nUBAY. OCTOURM, in* THE BREYAiO) NCWS, BREVARD, N. C 5 5 c a package before the war c a package during the war c a package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! 157 You Will Find at Tj« CITY MARKET THE BEST PRIME RIB ROAST, STEAK AND LEGS OF LAMB EVERYTHING IN THE VEGETABLE LINE BUTTER MILK AND BUTTER Bring your Chickens and Butter to us. We will pay the highest market price. THE CITY MARKET W. H. DUCKWORTH S. F. ALLISON Weilt’s Cash Stores Open at 8 a. m.; Close at 7:30 p. m. Visitors and Patrons Will find exceptionally good values in all the department, many lots of goods way below marked prices. These unusual val ues are made possible because of early pur chasing of great lots of goods at much be low prices manufacturers are asking today. Everything is up to our hight standarn of quality and when style is a factor, the goods represent the very newest. All are invited to take advantage of the opportunity of which we bring to you. Come early, Come often; no trouble to show goods. Weilt’s Cash Stores ( BREVARD, N. C. TO musE m Y. M. G. H «Y** ACTIVITIES TO BE EXTENDED TO'9MALL,TOWNS AND RU RAL COMMUNITIES. SEdeim uiiiEis MDORSES miEiEin Thinking People of the State Enth» •iastic Over the New Program of Work, Which Will Carry and Pro mote Wholesome, Inspiring Influ* ences in High Schools, Industrial Comrtiunities and Colleges As Weil As in Cities and Towns—^To Pro* duce High Ideals of Citixenshipw Charlotte, N. C.—A campaign for $80,000 is being waged throughout North Carolina beginning October 20 and endir-g October 30, to provide funds with which to very greatly ex tend and enlarge the activities of the Y. M. C. A. in the state. A splendid organization has been built up during the past few weeks by Mr. E. O. Wilson, director of the financial drive, and officials of the as* sociation are confident that the pub lic spirited, thinking people of the state will rally to so manifestly im portant and pressing a call. ^ An Ambitious Program. The new program of the Y. M. C. . contomplates these activities: The inauguration of social, educa tional. recreational and religious ac tivilics in small towns and rural com munities. The extension of its work in indus trial communities. The extension of its work in col leges. The inauguration of a program of work In the several hundred high schools of the -state.^ The establishment of two perma nent boys' summer camps, one in western and one i»’ eastern Carolina., Assistance to the International Committee in the prosecution of pressing work in foreign fields. Aid to the Y. M. C. A. College at Nashville, Tenn., where expert work ers will be trained for Y. M. C. A. work. To Develop Community Leaders. Probably no feature of the new program has attrarted more attention than the prospective work in small towns and rural communities. This feature of the enlarged work has been especially insisted upon and em phasized by service men who have returned to their homes in thes« towns and rural communities after having an opportunity to see the ef fectiveness and wholesomeness of “Y" activities in the ai»my camps and in France. Four or five counties are al ready arranging for whole-time secre taries‘to take up this work which will be extended rapidly. importance of Boys Work. There are more than 300,000 boys In North Carolina between the ages of 12 and 20 years. The future of th® state will be determined by those 800,000 boys. Thinking men in the state who are strongly supporting the Y. M. C. A. in its new program be lieve that “Y” activities in industrial communities, high schools, collegei and in towns and rural communities, as well as in the cities, are of the opinion that no agency and no factor can be so instrumental in promot ing high ideals of citizenship as the Y. M. C. A. Work among the boys is to be emphasized everywhere—in ci* ties, industrial communities and rural districts, as well as in high school and college. ' Distinctly Southern. The new movement of the Y. M. C. A. is distinctly Southern. The idea was conceived by Southern Y. M. C. A. workers at a conference several months ago and it has been worked on and developed to such a point that it has received the hearty and en thusiastic endorsement of the sub stantial citizenship of the entire state. From this citizenship must come the voluntary contribution of $80,000 which is necessary to put on the new program of work. Secretary Daniels Endorses. Probably no well known American has had greater opportunity to see the “Y” tested under trying condi tions than Secretary of the Navy Jo sephus Daniels. Secretary Daniels a few days ago wrote the following: “I am greatly interested in the ^'uth-wide campaign now being launched by the Young Men’s Chris tian association. I have had excellent opportunity both in this country and among our soldiers and sailors abroad to assess the value of the service ren dered this organization to tae young men in the army and navy and in eivll life. It makes an appeal and furi; shQs inspiration, instruction and ffluci^rion *0 young men which is Iti- valgr-l'\. An investment in this ser vice to young men will pay a dividend larger than we can «T«r compute.” THE BAPTIST MESSAGE TO Tiffi WORID TODAY Here are a few of the fundamental things for which Baptists have always stood and for which they stand today: Absolute religious liberty for all, Jew and Gentile alike. Church membership composed only of converted and baptized persons. Self-determination in all religious matters without any , overtordship or overhead management of any kind. The supreme sovereignty of Jesus in all matters of the soul. % The Bible the law of Christ’s reign. It is for the promotion of the salvation of lost souls everywhere and the fuller propagation of these princi ples that the ' % Baptist 75 Million Campaign Is asking $75,000,000 in cash and 5-year pledges during Victory Week, Nov. 30-Dec. 7 If you believe this is a worthy program line up with the Baptist chvu-ch of your community for “MILLIONS FOR THE MASTER” Baptist 75 Million Campaij^n Recorder Building Raleigh, N. C. 1 ii f value premmm* ■ ■ ■ . Carnets are Bold averywhsn in ecientifically sealed pack- aSea of 30 cigarettes; or ten packages (200 cigarettes) in m glaasine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or omcti mupply or when you travel If you want to know wh:it rare and unusual enjoyment Can.cls provide smoke them in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price! CAMELS are a cig^arette rr \ clction any way you consider thei n! Tr,l:e quality, or refreshing flavor and fr:i 'r .nee; or, that wonderful mellow-mild-smuothness you never before got in a cigciretts sir.okel Yet Camels are so full-bodied end go full-of- satisfaction you marvel thar so much de light could be put into a tig Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobr.rco:^ makes them so irresistibly appetizing;! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tirir/^ your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Youll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons j^ou smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga- retty aftertaste or impleasant cigaretty odor I -^xice you knc^w Came/s you won't take much stock in premiumSf coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! R. J. REYNOLDrl'OBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C Where There’s a Baby on Farm Keep Rat Snap. Rats are on most farms. Once they get inside the house—look out. Rats kill infants—biting them is not un usual. Nursing bottles attract rats. Brake a cake of RAT-SNAP and throw it around. It will surely rid you of rats and mice. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Da vis-Walker Drug Co. and Bre vard Hardware Co. EXEQUTOR’S NOTICE Having fqualified as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Mrs. R. T. Yoj^g. deceased, tins is tc no tify all n^rsons having: claims against of Mrs. R. r. Young, de- o present the same for pay- ;he undersigned executor, on the 6th day of October, this not'ce will be plead in eir r-s€overy. AH persons the esta ceased, ment to or befo 1920, o bar of indebted to said estate in any amount arc hereby notified to make imme diate settlement. This October 6th, 1919. W. M. HENRY, Executor, Last Will of Mrs. R.'^. Young, deceased. ^ 10-12-4fic Don’t let your subscription run out^ }lemember the ^ditor is always im need of money.