THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY,* NqVEMBER ^Ut, 1919 Mr. and Mrs. W. O. K. King, Mrs. Harry Patton and children and Mr?. ;r. D. England left on a motor trip jJast Saturady for Florida points ^vhere they are going to spend 'the coming winter. Miss Mary Jane King left last week for Anniston, Ala. to visit her Aunt, Mrs. C.. A. Allison. Miss Mary Sledge has accepted the principalship of the Island Ford school and left last Monday to as sume her duties. :\Irs. Ed Mackey leaves today for Little River to visit the old home and ho hlC folks. Mrs. Emma Hooper of Lake Toxa- way. the foster mother of Ex-Gove- ^ ' ” Hooper of Tennessee was a Bw'vai’d visitor Monday and stopped nt Rosman on her way home to visit ]\lrs. Mont, Glazener. Wclfh Galloway, attorney, of Bre- v:’.rcl was here Monday on professional business. (From the W. N. C. Times) I I\lrs. J. R. Boone left Tuesday for Littleton. Va., wjjere she will spend the winter. Mrs. C. N. Roirers left this week for Ulenheim, S. C. 3Irs. J. F. Henry and daughter left BiL vard last Friday for Louisville, Ky. whore they will make their winter home. We are in reciept of a request from Rev. W. E. Poovey to send his News to North Wilkesboro, his present home. Rev. Poovey is Presiding El der of the North Wilkesboro district of tho North Carolina Conference. J. J. Miner, former editor of the r.revard News has just returned from a pleasure trip north, visiting, Miehi- .uan, Chica.tro and other places. Mr. ^liner states that he had some good fishing sport and that he found Chi- as dry as a desert for the first time in American history. G. F. \Volf of Tuxcedo was a Bre vard visitor Wednesday. While here he called at the News office and sub scribed for the Brevard News. ]\Irs. Ira Hamilton of Spartanburg came up Monday to visit home folks. Mrs. Hamilton returned to Spartan burg Wednesday. Dr. Walker was a Brevard patron of the Auditorum at Asheville, Tues day night to see Fritzi Scheff. How did you like it Doctor? J. H. House, a Balsam Grove mer chant, was in Brevard Wednesday on a business trip and while here sub scribed for the News. J. M. Allison made a business trip to Asheville Wednesday. David Ward made a business trip to Ashev'ille last Tuesday. T. E. Ray and famiyl have moved to Wayneaville for the winter. Dr. B. ]«. Vincent Lyon after a two weeksj^sit with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. English returned to his home in Philadelphia Sunday morning. Robert James, a mill operative of Cliffside, N. C. spent the week-end in Brevard visiting his daughters who are at present students of the Brevard Institute. ' John Glenn spent Sunday in Hen dersonville. Mr. and Mrs. A1 J. Verdery return ed home last. Saturday after a pro longed stay in Asheville and Green ville, S. C. where they have been seek ing both health and pleasure. We are more than glad to inform the many friends and acquaintances of Col. C. C. Hodges, as well as, the many readers 6f the NEWS that he j;Col. Hodges) has about recovered his health after several weeks of ill ness and is now back at his office on the job. CHILD BORN Born unto Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tin sley last Saturday a baby boy weigh ing fifteen pounds. Mother and son doing nicely. DRAWERS It takes a rich man to draw a check, a pretty girl to draw attention, a horse to draw a cart, a porous plaster to draw the ^kin, a toper to draw a cork, a free lunch to draw a crowd and a well displayed advertisement in the NEWS to draw the trade. BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION The following parties of Brevard and Transylvania County attended the Baptist State Convention at Ral eigh last week: Rev. Elija Allison, Misses Cal C. Duckworth, Alfred Hampton and Rev. Puette. LITTLE JOE HAMLIN The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hamlin of Route 2 will be glad to learn of the recovery of their little son, Joe, who has been very ill with pneumonia. Supper Sale at Davidson River school hou^, Saturday, November 22 at 6;:50 p^m. Hot oysters, cocoa, cake, and all sorts of good things to eat. Given for the benefit of the Junior Circle of the Davidson River Church. Everybody invited. ^ Miss Georgia Fowler and Miss Mae Huger motored to Charleston this week. Mrs. Ethel McMinn has returned from a visit to her sister-in-law at Greenville. Messrs Roland Whitmire and Carl Shytle of Asheville were Brevard vis itors last Sunday. ^ Mrs. Whitmire and daughter lef^* last week, on a visit to Eastern New England cities. ^ Mr. and Mrs. William Breese Mrs. Chas. Orr motored to Ashev^^^® last r;.;urday. f i. Dr. F. V. Hunter of Hendersoy^ville was a Brevard visitor last weel^ , . RESOLUTIONS Whereas it has pleased our Supreme Grand Master to remove from our midst brother G. M. Glazener and Milas Dunn— Be it resolved that in their deaths Dunn’s Rock Lodge 267 has lost two faithful and devoted Masons; the state two valuable citizens, and it is the desire of this Lodge to extend to their families the full sympathy of the Lodge in their bereavement. And that a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon the minutes of Dunn’s Rock Lodge 267. THOS. S. WOOD THOS. H. SHIPMAN CHAS. M. COOKE, Nov. 19th, 1919 Committee. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. J. S. Silverstden announces the engagement and approaching mar riage of Miss Falice Auslander to Mr. Nathan P. Dworetzky. The wedding to take, place next Wednesday in New York. A reception will be given at Palza hotel after the wedding cere mony. Mr. Dworetzky* was connected with the Rosman Tanning and Extract Co. of Rosman for quite a long while and his many friends wishes to offer their congratulations to the bride and gro(|m to be. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sil- versteen will go to New York to at tend the wedding. WILLTHE INRUENZA RETURN PUBLIC HEALTH AUTHORITIES PREDICT ITS RECURRENCE Guard Against It by Building Up the Blood Pepto-Mangan Creates Rich Red Blood and Increases Strength ANNOUNCEMENT St. Philips Guild will hold a Christ mas sale of fancy articles at the Rectory on the 9th of Dec. from 3 to 6 P. M. CLUB MEETING The D. D. B. D. Club will meet with Mrs. Carl Whitmire Monday the 24th at 3:30 P. M. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, sa. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of P. J. Cheney* & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said flrnt will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 18S6. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all drurgists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Janies Watson Says, “III Never For get When Father’s Hogs Got Cholera. One morning he found 20 hogs dead and several sick. He called in the Vet. who after dissecting a rat caught on the premises, decided that 'Sihe rodents had conveyed germs. Since then I am never without RAT- SNAP. It’s the surest, quickest rat destroyer I know.” Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Brevard Hardware Co. and Davis- Walker Drug Co. Brevard, N. C. Surgeon General Blue of the United States Public Health Service, in a recent statement from Washington, warns the public that the much- dreaded influenza epidemic will pro bably return this fall and winter. All medical authorities agree that the weak, bloodies, rundown individual is more likely to contract this (as well as any other infectious disease) than is the strong, robust, red-blooded man or woman. In view of these facts, it is wise to use every effort to build up the blood and thus increase the resistance t othe invasion of the germs of the disease. Gude’s Pepto- Mangan is an absolutely dependable red-blood builder in all conditions of lowered vitality not due to serious dis- I ease of the vital organs. It improves j the appetite, imparts color to cheeks j and creates new hope and ambition in j hose who have become pale, weak and j listless. Physicians recommend Gude’s 1 Pepto-Mangan. When you order, be i i sure the words “Gude’s” is on the packagd!" Without “Gude’s” it is not Pepto-Mangan. Furnished in both liquid and tablet form. For sale by all druggists. NOTICE NAME MR. WEBB’S SUCCESSOR SOON Raleigh, Nov. 8.—An election for successor to Congressman Edwin Yates Webb, who resigned to become United States judge, is to be held in the ninth district December 16. Gover nor Bickett issued the Mrrit of elec tion and proclamation to the state board of ^elections today. The writ and proclamation read as follows: “To the state board of election: “Gentlemen; “Honorable Edwin Yates Webb, a duly elected member of the national house of representatives f the ninth congressional district froin^ North Carolina, has filed \^ith me his resig nation as a member of Congress, ef fective No>^itft'ber 10, 1919. “Now, t-Kerefore, in compliance with the ' duty imposed upon me by the law, I authorize and direct you to hold, a special election to fill the va ,;ai)by in Congress* caused by the re- ^nations of Honorable . Edwin Yates Webb, the said election to b held on Tuesday, December 16, 1919. “An voters in the ninth congi^s- sional district are hereby notiledof said election, and are called uponi to turn out on said day, and then and there vote for a representative jin Congress. The said election shall Ipe conducted in like manner as regular slections.” Having purchased the Athel- wold Hotel building and as I have had several of my friends to ask me for a lease on the Hotel I have decided to let any responsible parties who wish to lease hotel and furnishings as it now stands write me what they will pay for it by the year. I will lease it to the party pay ing the highest price, as I bought it as an investment. But 1 will be judge of whom 1 think capable of operating hotel re gardless of price. You have from now until Dec. 1st to an swer this notice and Jan. 1st to take charge of hotel. T. W. WHITMIRE, ' Box 842, Asheville, N. C. COME ON! Who Wants Action? You’ll Get It From WnXIAM DUNCAN in "SMASHING BAimiEiisr* A High Powered Serial in Fifteen pisedes. \ ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name **Bayer’* is on Genuine Aspirin—say Bayer A Insist on “Bayor Tablets of Aspirin” in a “Bayer package,” containing proper directions for Colds, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name “Bayer” means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of^ Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie- acidester of Salicylicaeid. SAPPHIRE THEATRE BREVARD, N. C. EVERY SATURDAY lOc Admission 10c Diversiiieil Ads TOWN LOTS*—Farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, N. C. tfc. FOR SALE—1 2 horse corn planter. 1 Riding Cultivator. 1 Disc Har row. All in good condition. C. M. Cooke, Jr. Oct.24,4t. FANCY PATENT flour only $1.50 at Glazener’s Rosman and Quebec stores. 4tc-ll-21. FOR SALE—Will sell cheap, dr trade for cattle, one first class mule colt One good mare for sale or trade for cattle. C. C. Yongue. tfc YOUNG JERSEY Heifers for sale. ■ See P. C. Orr, Everett Farm, Da vidson River, N. C. 11-1 4tc. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Mare, huggy and harness. Good bargain for cash, or will exchange for cat tle' or hogs. S. F. Allison. FOR SALE—^Young Turkeys. Put in your order now for choice young turkeys for Thanksgiving. P. C. Orr, Everett farm, Davidson River, N. C. 10-31-4tc FOR SALE—Berkshire And Poland China Pigs. S. F. Allison. FOR SALE—One fine black driving mare and one rubber tired buggy and harness; also one Jersey cow. Also one 6-octave oak organ, apply J. A. Hartman, Pisgah Foresl^ N. C. \ Your advertisement in .the Brevard News will be read by more than 5000 people. The CHEVROLET is The Car • \ jr The Worth of a Car is the Worth of the Motor **lt is the motor that makes the automobile from the stand point of utility,” says White, Woodward Auto Co., of Rosman, N. C., local dealers in Chevrolet passenger and commercial cars. . .. Hundreds of dollars may be spent on body comfort and ap pearance, but in the end, the enjoyment of a car is limited to the worth of the motor. Just as the heart is the center oF life in a human being, so the motor is the heart of the automobile. It makes it go. If a man has a strong heari. he is generally capable of doing physical things. The ordinary' tests of every day do not tax him at all, they do not wear him out. He has endurance. He lives long and is fit and vigorous in his old age. In just die same manner the capacity of a car for hard service and the length of that service depends on the character of its motor. .It is be cause so many people fail to grasp this important point that they make so many costly experiments before finding real motoring satisfaction. It is because of this that so many makes of auto mobiles are permitted to flourish on the sole strength of attrac tive surface features before public opinion snuffs them out. . . . On the other han4 the most successful cars of today are those whose motors have stood up to the tests of time. .They are the kind in which the motor has been the first considration. .Then the rest of th car has been built to fit the power of the motor. In such cars the motor is not taxed by unnecessary weight. Strength and flexibility have taken the place of bulk and the re sult is greater riding comfort, endurance, freedom from repairs and fa^more power at far less cost for fuel. A. M. WHITE U. G. WOODWARD WKite Woodward “The Chevrolet’ Rosman, N. C. AsDead Dodo iALONEL Every druggist in town—your druggist and everybody’s drug- l^lst has noticed a great falling off in the sate of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson’s Liver Tone, is taking its place. “Calomel Is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson’s Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results,” said a prominent local druggist. Take “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Instead! Dodson’s Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who selb it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails give easy relief in every case of livtt sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Itodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant* toting, •' purely vegetable remedy, kanoless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick hcadache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn’t gripe or cause in convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s work! Take Dodson’s Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full ^ vigor and ambition. The Frost is on the Punkin’ The Stinging Snap of November and Tur key Time is Here. WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR THANKS GIVING TURKEY—FINE ONES." PLACE YOU ORDERS EARLY THE CITY MARKET W. H. DUCKWORTH S. F. ALLISON Phone 47 ENTRY No. 2617 B. E. Hardin enters and claims 50 acres of land more or less in Little River Township on Backhom Greek, adjoining lands of <3. A. Shuford es tate and others. Beginning on a chestnut oak on a rock cliff the be ginning comer of a tract of land granted by the State to James M. Orr and later conveyed to McCrary and PeChoiseul and runs with a line of siiid grant North 36 1-2 deg. west 80 j^les ^ a black oak; then with the line of another line of Grant to Mc Crary and PeChoiseyl south 65 deg. west 80 poles to a stake in the C. A. Shuford tract; then wes( 10 poles to a stake, the north east comer of Grant no. 3416 to Heifner (Now C. A. Shuford estate) then with eart line of said Grain south 3 deg. west 100 poles to a stake in the line of an other Grant to McPrary and DeChoi- seul; then with line of said graat N. 53 deg. east 140 poles to thcT ning. . ^ , (Signed) B. E. HARDIN. Sntered Nov., 16th, 1919. C. Kilpatrick, Entry Takor. / \ /