mm .V*- \ FRIDAY, OECEMBEm iMk, Iftlt. ■A^-' ■■ THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C .S TK ntAM CORNER Tk« Old World View OFFICEI^ ELECTCD This much I do know about you country, as seen from Europe: That yon are the hope of years to be; that \idthout you all Europe is like an old man, grey and shaken with weakness —^your are the youth of the world; in you is concentrated all the fresh ro mance which across seas they seem to have lost. Do you realize what it means for you to have gone to war for an ideal? You may have been flaunted for your commercial opera tions in the past, but now you can never accain be described as the coun try of the dollar. In the history of humanity the Uni ted States occupies a unique position due to this war. The French Revolu tion was a war for self defence; its influence was wide spread. Your re volution was also in self defence. But when you sent your army across' seas you sent an army of idealists. It was not necessary from the standpoint of the selfishness of nations for you to so. From occan to ocean your coun try is sufficent unto itself; you could set on very well v'ithout the rest of the world. But here is the signifi- i cant thing; the world cannot get on without you. Let me tell you that the man who goes to the White House weighs more than all the kings assembled together. VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ. (Famous Spanish novelist; now in this country. Author of “The Four Horsemen of The Apvcalypie.” A PRAYER. Balsom Camp No. 116 W. O. W. held the best meeting of the year Wednesday evening. The following officers were elcted for 1920: Con. Com.—Fred Johnson. ‘ Adv. Lieut.—F. E. Shuford. Banker—S. F. Allison. Clerk—W. H."TGrogan.‘ Escort—C. F. Poole. Physician—Dr. E .S. Elnglish. Watchman—Mitchel Neely. Sentry—J. R. Lance. Managers—R. L. Gash, F. E. Shu ford and Fred Johnson. W. H. GROGAN. - NOTICE TO CHURCH PEOPLE Please allow me space in your good paper for a few words. I feel that' the Christians should look on the fields white all ready to harvest. But the laborers are few. Don’t look all the ] time on the fields but look in our j yards. We find children out of Sun day School on account of clothes. I can point out to you children in your yard whose age ranges from five to eight years of age that will run from an organ. Get out Christens and see what is in the yard. You will find i families sick without money and ciaU mioral and material advu},c«|i^nt, of oiy town and county; and Whereas the association believes these causes to be farthered by the work of our Farm and Home Demon strators, Therefore be it resolved: That the Association strongly en dorses the wofrk of the Farm and Home Demonstrators and hereby urges our Board of Education and our County Commissioners to retain these useful agencies and continue their work in the county. Signed: Mrs. R. H. ZACHARY Mrs. E. H. NORWOOD Mrs. FRANK JENKINS. Committee. BREVARD TELEPHONE RATESINCREASED Mrs. G. 0. Witmer, Brevard, N. C. Dear Madam: In Re: Application of the Brevard Telephone Company for increase in Rental Rates. Your letter of November 5th, en closing exhibits and letters of testi- 5 some without friends. What will Je- niony supporting your application for sus Christ say when He comes in His j mission directs me to advise that Glory. In as much as ye did it not to j upon your application the following one of the least of these my bretheren ' rates are authorized eflPective Decem- yet did it not unto me. Depart from 1 ijcj. me ye cursed into everlasting fire. Christians lets lift our heads and be brothers and sisters even to the poor est families. C. H. CAPPS. Ruler of rulers, King of kings, we coi'iie before Thee in reverence and j humbly recognizing the authority that ' can alone mold and make nations, I principalities and power that shall be of service to the v. orld, and satisfying to the children of men, and if we bear before Thee at this time special pe tition for our own dear land, we know Thou will not refuse to hear. We be lieve it is Thy land called of Thee to ^ do a special work, to advance a larger light, to promote a higher principal, to bring in the privilege and blessing : . that come from true liberty, and a i 1 closer recognition of the bond that makes all men one. j Teach us, O Father, that this bond ! can only exist in the faithful follow- ; ing of Thyself, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Increase this knowledge among us, that we may indeed stand before ' the nations of the earth, and be a true ^ example of those great essentials for which our fathers willingly gave life ; and the posessions dearer than life, j With this knowledge, pour out upon us the spirit of a great love. Give us , Thyself all that Christ lived may it | be ours to attempt for loves sake. I Then truly shall our country be own- j er of the righteousness, the honor, the : truth that makes men free, owner too of Justice, honesty and integrity, pro- j moter of that mighty force that is one i ^ I day to bring all the nations of the | eari-h to know Thee, v.hom to know j aright is life eternal. And when Thou | art done with us all here, let the new \ birthday b^the enterance to that | Land where the things we sought here and saw only darkly shall be revealed in the light that is to be ours forever- more, Amen. C. D. C. No girl ever kept a bo;: of candy— give her a kodak for Christinas this time. There are some pippins at Ba ker’s Art Gallery, Hendersonville. SEUCA SUCES Class of Phone Rate. Business Single Line $3.00 ” 2 Party Line $2.50 ” Extensions $1.25 ” Inward $2.00 P. B. Exch. Trunk $6.00 Residence Single Line $2.00 ” 2 Party Line $1.50 ” 4 Party Line $1.50 ” Extensions $1.00 Joint Users $1.00 Extension Bells or Gongs $ .25 Where Dest Equipment used in lieu of wall equipment $ .25 Subscribers beyond City Limits, who own and maintain line equipment. SBEWODLD’NTTAKE A FORTUNE FOR IT Told That Operation Was Her Omly Hope—Gains Twenty Pounds l^y Taking Tanlac. f “I would’nt take a fortune for the good Tanlac has dolie me,” said Mrs. Grace E. Trinder, of 511 W. 33rd St., Kansas City, Mo. “My troubles began about four years ago,” she continued, “And al though I have been under the best of treatments and have taken many dif ferent kinds of medicines, I grew worse all the time. My food dis agreed with me and I suffered terri bly from indigestion. I was very ner vous and never got a good night’s sleep, and became so weak and run down I was unable to do any house work and felt miserable all the time. They said my only hope was an op eration and I prepared to go to the hospital to have it done. “The day before 1 was to leave I saw a statement in the paper where a person who had suffered exactly as I did had been benefited through tak ing Tanlac, so I persuaded my family to let me try it before having the op eration. I began taking Tanlac that very day and by the time I had finish ed my second bottle 1 felt much bet ter. I kept it up and finally overcame my troubles completely. I have act ually gained twenty pounds and am so well and strong that I can do all my housework without any troulle at all. I sleep fine and am rever troubled the least bit with indigestion or stomach trouble of any kind.” Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere.—adv. BREVARD, ^ • - NORTH CAROLINA p®p*rtmei\ts-^ColIege Preparatory, Normal, Music, Business, Do mestic Art, Household Economics, Agricalture. AH departments directed by teachers with special training and large experience. The,«^now their business;. Influences of the Instate are ^one worth the cost of tuition. Opens on September y • r stwrirwTTii cQ The Seventy Five Million Dollar I Campaign has gone over the top at I Cathey’s Creek. i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones of Cedar Mountain was in Selica Sunday. L. B. Wilson of Selica is working in Brevard. John \V aldrop of Cherryfield was in | .^,y}^cer Stations remam less than our burg Sunday for preaching. ! months: Lee Bryson spent Sunday in Bre- j installing new telephone $2.50 ! For moving and changing Tele. $1.50 Misses Mary and Arietta McCall} (Signed) R. O. SELF, Clerk. visited Alcovia Orr Sunday. Frank Bryson took a trip to Ashe-. Business Single Line ” Party Line Residence Single Line ” Party Line Installation and making $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 changes 12 Give the children wholesome books for Christmas. There are hundreds of them at Baker’s Art Gallery, Hen dersonville. ROSMANNEWS ROSHAN NEWS O Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, Chief Stroup, j J. A. Gal!o\v;;y and D. S. Sims made a raid on the Clayton and Owen flume line and captured a 75 gallon still and destroyed about 400 gallons of beer and all fixtures except cup and worm. They also made a raid Thursday in Old Toxaway section and captured a 70 gallon still, 2 firmenters, and a cross cut saw. They destroyed no beer at this place. A. M. Paxton, H. W. Paxton and J. H. Paxton went to Ware Shoals, S. izit' Saturday to attend the funeral W. Paxton who was run over llomobile on Saturday morn- lived a few moments, ^as a brother J. Paxto >sm4nite. ville Saturday. Miss Lorene Whitmire, Ed Ross and deputy sheriff Sims were guests at Miss Clara Bryson's last Sunday. Mr. Lee Bryson went to Chicago last week on a busmess trip. Jasper McCall will move to Brevard this week. O. Bryson visited his mother, Mrs. Joe Bryson, on Saturday and Sunday. Clyde E. Searcy is at Liberty where he will spend the winter. Miss Rita Osteen is a B. I. student this year. Mrs. M. E. Wilson spent a large part of last week in Brevard. Miss Alcovia Orr spent the night with Miss McCall Sunday. Baxter Hamlin spent the night with Rilia Wilson Saturday. Chester Fenwick went to Hender sonville Sunday. Luke J. Osteen visited his mother Sunday and returned Sunday after noon to his school at Little River. Wishing the News and its readers the best of success. DICK. GOOD HEALTH WHITHIN EASY REACH Vigorous Health Only as Far Away as the Use of Pepto-Mangan. Creates Rich, Red Blood Pepto-Mangan Obtainable in Liquid or Tablets—Insist on “Gude’s” the Genuine. Nothing helps the home more than good pictures ,correctly framed. You will find a splendid selection at Baker’s Art Galleys, Hendersonville. RESOLUTIONS IN FAVOR OF THE FARM ANET »OME DEMONSl RA- TORS Brevard Betterment Association At the November meeting of the Betterment Association a committee was appointed to draw up and publish resolutions endorsing the work of the Farm and Home Demonstrators in Transylvania. The resolutions are as follows: WhereaA the Brevard Betterment Associati^Bhas for its objects the so- There is reaily no reason why men or women with thin, v/atery blood and consequent poor health should remain in that unfortunate condition. Thin, nervous, run-down, tired people never get much happiness out of life. Men and women with the bloom of health in their cheeks, a cheerful, sunny disposition and an attractive personality are the folks who get the most of life’s enjoyment, pleasure, and success. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan furnishes thin, watery blood with the necessary nourishmen to enrich it, enabling it to supply energy ,vitality and strength to every part of the body. Physicians recommend Gude’s Pep to-Mangan to patients suffering from anemia because its benefical and last ing qualities are well known to the medical profession. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan is obtainable in either liquid or tablet form. Both forms contain exactly the same strength and medical properties. When you buy Pepto-Mangan of your druggist, be sure the name “Gude’s” is on the package. Without “Gude’s” it is not Pepto-Mangan. Satisfaction should go with eve>-y sale. The Rosman Schools close on Fri- I day evening, Dec. 19 for a two week’s I vacation. An entertainment will be I given by the schools beginning at 8 P. M.—consisting of a play, “Christ- I mast at the Cross Roads”, and dia- 1 1 logues, songs and drills. A general invitation is extended to the public. An admission fee of 5 and 15 cents will be charged for the benefit of the school. The first semester examinations v/ill be held in the Rosman Schools Jan. 8th and 9th. Diversified Ads TOWN LOTS,—Farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, N. C. tfc. » FOR SALE—9 room house with half acre lot on Main St. Cheapest property in town. Easy terms. E. T. Henning Dec 5-4tc. STRAYED—A sheep. Owner may have same by paying for this ad and feed. Roy Duckworth. Itp FOR SALE—Mahogony rocking chair and electrolier. Apply to Mrs. D. G. Ward. 12-19-ltc FOR SALE—Perry Orr will be in Brevard Monday with a load of fine Turkeys. ^ Itc. FARM AND TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE at reasonable prices in the upper Hiawassee valley in Clay County, N. C. and Towns County, Ga. This rich and beautiful country is now being opened up for the first time by a stai.dard gauge, common carrirr railroad connecting with the Southern Inilroad at Andrews, N. C. Fine poplar, oak, chestnut, hickory and^othr hardwood timber; large and small tracts. Saw mills needed. Rich, red, elay soil in wide villeys and slopes, Alfalfi, four crops a 5««r, clover, blue grass, wheat, com and all cropis grow luxuriantly. Mild cli mate no drouths. Splendid loca tion :or wood working industries. Textile mills etc. New wonder land f®r tourists. Hotels needed at leading mineral springs. Good schoc-’* and churches. Most law abiding section in the state. Tell us what you are interested in and abou^c how much you might invest and We will find the place for you. Addfc^s INDUSTRIAL DEPT., Carolita and Georgia Railway Co. Hayesnlle, N. C. Eggs have the highest food value of any known edible, but we Ameri cans appreciate them only when they are fresh. We specialize in Stridliy Fresh Eggs Our line of staple and fancy groceries embraces everything that can be found in a modern stock and all of the best obtainable brands. You knovir our motto — Courtesy — Cleanliness —Honesty — Service r. M, MITCHELL, rne Grocer pr00r?H- Htti^ €tttz?n Believes In the Great Future of our County Let’s Get A Tlirougli Railroad. * LET US EXPRESS, IN THIS WAY, OUR THANKS to our many customers and friends for their business a^d co-opcration in the past. And let us assure you that we are here to ol^ase and "ive you the benefit of our fifteen yars of Practical Printing exoerijence at all times. Realizing that Transylvania is booming and that business has never known such prosperity as in the] past year, we are making every effort to keep un with the times and to li^ndle growing demands of our customers. We have decided to handle Engraving, Carbon Paper, Selfinking Stamps, Coupon and Check Punches, Nui^berint; and Cancelling Machines, Notary', Corporation and Wax Seals, Stei^ils, Daters, Metal and Rubber Type, and all Other Hand Stamp Accessories; We Are Well Supplied With All Legal Forms, Printed according to the Liiws of 1929. Having recently purchased hundreds of pounds of the justly famous '‘HAMMERMILL BOND” paper, envelopes, gummed paper, tisue paper. Safety paper, cardboards (all colors). Book and Cover Papers, together with new RULING, Stapling, Punching, Perforating, Numbering^nd Padd' ing devices, and perfect Presses with the Model 14 Linotypewwe invite* appreciate/and want all of your business. In our printing office every function of the graphic art is perfc^med in the service of ourjKustomers, Our Standard is the Highest, the pape^-, the ink, the pressworic is of the best. Our types are the newest and the most attractive. Our designing is a thing of beauty, an artistic concept, ^lluring the eye by the harmony of its proportions, lending plausibility to ^he support of fine balance and when appropriate, the most charming of decorations, and *‘WE PRINT EVERYTHING”. Ben Franklin himself, en^ventor and seer, a^uld rult' vel at the smooth running, myriad fingered presses, driven by the lightning^ of his own discovery, snatching the supple streets from the feeder's fingers and by a kind of magic grinding the into % flooding torrent of beautifuk printed matter, ready for the reader's ey^, moist and fragrant as new> baked loaves.\ Let us boost old Tran^V'lvania County, Be Progressive, Support the PVoposed Railroad and Buy Everything at Home. Wishing eV^Tone a Merry Xmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year, eV^rye^ The Brevard \_ Printery Wm. a. band. Manager Brevard, North Carolina 1 TELL YOUR FRIENE BOUT THE NEW R^LROADW^ttE NG TO HAVE. , \