.1 FRIRAY, NOVEMBER 7»h, 1»19 THEAREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C BREVARD NEWS Nnnn-- ehansed trom •'?/Ivan Valley News, Janaaiy 1,1917. M. L. SHIPMAN, Editor C. B! OSBORNE, Managing Editor and Publisher GERTRUDE R. ZACHARY City Editor Published ev’ery 'I'hursday. Kniercd at pos'-jtlici* at Urov’ard. N.C.,as sejund-class matter. 8UB30RIPTION PRICE: One year - $1.60 Sixmoathi] - - - - .75 Three months - .60 Twomontha - ‘ -3® Payaole by check, stamps or money order. Cards of t'lan’is, resohiticns and merjiori.ils ,iu:>!ishO'l only at liail ('uiii- mercial rati?, cosiinir 10 cents per iiu li or ona-lialf oont per word. Subscriptions not continnocl aftt-r ex piration of time paid tor excopt on re quest. FRIRAY, NOVEMBER 7!h, 1919 BREVARD INSTITUTE LEST WE FORGET A spirit of unrest pervades the at- mosphre from one end of the country to the other. Labor is dissatipfied and capital refuses to be reconciled to chan,Gred and chanjrin" conditions which this now ora has created. But who can e:;pect the “averacce n>an” to be on hi •, jrood behavior with the law- mckors at Washir.j^ton practically on a strike? The people of this country will not Mrs. B. W. Lipscomb, who held a most successful series of special re ligious meetings last week at the In stitute, left on Tuesday to return to the headquarters of the Woman’s Council of the M.'E. Ch. South, at Nashville, Tenn. The entire school accompanied her to the depot to wish her God speed and to extend their jTcod wishes and farewell to the Rev. W. E. Poovey, who was leaving on the same train, in gralefull acknowledge ment of his helpful administrations to the student body during the term of pastorship her. Gooi'j^e E. Shuford of Cliffside rpc"t Funday at the Institute visiting his brotiicrs, Lloyd and Ivey Shufofd. UTTIE RIVER HEMS (Carried over from last week.) The erection of the nev/ school buildin.c: under the supervision of J. M. Blythe is rapidly being completed. It is something that has been needed for a number of years but until re cently did the t>atrons come together as a unit and say, “Our school must soon forjret the ropubHcan clamor last i enlarged in order that our child ren may have equal opportunities with other childrn of the county.” When the house is completed and painted and the grounds beautified we will have an ideal place. Our loca tion is so fixed by nature that it can be seen from all directions. The school building is so located until it is the iirst building to greet in ap pearance the way-passer as he enters tl'.e LiUlo K'ver Vallpy and the last lo bid him adieu as he parses out. The school has just completed the loru- needed'road running from the public road to the school house. The school work in general is pro gressing splendidly; the high school derarhnent being under the instruc- ; 01'. of J. L. Osteen, the intermediate under Mis A. M. Patton and the primary under Miss B. L. Allen. The attoivJance is the best it has ever boon in the histor: of the school. Evevy one is intnsivcly interested in making the school the ideal school of the county. The school expects to dedication program on the date spring, for an extra session of Con gress. It was nr.crued that President Wilson should have remained ai; home —away from the Pcace Conference— to not the Sixty-sixth Concrress in ac tion. From the first wise democrats asserted that the demand for the as sembling of the new Congress came from republican members v.ho wanted the patronage th.at goes with victory. The old adage that “the horse that pulls the i)low should havo the fodder” wa.^ quoted to thai purpose. Ths re publican niembors practically v.’ent “on strike” to accomplish their pur pose and President Wilr-on, in order to protcrt ,c,ov:'rnmental institutions, met the ropublii-an demand for an ex tra session and it has been “marking time” for the past six months. It had been so long since the re- publicai;3 v. ere ai the pie counter that they were huiur/y i'oi' 't. A casual glance at the r.eord shov.'s tha!; the one task rloi-v'd lo perfection and without delay by ihe republican leaders v. :; the of the "Iv-.aoe and Senate jobs. The republicans went further in that direction than ever before. Tbey even hired a num ber of negroes as elevator conduc tors in the Capitol, and in the Senate and House o?Tice buildings. One negro politician took the place of a v.-ounded soldier boy. A f.ne recortl to begin v.’itl:. Evidently, the propaganda for the extra session is now arising to torrient those Vvho forced it. O. K. —o— Popresentative