PRlpAY, OCTOBER 31; 1019 THE BDEVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Are You Short of Kitchen Utensils i_ Do you have to Keep the folKs waiting for their meals because you ere shy on cooKing' utensils? You ; ban*t maKe few pans answer many^ i purposes and at the same ti^ne g'et up I ac[uicKmeal. You are foolish even to * try it, considering how little it would cost to get everything you lacK. . Our Kitchen viten- I sil stocK is very com- I plete. We have many little time and money I saving devices which I housewives can ap- j preciate, besides all • the usual necessities. ; Comeinandseeus the first opportunity you can find, if it’s merely tolooK around. MaKe a list of what \ you need—then get ! our prices. 'i' EAEPWAEE TSAT STAfk.r^jJ HARD WEAR AT THAT STABi^D COmPARlSm BREVARD HARDWARE CO. HARRY P. CLARKE I'-' I Mi -I /■ C}U:^S> ■*; ***“—r-^ yntiiir |i:il' ---u ^**—i‘. rrtw ■> I'lrui—iiTirTi-BJ Rice is one of Na- "ture’s best food offerings to hun gry man. The good cook can maiie a score of appetizing and strength - giving dishes from the little white grain at low cost. Boy Some Rice fromUsToday ■HBHHBVnBJMKSM W IRa^ BSEtSHMBBKESl and- enjoy a bowl of delicious pud- dmg with creani for supper this eve ning. No matter what staple and fancy groceries you get at our store you are assured of iCourtesy — Cleanliness—Honesty—Service R. P. KILi-^.rV i’RlCK, Brevard a re If E a I if you do not have a- Home, ;Oiiie cmd lei us sell jou cue. .. If you do own a H©?^se, conie amd have U3 li*;::::. ^ Tv/o of tile s: that you can and protect it. ... 'lu f • JtL ■ 12S - 3 c '3 re E, home GALLOWAY MINNIS R.cai Estate ondllnsurance Agents RED CROSS GIVES FULLMNTINe War. Council Tells How Kiillions Contributed liy Pabllc Were Used For ITelisL BI3 TASK IS DESCRIBED In Twenty Months $154,000,000 Was Spent Overseas and $119,000,000^ ' in the United States. WnshlDffton. (Special.)—Through a complete report of the work of the American Ketl Cross in the war by Chairman Henry P. Davison, on be half of the war council, the organiza tion on the eve of its annual enroll ment of nienjl)ers duriu" the Tliinl Red Cross llbll Call, November 2 to 11, has rendered an acoounting of the many millions given it by the Am(>ri- can people to help our flgluJng men and our allies. The statement is, in part, as follows: “The war council of the American Red Cross is now prepared to make a complete acoounting to the American people of money contrihuied and ex pended, as well as the work done by the American Red Cross durinr' the period in'which the war council was in control of its affairs. The war council was api>ointed May 19, IDlv), and wont out of existence February 28, 1019. “It was the practice of the war coimcil to give complote publicity to Its policies and financis, but it is only now that a picture of\he war period as a whole can be presented. It is the feeling of the war council that a report in tills summarized form should be made directly to the public which provided the money and gave the ef fort wliich made the American Rod Cross a success. “A stati'mciit of the American Rod Cross effort and iinances since tlie war cor.ncil r^'linquislitni its control will be nmde to ihe pul)i!c throiigii the executive (oiiuuittee, and it is im portant, therefore, ihat tlie fact thai tliis report covers the period only until March 1, siiould be carefully noied.” Following are certain round ligureis covering American Red Cros.s partici pation in the war, as revealed by the- war council's report: Some Outstanding Figures. Contributions reroivid (maienal and nnri!:i',icc3d by v^>!uuU“»‘r \\dri;, rs.. Faniilifs of soldiers aidt'd liy ilonie Si-rvicu in I,.S. Ivefi,\'sliiin'iiis serv 'd by canrei’n workers ii! 17.S. Niirst'.s (iirolifd t'or SL'r\- ice v\-ith army, navy or NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR. RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina—TransylTania Cqun- ty—In. the Superior Court. TELFAIR STOCKTON vs. ' ■ E. H. JENNINGS. The defendant E. H. Jennings will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 2nd (^ay of June, 1919, by the Clerk- of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, and that an action entitled as above has been brought by the above named plaintiff against the said defendant, E. H. Jennin.a:s, to recover damages in the sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000) dollars for breach of contract and the negligence of the de fendant by reason of which breach of contract and negligence cei’tain real estate certain real estate and property <)f the plaintiff situated in Transylvania County, North Carolina, v/as injured and damaged by the said defendant and also that said action is brought for the purpose of compel ling the defendant to rebuild and re store a certain dam in Transylvania County and "ha lake formed by sa- i dam, usually known and referred to as Lake Toxaway, and also to main tain the same, which said dam was necessary and useful to the plaintiff and in which the plaintiff claims cer tain property rights, and that said and that said defendant is a proper party to said action whith relates to real estate, situated in the County of Transylvania and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is requir ed to appear at the next term of Su perior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to be held on the twelfth Monday after the first Mon day in September, 1919, at the Court House in said County and answer or demur to the complaint in said action ar the plaintiff will J^pply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. The defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment was issu ed from the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, North Carolina, on j the 2nd day of October, 1919, against I the property of said defendant, which said warrant was returnable at the September term, 1919, of said Court. This 2nd day of October. 1919. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court Transylvania County, North Carolina. aspirin for colds Name *^Bayef** is on GeDuino Aspirin—say Bayer A PAVll(s j BUY YOUR BUTTERMILK FROM SLEDGE. . InsHt on “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Ml a “Bayer package/' containing proper directions for Colds, Pain, Headache, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. J^aiiic “I’jygr” means genuine Aspirin pre?pr,’.(.(i by physicians for nineteen year- Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost iVv.- cents. Aspirin ia trade mark of I5:iyer Manufacture «f Monoacetic- acidtitcr of Sallcylicaeid. i'a'u:! the advertisements in the Nev.... Patronize those who adver- tij ‘hoy deserve your patro;ia.j3. for i!ioy jiave shown that they believe in 1 ■lironizing home industry by their su]'i»( rt of their home paper. 3l,OfK!,o::o 3ri,j>77,0)0 003,0. ;0 40,000,000 K-.'d Cl‘: fSS Kilid.s of c iinf00>0,000 in money and supplies, contributed to the American Red Cross during the twenty months the war council was in existence, !?2r>.‘},000,000 was alloted to national hi-aslquarters, while .‘^in7,C(X).000 went to the chapters to finance tlie'r at^ tivit’es. Exponditnres in the twenty months totalled ?l.’7r?,0T).0n0, divided as follows; By nntloiir.l headqu;irt;'r-! in France, $57,000,0C>0; elsewhere over- sea.s. .T04,000,000; in the Unite;! ls!n'‘es, 948,000,000; by chapters in the United States, .$43,000.000; oost of chaiite;-- produced articles distributed in France, .$25,000,000, elsewhere over seas, $8,0(X),000; in the United States, ^'28,000,000, making total expenditures in France, .^82.000,000, elsewhere over seas, $72,000,(XW; in the United States, $119,000,000. 23 821! 2,700 i0,900.0rx) 101,OJO 25 1.155.000 ^,0G0 4^^40,000 15.J?7n.0^.0 i,7i:fi,oco 3.110.000 A 1-lS.OOO The Afsierkea Eed€mss TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE NEW RAILROAD WE ARE GOING TO HAVE. Al! you sjsed is a LI THE UNIVERSAL CAR Take good care of your Ford Car. Don’t expect it to give you full service unless you give it some care and attention. Let us give it regular treatment (jccasionally. No ''bogus’’ parts or unworthy materials Don’t Take Chsir. used in our shops, but genuine Ford mater ials and experienced Ford Me na§ics. We’ll keep your Ford Car servicable 1‘or years if you give us a chance. Our prices are mighty reasonable. We want your trade. Why can’t \~ve have it? W’e will serve you better than anybody else. C. H. KLUEPPELBERG, Manager. iiiiii*''' ‘!i I .Ir.'.r;;:' [|}ij!ll|illi|illill|il| Copyright R. J. rI:-! '**- Tobacco Co. k llilll jiiiiillli' PiLAY the smokegame with a jimmy • pipe if you’re hanker’?:^- for a hrrd- oi^^for wh:.: -s your smckeappetite! For, ^th Pnnce AKbert, youVe got a new h-tcn on the pipe question that cuts you loose from old stung tongue r -'l dry throat worries! Made by our exclusive p|iented process, Fi.-vce Albert is scotfree from bite and pardi>«ideKids you about the fclggest lot of smokefiin that ever was schediuV^ your direction! Prince Albert ^.^BDpin of a pipe-pal; rolled into a cigarette it le slant that P. A. is simply everj^hing any tobacco! You never will be willing to ’e slipped^n -ones you get that Prince ^uality saJiaS^&ction into your smokesysten%| tilh^'you get on the firing line! ^ •* hanJaomm potsr.d and half-pound tin haatt^ raeticai poand cryztd sla»» hamidor with I thm tobacco in perfect condition. Ra iJa Oonipanv. Wuis^oQ”S2ilGin« N« CL beats the band! man ever loi figure up the Albert quality You’ll talk j J*