i THE BREVARD NEWS, BkEVARD, H. C FRIRAY, NOVEMBER. 7^ 1919 1|C CANNING POWDERS FOR TOES INSTEAD OF TOMATOES WE TOLD YOU TO WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SURPRISES AND WE MEANT JUST WHAT WE SAID. WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU NOW THAT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD ALL OVER. WE HAVE ON THE ROAD A ^ COMPLETE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE INCLUDING PARLOR SUITS, BEDROOM SUITS, DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE; ALSO RUGS, MATTING, ETC. IN FACT YOU CAN FiMD ANYTHING NEEDED IN THE HOME AT OUR STORE. Always “SPREADING OUT,” Our Motto W. E. BISHOP & COMPANY PLUMBING and PLUMBING SUPPLIES V J Raleigh, N. C. Oct.—An amusing conference’ with a man and his wife is reported by Mrs. R. T. Hannamon, Home Demonstration Agent in Bun* combe County, to Mrs. M. M. Hen ley, District Agent. Mrs. Hannamon states that this man and his wife came to her for infor mation about canning tomatoes with powders. They bought two bushels of ripe tomatoes from one of the club girls, and the agent told them that since the tomatoes were so uniform and ripe that they would look nicely put up in jars. The gentlemen stated that he knew exactly how this was done, since all that was necessary was to put the tomatoes'in the jar, using plenty of powders, then seal. Mrs. Hannamon stated that she had i the opportunity of her life then to tell him how she had used this canning powder, made up largely of salycilic acid, to take out a bad corn, and that it fairly cooked the skin to such an extent that the corn dropped out- without any trouble. She told him also that she would not risk anything in her stomach that would peel one’s toe in such a way. Following this she gave definite in struction as to how to can the toma toes and suggested that since the gen tlemen had suffered from a form of stomach trouble, possibly this had been aggrevated by eating canned ma terial put up with the use of powders. Turning to his wife the man remark ed, “I told you not to put those pow ders in the last time you were can ning. They taught us at school just the same principle that Mrs. Hanna mon has just demonstrated to us.” Mrs. Hannamon finds that there are a number of farmers in her county who are using canning powders to can fruits and veiretables as a short and easy method. She is devoting considerable time and attention to combating this idea, and the result is that a much more wholesome and pal atable food product is now being put up. —Extension Farm News. Brevari Lumber Go. JUST ARRIVED Acid and Wheat Fertilizer GROW YOUR OWN WHEAT and QUIT BUYING FLOUR. WE HAVE ANOTHER CARLOAD OF RED CEDAR SHINGLES, GUAR- ANTEED TO LAST FORTY YEARS. WHEN YOU NEED ANY KIND OF BUILDING MATERIAL COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK and GET OUR PRICES. Brevard Lumber Company FRANK JENKINS, Manager PI: one 120 Close to Depot A MESSAGE IN THE “BREVARD NEWS” V/ILL REACH OVER 1,200 HOMES. ARE YOU STILL ON THE BOTTOM RUNG? IF SO, WHY NOT INCREASE YOUR BUSI NESS THROUGH ADVERTISING? “SEE BEE OSBORNE.” Janies Stucky Says, **Rats Cost Me $125 for Plumbing Bills.” “We couldn’t tell what was clog ging up our toilet and drains. We had to tear up floor, pipes, etc., found a rat’s nest in basement. They had choked the pipes with refuse. The plumber’s bill was $125. RAT-SNAP cleaned the rodent out.” Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaran teed by Davis-Walker Drug Co, and Brevard Hardware Co. Where' There’s a Baby on Farm Keep Rat Snap. Rats are on most farms. Once they get inside the house—look out. Rats kill infants—bitinj? them is not un usual. Nursing bottles attract rats. Brake a cake of RAT-SNAP and throw it around. It will surely rid you of rats and mice. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Davis-Walker Drug Co. and Bre vard Hardware Co. i . Modem Drug Store At Your Door Mail your Orders to us—Par cel Post paid on all orders amount- ing to 50 cents or'more. Everything in Drugs. Morgan’s; Drug Store Rosman. N. C. NOTICE—LAND SALE BY COM MISSIONER * EECii:;;: terscctit- strcot wii and runs ’ IN( ■> By virtue of the power, direction an f( to M'. akt in the Pickeisimer line; nei'-^f;th (V> deg. west with the 1 ick«/fsin,L'r auil Wfilt line, 71 fee: to a .t'one; then North 26 deg. ea; t 73 feet to a stone on the south mr.rinn of Main street; th-^n with the sai(i inar,c;in of said streei;, north 04 doi;:. west P.G feet to the be!::inninu‘- This heing the lot on which the Aethel v.old Hotel is situated. Such fur::iture, f]\tur('s and fur- nisliings as belon ,' to the e?tate of said J. W. McMimi, doc'a:=ed, now in raid hotel bnildin.j; v;iil pass to the purchaser at '^.'id fiLle. Said sale will be held in front of Court House Door in the town of Brevard, county of Tranr.ylvania, State of North Carolina, on !\Ionday, Nov. 3rd, 11>T9 at 12 o’clock and the terms of sale will be one third (1-3) cash on day of sale, balance in one an.’ two ycr.ro. ee.ual .'nstaHments, Vk itli ir.t r'r'. in deferr“d v-aynients at the rate of six nor cert, payable annually. Title retained untirall pur chase money paid, or satisfactpry ar-^ rangements made therefor. October the 15. 1919. V/ELCH sioner. GALLOWAY, Commit Your advertisement in the Brei News will be read by more than people. S3 m mm ! 1 'il. m K il' ii m Ii After the Chero~Cola Bottle is uniformly filled it passes to the automatic crowning machine, where it is hermetically sealed with the famous Chero- Cola crown wliich keepr r!l the goodness in and all impip ...js cut. This gives you Chei > Cola as pure, wholesome and refreshing as it is delicious. This is another of the msiny reasons for the universal popu larity of Chero"Cola. ). i '** 'if'