I % FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19tli,:i919. THE BDEVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. EQ Not Have a Home Work Bench With a well .equipped little worK shop of your own you can maKe many things you would liKe to have about your Kome. And you can maKe lots of things you would otherwise have to pay to have made. It’s a matter of economy as well as convenience and pleasure. We can equip your worK bench with everything to maKe it complete — vise, planes, draw- Knives, chisels, brace and bits, square, ham mers and anything for woodworK. And we have everything for metal worK —bench, breast or hand drills, cold chisels, files and rasps, punches, cut ting nippei’s, etc. Come in and see our stocK today. HARDWARE THAT STAl^DS HAKD WEAR AT PRICES THAT STAND B i i / \ ) HARDWARECO. HARRV P. CLARKE BETHLEHEM Cold waa the earth and all the : But Mary Mother smiled Where in the manner of an Inn Lay warm the Holy Child. itar% r* The ox was host upon that night Unto tile Ivin,^ of all; He save lor incense meailowy breatlk. For slielter his rude stall. Not all the cold of esirth and man Can pitfrce the hoaven mind. Where warm a?ain.“t her leaping hMUTt A Mother clasps Her Child. O miracle of utmost love, How God arew greater when He stooped to be a helpless bab« Beside the hearts of men. Long afces since—and still In Joy, In lontjliness and tears. We kneel tinto a. Little Boy Who snules down thinush the year*. —Wilbur Underwood in lieedy’s Mirror. 1 MAKE SOIViE SAD HEART GLAD oagf .aaiiiirag fliCORNI Delicious Symp ^ and Christmas the Time for Remembering Those Not as Fortunate as You Are. Christ liias is a stid tiiiK? in some hoiisciiolds, aiiioii^r ilii* older iiu'IiiIht.s who miss fiiiniliar lacfs ahvay.s asso* c'iaicd with laiiiily .ualiioriujis—a list of uussiiifr oiii's wliicli increases as the years ;;(( l»y. lUit if it is injpossihle to he liapj>y one's self, it is always pos- siltU* to niakt‘ s(ini»> ont* e'sc rejoice?—■ (liis is an easier task tlian some people Imagine. So many are so foolish as to think lifat iiecause they eannot .uive l)eaiififiiily that it is not worth while to at all. They foi-ct tliat what seems vt'ry little to a person in eom- foiMahle eireuinstanees may appear very lar.t:»> to those who liavi? vinually nothiii.u' at all ; while amoim i'rimds a small t:irt. hearing; seme .si,i,Mi at tliouL’Iiit'uiaess. is often more aceepla- l)i(> Iliaii a c'lstly but il!-clnis(>n i res ent. 'I'liis is an «‘\cellent lime to ov(>r iln eliildren's toys ami seU-et thos(; which caii In; spared to ico to some less fori Mii.-'.le litlle nii<-s. Do iKi** si'h'ct (laly tho.-^e wiiicli are too- l*ait(-i'(.d to lie reco;j:ni/al»it‘; Siirl*, of cotir.'-'-. arc mit l<> he ;ivc away only sacli articien as would otherwise bo lh;ow:i in llie ashi's. Men’s Work Clothes F)R clothes that will stand the hardest wear—the common sense kind that are good honest quality all through—give us a trial. Our line of overalls and work shirts is giv ing exceptionally good satisfaction this season and our prices are very reasonable. We Can Supply All Your Needs To accommodate our many good customers, we are now carrying an unusually large and varied stock comprising practically every thing you are likely to want. Before going elsewhere, see us first and get our prices. SAVE MONEY AND TIME BY BUYING HERE ISPIRIN FOR HEADACHE **Bayer” is on Genuin. Aspirin—say Bayer . on “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin*^ 4 “Bayer paclcage,” containing proper '^'•ftions for Ileadachc, Colds, Pain, PL VMMER - THANTHAM ia, Lumba?»o, and Rheumatism, liayer” means genuine ^spinn by physicians for nineteen - Tandy tin boxes of 12 tablets f(.^v cents. Aspirin is trade mark **, Bayer Manufacture of ^ocoacetic- r of Salicylicacid. ENTRY No. 2617 ' B. K. Hardin enters and claims 50 •■trih of land more or less in Little r I'ownship on Buckhorn Creek, ^'\!oiiiinj>: lands of C. A. Shufor\ west ^Opok's to a black oak; then with the line of another line of Grant to Mc- *^^rary and DeChoiseul south ~to de,«c. '•vest SO poles to a stake in the C. A. Shuford tract; then west 10 i)oles io i- ^ Vthe north east corner of no. .3410 to Heifner (Now ('. A. .Shuford estate) then with east lino of said Grant south 3 deji’. w’e;;t 100 poles to a stake in the lino ox a i- other (Jrant to McCrary and DeChoi- >:o you frcsli tiiid clciin. e sell the best known, mosi; rclial)le brands on tliC market — cane, cc;rn and maple syrup — at pnccg that you ca.a not bcac anywhere else And our stock of mo- lasses for bakin-^ «incl cook ing purposes will please yea m tvcrywuy—in qiudicy, rich ness, tiak^of -.nd i ricc. G ! V C It ai -a trial WHERE SANTA WAS BORN Russian Legend of Saint Kla'jr and How He Came to Be Known as the Children's Friend. Very niniiy yc.irs ji.ir.) l!;.‘re lived in llussiii ;i iiiililoMKin :nid Ills wii'f. wlio a lilllo sen nanu'd KlaU' ib shell a ::'i(rl hoy lb:;t t'verynne u>i‘ ! lo '■all liiia Saint l\!au<. In C(inrsi‘ of tiiae Ills iia;t‘!i;s oird and b'lr lii'n a lar,i:e i'.tri not the least iiafl of wbicii was I'.in-i' larue b.ars cf iru! !. Saint l\.!:’,ns oiu* day bap]" -.1 to be passiiii:' a liotise. and o\ c: li'a :■»! :i lallier telliii'j: bis daii;.:!:! ;'i‘s he li:;ii lost all l.js rmiM'y. and that lio (bMii't i'\i'ii i-ci’.iiw b(>\\' he was unjn^ Id liiiy I'l'Md I'iti" them. 'I'liis won'icd .Saint Klaus vci'v luticli. and lie wdii- d( rc'l liM'v 1h> coiiM li!'l]i tlieiii. Sit tliai liiu'it be took (>!)(' of the ul’ L;i'ld ami threw it tbroiiirb :1k \vi[;w. I'mi' !H'\t iiiiilil lii> Ihi'e.v t!!<“ s.‘ tile tbiril !iii:!ii when he wa.s ali^m! to tlirov. the lT:ir> e;i!l liini). PaSnt half your house DEVOE; paint the other half v/hatever you like. If DEVOE doesn’t take fewer gallons ; arid cost less money, we wi!! make no : chars:e lor I I ?i DEVOE doesn’t wear a year or tw^o I ye^rs or three years lor:'?Te^--ionger and I g’h’e you enough to paint GUARANTEE: The paint in this package is full measu.'-c, and is composed of: Pure \\'h;te Lead. iC .. .J'.naft ' . L...1U) 5‘K' Pure ’A'hilc: Zir.c, K;dc «»f Zir .J .!Ji the prorvr omoum -t ."ure Linseed Oil, Pure Turpentine Dryer and nothiii'T eisc. I iir r? BREVARD LUMBER CO. BRE\ ARD, N. C _ I Te!ephoo0 Orders Given Prompt 4ttc£:it!ori | R. P. KIL/PATkICK, Brevard' PRECIOUC r,»0!VlENTG 'A’AST'ID. eta w w I If you do Slot have a Horns, x>ne and let us sell you one. 3i'oii do ov/Ei a Hcma. come aisd aa'73 us IMSUR£ it. ii W3 ot the sensible thiraris t!i2.t you can do: secure a liome and procect it ~:'W CL.-.: / AMHLS art> the most refr , satisfvin'^ cr^arctle jJ O A Mrs. Sininni—'l'lu*y’re not -wii:;: to have tbe (’hrisimas tr(‘(,-.:it the ebiovh toiiii-'ht. Not till lu'xt rt'i(]ay Jiintiilt;' .Jins nit^—(Jos!'.! Wli! I 'o nio liands ituiii iiex' v.ec'k, tooV S\eL.' Czmnis ar^ snlclfvery- U'iirrp in scier.tJficnI'y pr.c(f 30 ciflr.icti 'L. orren pr.ck- c;\"v. \ 2C0 c- 'laret:'^s) ill a ;'iA'.sii'v-pc-: T- co vere :i cnrfrr.. V r’e siroiif!. this V2rtnn far ihe hct::c or o'nc.e supply or whnn -,ou travel! R. J. Reyro!;!: Tc jaccoCo. ^^'iaiton-L'alem, N. C. ^ X ULc. VL>v. -w o ill Ck. len buy ;^orne Camels, th : ;i every taste-;., st and 1. o\v )r your ov.’n satisfaction th.,‘. in quality, ilr.vor, h- ody and in many other del’'^‘u! ways Camels a la^s by themselves! { Caniels are an expert blerc'; | choice Tur!:i-^h and choice Domestic tobaccos. You’ll rc‘ kind of tobacco smoked Rtra ^rV-but yon’ll appreciate the remarkable full-bodied-mild .|lav^5}.r it provides! Camels i prefer this bler.d t o either and sir..:'oth, rofreshin^; c\'’;arette revelation! Carn els Vvin you in so mcr.'. permit^^ ou to smoke tasts but leaVc; no unpIegL..a.''t cii^aretty afiertaste or un pleasant cii^arettv odor! •.V v/ays! They not only 'v' u'ithovt tiring \out eai Estate