7_-- •’ ■ ■i '-- V ^ THE BR6VAW HEWJ^ iml^ARD, It C JFXmilEVr QCftttER t.'. PERSOIUIS /• k: Mrs. J. R. Smith and small datigh- ter have returned to their home in Savannah, Ga. accompanied by Marie Kilpatrick of Brevard who will stay for some time and will visit #v«ral other places before returning. Mrs. Ball and daughter and Miss Tie O’Brien, who have been spend- inff some time with Mrs. W. A. John son, left Tuesday for their home in Charleston, S. C. , - Miss Lucia Mills of Chester, S. C. is a guest for several weeks at the Norwood House. Mrs. Carl Whitmire and children spent the week-end in the country visiting Mrs. Gaston Neill. Miss Amelia Galloway spent sev eral days of last week in Spartanburg with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins. tiawK liss Lula Cassidy, county demon- ^er has just returned from a trip to Polk county, N. C. where she visited Columbus, Tryon and other towns inspecting community fairs and judging the canning exhibitions, demonstrations etc. Mrs. A. W. Garren of Toxaway was n recent visitor here. W. H. Newson of Memphis was in town Friday and Saturday. ]\Iiss Lula M. Cassidey has return ed from Polk County where she spent the past ten days attending commun ity fairs. She served as a judge in several contests among the home denionstratiom girls in Polk County. Mrs. W. H. Thrope was a recent visitor here from Asheville. Wr. R. Ashford was here recently from Savannah. Mrs. R. D. Chenault, who has been here for the summer, left this week for her home in Washington, Ga. Miss Elise Walker returned Satur day from a stay at Sapphire. Mrs. W. S. Rogers spent the week end with friends in Asheville. Mrs. J. R. Boone left Monday for At lanta where she will spend a few weeks with relatives. C. M. Doyle leaves next Thursday for New York to buy his Christmas stock. He will be back about the 5th of November. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR- fUNT OF ATTi^aiMENT. N«Hh Cavdlma--^T««B«]fltiutia C jIm S«]MHmr Co«ri, : ' TELFAIR STOCKTON E. &. JENNINGS. The defendant E. H. Jennings will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action* was issued against the said defendant on the 2nd- day of June, 1919, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County/North Carolina, and that an action entitled as above has been bro^ht by the above named plaintiff against the said defendant, E. H. Jennings, to recover damages in the sum of Ten Thoiuand ($1(K000) dollars for breacn of contract and the negligence of the de fendant by reason of which breach of contract and negligence certain real estate certain real estate and property of the plaintiff situated jn Transylvania County, North Carolina, was injured and damaged by the said defendant and also that said action is brought for the purpose of compel ling the defendant to rebuild and re- s<-ore a certain dam in Transylvania County and the lake formed by SAi-i dam, usually known and referred to as Lake Toxaway, and also to main tain the same, which said dam was necessary and useful to the plaintiff and ink which the plaintiff claims cer tain property rights, and that said and that said defendant is a proper party to said action which relates to real estate, situated in the County of Transylvania and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is requir ed to appear at the next term of Su perior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to be held on the twelfth Monday after the first Mon day in September, 1919, at the Court House in said County and answer or demur to the complaint in said action ar the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. The defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment was issu ed from the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, North Carolina, on the 2nd day of October, 1919, againjt the property of said defendant, which said warrant was returnable at the September term, 1919, of said Court. This 2nd day of October, 1919. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court Transylvania County, North Carolina. Dr, and Mrs. V. W. Osborne and Miss Ruth Chestnut of Stone Moun tain, Ga. motored to Brevard last Friday and spent a few days with the former’s mother, Mrs. W. K. Os borne. Miss Gertrude Zachary is spending some time with her father, J. R. Zachary in Agusta, Ga. Dr. C. E. Lyday left last week for Gastonia, where he wil) locate as a practicing physician. John Poole and daughter. Miss Mil dred, of Greenville spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. A. N'. Poole last week. Mrs. Mary\ Q. Bird made a business NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina—Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Court. CECIL COCHRANE and LAURANA ROWE COCHRANE vs. E. H. JENNINGS. The defendant E. H. Jennings will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 2nd day of June, 1919, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, and that an action entitled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against the said defendant, E. H Jennings, to recover damages in the sum of Eleven Thousand ($11,000) dollars for breach of contract and the negligence of the de fendant by reason of which breach of contract and negligence certain Teal estate certain real estate and property of the plaintiff situated in Transylvania County, North Carolina, w^ injured and damaged by the said defendant and also that said action « brought for the purpose of compel- -Iing the defendant to rebuild and re store a certain dam in Transylvania Country and the lake formed by said dam, usually known and referred to as Lake Toxaway, and also to main tain the same, which said dam was necessary and useful to the plaintiff and in which the plaintiff claims cer tain property rights, and that said and that said defendant is a proi)er party to said action which relates'to # real estate, situated in the County of Transylvania and State of North C^- olinai and'the said defendant wiU further take notice that he is reqtiir- ed to appear at the next term of Su perior Coi^ of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to be held on the twelfth Monday after the first Mon day in September, 1919, at the Court House in said County and answer or demur to the complaint in said action ar the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. - - The defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment was issu ed from the Superior Court of Tran sylvania. County, North Carolina, on the 2nd day of October, 1919, against the property of said defendant, which said warrant was returnable at the September term, 1919, of said Court. This 2nd day of October, 1919. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court Transylvania County, North Carolina. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina-—^Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Court. CORA WINSHIP NUNNALLY vs. E. H. JENNINGS. The defendant E. H. Jennings will take notice that a summons in the abcve entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 2nd day x)f June, 1919, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, and that an actions entitled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against the said defendant, E. H. Jennings, to recover damages in the sum of Twelve Thousand ($12,000) dollars for breach of contract, and the negligence of the de fendant by reason of which breach of contract and-“negligence certain real estate certain real estate and property of the plaintiff situated in Transylvania County, North Carolina, was injured and damaged by tlu^ said defendant and also that said action is brought for the purposg^of compel ling the defendant to rebuild and re store a certain dam in Transylvania County and the lake formed by-^eaid dam, usually known and referred to as Lake Toxaway, and also to main tain the same, which said dam was necessary and useful to the plaintiff and in which the plaintiff claims cer tain property rights, and that said and that said defendant is a proper party to said action which relates to real estate, situated in the County of Transylvania and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is requir ed to appear at the next term of*-Su perior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to be held on the twelfth Monday after the first Mon day in September, 1919, at the Court House in said County and answer or demur to the complaint in said action ar the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. The defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment was issu ed from the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, North Carolina, on ,tjie 2nd day of October, 1910, i^inst [the property of said defendant, which said warrant was returnable at the September term, 1919, of said Court. This 2nd day of October, 1919.. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court Traxutylvania County, INorth Carolina. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of Ihia paper/will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science haa been able to cure In all its staces and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hiui‘s Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally ahh acts tbru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con* stitution and assisting nature- in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the curative power of Hall’s Catarrh Medicine that they ofTer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address P. J. CHBNET & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Drug^sts^ ISe. Will You Spend 50c. On Rat Snap to Save $100? One 50c. pkg. can kill 50 rats. The average rat will rob you of $10 a year in feed, chickens and property distruction. RAT-SNAP is deadly to rats. Cremates after killing. Will leave po smell. Comes in cakes. Rats will pass up meat, grain, cheese to feast on RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaran teed by Da vis-Walker Drug Co. and Brevai^ Hardware Co. Go to the TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY FAIR It will build up home industry and encourage our farmers to make this one of the best agricultur al counties in the State. Before and after the Fair go to the Brevard Pharmacy for your drugs. Sundries, School Supplies, Toilet Articles, Norris Can dies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Brevard Pharmacy Reliable Druggists J. B. Pickelsimer, Ph.G Prop. « Phone No. One Brevard, N. C. * * Physicians Prescriptions care- ^ fully compounded. * ************ ****** *m. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Departments—College Preparatory, Normal, Music, Business, Do mestlc Art, Household Economics, Agriculture. AO departments are directed by teachers with special training and large experience. They know their business. Influences of the Institute are alone worth the cost of tuition. Opens on September 5. trip to AshavtHe last Saturday. /' Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Chapriian and chiluren of Anderson, S. C. arri/eJ on Saturday for a visit to Mrs. Chap man’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Hunt. Chapman returned on Monday bj2re Mrs. Chapman and children will remain foi a ^ A FALSE REPORT C. M. Doyle says that the story that is being told about the county that he has, or even expects to sell ^|Out and leave Transylvania County is not true. That he has no inten tion whatever of going away. ‘'These Rats Wouldn’t Eat My Best Grain,” Says Fred Lanib.' It’s hard to keep rats out of a feed store. .Tried for years. A neighbor ing store sold me some RAT-SNAP- It worked wonders. Gathered up •dead rats every morning. Bought more RAT-SNAP. Haven’t a rat joow. They wouldn’t eat my best grain when I threw RAT SNAP around.” Three sizes. 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by the Davis-Walker Drug Co. and Brevard Hardware Co. THE UNIVERSAL CAR THE FORD MODEL T ONE-TON TRUCK IS PROVING A SPLENDID TIME AND MONEY- SAVER ON THE FARM. IT IS VERY FLEXIBLE IN CONTROL, STRONG AND DEPENDABLE IN THINK it SERVICE. IT HAS REALLY BE- OVER COME ONE OF THE FARMERS’ M I7AD1UICD NECESSITIES. ONE FORD TRUCK Mr. fAKMl:.K jg EQUAL TO HALF A DOZEN TEAMS AND IT WON’T “EAT ITS HEAD OFF” ^lEN - NOT WORKING. THE VERY LOW P^ICE MAKES IT POPULAR WITH SHREWD :MERS WHO ANALYZE CONDITIONS ON THE FARM. -LET’S TALK IT OVER, Mr. FARM ER.'^ PRICE, WITHOUT "BODY, $550 f. o. b. Detroit. OTOR CO. tC. H. KLUEPPELBERG, Manager. DAYS ARE HERE AT LAST AND WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KEEP BOTH BODY AND FEET DRY. Children’s Rain Coats with hat, in sizes age 8 to 12, ac $4.50 Men’s Rain Coats from ... $6.00 to $22.75 2-piece Slicker Suits at .......... .$6.00 Over Shoes, Rubber Shoes, Short Boots, Hip Boots, at prices that are right. Come to See us. Weilt’s Gents' Store OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE BREVARD, N. C COME TO THE FAIR NEW ACID FOR WHEAT and RYE THOSE WHO MADE ANY WHEAT OR RYE THIS YEAR USED ACID OR GUANO tAST YEAR. IT PAYg^. WE HAVE A FEW BAGS OF CALX Remember, our Acid is New Acid. Brevard Hardware Co- DON’T ORDER C DOYLE BREVARD, N. C. Have You a Home? If you do not haV^ a Home, x>me and let us sell you one. If you do own a Home, come and have us INSURE it. ^ - ' il .. Two of the most sensible things that you can do: secure a home and protect it. GALLOWAY ^ MINNIS Real Estate andllnsiirance Agents %^C^^;^OCERIES for • the^ lei^"nHmey. Our years of experience in judging; -Groceries enables us to estimate value very accur ately. By paying cash we get tite very best quality for the lowest price. We are always on the lookout for BARGAINS and are striving constantly to give you more and better goods for your money than «« ever done before. - -Tbe <^!Oeeiv /