!5, ,'^- 7y ■?, .r> FRIDAY, OCTOBER »«; 191^ THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD. N. C. M' Hosiery Specials pANCY hose and plain—for men, women and children—are now being offered at prices that made it advisable for you to come in and see us. You can buy by the box or the pair at present prices if you get here before your size is exhausted. AH Kinds and Colors While They Last Our present stock includes all the popular shades and sizes. Several lines are the extra long wearing quality. But don’t wait too long or you may be disappointed. WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS 1 PL UMMER * TRANTHAM MR. DUCKWORTH COMES AGAIN HOPS Pork, veal, Iamb or mutton chops—which ever your taste dic tates — from special cuts at special prices. Coiile in early and get* the choice cuts. When you see the quality of these meats yoii will want to buy severed days’ supply. Steaks and roasts, too, for those who prefer them. Prices and Meat That Meet Your Favor F. P. SLEDGE Editor Brevard News: Some one said to me last Saturday: “Have you read the Brevard News this week?” I answered “no”. “Well you want to read it because there is two articles in it sitting up side by side, they look like twin brothers.” And let me suggest Editor that we leave them to remain as twin brothers and lets call them Esau and Jacob and lets be right quiet and let the people say if time goes on which is Esau and which is Jacob. Now there is a few things Editor that I want to say to you through your paper what I have said about the ladies the people will read for them selves just as soon as the new paper is established, let it be one year or five years, the bulletin that I gave you for publication kiKown as the Associational Director’s fifth message will go*forth to the public without any changes. And may I say that I take no offence from you on the pro-Ger- man, why do you know Mr. Len G. Broughton call the Hon. W. J. Bryan that name in the Grove Park dining room. Why do you know a good brother Baptist called me that to my I ! face at the State Baptist Convention held in Durham. And will you write down that all the bulletins will go forth again to the people if God so directs. Why Editor you may have the privilege some day of reading and rereading and hearing read my second and fourth bulletin that you so gen erously and kindly let go through your paper. Just so often as the Children of Israel and the seed of Abraham has read of the account of God bringing the children out of ..Egpyt. Editor I fear the great and I vital trouble with the Brevard News i j is its legal attorney. So don’t think I for a moment that I don’t wish you ! from the depths of my heart success and don’t think that I referred to your i father any other way than he was my I I friend. I shall never forget the en couragement he gave me to go and preach the gospel neither shall I ever forget the last talk I had with him on his front porch. I believe he was one servant that loved his Lord and Mr. C. C. Duckworth: Noyir, my reply to your last episode is going to be very brief as I do not care to take up but one question and that question is “Tell me who wrote that reply to my article?” You accuse Mr. Breese of having written it I can truthfully say that Mr. Breese knew absolutely nothing of either of the articles until the paper came out. I take the whole responsibility of that reply and I solemnly affirm that I had no help in the preparation of of the same. With no hard feelings, and with the very best wishes for the success of the 75 Million Campaign, I am. Yours very truly, C. B. OSBORNE. ROSMAN NEWS W. Winchester and son, Leo, of Pickens, S. C. have been Visiting in Rosman for several days. Dewey, an other son of Mr. Winchester is carry ing them back home in a car and ex pects to remain in South Carolina for a few days. Mesdames A. O. Kitchen and W. E. Shipman spent the greater part of last week in Hendersonville on ac count of the very serious illness of their brother, Mr. Bud Glazner. We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs. Joe Revis who died Monday evening at the home of her father, Mr. M. B. Chandler. Mrs. Revis has been sick for some time and a few days ago was brought to her father’s home at Rosman in order that she might have the constant attention of a physician. All efforts to save her life failed and we were brought to the stern realization that There is a vacant place on earth Which no one else can fill, A precious soul has passed away into The realms of God’s own will. Mrs. Revis leaves a husband and a large family of children. Misses Lucile Wilson and Carrie Mae Raxter were the guests of Mrs. Jordan Whitmire last week. Mrs. Jim Brackens, who has been in ill health for some time, is now improving rapidly. ^ W’c are pleased to announce the 11 great interest being manifested Delicious Syrup ^ and Molasses pray don’t think I was offering any bluff when I offered you a gift of 5250.00 would take from $500.00 to $1000.00 common stock in buying out the Brevard News plant. Times will prove as to our true calling, you as an Editor and myself as a preacher. Editor, I close pray tell us who wrote the answer to my article. A great many of the people are saying that our friend Wm. E. Breese wrote the the answer. I beg of you be fair with Mr. Breese as I have tried to be with in the big revival now going on at the Baptist Church. All honor to Mr. King and others who are devoting their time and efforts to the success of those who are now joining with this noble band of Christian workers. Joe Hooker of Canton, N. C. and his brother, Wriley, of Rosman spent a greater part of last week at the home of M. H. Jackson. J. Z. Stroupe, chief of Revenue Of ficers, J, A. Galloway and J. H. Reed made a raid last Friday in the south- our friend C. B. Deaver that he has east corner of Old Toxaway near what CORM Those fine, fla- vory hot cakes taste all die better when covered with some of our clear, sweet syrup | that comes to you ^ fresh and clean. We sell the best known, most reliable brands on the market—cane, corn and maple syrup — at prices i^ou can not beat else. ^ < Stock of mo- ki ng and cook- all please you lity» rich* price, trial I v I Telephone Orders Giv< r. M, MITCHi TELL YOUR FRIENDS A1 RAILROAD WE ARE GOl! ittentlon )rocer NEW lAVE. not had any part in writing the as- sociational bulletins because I say once more that he had nothing to do with it except he handed to you my second bulletin and he did modify it by marking out two words I had said: “Hell sent scheme” and he marked out “Hell sent” and it read “scheme” which I thanked him for doing. I want every one to consider that C, B. Deaver is my friend and I don’t think for a moment he is your enemy. I consider him a fine citizen and an up right and Christian gentlemen and I think he will prove himself to the people of this county. It just takes time, that’s all, also Editor let me say I meant no slur to you or the Episcopal Church when I said you had drifted into said church, I used that word it is commonly used when we depart, you knov/ there is a song, no doubt you have heard it with these words, “Drifting away from God” I think I am broad enough Baptist and fair enough that any Americans, thank God, have the free privilege given to this country, by our fore fathers that we should worship God according to the dictates of our heart. But I was narrow enough as a Baptist to say that you had drifted away from the faith that was once de livered to the Saints, read Jude. I knpw that I highly esteem all church people of all denomonations when they are sincere to their beliefs. So may I beg to remain your friend. Would-be preacher, C. C. DUCKWORTH. is know as the Devil’s Hole. They captured all fixtures of a large dis tillery and small quantity of been. The still had been removed. Also on Monday of this weefc J. A. Galloway and Chief Stroupe made a raid above Rosman in answer to a report but parties seemed to have moved out everything a day or two previous to their arrival except an ax and a hoe, flake stand, fermenter and one buck et. The plant was located about 2 and one half miles from town on the north prong of French Broad river on Dead Fall branch. Chief captured and brought in the axe and hoe. Any one claiming them can get them by only coming to them and describing them. PROBABLY IT’S jrORN ySa Most children have worms, f sometimes. Sypmtoms are lack of color, peevishness, restlessness at nigxit, etc. ^ Dr. Thacher*s ^ Worm Syrup will go after and get the worms, if worms are there. Harmless; children love it. Old doctor’s prescription in use half a century. Af your drug store. Made by ^ THACHER MEDICINE CO. Chattanooga, Tena., U. S. A. For Sale by Macfie-Broodia Drug Co. BroTard, N. C. Make your family proud of their home Your wife and children cannof take a pride in their home if the house is faded and weather beaten. That means no-paint.. And, for mansion or cottage,, the best paint is I '^1 Guarantee \-JlLt V_vyll< Lead and Zinc Paint Fewer Gallons— Wears Longer We guarantee Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint to be absolutely pure. When you paint with Devoe you save paint-money—fewer gallons to buy; you save labor- money—f e wergallons to spread; you get a better looking paint- job—pure paint; and it will be a longer time before you need another paint-job. Why have a shabby house any longer? It will cost you more to paint next year. Paint with Devoe runxr and insure your home against decay. Sto^ in to-day and let us give you a Devoe color card and a practical booklet—“Keep Ap pearances Up and Expenses Down.’* Brevard Lumber Company BREVARD. XO. CAR(;Li\.\ The Story of a Turret Captain Promotion in the Navy comes quickly to Choae who qualify for higher ratings. In March 1899 A. P. Nilsson enlisted in the Navy as an Apprentice Seaman, 3rd class. In April 1907 lie was rated Chief Turret Cagitain. Hit pay today is $165.76 per month. Aman's ]i£ ^ amon^ men fl Reel them off—“Rio” .Gibraltar; Ceylon, Yokohama—all the great ports of the world—^are they only places on the map to you—or are they ports where you’ve gone sail ing in from the high seas with every eye along the shore turned admiringly on your big ship— your ship! Every ocean has a United States ship sailing for some port worth seeing. If you’ve any call in you for a full life—join, and color all your years aheafl with memories of things worth seeing—with knowl* edge worth having—^with an inex haustible fimd of sea tales and adventures picked up ashore and afloat that will make you a wel» come man in any company. Work?—sure, and a man’s work it is, among men. Play?—well,rather,withabuncfc of men who know how to play»i These comrades of yours carry in their ears the sounds of great: world cities, of booming guns, of swashing seas-—sounds you will share with them and that will never die away. And when you come home, you’ll face life ashore with level eye*— for Uncle Sam trains in self» reliance as well as self-resj)ect* The Navy builds straight no mollycoddles, j Enlist for two years. Excellent opportunities for advancem»t. Four weeks holidays with psy each year. Shore leave to see innH sights at ports visited. Men always learning. Good food and first uniform outfit free. Pay begins the day you enlist. Qcft full information from your nearest recruiting station. If you do xtoi know where the nearest recruiting atatioa it. ask year Postmaster. He knows. Shove 0^ I 'Join the • S.Navy BREVARD. NORTH CAROUNA Departments—College Preparatory, Normal, Music, Business, Do mestlc Art, Household Economics, Agriculture. AD dep^ments are directed by teachers with special training and large experience. They know their business. influences of the Institute are alone worth the cost of tuition. Opens on September 5.

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