THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, NOV STOP WE ARE READY TO SUPPLY YOU WITH ANY ARTICLE NEEDED IN THE LOGGING LINE—PEVIES AND CANTHOOKS, L6GING D QdZ AND TRAILERS, CROSSCUT SAWS, LOG CHAINS, DOUBLE BIT AXES, TRACE CHAINS, HARNESS, HAMES, ETC. NISSEN WAGONS Farmers Supply Company J. M. ALLISON, Manager Ml MODERN woodme:: Mr. Jno. C. Oldham, De puty, of the Modern Woodman *f America, was in Brevard last Tuesday in the interest of the Brevard lodge. The Brevard organization should grow and there is no reason for it not doing 80, to such extent that it would exert a great influence for good. This or der has the genuine fraternal spirit and is a unit on any proposition look ing to the betterment of the organi zation and the welfare of its mem bers. RURAL CARRIER EX*^MlNATION QUALITY COUNTS The Brevard Printery has just re ceived 2,500 pounds of the justly fa mous **Hammermill Bond” paper, en velopes, etc., bought before the big advance in the papei* market. Our prices are therefore right and satis faction is absolutely guaranteed. The United States Civil Service has announced an examination for the County of Transylvania, N. C. to be held on Dec. 12, 1919 at Brevard to j miciled in the territory of a post of- fill the position of rural carrier at; fice in the «ounty and who meet the Pisgah Forest and vacancies that may later occur on rural routes from ot^er post offices in the above-mentioned county. The examination will be open only to citizens who are actually do- other requirments set forth in Form No. 1977. Admission of women will be limited to the widows of U. S. soldiers, sailors, or marines, and to the wives of U. S. soldiers, sailors, or marines who are physically disquali fied for examination by reason of in- f fest juries received in the line of military j mission at Washington at the duty. This form and application. practicatr? date. % ^ blanks may be obtained from the of- ’ L_ flees mentioned above or from the stray iZoifer calf, red with white United States Civil Service Commis- face. Crop off of left ear. Owner sion at Washington, D. C. Applica-1 P^y for this add and expense of tions should be forwarded to the Com- j T, T., Patton, Pisgah I Forest, N. C. 2tp. YOUNG MAN PAINFULLY IN JURED Mr. Galloway, a son of Mr. Walker Galloway of Selica, was painfully in jured last Wednesday when in some manner he fell against the circular saw at A1 Bryson’s sawmill. Dr. Ly- day nvias phoned for and reports the accident very painful but not to such an extent as will cause Mr. Galloway to lose his leg. Polk MillerV Liver Pills The Good Old Fashioned Kind that have been doing Good Work for 50 years without change of formula. More popular than ever. Great in Malaria, Stck'headaches. Constipation and Biliousness. At all druggists. Manufactured tiy Polk Miller Drug Co., 1 ^ Inc., Richmond, Va. XUC* A Rat That Didn’t Smell After Being Dead for Three Months. “I swear it was dead at least three months,” said James Sykes, Butcher, Westfield, N. J. “We saw this rat every day. Put a cake of RAT-SNAP behind a barrel. Months later my wife asked about the rat. Remem bered the barrel, looked behind it. There was the rat—dead, not the slightest odon” Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Bre vard Hardware Co. and Davis Walker Drug Co., Brevard, N. C. uov I % % % h % % Philip’s Bakery 9 'i WHY BUY BREAD OUT OF ^ TOV/N WHEN YOU CAN GET BREAD $ MONEY AT YOUR HOME $ ^ BAKERY? MORE BREAD AND BETTER FOR THE SAME $ jPliilip’sBal(ery ill IS: ;iii 4> • I i; Mi i: ill * i; fel: •I a ^ (Ml *vn'* T)- •' iv- r’'** . ♦ • 'M - W W'til ^ ^ ^ - “■ * .i&l "v 4 ,ah:i hji ... . i J .1 . ^ 'Hr”'' As It Is The Road In New Ovemna jhS-y i I ,1 - . < / > » C' ^ V.,* 4. a A O 4 on Three-^Point Cantilever S ■5^ t"»-9 •*'* K YOU expcct a bad road to ride as it looks. It did, until the introduction of die Overland 4 Spring basGu Overland 4 does not change the road, but it does change the mar.urr i t v!;ich you can ride on it. It gives you coml. ; Jr t ^ • of dis-comfort. It giv’^cs you a smooth, i>auing sensation instead of bouncing and swaying. The Diagonal attachrtK;nt of Three-Point Canti lever Springsat theendsofa 130-inch Springbasegives long wheelbase road steadiness. YetCverland - 4 retains ail the advantages—lightness, econ omy, and ease of handiing, of 100-inch wheelbase. h This means r.n altogether new standard of riding comforr, a noteworthy rcJuction in the wear ar. J tear v.’hic.'i lessens thc ciTicicncyof a car. The new • give longer life to every part a:id thus minimi.'c up keep and rcplaccment cc^ts. Tires v/ear lor.q;er because cushioned hammering blows. Lichtv/ei^htmeans raarkci’ omy in gas, oil and runnin3 Overland 4’s equipment is complete from Auro- Lite Starting and Li-hting to Demountable R:;..,;. Come in and sre this remarkable car. / i>r booklet. Overland 4 Tc u'ing, f345; Roadster, Coupe, $1325; Sed::;-*, J1 j/5. Prices f. o. b. 'I'uL mm ./m '““looincfi”'mrofbase^ rt~~SM.- \ ' ( >' , X 1 KING LIVERY CO., BREVARD, N. C. W >5>5^e5>?i^e?M6