THE COAL RESTRICTIONS The Regional Coal Committee of the Fuel Administration, with head quarters at Atlanta, came to the con clusion that there was no prospect of immediate relief of the disquieting coal shortage from the men who dig coal. From many quarters within the .DECEMBER THE BREVARD NEWS^ BREVARD, N. C. territorial jurisdiction of the commit tee came distress calls for coal with winter days threating them every hour. Drastic action seemed imme diately necessary and so Aastic ac tion was taken. I All places of business with a very few execptions will open at 9 a. m and close at 4 p. m. Generally, drug stores, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, depots, newspa per establishments, public utilities and essential industries are excepted from the new order, though the ad ministration warns that unless there is a rapid clearing up o fthe coal sit uation, further drastic steps by way of curtailment will be taken. ► Furnilurc Is Yosir Bedroom Cozy? That spot in which most folks are bom and die, Lhat haven where thejr find rest and in timacy between those two great journeys cer tainly should b^as comfortablcj convenient and inviting as taste and means will permit. a bpeciaiize in beclrcom tumishings. Our beds are designed for solid, oic-i’i:5:.iioried cGm'iCit. Our wardrobes, dress ing tables, chiiioniers, dressers, clothes chests, and the like, are sure to strike your fancy. And prices? — li is an* economy to trade with us. Our Ward Aiiz We can r -'h. yoirf home from cellar to garret— Y/c ax.;r.rcc'...ii;£ a share gi your patronage. V, NOTICE—-LAND SALE by Trustee Messrs Walter Moore of Webster, By virtue of' the power of sale con tained in a certain deed in trust exe- Felix Alley, of Waynesville, are* at^ R. A. Sentelle, Haywood, as presi- tending Superior Court this week. dent and A. Mitchell, Transylvania, Claude Neil, of Transylvania coun- as secretary. cuted by W. tt. Faulkner and wife to ' ty, is attending the International Live the undersigned trustee to secure the j Stock show, at Chicago, this week, payment of certain indebtedness due | The Western District Association as mentioned therein, which deed in ! of County Superintendents met in Ra trust is dated Dec. 21, 1912, register ed in Book 7, at page 131 of Deed of Trust Records of Transylvania Co., N. e. And v»rheras, said indebtedness is is past due and unpaid, and the legal | holder of same having given the re quired notice to the makers to pay said indebtedness and the default not ^ i having been made good, and tho r \ holder of said note having demanded of said trustee to advertise saul lands and premises described in said deed in trust. Now therefore, the undersigned trustee will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court house door in the town of Brevard N. C. on Manday Jan. 5th, 1020^ at 12 o’clock M. all the following described lands and pre mises: Situated in Bi'evard township, Transylvania county, adjoining lands of T. H. Hampton and others. FIRST TRACT—Being all that land set out and described in a deed made by Charles Stonecipher to W. H. Faulkner dated April 15, 1909, and registered in Deed Book No. 27 at page 157 of the deed records of Transylvania county, N. C. SECOND TRACT—Being th same tract or parcel of land described in a deed made by Welch Galloway, the Trustee to W. H. Faulkner, datc;l on Jan. 13th, 1908, and registered in a Deed Book, No. 26. at page 2G of the deed records of Transylvania county, N. C. THIRD TRACT— Being the same land described in a deed made by C. C, Lynch and wife to W. H. Faulkner dated Dec. 12, 1907, and registered in Deed Book No. 27 at ?'a.;'e 93 or the ach of t'U‘ a’ov- dtv 1.coirs ant I T/ages. and tliey ar,> refcvrcu lo an-1 ■ H ru'rt of tno ilc;a‘;’i’)-ion of I j I said Ids for t’iie iniryo.-^o of I'.’.o de- i of same in this notice of i . A.ny i:)ros|)ec‘tive will iin;'. tle- leigh last Thanksgiving afternoon and reorganized by ececting the following officers:’ Your advertisement in the Brevard News will be read by more th?in 5000 people. Brevard Lumlier Co. JUST ARRIVED Acid and Wheat rertilizer GROW YOUR OWN WHEAT and QUIT BUYING FLOUR. WE HAVE ANOTHER CARLOAD OF RED CEDAR SHINGLES, GUAR ANTEED TO LAST FORTY YEARS. WHEN YOU NEED ANY KIND OF BUILDING MATERIAL COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK and GET OUR PRICES. Brevard Lumber Company FRANK JENKINS, IvTanager 1 .lone 120 Close to Depot J ft ‘'I' M ■ scripvlc;’. in Deed ilctor h; re^err- n: j I C-! to at i-a i:aiujfl a;:« , J! be u ou on i-ale (!ay for co;;'i'U'tc (i j pci‘i;-lion ! Sa!..' n'U ’c to F.-iiisfy tho in.k‘l'nomics, A.'^ric.’Uure. j At! departtnent5 are (llrectei! b;- teac'h«T3 with special tninii;;:; a:::l ^ larp;(' t,‘xperi(‘ncv\ 'I'bi-y kno'.v theiv business. T* Fiiliiieaces <•?' l'':C i" -litiitc au* alone wo.'th the osL of tuitirn. f j Opens on Sep-.'r;)I:cr 5. • \ I < . -- - ? i CXp-'ll'CS O; I'Jlle. W('j'-h Callo-.vav, Trustee. 101!'. -itc. e> asa. Ccme lo Brevard COURT WEZK l is; R’ion_iay, Nov. 2-' H ?r.V.4RD PMARIV;' ;> ■ :r.'s Ci:'-. < ir I!’ f-. lOi. andies, i " - Siatio; '! ';aoco;, ;;.:u ••mac"/ / Let Us ’ 'il i.j i';- -.criptlons. I r>ua-i!'".' Diu Tcists .T. - I ,G Pr- n. S o. . T.-d, N. i’. CCLSSfed:- S:>TC2‘i 1 ■ c.. Ol-Xi \,... . \ Gk£ !n I ‘ > • -•‘df / \ : i ' I J T] u f ' t V.: y R 1 i uJ (• t li / ii / ! ■; -' • / O ' 1 i ^ ^ f— ^ A ?!! . V’ i? > ^ ; iJ 4. t I 'ijy ^ r'H I. ^ »‘ r; J \ J h rr; f7 X- ’-'N f • ■; I T- -J 4 li K''. ♦ / /. yA. T =» 4t i/i. nv £ 11 nero"*vyC:a bottle has been so?i-i f?d, il^ed, scrubbed and it is f.utoii'iaticL by placed on a convcj'or. A continucM3 ctrcani ot sterilized bottles ;va3S along tne en:tie3s cha^n, ffom y/hich the 'sva.‘ ifui insp- ctcr r': aoves any imperfect bottle belorv. it reaches xh.e tiiier. This is another reason for C- ~'ro-Cola’s r rov/ing popiilarity. ‘*There^s Hone Jo Gooc2”. / 3 t i — - .JJ ••--■•'IS.. I),■/■ \