FRIDAY, OCTOIER14,191# ' THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C : T : 1 SPEAKING OF WINTER fiME AND THE COLD RAINS AND SNOWS THAT ARE SURE TO COME^YOU DON’T NEED TO LET THESE; THINGS WORRY YOU IN THE LEAST IF YOU WILL COME TO US AND LET US FIT YOU UP WITH A COLE’S OR WIL- SON HOT BLAST HEATER OR A BASE BURNER. COME IN AND SEE OUR LINE. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVES AND RANGES IN WESTERN N. C. Farmers Supply Company J. M. ALLISON, Mana^rer mm NOTICE OF SUMIVJONS AND WAR- RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina—Transylvania Coun- ‘ ty—In the Superior CourC:. T. B. BROWN, Exocptor of the will of MILSON S. BROWN, and T. E. BROWN, Individually vs. ,E. H. JENNINGS. The defendant E. H. Joijnin.trs will take notice that a sunimons in 'the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 2nd day of June, 1919, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, and that an action, entitled as above has been brou.trht by the above named plaintiff aprainst the said defendant, E. H. Jennin.E:s, to recovcr damai?:es in the sum of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000^ dollars for breach of contract and the nejrligence of the de fendant by reason of which broach of contract and nejrlifxence certain real estate certain real estate and property of the plaintiff situated in Transylvania County, North Carolina, was injured and-damaged by the said defenih’.nt and al?o that said action is broujrht for the purpose of compel ling tho defendant to rebuild and re store a certain dam in Transylvania Country and tho lake formed by said dam. usually known and referred to as Lake Toxaway, and also to main tain the same, which said dam was necessary and useful lo the i)laintilT and in which the plamtiff claims cer tain property rip:hts, and that said and that said defendant is a proper party to said action which relates to real estate, situated in the County of Transylvania and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is requir ed to appear at the next term of Su perior Court of Ti'adsylvania Cpunty, North Cai;olina. to be held on the twelfth M^day after the first ’Mon day in September, 1919, at the Court House ill said County and answer or demur to the complaint in said action ar the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. The defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment was issu ed from the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, North Carolina, on the 2nd day of October, 1919, ap:ainst the property of said defendant, v.’hii.h said warrant was returnable at the September term, 1919, of sai;i t’ourt. This 2nd day of October, 1919. N. A. MILL"::R, ' Clerk Superior Court Tran;-,., hania County, North Carolina. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina—Transylvania Coun ty—In the Superior Court. EDWARD H. INMAN vs. E. H. JENNING.*=i The defendant E. H. Jennlnp wm take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued acainst the said defendant on the i-nd day of June, 1919, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, and that an action' entitled as above has been brought by the above named plamtdr acrainst the said defendant, E. H. Jennint>s, to recover <iarnages in the sum of Fifteen Thousand (?15,00U) doll ars for breach of contract and the negligence of the de fendant by reason of which breach of contract and negligence certain real estate certain real estate and property of the plaintiff situated in transylVania County, North Carolina, was injured and damaged by the said defendant and also that said action is brought for the purpose of compe*- lins the defendant to rebuild and re- store a certain dam in Transylvania Country and the lake formed by said dam, usually known and referred to as Lake Toxaway, and also to main tain the same, v;hich said dam was nccessarv and useful to the plaintiff and in which the plaintiff claims cer tain property rights, and that said and that said defendant is a proper party to said action which relates to real estate, situated in the County of Transylvania and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is requir ed to appear at the next term of Su perior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to be held on the twelfth Monday after the first Mon- c’ay in September, 1919, at the Court House in said County and answer or demur to the complaint in said action ar the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. 0 , The defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment was issu ed from the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, North Carolina, on the 2nd day of October. 1919, agaipt the property of said defendant, which ?a’d warrant was returnable at the September term, 1919, of said Court. This 2nd day of October, 1919. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court Transylvania County, North Carolina. DEATHS IN STATE FRO»4 TUBER- CULOSIS Sanatorium, N. C., Oct. 8.—A de crease of approximately fifteen per cent in the number of deaths caused by tuberculosis in North Carolina dur ing the past four years is shown in figures tabulated at the State sana torium for the treatment of this dis ease. The total number of deaths from this cause in the States fol: the year of 1915 was 3,710. In 1918 the total i number had been reduced to 3,160, a difference of 550. This reduction, considering the stead increase of pop ulation during the past four years, means an even greater decrease in the death rate of tuberculosis. Careful observations and experi ments have demonstrated that the ratio of active open cases of tuber culosis to death are as eight to one. This means that while more than three thousand died in the State dur ing the past year there were at the same time in excess of twenty-five j I thousand suffering with the disease ! and menacing the health of those with whom they came in contact. Tuberculosis is preventable and is curable. To save the unaffected from the danger of infection and to more adequate care for those stricken, 'North Carolina is joining with the Na tional Tuberculosis Association and one thousand other State and local organization throughout the country in an extensive and intensive educa tional campaign culminating in the special campaign for the sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals during Dec. 1—10, $0,500,000 of which are be ing offered for sale this year. Diversiliei! Ads TOWN LOTfi,7<i-Farms and timber lands for |a&le. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, C. tfc. NOTICE—Anyone who desires to work at a saw/fhill can find a job at Cedar Rfiomtain, N. C. at fair wages. Exp^ienced man prefered. Apply to George W. Bishop. Ced»r Mountain, N. C. l-10-10-4t« FOR SALE—^^One three burner Per fection Oil l^^ve with oven. Apply to Mrs. D. Q/Ward. FOR SALE—E6land China Pigs, 12 ' weeks ol8./ C. H. Sheilield, Bre vard Instit*ute. NOJICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR- FvANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Caro!:na—Transylvania Coun ty—in the Superior Court. L. C. M. ARMSTRONG and Husband, GEORGE ARMSTRONG vs. E. H. JENNINGS. The defendant E. H. Jennings will take notice that a summons in the above entitl»Ml action was issued against the said defendant on th'> 2nd day of June, 1919, by the C;crk of the Sufierier Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, and that an action entitled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against the said defendant, E. H. Jcnnin;;?, to recover damages in the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20,000^ dollars for breach of contract and the negligence of the de fendant by reason of Vv’hich breach of contract and negligence certain real estate certain real estate and property of the plaintiff situated in j Transylvania County, North Carolina, was injured and damaged by the said defendant and also that said action ip brought for the purpose of compel ling the defendant to rebuild and re store a ccrtain dam in Transylvania Country and the lake formed by said dam. usually known and referred to as Lake Toxaway, and also to main tain tiie same, which said dam was nece'^sary and useful to the plaintiff and in vhich the plaintiff claims cer tain property rights, and that said and that said defendant is a proper party to ?aid action wiiich relates to real erstal'". situated in the Coun.y of ai*d State of North Car- olinfj; and the said defertdr.nt will further notice that he is requir ed to anpear at the next term of Su perior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to be hel l on tho twelfth xDo’iday after the fir^t Mon day in Sip-ember, 1919, at the Court House in raid County and nnsv'?r or demur to the complaint in, said action ar the olaintiff vvill apply ta the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. The defendant v/ill also take notice that warrant of attachment v*as issu ed from the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County. North Carolina, on “^he 2nd day of October, 1919, agrdnst the property of said defendant, v;hich said vrarrant was returnable at the September ^rm, 1919, of said Court. This 2nd day of October. 1919. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court Transylvajiia County, North Carolina. Iv’OTZCE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina—Transylvania Coun ty—-In the Superior Court. JOSEPHINE INNMAN RICHARD SON vs. E. H. JENNINGS. The defendant E. H. Jennings will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on tho 2nd :'ay of June, 1919, by the ClerK of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, Noi'th Carolina, and tnat an action entitled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against the said defendant, E. H. Jennings, to i-ecover damages in the sum of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) dollars for breach . of contract and the negligence Of the de fendant by reason of which breach of contract and negligence certain real estate certain real estate and property of the plaintiff situated in Transylvania County, North Carolina, ‘.vas injured and damaged by the said defendant and also that said action is brought for the purpose of campel- Ung the defendant to rebuild and re store a certain dam in Transylvania Country and the lake formed by said dam, usually known and referred to as Lake Toxaway, and also to main tain the same, which said dam was necessary and useful to the plaintiff and ill which the plaintiff claims cer tain property rights, and that said and that t-^aid defendant is a proper pi.rty to said action wh=ch relates to real estate, situated in the County of Transylvania and State of North Car olina;* and the said defendant will further take notice that he is requir ed to appear at the next term of Su perior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to be held on the tv/elfth Monday after the first Mon day in September, 1919, at the Coars House in said County and answer or Jemur to the complaint in said action ar the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said coni- r)lain<;. The defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment was issu ed from the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, North Carolina, on tile 2nd day of 0</tober, 1919, against 'fie property of said defendant, which ?aid Y/arrar.i v/as returnable at the li-’sptembcr term, 1919, of said Court. This 2nd day of October, 1919. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court Traniylvauia County, North Carolina. AROUND TflEWOELD WHTHEAMEmC^ CROSS. In Roumania. „v, Si As!i for FIVE MILLION PEOPLE^ USED IT LAST YEAR grlEFX’S Standard cold remedy £or fO years ^ —in tablet forn:—safe, sure, no opietes—brjcks up a colrl in 24 ‘v liotirs—relieves grip in 3 days. iV Money back ij it fails. The ' “ "enu!si2 bc'-: has a Red II n with Mr. Hill's linfi picture. At All Drag Stormm tfc. FOR SALE—Fins Hand-Picked Ap ples of best nursery type, such as York Imperial, Ben Davis and Pip pins, $2.00 per Mishel. Dropped apples, mixed, >^ood cooking and canning applet of the above kinds, $1.50 per bushel. Cash with or der J. B. Neal, Lake Toxaway, N. C. 10-3-4tc FOR SALE—Dodge car, practically new, at a bargai'n. Write or call S. Maxwell, Hendersonville, N. C. FOR RENT—An upright piano for six or seven months. Apply lo Mrs. G. C. Whitmire. 2tc. FOR SALE—Three one-story two- roomed cottages. Purchaser to re move same from lot within thirty days. Apply to E. H. Norwood.Itc TWO LOTS for the price of one— lots Nos. G and 7, near East Main Street, in Verdery ,addition, town water, two blockjr' from Franklin Hotel. Lots adjl/Oining one corner lot. Will sell both lots for $225.00. W. T. Bosse, Pickens, S. C. LOST—Near Court House on first day of fair( Tuesday) a small pocket book containing between $8.00 and • $10.00. F'inder please return to Dora Reece, Quebec, N. C. Reward. FOR SALE—A large red cow with calf three months old. E. W. Blythe tfc. FOR SALE—1 2 horse corn planter. 1 Riding Cultivator. 1 Disc Har row. All in good condition. C. M. Cooke, Jr. Oct.24,4t. WHY Pay rent whfn you can owti a two roomed cottage for $60.00. See E. H. Norwood at once. It. WANTED—Small oil heater. Address P. 0. Box 71. LOST—Medium si^ed gold bow knot broach. Return to E. W. Blythe and receive reward. 2tc-10-24 SOCIETY STATIONERY and envel opes. Eliminate the expensive Xmas presents. Order your holi day greeting cards v/ith name em bossed at onc«. Showing beautiful samples. Prices very moderate 2000 orders already. Do it now. Brevard Printery. | BOARDERS V/ANTED at Henning Inn. Apply to Mrs. F. P. Sledge. FOR SALE—Will sell cheap, or trade for cattle, one first class mule colt One good mare-for sale or trade for cattle. C. O, Yongue. tfc We have a Complete line of Trusses, Maternity Belts and Abdominal Supplies DAViS-WALKEi DRUG CO. \ Successors to DUCKWORTH DRUG CO. Main St. BREVARD, N, C. Phone 85 I Soon ^ after the entrance of the United States in the war the successes of the Central Powers in Rouniania had reduced that eoiuitry to a most tragic condition am! in the summer of 1917, the American Ued Cross des patched its first Iloumunian relief contingent. Two hospitals were at once taken over and operated by the Ued Cross, a canteen for the starving refugees established and food and clothing distributed over a large area. Transportation was one of the toughest problems with which the Red Cross workers in Ilouuiunia had to rleal. Here is seen an oxcart used by the lied Cross to carry its relief supplies up -into the inuuntaius. & •i a Philip’s Bakery MORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD FOR THE SAME MONEY AT YOUR HOME BAKERY? S WHY BUY BREAD OUT OF g TOWN WHEN YOU CAN GET ^ 6 'e I Philip’s Bakery V p A. M. WHITE U. G. WOODWARD THE CHEVROLET “The Most Economical Car on the Market” We have just received a carload of Chev rolet Cars and are prepared to make im mediate delievries. Brevard Citizens may see our sample at Jess A. Smith's garage. Touring Cars, $835; Runabout, $820. White (Sh Woodward “The Chevrolet” Rosman, N. C. mim II IL iff HOME i You Get What You For When you lay your money on a local dealer’s counter ^nd tell him what you want, you get just that. If it happens- to be temporarily out of stock, he tells you so and asks your second choice. You get nothing you do not want. And what youlget is yours at the time you pay foi it. He doesn’t make you wait until hi is rtady to give you your merchandise. only t^ o of the many reasons why trad ing at home is bet ter tlian buying by the “sight unseen” methods. BREVARD FR^NTERY I Wm. a. band, manager (PaA£ic-^£aA iP^rin£ing. ^AcvaAd, 71. C*

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