realm? '“Blessed is he who has found his Sign^ as **Tht>]lHi Fton Hog Town.” Binr YdUR GifOCEIUES FROM brinc- Hir^i0p^#«r a^ «tc. as sarly ' week. . . » The Human appeal and tremendous dramatic power of “The Third De gree”, which made it one of the great est stage successes of its day, are splendidly maintained-in Vitagraph’s screen version of the Charles Klein drama which will be seen in the Sap phire theatre on August the 27th. Alice Joyce has the stellar role of Annie Sands, and the beautiful and talented star never appeared to better advantage. Her role is that of the waitress bride of a college youth, who crushes the power of her millionaire father-in-law, sworn to destroy her, and of an all-powferful police in quisition to save her young husband from death for a murder he did not commit, but of which he was tortured to confess. Tom Terris has given the picture a splendid direction, and in the capable supportcast are Gladden James, An ders Randolf, Miss Hedda Hopper, Herbert Evans, George Backus, J. T. Wade, L. Rogers Lytton and Edward McGuixe. BREVARD DiSmDTE NOTES Recent guests at the Institute in clude, Mr. H. C. Baber and Miss Willie Mae Baber of Rockhiu, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kirby of Con- verese, S. C.; Miss A. Ferree of Laurinburg, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Me. Holbrook, Miss Ethel Holbrook and John M. Holbrsok of Hunters ville, N. C. Mrs. M. C. Houston* of Concord, N. C.; Mrs. Wm. J. Rtftse, Miss Fannie Pers<« Rndge and Wpi. J. Rudge, Jr. of Monroe, N. C.; Mrs. A. P. Aldrich of Greenwood, S, C. Mrs J. H. McCoy of Nashville, Tenn. who is one of the secretaries of the Woman’s CouncR of the M. E. Ch South is spending a few days at the Institute. LARGE ATTENDANCE AT SILVER TEA The silver tea and bazaar held at the rectory by the ladies of St. Philips Church last Wednesday attv^cted a large attendance of visitors and towns people. The varied stock of fancy and useful articles in the bazaar was sold out in a very short time. The sum of $180.00 was Wde from tbe sale and the money v(ill be used to install a furnace in St. Philips Church. . AT THE METHODIST CHURCH In the absence of the pastor Dr. T. F. Marr of Charlotte will occupy the Methodist Church pulpit Sunday morning. At the evening hour (8 o’clock) “Centenary Echoes” will be heard on the Sunday School lawn. The latter service will be in charge of Mr. Trow bridge. Visitors are cordially invited. BAPTIST CHURCH August 24, 1919 10:00 A. M Sunday School Subject for 11:00 A. M. and 8:30 P. M. Laborers together with God. Then will be an intercessory meet ing at Brevard Baptist Church Sept. 5th beginning at 10:00 A. M. and closing at 4:30 P. M.. The day will be spent in prayer and fasting. DAVIDSON RIVER CHURCH Regular Hour for Service. 4:30 p m Service by Dr. Chas H. Hemphill. Special Evening Service 8:15 p. m. Attractive Song Service with short sermon by the pastor. ^ Everybody cordially welcome. TOWN ORDINANCE Brevard, N. C. August. 18, 1919. Office of Mayor and Board of Al dermen of the town of Brevard, N. C. At a meeting of the Board of Al dermen, a quorum being present, the following ordinance was introduced, voted upon and passed as required by law in such cases: It shall be unlawful for any person firm or corporation to blow any whis tle within the corporate limits of the town of Brevard, N. C. for a longer period than five seconds at any one blast, and that not more than four of such blasts shall be blown in any period of'four hours: Provided how ever this restriction shall not apply in case of fire alarm or other emergency calling for extraordinary alarms. That the person who has charge of the engine whistle or other machinery that produces the alarm shall be con sidered, for the purpose of this or dinance, the party responsible for any violation of ^the conditions of this ordinance, and any person, firm or corporation violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall pay a fine of $1.00 for the first offense and $5.00 fine for each and every succeeding offense. T. H. GALLOWAY, Mayor. G. E. Lathrop, Clerk of Board of Aldermen. Don’t let Diarrhoea. Plux, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, or such “get the START of you”! And keep special watch on the CHILDREN. Dr. Thacher** Diarrhoea Mixture means safety for the fainlly If promptly used in bowel- trouble emeri^encies. At your druir store, price 25c. Keep it In the house- ready. Thacher Medionc Co. Chatlan«eaa. Taan.* U. S. A. For Sale by Macfie-Broodie Drug Co. Brerard, N. C. Your Drugs ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR FOOD. WE USE THE BEST DRUGS OBTAINABLE IN FILLING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS, AND THEY ARE ALWAYS FILLED BY A COM- PETENT PHARMACIST. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, IN FACT EVERYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST- CLASS DRUG STORE. DAVIS-WALKER DRUG CB. Succe«*on to DUCKWORTH DRUG CO. Main St. BREVARD, N. C. Plume 85 Weighed 90 Potinds Before Taktog PERUNA RecMUMBtb it to Her “1 don’t need Penina any ‘Btore. I am all well. I have tat «a six bottles. I welshed atactr before I started with Poi ana.' 1 was iust aa peer aad ee weaklr. I had stTea ef ever set- ttaff w^t such a eo«sh and spit- ttae* and co«ld set eat aKrthtec. Now since takins Peruna I wel^ ••e kwdxcd ud ttirtyCve All my friends said 1 lid aerer cet welL 1 was Just a shadow. 1 nave surely recom mended year Peruna'to many of my friends, and they are usins It., I will veeeianieBd Penma* for I Now Weii^ .21 N. Hich. lliaa Clan Ctold St, Grand Rapida. am so "thankful for what it has drae fer me.** geW gTWTWfcete In her letter opposite If las lehr sfns words of the benefits she receiVed ttom Pe« runa. tells in eonvincl .-.IS / ( A Modern Drug Store lAt Your Door Mail your Orders to us—Par cel Postpaid on all orders amount ing to 50 cents or more. 9 Everything in^Drugs. Morgan’s Drug Store Rosman, N. C. FOR THE 'BEST BEEF AND Your advertisement in the Brevard PORIC GO TO SLEDGE'S^ News will be read by more than 5000 people. Brevard Hardware Co. i Ii When the day’s work is done The longer winter evenings require a greater use of artificial light. For your comfort it is most important that thi light be the best obtainable, both from the stan< point of quality and quantity. Edison Mazda Lamps are the best investment in lighting jrou can make. They pay dividends in better eyesight^ better light and the current saved through, th^ usa enables you to operate^ tiievariof^^lec^cal devices which help so much to lighten tlie labor of the home. . • ‘ There is an Ediscei iytAjZDA Lamp for every purpoas. us the corrddt sizes to us*- We have them. Brevard Hardware Co. BREVi N. C V