•4“' BR£VARD NEWS, Molasses Skimmers Buy Pans from your WeU save J. M. ALLISON, Manager THE GREATEST WORD EVER SPOKEN BY MAN WAS SPOKEN BY PRESIDENT WILSON PREPAREDNESS! Then came the word ‘‘ALLY,” meaning ally your self right. That^s what J. C. WHITMIRE has done, allied himself with the greatest Factories and mills in America. Thereby has purchased thousands upon thou sands of dollars worth of goods at old prices. Oin* im mense army of Allies are carrying away thousands of dollars worth of goods every month at prices far less than we can buy them today. We have now shipped and on the way frorh our Allies a tremendous bill of Sweaters, containing every known size, all grades and prices, from the cheapest to the best. Ail Colors and styles. Let every man, woman and child in Transylvania county come, inspect and buy Sweaters from us. We can accommodate every one with New and up-to-the-minute Sweaters for the winter. Also we are very strong in all other lines of mer chandise, from the very fact we have bought unlimited, ceasing, from our honored Allies. SHOES—WeVe got them—CLOTHING—That^s our business—HATS—^We are in it—DRESS GOODS and SILKS—There^s where we shine—GROCERIES— Always—HARDWARE bought before the war— PAINTS—That’s here also—In fact we are headquar ters for GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Come and in spect our wonderful line. J. C. WHITMIRE CHERRYFIELD, N. C. I have opened up at Cherryfield, N. C. Automobile Repairing, Blacl(- smitiiing and fienerai Ropa|L Siiops. Also miming a first class fiRIST MILL AND CRUSHING MACHINE We are now prepared to do your work and grinding promptly. Will have at your com mand from 3 to 5 Competent Mechanics and Smiths at all times. Bring your work to us. You will find us strictly on the Job 14 hours eadi day. BOISE SlOEINi k SrECIiLTV V. p. ADAIR Diversiiieil Ads TOWN LOTS,—Farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, N. C. tfc. FOR SALE—AT reasonable prices and easy terms 90 Poland China hogs. Bred sows and gilts, sows and pigs, pigs and shoats, twenty to a hundred pounds. Nearly all though bred. R. H. Zachary. FOR SALE—Horse and buggy cheap and easy terms. R. H. Zachary. FOR RENT—6 room house opposite Baptist Church. Apply to Dr. Mc Kinney. FURNACE HEATED House, furnish ed, to rent for winter. Apply to E. H. Norwood. PIGS .FOR SALE —Throushbred Berkshire and Poland China pigs, worth $15. Will sell them for $7. They won’t last long at this price. A. H. KING. FOR SALE—A yoke of big red work steers, age 6 years. Weight 2500 and fat. If you are looking for something fine see these at once. G. M. Anders, Lake Toxaway, N. C. R-1. 2tp. WANTED—Anyone who has an Ed- son-Laing reader, book 2 and is willing to sell it for the regular ex change price will oblige me by bringing it to the 2nd grade room at the school house as soon as pos sible. M. P. Hay, Teacher. WANTED—Set of 8th grade books at once. Apply at NEWS Office. SALESMEN WANTED—to solicit or ders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or Commission. Address The Lennox Oil & Paint Co. Cleveland, O. Itp WANTED—A competent salesman for Brevard and Transylvania County. We want a man that is in dustrious and of high character. Former experience unnecessary. J. A. M. Murray, Gen. Agent Souht- ern Life In. Co. 58 American Na tional Bank Bldg. Asheville, N. C. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina,—^Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Court. C. R. Lanning vs. E. H. Jennings. The defendant, E. H. Jennings, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 8th day of August 1919 by the clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C., and that an action en titled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against E. H. Jennings to recover damages for injuiy to property of the plaintiff to wit: Growing crops of the plaintiff situated on the waters of the Toxaway River below where the dam which once held the waters of Lake Toxaway was situated. That said in jury and damage was caused by the negligence and carelessness of the. defendant in allowing and permitting the dam at Lake Toxaway which once held back the waters of said lake, to be and remain in a dangerous and un safe condition resulting in the break ing of said dam and thereby releas ing the waters of Lake Toxaway which waters overflowed and dam aged and destroyed the property of the plaintiff as above mentioned to the amount of at least $1500.00 That said defendant is a propfer par ty to said action which relates to dam age to both real and personal prop- ty of the plaintiff. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the'office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Transylvania county, N. C* at his office in the court house in Brevard on the 20th day of Sept. 1919, at 10 o’clock A. M. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the re lief demanded in said complaint will be granted. The defendant will further take notiice that a warrant of attachment was issued from the Superior Court of Transylvania county, N. C. on the 12th day of August 1919 against the property of said defendant which said warrant of attachment is returnable at the same time and place’ to wit: Saturday, Sept. 20 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M. This August 3.2th, 1919. N, A. MILLER, C. S. C. Tran- sS^lvania county, N. C. Your advertisement in the Brevard News will be read by more 'than 5000 people. Your Drugs ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR FOOD. WE USE THE BEST DRUGS OBTAINABLE IN FILLING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS, AND THEY ARE ALWAYS FILLED BY A COM PETENT PHARMACIST. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, IN FACT EVERYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST- CLASS DRUG STORE. DAVIS-WALKER DRUG CO. Successors to DUCKWORTH DRUG CO. Main St. BREVARD, N. C. Phone 85 A Modern Drug Store At Your Door ft Mail your Orders to us—-Par> cel Postpaid on all orders amount ing to 50 cents or[more« Everything in[Drugs. Morgan’s Drug Store Rosman, N. C. COME TO SEE HIM MR. AMBOCH, THE HOPKINS TAILORING MAN WILL BE AT T (MR STORE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, -A SEPT. Sth AND 6th WITH DERFUL LINE OF F ALL JS^D WIN- TER WOOLENS. BE SURE AND COME IN Vo SEE HIM FOR A SUIT \ OR OVERCOAT. WeWs Gents’ Store PPPOSITE jboUR*r HOUSE BREVARD, N. C % r-, -;