THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. FRIDi^Y^, DECEMBER 12th, 1919^ PERSONALS James M. Dancy has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. E. Hampton. He left here for his home in Jacksonville, Fla. last Monday, s. p. Verner and family, ^ ^ Transylvania County, wh« h,,, chrUtm.. tbi. their home in the Panama Canal Zone ' Um.. Th.r. .r. «.m. pippi- .t B.- (luring: the past lifteen years have re- ker’s Art Gallery, HenilertonTilU. turned to their old home in this coun <y. ^^oday is the time to do youp Xmas shopping. Your friend* can buy anything you can give them for Christmas evcept your photograph. Baker’s Gal lery, Hendersonville, N. C. Mrs. K. M. Millard and daughter .Miss Gladys Dae Millard of Wilmore, Ky, have recently secured rooms at J. R. Born—unto Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin, a daughter. Percy Verdery and Coz Whitmire of Greenville motored to Brevard last Sunday to visit Mr. Verdery’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Al. M. Verdery. If you are broke, go beg or borrow the long green and do your shopping now. Toys are scarce this Christmas. IMrs. Al M. Vcrdery’s and will spend '^hat of it buy the boy a I he winter in Brevard. ' Brownie Camera at Baker’s Art Gal- S:im T. Iloiljrcs, of Hendersonville, Hendersonville. Read the merchant’s ads in the News—^they are chock full of .bar gains. COS PAXTON MARRIED Sheriff Cos Paxton and Mrs. Alice Wood Paxton were quietly united in the Holy bonds of wedlock last Tues day at high noon at the First Presby terian church in Asheville. Very few of their friends and rela- ■ tives knew of the approaching event j until the news reached here thru the j Asheville papers. The couple left ! Wcf’.nesday for Wilmington where they will spend their honey-moon. The News offers its congratulations and prays for God’s blessings to rest I upon them. FLAG and BIBLE PRESENTATION was :i business visitor in Brevard last Woilr.t'sday. In a reient lonimunication received from our former townsmen, Dr. J. ;\loI\inney, we are requested to ihe NEWS to his new homo and Mrs. C. E. Puett, who has been ill for some time, was taken to the Mis sion hospital at Asheville last Mon day. The people of Brevard hope for her speedy recovery. The end of the year is near. If address, Florence, S. C. Here is hop- merchants go now and settle up with Don’t wait for the first of the in.i: you all kinds of prosperity in ^»ppy go now and settle up with your now field of endeavor. Doctor, i Photograph* are becoming more popular each year for CKri*tmas re- ' Amazing Interlude” and bun- memberances. We guarantee to please you. Baker’* Art Gallery, «t Baker’* Art Gallery, Hen- Hendersonville, N. C. | der*onVille. (-. II. Shellield, one of the instruc-1 Waters, of Columbus, Ga. is lors at the Brevard Institute has re- i Brevard this week looking after turi'A'd home after a ten day’s trip business interest, to I’astern and New England cities, following, clipped from the liuiValo, Xiairra Falls, and Canada, Charlotte Observer, will be of inter- iheiuv to Detroit where he went as est to Brevard friends: Mr. and Mrs. . .i.leuate to the International Y. M. E. C. Goode are welcoming a baby r. A. fonvontion. Mr. Sheffield re- ‘laughter, Virginia Lee, at the Pres- V<>v ' a very ln'nefical and pleasant byterian hospital. Prior to her mar- I riage Mrs. Goode was Miss Isolee It is not too late to have photo- l^uckworth of this city, graphs made for Christma*. Go to Give the children wbole*ome book* Baker’s Art Gallery, Hendersonville, Christmas. Tber® are hundreds of them at Baker’s Art Gallery, Hen dersonville. MARRIAGE OF JOHN M. KING N. C. W, A. Johnatone left for rharkston last Tuesday to spend the \vi»;ter. ?Ir. and Mrs. J. S. Silversteen have returned from a trip to Xew York. A marriage of interest to a large •Jennie Aiken and (Jladys Glenn number of friends and relatives in I Wi re wiH‘k-end visitors to Henderson- j Bi'evard and Tra;45ylvania county, viile. j took place at Ridgeheld, N. J., Nov. The one best Christmas Gife for 15 when Miss Mary Banta and John al! the family is a Columbia Grafono- King, son of Mr. P. S. King, of fa. See the line at Baker’s Art Gal- Brevard were married, lery, Hendersonville, N. C. j The ceremony was solemized in the Miss Esther Minott of Henderson- old family church with Mr.’J. A. King v’ille is visiting Mrs. John Glenn. acting as best man and Miss Kather- r. M. Doyle and family have re-; ine Fielder, as special flower girl. The i.urneii home from a trip to Eastern j church was beautifully decorated and mi Xev\ Knuland ciiies. ’ ! filled to its capacity with friends and (i.'orue \V. Woodward and wife of relatives. The Gloucester Council No. 379, Jr. O. U. A. M. will present a flag and Bible to Calvert School Sunday, Dec. 14, 1919 at one o’clock and the fol lowing program will be carried out. Meeting called to order by W. H. Summey. { Song—America—by Congregation. I Devotion by J. W. Glazener. I Presentation of Bible by A. M. i White. j Reception of the Bible, Mrs. J. W. j Glazener. I Presentation of Flag, Walter I. Reece. Reception of Flag, A. F. Mitchell. Address on Principles of Order, J. P. Mason. I i Song by congregation. I j Committee to hoist flag: George I A. Butler, J. F. Snipes and L. R. Sta- I I ten. , Congregation will sing while flag j is being hoisted. Everyone is cordially invited to at tend. G. A. Butler, W. H. Summey and A. M. Paxton, Program Committee. Diversilieil Ads TOWN LOTS,—Farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, N. C. tfc. FOR SALE—One fine black driving mare and one rubber tired buggy and harness; also one Jersey cow. Also one 6-octave oak organ, apply J. A. Hartman, Pisgah Forest, N. C. I HAVE 8 head of nice red cattle for sale, short horn and Denben and one good pair of draft mares for sale. Weights 2900 lbs. Josephine Galloway, R-1, Lake Tox- away, N. C. 2tp. FOR SALE—9 room house with half acre lot on Main St. Cheapest property in town. Easy terms. E. T. Henning Dec 5-4tc. WANTED—a white girl to work in kitchen. Apply box 415 12-5-ltc FOR SALE—Throughbred fresh Jer sey milk cow for sale. Price $125. See Mrs. J. W. Setzer, Franklin Ave., Brevard, N. C. 12-5-ltp Report of the Condition of BREVARD BANKING CO. At Brevard, N. C„ at the close of Business, Nov. 17th, 1919. Recources Loans and discounts. .. .$533,910.06 .Overdrafts 862.28 I United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 87,150.00 Furniture and Fixtures -. 1.00 ! Cash in Bank and due from znks and bnkrs. . 147,583.27 Checks for clearing ... 4,761.74 Total $776,668.35 Liabilities Capital stock paid in .. .$100,000.00 Surplus fund 15,000.00 Jndivided profits less cur rent ex. and taxes pd. 8,779.88 Dividends unpaid 160.00 Bills payable 50,000.00 i Deposits subject to check 435,038.08 I Time certificates of dep.. 162,859.89 j Cashier’s cks outstanding 4,412.64 Certifid chceks 417.86 CARD OF THANKS j We wish to thank our friends and I neighbors for their kindnesses dur ing the illness and death of our hus band and father, 'loward Cooks. And we wish especially to thank the min ister and singers at the funeral. Mrs. How'ard Cooke and Family. WANTED—a desk. Address Box 41.'> Dec. 5, Itc. V/OOD—$3.00 per load, cash, any length. Leave orders at Nichol son’s Shoe Shop. J. R. Hamlin Dec 12-3tp. Total $776,668.35 State of North Carolina—County of T ransylvania. I, Thos. H. Shipman, cashier of the above na!r.ed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOS. H. CHIPMAN, Ca;hier. Correct —Attest: W. S. ASHWORTH, CHAS. E. ORR, C. C. YONGUE, Wm. P. WEILT, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th day of Nov., 1919. WELCH GALLOWAY, Notary Publci. Durluim are spending the winter in ; I’r'.-vard. j Columbia Grafonolas are bard to | but we have some beautiful mo- i dels in stock now. Baker’s Art Gal- i lery; Her.dersonville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. AHi;;on of Hen- < If.-r^cnville are vi.viting Air. Allison’s twin brother, Rev. Ellija Allison. j Miss Rose Hamilton, teacher in the i L’errose high school is on the sick list. | Amos McCall, Carney Owens and | Virgil Duncan havo enrolliKl in the 1 <choo!. T. D. En'iia;:.d has ju-:': returned from Whitener, X. C. where he has been visiling his sister. V. B. Vlallimore of Charlotli, whs ri ErevarJ visitor last v» ?ek. K.'ve world’s best music in your home this Christmas. Buy a Colum bia ^r‘fono!a it T i’ ^ r': Gpl’ery He:iiiv.'rsoiivii!e, N. been grar.K 1 * tv.o weoKS uave ol absence to alt; nd the bed side of his v.ife v.'ho j is Eick in hi*r home at IlendersonvilU?. 1 T ! G. W. Lentz, formerly traveling salesman for the Hendersonville W’^holesale Grocery Co., v.^as in Bre vard last Wednesuay shaking hands with his many friends here. M. R. Miller and wife, Archie Brown and wife of Hendersonville, motored to Brevard last Sunday. The many friends of John Lyday of Brevard, route 2, are sorry to hear of his affliction and hope to hear/oY his speedy recovery. J Nothing helps the home more than good pictures ,correctly framed. JYou will find a splendid selection at Baker’s Art Galleys, Hender* .nville. If you have the mazuma, shtJp tiow. George Maxwell, has returned from south Georgia, where he wejfit on a business trip. Chie*" loi Police Bryson has rar.t( ■! ^fv.o weeks u ave of a the national joy smoke makes a whale of a cigarette! ■ Cupyncht 1919 b7 K. J. Reynolds Tobacoo Co. yUfbertainly get yours when you lay your smokecards on the table, ail for a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a .ill’s cigarette! YoulT want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count * your smokestunts! Why, you never dreamed of the sport that lies A’aitin:T your csll in a home rolled c^arette when if a P. A, for the oackiv.2 / ^ Talk about flavor! Man, man, you haven't got the listen of hrlf your smokecareer until you know what rolling ’em with P. A. can do for your contentment! And, back of P. A’s flavor, and rare fragrance—proofs of JPrince Albert's quality—stands our exclusive patented process that cuts cut bite and parch ! With P. A your smokesong in a makin’s ciga rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard I Prince Albert is a cinch to roll. It’s crimp cut emd staya put like a regular pall Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever’ had as to how delightful a jimmy pipe con be! It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke pipes where one was smoked before. It has won mea all over the nation to the joys of smoking. / pimtoivSBiein, AwaitinS yonr eajikflo, yoa’It find toppy nd bags, tidy rod tina, hinduomm pound attd half pound tin humidorm— end—that etaaay, practical pound eryatal glaaa humidor with aponge moiatener top that kmmpa Prinoa Albert in aueb paHbct condition / J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, The CHEVROLET is The Car The Worth of a Car is the Worth o( tl^ Motor is the motor that makes the automobile from the stand point of utility,” says White, Woodward Auto Co., of Rosman, N. C., local dealers in Chevrolet passenger and commercial cars. . . . Hundreds of dollars may be spent on body comfort, and ap pearance, but in the end, the enjoyment of a car is limited to the worth of the motor. Just as the heart is the center of life in a human being, so the motor is the heart of the automobile. It makes it go. If a man has a strong hear^ he is generally capable of doing physical things. The ordinary tests of every day do not tax him at all, they do not wear him out. He has endurance. He lives long and is fit and vi^c 'cuc his old age. In just the same manner the capacity of a car for hard service and the length of that service depends on the character of its motor. . It is be cause so many people fail to grasp this important point that they make so many costly experiments before finding real motoring satisfaction. It is because of this that so many makes of auto mobiles are permitted to flourish on th« sole strength of attrac tive surface features before public opinion snuffs them out. . . . On the other hand the most successful cars of today are those whose motors have stood up to the tests of time. .They are the kind in which the motor has been the first considration. .Then the rest of th car has been built to fit the power of the motor. In such cars the motor is not taxed by unnecessary weight. Strength and flexibility have taken the place of bulk and the re sult is greater riding comfort, endurance, freedom from repairs and far more power at far less cost for fuel. A. M. WHITE U. G. WOODWARD White (8^ Wood ward “The Chevrolet” Rosman, N. C. We have a Complete line o i Trusses, Maternity Belts and Abdominal Supplies DAVIS-WALKER DRUG CO. Successors to DUCKWORTH DRUG CO. Main St. BREVARD, N. C. Phone 85 i'fi 1 I Sugar is a food- carbon which, taken into the human body, produces heat and energy es sential to life, health and ac tivity. Sugar Is Nature’s Safe Stimulant You will find in our store all grades of sugar for household use—from dainty loaf for the tea table to heavy brown for cooking. And our stock of staple and fancy groceries is the best obtainable. Consider our motto: • Courtesy— CteanUness—Honesty—SenHcei r. M, MITCHELL, The Grocer . i

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