THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD. N. Q. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1910 7 « Have You a Home? t If you do not have a Home, ;ome and let us sell you one. If you do own a Home, come and have us INSURE it. Two of the most sensible things that you can do: secure a home and protect it. GALLOWAY <& MINNIS Real Estate andllnsunpce Agents BREHVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Departments—College Preparatory, Normal, Music, Business, Do mestlc Art, Household Economics, Agriculture. AH departments are directed by teachers with special training and large cxpericnce. They know their business. Influences of the Institute are alone worth the cost of tuition. Opens on September 5. GROCERIES IF YOU WANT THE VERY BEST IN GROCERIES AND AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES, COME TO SEE US. WE ARE OUT OF THE HIGH RENT SECTION,' THEREFORE WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. R. P. Kilpatrick GROCERIES, NOTIONS AND SHOES Phone J 41 Near Depot. Brevard, N*C* Brevard Lumber Co. WE HAVE IN A CAR LOAD OF THE BEST FERTILIZER NOW- GOOD FOR ALL CROPS—GARDEN AND FIELD. WE WILL SELL THE CELEBRAT- ED COON BRAND AGAIN THIS YEAR. USE FERTILIZER ON YOUR CROPS AND THEN WATCH THEM GROW. WE HAVE A HULL ASSORT- MENT OF BUlLDIN