^ ■ ;f. •* ar*-. . * =•■ - .■ -• y:' ,. V / . '>: i^'^-' ■' ►, „ I * ^ / » f -'w; ., t;' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6tkr W9. THE ’:. .EVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. YOUR FRIEND WHEN RHEUMATIC “THE MEDICINE OF DISTINCTION” “A treat ~’’7ays convinces” F^r Sale # by J. C. Whitmire Cherryfield, N. C. Davis-Walker Drug Co., Brevard, N. C. Morgan’s Drug Store Rosman, N. C. Calhoun Mercantile Co., . Calhoun, N. C. I Brown-Patton Co., Pisgah-Forest, N. C. Carr Lumber Co’s. Store ” ” ” Justice Pharmacy Hendersonville, N. C. Wilson Drug Co. Hendersonville, N. C. E. Poor Davidson River, N. C. Manufactured by Pharmaceutical Laboratories a Ladrigan, President. Davidson River, N. C. wa—ggwim—nwTn.'g wiMiuinni jiBgaJwagjga'iiicMggigwaiui.wiw/ii*' ^ 45 .W, fl; © IPIO A. E. f?., Inc. ti'isi.'’ 4'j cj^ S l!k? k' •v'i' iilS'Si'fr' casCm^ina AkJj^ C:AM '^'V’212 Ir'ay Ti1ie;y^e H'/ilCE’emti'y 2-33a'54 E»i»2ces A SlSIiPMErJT ©FF-lT0IiiA¥ i.-'-tL,.:;.''-.;RGi i n-:'1l;^R'oE i k^imediu!-', r^^isr-^ALi N° 2 t LXTi-t re ••vt' r-:,- , ex' sa tq •.-.yiGe jc ^Twa to a j f xTRa tc avEn.-.c-E Ias to si;; OQUftL'rY j O ii>l 6.50 to 4.00 I MTck il5.r3 L 12.03 mz to 3.00 i S.0!) lO m S 5,50 |HcavYFurroc"O.C'n0 ?.00: 6.S0^g5.50 5 <}.50nH.90 lOrdinary UXj'r 7.‘0^ G'O'- 5.50| 4.75{o3.75 I 3.Sf)ti?2.0G 4i0t&3.00 3.50 !e< 2.50 V' -r? T.’ 1'‘>T n ia.-.; 3.’39td7.0? t G.G0to5.25 1 C.0Ci5i«9. | rinc, L’;.nc Usiic.! Coicc J i;.',? G3t2 7xlj \ G.50to5.2^ [ 5.0Qto-i!.C0 ! 5.C3VQS-0Q \ Pf,!o I Of; ?.03» G,<5w 5.Cfl?a4.(!e j 3.5Ci3lGC • 3.5Gtr,2.SG ! Fd: PV*^ Ji ii. % •!* M fc. i4i5ie -vSnUlu '--Xvi 2.75b2-5G i 2.25to2.00 j 1.751;;:.^ | :'^3tn S.COt ;:A'} 2.36y.8u | 1.70to UP j 150 to 1.(13 [ Tliet:.: cxnieii.jc.-y iiijih nri.cr, r b '. e^l o.i toe -vell-kaown ‘ SKTJBKRT”liberal j^radm^ anc’. crc- rj>:o.cd for i i .T.tdiacc; tWv' :'.c.i':. xis. -. Nf:. s, and ctlicrwiiic Kifcrir.r slrinj nt hiRhcst ini.rkc.: v;iK;t. F:>r t’ ;ct?.tio-i3 or, ■:. Ca-o'.lm Furs, v/rlts fcr ’‘(Elir Ss>6ubtft i&ijlpijti'.” tho ot.lv ;iud i.ccurate 11 ..: t i.r.ji Hut of i ts Ji-nd publiiiied. It's I liEL—lVrils fer it, /u GMpz:aCr;:i wlM iL’ssalu ""i:r::Gr£ ^:iip Alt vizm n.'Rss nmcciv * to %'■ is E . Ikis 0antas m f §■ By R. RAY BAKLF. W I? •?jA .'J .E.UJ (Copyiiuiii. iD:i', by the iMi.Clure N\ paper Syndicate.) tfH. rav,!)r.netl sailor stoppod wNistliiiu’ vvliiMi !io s;i\v the JUit(!::iol)iIe. jiltIio'ii‘-ili his lips :•(' itM'.iiK'd pi:rs;’(! nnd vn- I'.cir c-ontiini(>(l to lortti l)t'rnr;' iiis iiioutl). !1“ !i:ili('.l midway j bi'twv'iMi liii' juid tlip !icjhtlii)ii:;(‘. Miid st:iiiM»<**1 eiu*r- H‘ ^t'ti<*:illy i!'.’,’' li* .snid. find lie (!:d not s;iy it Jovi'iiily. “llc*’s caiiin’ on Mjirie nu'iii.’' ’rii',' door oC lilt' dweMiii;: prirt of tlie litrlitliousi* o;c.‘ue iep and li('!p(*(i kei'p the villa.ue of lU'P.Mett sup])lied with food. ^ Ilis knock w:-,s answered by a rlavk- eyed u'irl of three years, who suiiU'd bri.irlu ly. “Hello, Knu'liiie.” be s':t;d. and ho took her in his artns and asked her about Santa and v. bat site expected the old L-'enlleman from tin' X(.rtb to hrin.t: hrr. ‘•lii.ir doll's what 1 want,” she told him, tryin" to sjxiil the pai't in bis hair, and failint: because ther(* was not any tbc're to bt>;.;ni with. “Dat’s ail—just bi^ doll.” From tile a.d.ioininj: room c.nme an- ot!«'r dark-eyed jrirl of nineteen wii>, in.u" her ham'-; on an apron. Harry placeil tlie tot on tlie lloor, and ns be did so bo discovered a pic ture slandinir on the table. It was of a very ;;o: iKi'i 1...M I..:-' wi.iU.^lits to himself, for the jL'iri Ibired up. “Yes,” she siiid witli a tinw of de fiance. “I'.c'ii C'iark left mo his pic ture. I lioiio you don’t ol),iect.” The sailor studied the biue pattern in the faded red carpet. “Wouldn't do much s^od if I did,” he res])ondcd. “Y(mi an’ bo’s j;ottin’ pretty thick, ?oor suys. Marie’s cheeks ,^rew red and ?ne taj>!>od her foot. “Look here. Harry IL’.mmond,” she said in a voice that sonfided Mke a rinjrmajitor’s whip ci'ackinir. *7011 nor no man i.‘? ffoin-:? to dicta.te to me. Mr. Clark has been very nice. Ilesides, he’s a bisiily retim'd .ijentleman, and you—well, you’re not, and you know It.” Ren turned toward the (hior. “.JI{*!*be I better step out o’ it alto gether.” he observed. lie opened the door and was ■ bout to steii out, when Emeline sprai into his jirms. He kissed the child n the t;!rohe;i(\ th(fU put her back ..n the floor and went out, remarkinjr to hini- .«5elf thtit “tins sure is.,.snine merry Cliristmas.” > That afternoon a storm that had been bri?Viing fof' da ys vented its spitt on the villii:^« an,d its surroiindinjifi. which Includi'd Clayton Pojnt and the llfihthouse. . raw. stilt’Vlnd .carried biti'r.:^ ^\‘cc:i of hard siioap. ' ••Mebl>& SuiKii Claus tatVt tome.” said the tot, as she snusglcd up to the older f^irt uod listened to the £iowl* Ing wind. ‘‘Probnbly not," replied Marie, who was gazing abstrracjtedly from the livlnp: rootti window out over the frozen hike. ^ Marie was quite sure Santa would not come. Santa would have to be her brother Frank, who was Emellne’s father, and he was at Sloan City. 20 •ilc.s away, helpin!? an Ice company ‘ up ni'xt siuiiiiior’s suf ply. He h; -i ; oniised to brhiR sontethinR for I’ii.eline’s Christmas, but Mario knew in‘ would not attempt the trip in the storm. Frank was the lightkeeper and the government records showed Marie to ’oe his assist.'int. Frank kept the light burning durinjt the summer and in the winter found jobs ^ various kinds to perform. About five o’clock, through tne storm, Marie heard an automobile horn, and presently came a knoclc on, the door. Beji Clark, blanketed with snow, stood there when she opened it. “I csn’t stay,” he said, “or I won’t be able to drive back, because the road is drifting badly. I came becau.-^e I heard some news you’ll be intere.sted in. Harry Ilanusiond went out on the ice this morning wifh his dog team, and up at the village a fisherman just came in with tbe news that the ice had cracked and part of it went out. Ilsimniond didn’t have a chance in a thousand, especially in this storm. He surely must have (h’owned.” Marie started back, horror in her eyes. “Harry drowned!” she cried. “It doe.sn’t seem po.ssible. Are you sure? Can’t you do something? Take me out on the ice in your car. Perhaps he’s still alive, lying somewhere on the ice freezing. The ice must be firm for a long ways out.” “Whr.t?” exclaimed Ben. “f!o out there in tJiis howling blizzard? The ice might hold up for a long ways, but I’d ruin the car and we’d stand a good chance of getting pneumonia, if we di(hi’t get lost and wander into open water.” Karly’ that night the villagers were startled to see a red bar of light shoot from Clayton Point. It was the first time in Iiistory that thsit light, which had guided many a ship through sutn- mer gales, had shone forth into a win ter night. Up in the liirht tower stood Marie •looking thr(tu ;h tiie great glass wall, striving to pi('rce the. darkness and storm with eyes that were red 'from weeping. “There’s not much ht>p<',” she mused, “imt tlier(>’M jtist a cl.:;nce he’s still alivft and tiie old ligiit might help him.” For hours sIk' r('mairi('d at the post, watc:'.:r;g and wailing, all but hopeless. Midniglit fouml her asleep in a chair close by tlie light, exiiau.sted by her long vigil. A scrc'am from below inade her wide awake. S!ie stumbled down tbe stairs and gro]ied her way to Enieline’s room. To her suri)ris(> a lamp was burning an<] there v\as Knielim* seated on the lu'd, bouncinir a d(-ll, fully as large as herself, on lu'r knee. “S;;n'a lame!” c;-;ed the little girl, an:l now M.-irie tliat it b:fd be<>n a scream of joy that awak ened li(‘r. “Santa tamo!” repeated the tot. “I found this right on my bed.” Uiial-Ie to uiKlerstand, Marie went out into the living room and lighted a Lves THEY ARE priceless Poor iight often resiiltg wealt e-y-ss and poor work. . Eys conse- qwently business insurar }, Tiicr^ too, a house is sadly handicappc now-a-days un less it is lighted cheerily iou.gh v/ith The Qmck L OR /i Gaasoline L .'Tjm r” THE DAYLIGHT LAMPS It is to your interest to install these ar ticles in your home. COME IN AND GE.S THEM “Let There Be Liffi-st” HARRY P. CLARKE, Manager Diversified Ads TC’.Vri LOTS,—Farms' and timber Iarcl'3 for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, N. C. tfc. CHARTER members desired for tli Modorn,Woo(imen. Class adoption for Brevard camp will cloae next week. ’ ‘ It FANCY PATENT flour only .$1.50 at Glar'.ener’s Rosman and Quebec stores. 4tc-ll-21. FOR SALE—A good base burner hard coal stove in splendid condi- t'on. Will sell reasonable. Thor.ias. II. Shipman. Wri€k i '^r the TToman who has 116-5^ como “a :ier%’oi:s wreck", be- ■ oaii.so of the pliysical ili.s pecu- jp . lii;’ lo women there’s; relief and ivr-'oriiiion to hc.ilth an I I'.r.p- ’ pin, ST, in an oIL'.;nt for vrarg. ' T'-.:oe i o£ sn:;.:A vitai-: cu-' prom- be a great producer of Oil J. Our geological reports '. We are surrounded by , ■. u”'r’:ier. i''ov\’' (irillin . We •’3 iihe Siiallov,' Oil very , iiae. Your .gc’Jf A i" )or- i/ay a lease . in any size tra. i;'!i'’'^,0] 10 1 to 4,000 Pcres. Prici -$20 . r a:re,, accordin.'j: to Ipea- ilaps and all information furnished.. Th\s opportun- y not appear again. A. L. ;( Feco?. Texas ll-21-2tp. State of Ohio, City of ’i'ol Lucas County, ss. Frarik J. Clieney makes oath he is senior partner of the firm of U • J- business in . of Tolc.ilo, CQunty and State aforp^aicl. the (lan .er 1 and uuu sai.i firm will pay the snl^of :n the otl-r I liUXDiiED the or ii.^ht.’ She *^ook one of liis hands I :m‘l foun(f it cold, r^nd rufihed it vigoidusly. •‘Dut w;.iy—v.-hy dIJ you go?’’ slie de manded. He tried to stifle another yawn. I)Ut didn’t .sr.<;'',eed. “WiP. Eiiidine was lookin’ for Santn,” h? ans.veref.’, “an’ I couldn’t let her bo disappointed.” -*• ^ VXt.X'W. CHENEY, ubscribed in Hall's Catarrh Medicinf°s^’'Lk^^‘''^-- ternally and acts throu^ the^w^ , EoMby aU^lStf jfe-- lull’s Pilla fop'^nstipatlon. \ Don’t^lct your siibsci.btion run out iUnuen^ber the editrf k always in nqed of money. * I Jamc'; ■ '’tson S.:iy3, “ill Never For get V.’h. Father’s Kogo Got CholeTO. i (I-.. .' orning he found 20 hogs ! denii several sicl:. Ke called in ! the Vol. v.-;:o after dissecting a rat i cautr!'': on the premises, dccided that I i:he rod.'sts had conveyoJ germs, i Since tiiv n I am never without RAT- I SNAP. It’s the surest, o.uickest rat destvoyer I knovr." Three sir.es 2-">c, i50c, 00- Sold and guaranteed by I Hardware Co. and Davis- Drug- Co. Brevard, N. C. :f Us Print i jr SaSe Bills 1 : f' -v- f