THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD.'N. C FRIDAY, OCTOBER t4, t*t» r YES, WE ARE SPREADING OUT. WE DO NOT BELIEVE IN STANDING STILL. He who predicts that something cannot be done is always being contradicted by some body doing it. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF BEDS, SPRINGS AND MAT TRESSES AND "VV'E CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. WATCH THIS SPACE EACH WEEK FOR WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER. WE WILL HAVE OTHER SURPRISES FOR YOU ALL ALONG. BREVARD INSTmiTE NOTES Always “SPREADING OUT,” Our Motto W. E. BISHOP & COMPANY PLUMBING and PLUMBING SUPPLIES Prof. Trowbridge is attending the W. N. C. Conference in session at Greensboro this week. Miss Gertrude Falls, one of our new teachers, is detained by illness i at her home in Mooresville. Mrs. M. A. Allen of Hendersonville spent Sunday at the Institute with her 1 daughter, Marguaritte Allen, who is I one of our new students this year. | Prof. Trowbridge, on Saturday, night, gave a sterooptican entertain- | ment, of pictures illustrating the Lea gue of Nations which was very inter-. esting. Incidentally the Y. W. C. A. sold ice cream preceeding the exhibi tion of slides. I Students are still entering, but ws ' hope to be completely settled down ' by NovembeV, although there are still, a number on the waiting list. CALVERT NEWS Miss Susis Jordan returned to Pem broke, N. C. to take up school work again. Euge Gillespie visited Wilfred Gal loway Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Neal and daughter, Ethel visited Mrs. F. P. Galloway last week. Chas. Comb has gone to Newport, Tenn. to see his daughters who are very sick. i\Irs. and Mrs. P. P. Galloway spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Whitmire. BLUE BIRD. Brevard Lumber Co. JUST ARRIVED Acid and Wheat Fertilizer GROW YOUR OWN WHEAT and QUIT BUYING FLOUR. WE HAVE ANOTHER CARLOAD OF RED CEDAR SHINGLES, GUAR ANTEED TO LAST FORTY YEARS. WHEN YOU NEED ANY KIND OF BUILDING MATERIAL COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK and GET OUR PRICES. ^ Brevard Lumber Company FRANK JENKINS, Manager PI. one 120 Close to Depot J A MESSAGE IN THE “BREVARD NEWS” WILL REACH OVER ,1,200 HOMES. ARE YOU STILL ON THE BOTTOM RUNG? IF SO, WHY NOT INCREASE YOUR BUSI NESS THROUGH ADVERTISING? “SEE BEE OSBORNE.” i James Stucky Says, ‘‘Rats Cost Me I $125 for Plumbing Bills.” I “We couldn’t tell what was cloir- c:ing up our toilet and drains. We ' had to tear up floor, pipes, etc., found j a rat’s nest in basement. They had ! choked the pipes with refuse. The i plumber’s bill was $125. RAT-SNAP I cleaned the rodent out.” Three sizes, I 2oc, 50c, SI.00. Sold and guaran- I teed by Davis-Walker Drug Co. and ! Brevard Hardware Co. Danger IN emmk INRHNTUl Don’t take chances -^ith the babies. Have sometliingr in the HOUSE, ready at a min ute’s notice: “First Am that wiay save the baby’s life whila you’re waiting for a doctor. Dr. Thacher’t Diarrhoea Mixture An old family doctor’s pre scription for bowel trou bles for whole family All drug stores, SHc. MONEY BACK if no relief. THACHER MEDICINE CO. Chattanooga, Tenn., U. S. A. Your advertisement in the Brevard News will be redd by more than 5000 people. Modem Drug Store At Your Door Mail your Orders to us—Par cel Postpaid on all orders amount ing to 50 cents or more. Everything in Drugs. Morgan’s Drug Store Rosman, N. C. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina—Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Court. Vl\A\K M. IXMAX vs. K. II. JKXXIXGS. The dc fiTi hint K. II. Jcnjiin.'rs will taki noLiee that a sunnnoiKs in th.' a! ovi- entit!(.''l action was i.ssuc'.l a.yiiinst thi- saiv! dt'fenilant on the 2nd (lay of bv tlie (Herk of tin- Sii].. Court of Transylvania roaaly, Xorth Carolir.a, and that aii ai-l ion (.-’’titk'd as above has been broi;i;ht !>v th;' a:o\c' nnuU-d ])iaintitr I,, p r.' i; a-'a:'!;- .iu‘ -ir' !'.i:v to rc'covt’’ >iau!a,u\s in th'“ s’i'n of 'I'cn 'riionsand ;.'<10.000l viv Vs'a.' iii'u is i -■ nculli’i n(_i‘ of tli2 do- ■ rcU'-on oi 'i.ich C-. i tain n ;’.! estate and the\l in u ( ;unty. >. .'h (';;’'olina ind :ianu::;(•(! bv the } .K. so In.-’ ' o s The Same ta : I' !'■ ' »‘i ; : oi fu saik i v am (. ,» ' a ■ ' at:-, i s-iivl action a:ia ro- 1 ■ . ' . ail Visv:' : . 1.% ->■ • ■^v. : . ; ; : n’i.i 1- i. : : Me " ii.-> ccT- ^ .1. : ; j li' -!VilV 1 I :n ; S J . llh ; ■ ant; ' i ,■ t ■ ■ : reI ' •-.•r :i ox ■ - - . . • Co^.;: I ■ i:-. ' ;-l on 'the ;• .1:^ 31on- j ! : I ai the Court i , ■ ! :.:'..\wvv or , '• ; : a d ai'tio'i : I i! te'Si i!l ' ■ '/ i i!' 'M »! V/1 '•a' r i" i ;i I i |1 '■tl J kd iHil •’i'{ i.l '■ \ 'I !•; :fi •. ■ '■-5 i .'I' ' i’' i ¥ J; After the Chero-Cola bottle has been soaked, sterilized, scrubbed, rinsed and carefully inspected, an exact amount of Chsro-Cola syrup is auto matically measured into each bottle. This insures its unfailing uniformit;^ accirracy an'J purity. AKvays taa same—no guess %^y"ork—no hand ^voTh . c. That is Y/hy. every bottle of Chero-Ccla taclcs like every other one. They are s.ll alike. Still another reason for Chero-’CoIa’s ever increasing popu* krity. '■-i,.' ^ Couvi !c ! i.. -aid cCiU- Nort!i < a;Oiit'.- t\i'c.:, h y-!';- \ .a-- ; b Ho- - i; a ' d = - ar til- y]a wiM for ri'iic'i jdalnt. T'!i ■ r Conrt of Tran- syl/anl ■ ' " , ; . tha L. ! (’...y < r ■; 1') i j*. av:a'.nst ! th^ y. : a. , ..n' v.:; j .‘^ai.l \\..! 'an' \ as return• ’ at 1 ! Scj-toinber L<>rni, 1010, of ;;;'ad Court- This 2:-1 '.lav of Octcbfr. 101'). A. :.’lf ".Tall, ^ *.* 5-- \‘*A «•». ■■ //' Superior Clcurt County, Xort‘1 ai’oL^.a. 1 ' M -AJ ® r:j y I;-;'::::! !;,i b