TOC BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, N. C FitlOAY, Swpt. 12, l»t* ' PERSONALS ■s' Mr. and Mrs. Fretz Schulhoior of Aiken, S. C., Mrs. Mamie Morjan and Mias Elizabeth Grahl of Waynesville S, C. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Holliday, Miss Annie Hulsford has gone to her home in Savannah for a short stay before going to New York City for the winter. Rev. F. J. Hay, Jr., occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church last Sun day evening. W. W. Hurst, who has been doing clerical work at the military hospital in Asheville for several months, is now with the hospital corps at the U. S. A. General hospital 43 National ^Idler’s Home, Virginia. M Miss Lillie Hurst left this week for -Jl^fiiterland, N. C. where she will teach school during the coming sea son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Bell of Charleston, S. C. have returned to their home after a stay at Norwood House. Mrs. Frank Jackson of Charleston S. C. was a recent guest at Norwood House. Supt. and Mrs. A. F. Mitchell left Tuesday for Mountville, S. C. for a ptay of a few days, While there they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mitchell. Rev. F. J. Hay, Jr., left on Wed nesday for his home at King’s Moun tain. ‘ ? Miss J. Lisle Hay leaves for Flora McDonald College at Red Springs on Monday. * ^ * ’1 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith of Savan nah Georgia are visiting Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. Church Morris, also friends and relatives in Brevard. They will also spend a few days in Asheville with Mr. Smith’s mother before returning home. Dr. C. R. Hemphill and family have Rone to their home in Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Oscar Johnson has returned to Norwood House from Statesville, N. C. where she went for surgical treatment. Her many friends will be glad to know that she has been much benefited by her stay in the hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Vincent and daugh ter, Miss Nan Vincent, who have been here for the summer left Friday for their home in Georgia. Prof. J. E. Ockerman, principal of the Rosman high school was in town Saturday. Prof. Ockerman states that the Rosman school has commenced this term with the largest enrollment in its history. Miss Williams of the Asheville Farm School is the guest of Miss Mary Peck Hay. Mrs. Case of Swanannoa, N. C. and Mrs. Marchant of Greenville, S. C. were recent guests of their sister Mrs. Alice Paxton. Lt. Chas. Nichols, who recently re turned from France, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Nich ols. J. C. Whitmire, Cherryfield. ha* just received » solid car load of bar rels direct from the factory—5, 10, IS and 20 gallon sizes. A great time to buy for pickling and molasses. Harry Honigman, the Griffon Tail oring m*n, will be at Weilt’s Gents Store »nd Saturday, Sept. 12 and Come in and *ee hi» won derful line of woolens for suiU *nd overcoats. Miss Belle Reece of Asheville, who is giving a series of lectures under the auspics of the Transylvania Red Cross is the guest of Miss Violet Henry. Mrs. Wesley McCall, who was tak en to Asheville for surgical treat ment recently, is improving and is expected to return to her home in a short time. The class in home nursing which The many friends of Mrs. C^ E. Puett who has been seriously ill, will be glad to know that her condition is now considered favo^ble. BREVARD GRADED SCHOOL The Brevard Graded School opened Monday morning with an enrollment of 336. Many of the patrons and friends of the school were present and the prospects for the year are indeed bright. The music department, which, for the first time was put in this year has already enrolled 32. All first grade children . who ex pect to begin school any time this year are urged to enter immediately as they must be enrolled by the last of next week. The Teachers are: Miss Cora Leigh Tyner, Principal. Mrs. J. E. Godfrey, high school. Miss Verna Goode, high school. Mrs. Riley, seventh grade. Miss Ula Mae Hayes, sixth grade. Miss Ursula Harrison, fifth grade. Miss Frances Harrison fourth grade Miss Elizabeth Morton, third grade. Miss M. P. Hay, second grade. Miss Hattie Aiken, upper first. Miss Carrie Hornaday, beginners. Miss Ethel Johnson, Music. DROWNED IN BATH TUB Word has just been received here that Georg Tuppet, who spent the sum mer at Camp Sapphire, was found dead in the bath tub at his home in Jacksonville the first of this week. He was a favorite among his companions at the camp and made many friends in Brevard while he was here. Particulars as to how the death occured have not been received. KOTICE TO TEACHERS Dear Teachers: Will you please take notice that our first County Teacher’s Meeting of this year will be held in the Bre vard High School building on Sat urday Sept. 27th inst. The meet ing will open at ten o’clock A. M. Come prepared to discuss the greatest problems of your school. The meet ing is one of the most important of the year. Let me urge your atten dance. This notice is being sent only to the principals but for them to notify their respective teachers. As you know the law makes it compul sory for you to attend this meeting, so please be present. Yours for success, A. F. MITCHELL, Co. Supt. Schools. Sept. 5, 1919. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OP ATTACHMENT North Carolina,—^Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Coitrt. R. G. Gaines. J. C. Boggs and M. W. 'Gray vs. * E. H. Jennings. The defendant, E. H. Jennings, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 8th day of August 1919 by the clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled' as above has been brought by the abpve named plaintiffs against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injury to property of the plaintiff to wit: Lands and growing crops of the plaintiffs situated on the waters of the Toxaway River below where the dam which once held the waters of Lake Toxaway was situa|:ed. That said in jury and damage was caused by the negligence and carelessness of the defendant in allowing ahd permitting the dam at L'Ac Toxaway which or.ce held back the waters of said lake, to be and remain in a dangerous and un safe condition resulting in the break ing of said dam and thereby releas ing the waters of Lake Toxaway which waters overflowed and dam aged and destroyed the property of the plaintiff as above mentioned to the amount of at least $2500.00. That said defendant is a proper par ty to said action which relates to dam age to both real and personal prop- ty of the plaintiffs. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Sud- erior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. at his office in the court house in Brevard on the 20th day of Sept. 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the re lief demanded in said complaint will be granted. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on the 12th day of August 1919 against the property of said defendant which said warrant of attachment is returnable at the same time and place to wit: Saturday, Sept. 20 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. This August 12th, 1919. N. A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran sylvania county, N. C. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR. RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina,—Transylvania Coun' ty—In the Superior Court. L. H. Craig vs. E. H. Jennings. The defendant, E. H. Jennings, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 8th day of August 1919 by the clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled as above has been brouurht by the above named plaintiff against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injury to the property of the plaintiff to wit: Land and growing crops thereo/i, caused by the negligence and care lessness of the defendant in allowing the dam at Lake Toxaway in Tran- sylva’i’a county, N. C. which dam •nee held the waters of Lake Toxaway CO be and remain in such a dangerous and unsafe condition that it broke and let loose the waters of Lake Toxaway confined above by said dam, which waters overflowed, washed damaged and destroyed lands and growing crops of plaintiffs *n said lands which were situated on the river below where said dam was located which damage amounted to at least the sum of $1000.00. That said defendant is proper party to said action which relates to dam age to both real and personal proper ty of the plaintiff. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. at his office in the court house in Brevard on the 20th day of Sept. 1919 at 10 o’clock A. M. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the re lief demanded in said complaint will be granted. Ihe defendant wilf further take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on the 12th day of August 1919 against the property of said defendant which said warrant of attachment is returnable at the same time and place to wit: Saturday, Sept. 20 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. This August 12th, 1919. N A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran sylvania county, N. C. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All Whom These Presents May Come—Greeting. Wheras, It appears to my satisfac tion. by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office that the Macfie Brodie Drug Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the town of Brevard, County of Transylvania, State of North Carolina (S. M. Macfie being the agent therein and in charge there of, upon whom process may be serv ed,) has complied with the require ments of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905 entitled ‘Corporations,” prelimary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution: f Now, Therefore, I, J. B. Grimes, Secretary of State of North Caro lina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 11th day of August 1919, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In mv said office as provided by law. In Testimony Where of, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 11th day of Aug ust, A. D. 1919. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State. NOTICE The County of Transylvania de sires to make some additions to the Court House and to also build a new jail at Brevard, N. C. Sealed bids will be received for said buildings up and until nine o’clock A. M. Friday morning, Octo ber the third 1919 at which time all bids will be opened. For plans and specifications call on G. C. Kilpatrick, Register of Deeds, Brevard N. C. or/T. E. Davis Archi tect, Asheville, N. C. A deposit of $10.00 will be requir ed for each set of blue prints, plans and specifications. Bidders can bid for the addition to the Court House and the Jail either separately or jointly. Bids for heating and plumbing must be made .separately. The county retains the right to reject any and all bids. C. K. OSBORNE, Chairman Board of County Commissioners of Tran sylvania County, N. C. 4tc. J. A. GALLOWAY MAKES RAID IN TOXAWAY J. A. Golloway has returned from a still hunt in the Toxaway section during which he captured five large distilleries. Mr. Galloway was ac companied to Toxaway by several other revenue officers and the party # destroyed many gallons of beer and other hard drinks in the upper end of the county. ./J SPECIAL CONFERENCE AT BAP TIST CHURCH A special intercessory service was held at the Brevard Baptist last Fri day afternoon. The service began at two o’clock and lasted until six. Rev. C. C. Duckworth was the lead er and the following speakers took part in the exercises.: Rev. J. J. Gentry of Asheville”, J. J. Johnson of (Canton, T. C. Ring of HendersonvillJ, and C. B. Deaver of Brevard. CHANGES IN LIBRARY HOURS ,*theii Your iwoiit have ito do this. After September the fifteenth the . U D. C. Library on Main Street will is beiiig held here by the local Red open every afternoon from four DON’T LIVE IN DREAD OF THE ‘‘LANDLORD’S TAP AT THE WIDOW’S DOOR.” BEGIN RIGHT NOW TO BANK YOUR SPARE MONEY AND MAKE YOUR FAMILY’S FUTURE SECURE. THIS I'S A DUTY EVERY MAN OWES TO HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK YOU WILL RECEIVE 4 PER CENT INTEREST. Cross meets three times each day Th first sssion held at Brevard In stitute at one o’clock in the after noon, the second at the home of Mrs. Albert at Pisgah Forest and the third in the U. D. C. Library at eight! farmer troifibli o’clock. Those interested in taking . fats!^'splnt ^ to five o’clock until further notice. ^ “I Spent a $1 )^t-Snap and Savsd ^he Price of a Hog.” James IvfcGuire, famous Hog Raiser of N ew JersCji^says, “I advige every th rats to use Rat- ;hing to get rid of Rat-Snap. Figured these lessons are urged to make ap-j rats it killef, s4ved the price of » . , . • 1 4. as hog.” Rat- Snuf) 6omes in cake fonA. plicatibn to join the class at once as new membrs cannot be received after the first of next week. BREVARD BANKING Snup No mixirar ’.vith otfeer food. ^ Cats, ot dogs won’t fouch itl Three sizes,. 26c, 60c, $1.00. Sbld akd g»a^ant«e4. ^ Brevard Hardwar^ I CompaMT. c a packafiie before tfie war 5 c a pdckage during the war 6 c a package NOW 5 THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICEI Wi Ss Ito CITY MARKET Is the best place in to'vvn to get the best of EVERYTHING to eat. The best of Fresh and Cured Meats, Chickens, Eggs, Butter and Vegetables are to be found here at all times. We will pay the highest cash price all kinds of Country Produce, for THE CITY MARKET W. H. DUCKWORTH S. F. ALLISON • i!fl T 'Rc^stefs, ProBistSw^ie. Co Uo^eAep fait, healdijr quality of liis wheats the vigorous start which gets ahead of the Hessian Fly, the heavijy increased yields, lowering the cost per bushel—these make the satisfied smile of the Burner who uses ROYSTER’S FERTIUZEX. .ItaetSTERIO Every wheat grower should have die new bo<^—IHPJkeoiK Crowing For Pirofit, Litdls justvi^tto do to get die most fix>m your crop. the coi:^)oii tod(^ and leceive it&ee. F.S. BOYSTER GUANO COMPANY A80 Norfolk, V«. Fleue tend me yoiir free Wbest Book» '■ -r'#-