FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER MIk, in*. THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, N. C SDMSET VALLEY The very name is suggrestive of green trees, glowing skies and blue, blue hills! One afternoon in late September we took the trail to Sunset Valley— along a road of clay, so red it seemed to have a reflected glow, which was no doubt caused by the ardent kisses of old Sol., who is at his best in the mountains. We passed a few moun» tain cabins, with their over-flowing inmates and bright hued flowers. Next appeared a quaint old farm house with a view calculated to broad en the narrow soul, on every side. After some miles of road, lined with tall sentinels of graceful queen of the meadow, golden rod and deep purple iron weed, we came around a sharp curve and the old mill came in to view. The old mill, there gray in the distance, with its great wooden wheel, so suggestive of latent power! A few yards further and our ears causrht the trinkling of running wat er, one of nature’s offerings to man— and surely no sweeter sound can TRANSYIVANU SING ING CONVENTION BREVARD INSTITUTE, OCT. 12th. The committee on time and place has accepted the very generous in vitation of Prof. C. H. Trowbridgf to hold the Singing Convention at Brevard Institute on the Second Sun day in October, 1919, and render the following program: 10 to 10:30 a. m.—Opening Song, Prayer. Address of welcome by Hon. W. E. Breese. 10:30 to 11 a. m.—Singing by Con vention. 11 to 11:30 a. m.—Election of officers, etc. 11:30 to 12 m.—Music by Old Time Singers. 12 to 1 p. m.—Adjournment for lunch. 1 to 1:15 p. m.—Song by Conven tion and Prayer. 1:15 to 2:30 p. m.—Alternate sing ing' by choirt. MUCLESHED1N A KNOT HE SAYS That Is The Way J. F. Holley Sajrs His Rheumatism Acted—Is A Well Man Since Taking Tanlac He Says. 2:30 to 30 p. m.—Special music come to human ears! Just before | hy visiting singers, we rcached the mill, we stopped to | 3 to 3:30 p. m.—Singing by Con- examine the j?reat hand-bellow^s and j vention and closing song, fors'e, rolics of primitive days—bring- [ All singers and singing classes are injr up pictures of the times w’hen | cordially invited to attend, man indeed earned his bread by the j Remember the date, Sunday, Oct. sweat of his brow. We walked on for | 12, 1919. Do not forget your song a distance, ascending a h^ill, at the I book and your lunch, top of which we turned and beheld ' J. W. BURNS, DRAYTON RANDOLPH, B. P. SCRUGGS, Committee. “Sunset Valley” in all its glorw, a jrre. i knob in the foreground, with cattle rjrrazing peacefully, the old mill in all its picturesque beauty, and be- yontl, and always beyond the dim,' mysterious hills, rising higher and 1 ever hi.i;-her, until they seemed to touch the sky. Wednesday was observed by the Thf streams go safely flowing down i co;'.jrrej?ation of the Transylvania I Baptist churches as a day of fasting BAPTIST OBSERVE DAY OF PRAYER to Sunset Vailsy! Nothins? earthly sooms to frown On Sunset Valley.. The winds are cool and soft and sweet In Sunsf t Valley; Tht> wild flov/ors gather at your feet In Sunset Valley. The old world seems so far away In Sunset Valley; Oh I I could worship every day In Sunset Valiev. A^C. PINKNEY. and prayer. The services which be gan in the Brevard Baptist church at sunrise Wednesday morning and / continued all day were largely attend ed by worshipers to pray for the suc cess of the Baptist 75 Million Cam paign. *‘This Tanlac is the first medicine 1 have ever taken that did wkat people said it would do,” said J. F. Holley, residing at 427 Breckenridge street, Lexington, Ky. ‘‘I was in an awful fix for over two months,” he continued, “and my whole system seemed to be rundown and worn out. Rheumatism was my worst trouble, my muscles seemed to feel as tired in the morning as when I lay, down at njght. My digestion was affected, I had no appetite, my nervous system was disordered, and I suffered with awful headaches. The rheumatism would draw me up so I couldn’t use my right arm at all. “One day a friend of mine told me about Tanlac and I got a bottle and started taking it. It has certain ly made a new man of me. I can eat anything I want, and this is some thing I haven’t been able to do for years, and I sleep like a log at nig^t. That awful rheumatism is all gone V and my strength has been restored and built up in eve^y v/ay. I am sure glad to tell others what Tanlac has done for me.” All druggists sell Tanlac. m j Profession&al Cords. ROBT. L. GASH V/. E. BREESE. Jr. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 17 McMinn Building N<»t.avv Fn)')ic. CONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 I. 0.0. F. Meets every Monday 8:00 P. M. Cameta are sold every- Mrhere in set en tiRea Ily a ealed packages of 20 cigarettes or tenpackages{200cigarettes) in a glassine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recom mend this carton for the home or office aupply or when you travel. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co» Winston>Salem, N. C. 18 cents a package GAMELS are in a class by themsclv^^s—easily the most refreshing, the most likable cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that! Simply compare Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price! Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to the utmost test I ^ * Made to meet your taste. Camels never tire it, no matter how liberally you smoke them! The expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos md:es Camels delightful—so full- bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment! Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they are enjoyable. In fact. Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You’ll prefer Camel Quality! f Visitors welcome. DUNN’S ROCK LODGE NO. 287 A. F. & A. M. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All Whom These Presents May Come—Greeting. Wheras, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office that the Macfie Brodie Drug Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the town of Brevard, County of Transylvania,*State of North Carolina (S. M. Macfie being the agent therein and in charge there of, upon whom process may be serv ed,) has complied with the require ments of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905 entitled ‘Corporations,” prelimary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution ; Now, Therefore, I, J. B. Grimes, Secretary of State of North Caro lina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 11th day of August 1919, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent r..nd the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in rny j=aid olnce as provided by law. In Testimony Where >of, I have here to sot my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 11th day of Aug ust, A. D. 1919. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State. SPECIAL OFFER UNTIL OCT. 10 THE DAILY AND SUNDAY ASHEVILLE CITIZEN FOR $1.00 WE ARE MAKING THIS SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS TO INDUCE YOU TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH A CLEAN, NEWSY, UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER. WE ARE WORKING HARD TO MAKE THE CITIZEN THE^ BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. OUR STATE CORRESPONDENTS, WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT, AND SPECIAL NEWS WRITERS AND FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS MAKES THE CITIZEN A COMPLETE EDUCATION IN ITSELF. ALL THE NEWS OF THE WORLD EVERY dAY. SIGN THE COUPON BELOW AND MAIL IT TO US TODAY, BEFORE YOU FORGET IT. V. r I The Asheville Citizen, Asheville, N. C. Gentlemen: I saw your special oifer in the Brevard News, and enclose ?1.00 for the Daily and Sunday Asheville Citizen from now until January 1st, 1920. Yours truly, Signed.... Address 3 Months for only $1 FOR NEW SUBSCiyBERS ONLY $1—The Daily and Sui;iday Citizen—$1 From Now Until January 1st, 1920. SUBSCRIBE TODAY /