Ikj-' nUMY, NOVBMBER Ttk, ltl9 THE BDi^VARD NEWS, BREVAr5» % C. Mi f CP / ■ TALK ABOUT YOU HAVE HEARD P '’OTS TALK AND YOU, HAVE HEARD TALKING MACH-' INES TALK—AND PERHAP”^ U HAVE HEARD WOMEN TALK OCCASIONALLY— BUT DID YOU EVER HEAk ’ITURE TALK? OUR FURNITURE TALKS. IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IT, COME IN i SEE FOR YOURSELF. We can furnish your house from tiV >ront porch to the back porch. We have the most complete stock of furniture and house furnishing's in Western North'Carolina and our prices are lower tha-o ot '. Farmers Supply Compsiny} J. M. ALLISON, Manager MW •M THENAT"” k cBdrch The Spirit of The Offensive A third thing that appealed to men in the great war was the spirit of the offensive. WHfn the American troops first went into the lines there were certain areas which by custom had been in active. Troops on both sides were sent there to recuperate after the stress of fighting in the zone where the attack and counter attack were furious and frequent. By a sort of tacit,mutual arrangement, the troops in these inactive areas would settle down simply to keep their own trenches. But when the Americans came in they threw the quiet into turmoil. They did not know as much tibout soldiering as their comrades of the allied armies but they were there with an impetus spirit that could not be held back. And it was the spirit of the offensive that those troops brought, the eager, vehement deter mination to get forward, and get for- ■vard quickly, that swelled the whole ;.:de of the allied attack with such a flood of energy that it 5wept on in those last monthis of 1918 with a re sistless strength and speed that amaz ed the world. So also must the Church win the power of the offensive spirit. Too long we have been swayed by the timid apprehension of all sorts of imagined evils, that might happen if we really launched forth into our boldest service. We want today the glorious motto of that herioc mission ary pioneer, Wm. Carey. “Attempt great things for God; expect great things from God”. “Lengthen thy cords and strength en thy stakes.” What the Campaign Demands What then does the Nation-Wide Campaign ask of you? The greatest thing you have and all the greatness in it? It asks that you give yotmelf. I No stereotyped plan is being framed 1 to which you are to be tamely yoked.' But you, with your thought. Your intelligence, your living ideas as to the Churche’s opportunity, are bidden to help shape now in your parish and in your diocese the answer , to the question. What is the strategic thing, what is the victorious thing, which the Church can dare attempt today thru the power of aroused and obedient lives? P. E. G. U. D. C. MEETING The November meeting of the U. D. C., which was to have been held last Saturday had to be postponed on< account of rain and will be held next Saturday. All members are requested to at tend as the election of officers will take, place. Those who will join the Red Cross are especially urged to be present. We all suffer when the other fel low fails to make good. Philip’s Balieni WHY BUrtREAD OUT OF | TOWN WHEN YOU CAN GET g MORE BREAD AND BETTER | BREAD FOR THE SAME 9 BAKERY? MONEY AT YOUR HOME ^ 7 ^ s I I Philip’s Bal(ery We have a Comple \ re Trusses, ^ V Maternity Belts and Abdominal Supplies DAVIS-WALKER DRUG GO. Successors to DUCKWORTH DRUG CO. Main St. BREVARD, N. C. Phone 85 COAT AND COAT SUIT SALE ^ Bepn WednBsday, Nw. 5 and Lasts Through tlie tSIli THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OF ITS KIND EVER HELD HERE! 300 Coats and 300 Coat Suits at a Very, Very Little Over Half Price - - ' ■ — — ■■»-■■■ —.• ~ EVERY SINGLE GARMENT AN EXAMPLE OF THE LATEST AND SMARTEST MODES. EVERY SINGLE GARMENT DIRECT FROM THE STYLE CENTRE OF THE UNITED STATES—NEW YORK CITY. THE UTMOST INQUALITY, IN CORRECT DESIGNING. IN , EXPERT WORKMANSHIP. THERE’S GOODNESS WOVE IN EVERY THREAD. THERE’S LASTING AND COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN EVERY STITCH. TRAVEL FAR AND YOU WILL FIND NO BETTER GARMENTS THAN THESE SUPERB EXAMPLES OF THE VERY BEST IN TAILORINa AMONG THESE FARMENTS ARE MANY MADE AND BOUGHT TO SELL FOR AS HIGH AS— 150.00 TH^E GO WITH THE BALANCE FOR A VERY, VERY LITTLE MORE THAN ONE-HALF OF THIS PRICE. THE VALUES ARE SENSATIONAI^INSIST THAT THE Vi^UES OFFERED DURING THIS SALE ARE NOTHING LESS THAN SENSATIONAL. SUCH GARMENTS AS THESE, DURING SUCH TIMES OF GOODS SCARCITY, DURING SUCH TIMES OF HIGH PRICES JUSTIFY THE USE OF THE WORD SENSATIONAL. } Children’s Silk and Wool Union Suits, size 2 to 6, $3.50 value— SALE PRICE $1.95 Misses’ Silk and Wool Separate Garments, $2.50 value— SALE PRICE $1.75 Ladies’ Silk and Wool Vests and Pants, value $3.00— SALE PRICE $1.98 Misses’ Silk and Wool Union Suits, $4.00 value— SALE PRICE $2.45 Ladies’ Silk and Wool Union Suits, value $5.00— SALE PRICE $3.45 There excellent garments are made of the very finest materials. To buy higher priced garments would be only sheer extravagance. Some of them are trimmed with fur, some are plain. Included in the comprehensive show ings are the best examples of silver- tones broadcloth, plushes, serges, gar- badines, poplins, tricoletteB. Ever since the war started it has been impossible to get any silk and wool underwear. It will be a long time before it is again generally on the market. I fortunately picked up a lot of the highest grade garmento for women and children only. As lon^r as they last they are yours for but little more t^an half of their real Talue. Come eai^ly if you want any of these fine garments. Coats and Suits, valued up to $150. every one a work of art>» SALE PRICE $98.00 Goats and Suits, valued up to $126. and fine values at that figure—> SALE PRICE $85.00 Coats and Suits, valued up to $100. and worth more than that— SALE PRICE $89.80 Coats and Suim^ued np to $75., and the fullest value at ^at SALE PRICE $52.50 ^ Coats and Suits valued up to $50.50 at which figures they are unusual bar gains— SALE PRICE $32.50 Coats and Suits valued up to $40.00 W and well wjorth more than that— SALE PRICE $27.50 Coats and Suits valued up to $30.00 and good sellers— 4 A SALE PRICE $22.95 ..,Coats and Suits, valued up to $25. SALE PRICE $I7JM» PATTERSON’S DEPARTMENr STORE The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes HENDEI^NVUXE, N. C