THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. pkidjiYm AiKWiTm tnp" \ Making Molzisses Mr. FARMER DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE TIME IS ALMOST HERE FOR MAKING MOLASSES? WE REALIZED THIS SOME TIME AGO AND HAVE PREPARED FOR THE OC- CASION. AND NOW,‘BEFORE THE TIME IS HERE WE WOULD ADVISE THAT YOU COME IN AND LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS IN THIS LINE. WE HAVE CANE MILLS, EVAPOR ATORS, SKIMMERS AND EVERYTHING NEC ESSARY FOR "LASSES MAKING TIME.”. SEEDS How about your grass seeds ? For the convenience of our many customers we have decided to handle seeds this year and we have the following to offer you: Red Clover, Crimson Clover, Herds grass. Orchard grass and Red Top. I * Don’t fail to see us for all kinds of auto supplies. W. E. BISHOP & COMPANY PLUMBING and PLUMBING SUPPLIES V ’itGSCl Cord* ’Cbain* ’Usc9* 'flatn* W® Vouch for Them m Of all the tires that are made, —why do you suppose we prefer to sell United States Tires? ^ Becaisse they ds^ iftde by the biggest rubber wmpany in the world. And the^ know how to build good tireso They have choice of ms- terials,—they havp immense facilities,—th^ employ. exclusive methods. Tliey can go to lengths in testmg, improviot’' ana perf ectingethe tilings that make good tires. We find it'good business to sell United States Tires. « And—you will find it good business to buy them. They are here—a tire for every need. United States Tiros Good Tiresi PARMDRS SUPPI^Y CO., Brevard. N. 0. J QAKLAHDMEWS * - I Miss Nettie Guthorie of Asheville spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. E. D. Reid. Miss Edith Boggs of Brevard vis- ted her sister, Miss Fanny Boggs, who is teaching school at Oakland. ^ Rev. Askew Queen of Jackson preached a memorial sermon at the Reid Cemetery August 24th. He spent the night with Mr. Edgar Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nicholson of Lake Toxaiyay visited relatives her^ last Sunda^. Misses Florence and Jessie Gilles pie of Lake Toxaway visited the Misses Norton Sunday. Dane Miller, who has been in Bilt- more Hospital, spent Sunday night at E. D. Reid's F. L. Wilson visited Ashland school one day last week. Good luck to the News. ACORN from OAKLAND. REMEMBER, ONLY THREE DAYS, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY ONE CENT IS AS BIG AS A DOLLAR. REXALL MER. CHANDISE. MACFIE-BRODIE DRUG COMPANY. FRENCH BROAD BOYS HAVE OUTING About twenty-five boys from Camp French Broad went to Asheville for the week-end. They'made the trip in canoes on the French Broad river. Leaving camp on Friday morning they spent the night at Long Shoals and arrived at Asheville Saturday morn ing.. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR. RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina,—Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Court. J. H. Whitmire vs. E. H. Jennings. The defendant, E. H. Jennings, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 8th day of August 1919 by the clerk of the Superior Ctourt of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injury to property of the plaintiff to wit: Lands and growing crops of the plaintiff situated on the waters of the Toxaway River below where the dam. which once held the waters of Lake Toxaway was situated. That said in jury and damage was caused by the negligence and carelessness of the defendant in allowing and permitting the dam at Lake Toxaway which once held back the waters of said lake, to be and remain in a dangerous and un safe condition resulting in the break ing of said dam and thereby releas ing the witters of Lake Toxaway which waters overflowed and dam aged and destroyed the property of the plaintiff as above mentioned to the amount of at least $1500.00. That said defendant is a proper par ty to said action which relates to dam age to both real and personal prop- ty of the plaintiff. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. at his office in the court house in Brevard on the 20th day of Sept. 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the re lief demanded in said complaint will be granted. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on the 12th day of August 1919 against the property of said defendant which said warrant of attachment is returnable at the same time and place to wit: Saturday, Sept. 20 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. This August 12th, 1919. N. A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran sylvania county, N. C. , which once held the waters of Lake Toxawsy was situated. That said in jury and damage was caused by th« negligence and careless dess, of the defendant in allowing and permitting the dam at Lake ‘Toxaway which once held back the waters of said lake, to b<^ and remain in a dangerous and un safe condition resulting in the break ing of said dam and thereby releas ing the waters of Lake Toxaway which waters overflowed and dam aged and destroyed the property of -lie plaintiff as above mentioned to the amount of at least $1000.00 That said defendant is a proper par ty to said action which relates to dam age to both real and personal prop- ty of the plaintiff. The defendant will further lake notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. at his office in the court house in^ Brc»/ard on the 20th day of Sept. 1919, at ’-O o*clo'!x A M. :iTid answer or demur to the , complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the re lief demanded in said complaint will be granted. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on the 12th day of August 1919 against the property of said defendant which said warrant of attachment is returnable at the same time and place to wit: Saturday, Sept. 20 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. This August 12th, 1919. N. A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran sylvania county, N. C. kills rats and mice—that’s RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes—^no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. 25c. sizo (1 cake} enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 50c. size (2 cakes) for Cxiickcn House, coops, or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for ^11 farm and out-builllnars, storaij^ buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. age to both and personal ^ of the plajntHT. The defendant will further tak6 notice that he is required to amMar at the office of tlief Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Transylvania county^ N. C. at his ofBc» in the court house in Brevard on the 20th day of Sept. 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the re lief demanded in said co.nplaint will be granted. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on tlje 12th day^of August 1919 against the^ property of said defendant which said" warrant of attachment is returnable at the same time and place to wit: Saturday, Sept. 20 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. This Augnist 12th‘, 1919. N. A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran sylvania county, N. C. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina,—Transylvania Coun tv—In the Superior Court. J. t. Hinkle, Admr. of Silas Hinkle, deceased, et al. vs. E. H. Jennings. The defendant, E. H. Jennings, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the Sth day of August 1919 by the clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injury to property of the plaintiff to wit: Growing crops, house-hold goods, buildings and other property of the plaintiff situated on the waters of the Toxaway River below where the dam which once held the waters of Lake Toxaway was situated. That said in jury and damage was caused by the negligence and carelessness oF the defendant in allowing and permitting the dam at Lake Toxaway which once held back the waters of said lake, to be and remain in a dangerous and un safe condition resulting in the break ing of said dam and thereby releas ing the waters of Lake Toxaway which waters overflowed and dam aged and destroyed the property of the plaintiff as above mentioned to the amount of at least §3000.00. That said defendant is a proper par ty to said action which relates to dam age to both real and personal prop- ty of the plaintiff. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. at his office in the court house in Bi^vard on the 20th day of Sept. 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or th(^ re lief demanded in said complaint will be granted. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on the 12th day of August 1919 against the property of said defendant which said warrant of attachment is returnable at the same time and place to wit: Saturday, Septs 20 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. This August 12th, 1919. N. A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran sylvania county, N. C. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR- RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina,—Transvlvania Coun-. ty—!n th« Superior Court. C. M. Steele vs. E. H. Jennings. The defendant, E. H. Jennin^, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled act’on was issued against said. defendant on the Sth day of August 1919 by tha clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injury to property of the plaintiff to wit: Growing crops of the plaintiff situated on the waters of the Tc:::^\vay River below where the dam which once held the waters of Lake Toxav'ay was situated. That said in jury and damage was caused by the nc.ehgence and carelessness of the defendant in allowing and permitting^ the dam at Lake Toxaway which once held back the waters of said lake, to-- be and remain in a dangerous and un safe condition resulting in the break ing of said dam and thereby rejeas- incr the waters of Lake Toxaway v^hich waters overflo/ved and dam aged and destroyed the property of the plaintiff as above mentioned to the amount of at least $400.00 That said defendant is a proper par ty to said action which relates to dam age to both real and personal prop- ty of the plaintiff. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Transylvania county^. N. C. at his office in the c:*'irt house in Brevard on the 20th day of Sept. 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the re lief demanded in said complaint will- be granted. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on the 12th day of August 1919 against the property of said defendant which said warrant of attachment is returnable at the same time and place to wit: Saturday, Sept. 20 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. This August 12th, 1919. N. A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran sylvania county, N. C. Why People Buy Rat-Snan In Prefer ence to Rat Poison. (1) RAT-SNAP absolutely kills rats and mice. (2)What it doesn’t kill it scares away. (3) Rats killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell, they dry up inside. (4) Made in cakes no mixing with other food. (4) Cats or c’ogs won’t touch it. Three sizes 5c, COc, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed byBreVard Hardware Co., Brevard, N. C. NOTICE C7 SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina—^Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Court. J. W. Head vs. E. H. Jennings. The defendant;, E. H. Jennin^, will take notSce that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the Sth day of August 1919 by the clerk of the Superiojr Court of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injuiT to property of the plaintiff to wit: Lands and growing cropd of the buildings and other property of the plaintiff situated on the waters of the Toxaway River below where the dam NOTICE OF SUMMONS OF WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina,—Transylvania Coun ty—In ths Superior Court. J. E. M. Steele, vs. E. H. Jennings. The defendant, E,. H. Jennings, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the Sth day of August 1919 by the clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injury to property of the plaintiff to wit: Lands and growing crops thereon situated on the waters of the plaintiff situated on the waters of the Toxaway River below where the dam which once held the waters of Lake Toxaway was situated. That said in jury and damage was caused by the ncgligence and carelessness of the defendant in allo\^ing and permitting the dam at Lake Toxaway which once hold back the waters of said lake, to be and remain in a dangerous and un safe condition resulting in the break ing of said dam and thereby releas ing the waters of Lake Toxaway which waters overflowed and dam aged and destroyed the property of the plaintiff as above mentioned to the amount of at least $424.00 That said defendant is a proper i>ar- ty to said action which relates to dan% NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR- RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina,—^Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Court. J. G. Lanning vs. E. H. Jennings. , The defendant, E. H. Jennings, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued’ against said defendant on the Sth day of August 1919 by the clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injury to property of the plaintiff to wit: Growing crops of th§ plaintiff situated on the waters of the Toxaway River below where the dam which once held the v/aters of Lake Toxaway was situated. That said in jury and damage was caused by the negligence and carelessness of the defendant in allowing and permitting^ the dam at Lake Toxaway which once held back the waters of said lake, to be and remain in a dangerous'and un safe condition resulting in the break ing of said dam and thereby releas ing the waters of Lake Toxaway which waters overflowed and dam aged and destroyed the property of the plaintiff as above mentioned ta the amount of at least $1200.00. ~ hat said defendant is a proi>er cty to said action which relates to to both real and personal Oi t2ie plaintiff, defendant will further take ..ot!ce he is required to appear at the otnce of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. at his office in the court house in Brevard on the 20thyday of f^ept. 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. ;md answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the re lief demanded in said complaint will be granted. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant Qf attachment W'as issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on the 12th day of August 1919 against the property of said defendant which uid warrant of attachment is retiumable at the same time and place to wit: Saturday, Sept. 20 1919, at 10 o’clock. A. M. * This August 12th, 1919. N. A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran* sylvania county, N. C. Let Us Priof Yoor Sale

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