THE BREVARD IfEWS, BREVARD, W. C FRIDAY, OCTOBl^Srd. 1»1«. « «i * ♦ ^ ; rensoiuis ; • ««***•* ■» Bom—to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L, Souther, a son, Sept. 29th. ^ and Mrs. Jack Oliver, who spent the season at the Hunt Ige, left for their home, Char leston, September 27. { if' Miss Beulah Whitmire of Rosman wJls in Brevard Saturday. Rev. Anton Ver Hulst of Black Mountain, who is conducting a ser ies of evangelistic meetings at the Davidson River Presbyterian church, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gash. Mrs. W. J. Wallis and Miss Mary Short have i^eturned frtom a visit to Flat Rock and Hendersonville. Mrs. John Duckett has arrived fron^Kaleigh to visit her daughter, ^Irs.y^nvl Miller. Mr. and Mrs. S. M, Macfie and Misses Mary Jane Kin.c: and Irene McMinn spent the week-end at Lake Fairfield. Mrs. R. W. Norton, who has been in Hendersonville most of the sum mer, has accepted a position in Win- throp Collefje, Rock Hill, S. C. and ^oft this week for that place to take up her new duties. Miss Mabel Wilson and Mr. J. F. Hayes arri.ed from New* York last Thursday. They are the guests of ]\Ir. and Mrs. T. H. Shipman. Miss Elise Walker left Saturday to spend some time at Sapphire. Martha Boswell, who has been the irue:-t of Miss Delia Gash for sev eral weeks, left Monday for her home in Asheville. IVIrs. F. W. Rennelle, who has been thf of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Car rier. returned Monday to her home at Bridgeport, Conn. We have moved to our new store on Main Street and would like to show you thru the building. Chas. Rozzelle, “The Furniture Man,” Hendersonville, N. C. 9-19-1919-4tc. the first meeting of the organization \ ^ince the summer vacation and was featured by the appointment of com mittees to caxry out the plans made by the association for its work this year. Mrs. A. B. Riley was re-ap pointed chairman of the committee on beautifying the school grounds. An application for seyenty-five dol lars was made at the meeting Tues day afternoon for the use of this com mittee. A committee was also ap pointed to have charge of the soft dring stand which the Betterment Association will operate at the Coun ty Fair. The members of this com mittee are Mesdames Silversteen, chairman, Leon English, John Smith and Robert Deaver. Mesdames Sledge and Plummer, and Misses Harrison and Aiken are members of a spccial committee appointed to ar range for a reception which the or ganization is to give in the new high school building when it is ready for occupancy. This affair ■will be in honor of the mothers of pupils who attend the city schools. The next meeting of the Brevard Betterment Association will be held October the 28th at 3:30 in the af ternoon. ing planned with the special purpose ternoon. Every woman in the town interested in the work of the work of . the organization is urged to be present. IF YOU WANT GOOD GOODS— GOODS THAT LOOK GOOD AND WEAR GOOD— COME TO PLUM- MER & TRANTHAM’S. BARKER-SMITH Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Fred L. Smith of Brvard to Miss Bonnie 'Winnoah Barker of Mendota, Va. The wed ding took place last Thursday at the home of the bride’s parents* Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make their home in Cincinnati where Mr. Smith was in business before he enlisted for military service two years ago. If there is anything in the furni ture line you want I would like to con sult with you. Chas. Rozzelle, **The Furniture. Man.'* Hendersonville, N. C. 9-19-1919-4tc. DAVIDSON RIVER DAY $110 Rewtrd, $101 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that tl^ere Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by eonstltutlcmal conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con' stltution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so -much faith in the curative power of Hall’s Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it faiW to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, TSe. FACTS All the friends of old Davidson River church are invited to come to the church on next Sunday, October 5th to celebrate Davidson River Day. There will be preaching by Rev. An ton Ver Hulst at 11 a. m., 2 p. ni. and 8 p. m. Celebration of the Lord’s Supper at the mommg service. Bas ket dinner on the grounds. A great day. Come! AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH October 5th, 1919 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.—Subject: “Cries for Peace When There is no Peace.” 8:00 p. m.—Subject: “The Harvest Time.” Local Evidence Evidence that can be verified. Fact is what we want. Opinion is not enough. Opinions differ.. Here is a Brevard fact. A You can test it. M. P. Hawkins, farmer, says: “Kid ney trouble came on me some years ago and I don’t know what caused it. I had a dull ache in my back and it was hard for me to straighten. My kidneys were out of order; they acted too frequently and the secretions were highly colored and painful in passage. I had nervous headaches and felt tired and run down. I finally got Doan’s Kidney Pills and began taking them and I was sur prised at the quick relief they brought. Continued use of Doan’s entirely cured me.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. ' -M- ■- U. D. C. MEETING The October meeting of the Tran- ; sylvania Chapter U. D. C. will be ! held at the Library Saturday, the 4th j at 4:30 n. m. The Chapter report { for the Division meeting at High , Point will be made out and delegates 1 elected to the General meeting at ^ Tampa. MRS. 0. T. CRARY, Sec. PLUMMER & TRANTHAM HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF READY - TO - WEAR GARMENTS FOR LADIES AND MISSES EVER DISPLAYED IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. MEETING OF BETTERMENT ASSOCIATION The Brevard Betterment Associa tion mt‘t in the graded school build- on Tut-.sdaV afternoon. This was THE UNIVERSTiL CAR THE FORD MODEL T ONE-TON TRUCK IS PROVING A SPLENDID TIME AND MONEY- SAVER ON THE FARM. IT IS VERY FLEXIBLE IN CONTROL, STRONG AND DEPENDABLE IN SERVICE. IT HAS REALLY BE COME ONE OF THE FARMERS’ 17 A NECESSITIES. ONE FORD TRUCK Mr. FARMER jg EQUAL TO HALF A DOZEN TEAMS AND IT WON’T “EAT ITS HEAD OFF” WHEN NOT WORKING. THE VERY LOW PRICE MAKES IT POPULAR WITH SHREWD FARMERS WHO ANALYZE CONDITIONS ON THE FARM. LET’S TALK IT OVER, Mr. FARM ER. PRICE, WITHOUT BODY, $550 f. o. b. Detroit. THINK it OVER BREVARD MOTOR CO. C. H. KLUEPPELBERG, Manager. Hendersonville Opera House JUST ONE NIGHT—OCTOBER 6th The Brightest and Most Picturesque Musical Show “COME ALONG MARY” A TUNEFUL TALE OF YOUTH, BEAUTY AND LAUGHTER 40 PEOPLE, MOSTLY GIRLS 40 Bewitching Beauties from Broadway —In a— Dazzling Variety of Frock and Gowns IT’S SOME SHOW PRICES: 75c, $1,00, $1.50, $2.00, Plus War Tax of 10 Per Cent. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED When accomTjaPi'p: