New VOL. XXIV^ BREVARD. N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19tb, 1919. Number 51 THE PEOPLES PRO POSED RAILROAD The Asheville Citizen of last Sun day in an editorial imtimated that what Brevard oujrht to have is jrood ready instead of a railroad. Of course we want .uooil roads but there are few farmers who own a motor truck to shi{) their produce to the market and Ak voters of Transylvania rejilize we .tret on a main line there is praftiially little use in pilinjr up bonds upon the tiixpayers and dem onstrated tiiat ojiinion by the enor mous land slide against the Road Bond issue of two yearr a.tro. Natur ally both Hutuor.ibe an^l Henderson counties reali/.e that a throuj'h railroad v.hieh would put Brevard on a main line would nut them in second place for xhi- rest of time. They also realize that the real scenic jrrandour is to be founil in Transylvania Co. That is why our beautiful waterfalls, placid valleys and n'.aji’nificent moun tain scenery is used by their advor- experts. Crevard Is Being Advertised The Cojnniittee h:;s received com munications from all over the United States in re.uard to ihis proposed R. R. Some fair.ous mau-a:'.;:'.c;i and biv; cori)orations ar^ direclinj" their at tention to Transylvania County and perhaps for the lirst time realize what a splendid future lies ill .-'tore for the people of these hilis once the re sources are developed. Xot only is there thousands upon thousands of acres of the finest timber lands but thij mineral re.^ources have practically laid dormant. There are some of the greatest engineers in America who have li’reat expectations in the way of mineral deposits to be found here once the real development is started. So much enthusiasm is bein.s' shown by the jrreat majority of the people over this project that now while the iron is hot. w^ must strike. We need the railroad, we want the railroad, and we WILL HAVE the railroad. The Brevard Ncv.’s has the Xmas rush at the present time but intends in the very near future to print the full name of every puolic .'■-pirited citi zen who has the strenirth of his con victions by donating his hard cash to- ward.s the preliminary survey of this, “The People’s Railroail.” If you haven't donated or signed your pledge yet, then sen'1 your name and amount to anv one of the R. R. Com mittee or to T. H. Shipnian, Treas. This preat project has nothing on earth to do with politic? and the man who tries to make political capital out of it will certainly be dealt with by the pccp|e as he deserves. m M NATIt »E IP M HOME PAPER Someth? '< The church t ... different to say us and say a, “I ’ •iHo’ei, t ' ;.a; .omethinc >. omcs i.ij : op,.-. An Aijijrfttattott IT is the season of Christmas cheer in all the homes where subscribers to this paper dwell. Christmas also in the minds and hearts of you good friends of ours. Christmas, with all that term implies as to universal fellowship, bonnteous unselfishness and renewed recognition of the fact that to give is actually better than to receive. As you have put into anything, that much will you get out of it. Out of the interest you have taken in this paper during the past year we hope you have derived an equal personal pleasure. Your appredation has made this paper’s issuance a congenial work to us of the staff. And likewise in that same spirit which makes Christmastime what it is, we take this oppor tunity of expressing our thanks to the business men of this community, and of the territory within which this paper circulates, for their cor dial co-operation in practical ways which has made it possible for us regularly to present our best editorial efforts to the community in a credit able manner. May the kindly glow of this holiday season color life for you and yours throughout the coming year. j glasses that you use for church and put them right side up and we will show you that v,e have before you here a vision of what the church in this country ought to be—a vision that you and I are going to make come true, and the plan by which we ' arc goin.j? to make it come true is here before us. and we tre not going to fail.” It is a vision big enough, broad enough, and the problem great enough to enlist the imagination of any man or woman/in this country, no matter how big his business Interests may be. It is grand enough to challenge the attention of any man with red blood in his veins and the slightest bit of devotion to the Church of Christ. We are done with thinking inwardly, we are going to branch out and see what we can do in the bigger world. Some people have said, “What is the need of all this money?” The Church has never taken up anything like this before. Why now? I w’ould suggest, if you want an answer to that question, that you read the paper to morrow morning, look on the front page of one of the big dailies of to day. What do you see? Right across the front page you see murder, an archy, rape, riot, sedition, arson; you see the story of a mayor of one of our big cities with a rope around his neck and rescued by the troops. You read of men shot down in cold blood. That is the kind of condition v.’c are living in tc-day. Friends, what is the Church going to do about it? Leave it to our Legis latures? They have been struggling with it, working with it and are about ready to say that the present social disturbance and the present ’ social conditions cannot be solved by legis lation. (To be continued.) LEWIS B. FRANKLIN, Director Every Member Canvass. Nation-W’ide Campaign. SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLAR CAMPAIGN wm ss. KED CROSS CHROTAS SEALS 4 The Aunfial sale of the Red Cross Christmas Seals is now on. No more beautiful expression of the Christ mas spirit can be made than for every letter, card and package to bear tl» seal of the Red Cross. The seal adorfts the package, is a recognition of tfie blessings of the Red Cross, and the j money will be used to .stamp out the j Great White Plague. We are enjoying an era of unrivaled prosperity. I-<et j everyone have the grace to show forth gratitude by buying the Red “ELEMENTARY AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION” Is the title of a 24-page bulletin by Prof. S. G. Rubinow, of the Depart- m -nt of Economics at State College, I wbi<^ h has reached this office. Prof. I Hubinow’s treatment of this subject i ihould offer many helpful suggestions I not only to teachers but to all who are interested in the improvement of our rural schools. Copies may be had by addressing Mr. IL. Li. Owen, Regis- BAPTISTS’ GREAT FUND IS FAR OVER THE TOP At Least 82 Millions Have Been Pledged with many Churches Still To Make Their Reports ! tiar, West lialei^'h, X. C. Mr. SILVERSTEEN ENTERTAINS Cross Seals. / I T. W. BICKETT, Governor/. CONGREGATIONAL MEETI^fG j evening he v,’as host at a stag party I at v/hich about twenty-five invited I guests were present, itional I Bridge and set-back were the Deli- church on the fourth Sunday idl Dec. ■ cious salad, ice cream, cake and cof at the regular time for servifce to fee were served. clect additional offices. All niembers | The occasion was very much en- There will be a congre: meeting of the Brevard Presbyterian ' amusements of the evening, Nashville, Dec. 8.—Fourteen of the 18 states included in the drive for funds in the Baptist $75,000,000.00 campaign headquarters vras formally dissolved here tonight. Additional returns from the remain ing four states, Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri and southern Illinois, added to the subscriptions from foreign fields and other sources, brought the ^ir. J. S. Silversteen entertained total to $82,000,000. veral of his personal friends and Many of the rliurches in all the business associates last Friday even- ' states have not yet been seen and the ing at a turkey dinner. Later in the ! <^^ive will be continued until the can vass is completed, Dr. L. R. Scar borough, general director, announced. Of the total sum reported $17,000- 000, came thru the efforts of the Bap tist W’omen of the south. MATHATASIAN CLUB ENDORSES COUNTY AND HOME DEM. Whereas The Mathatasian Club stand.s for all that is highest and best in civic and community life and Whereas, our County Home and Farm Demonstrators have done work which has been of great value to the county and Wheras That w’ork, if continued, would prove of even greater value Be it therefore resolved: That we hereby recommend our Board of Edu cation and County Commissioners to retain these important ofRces in our county. •re invited to be present. joyed by all who paritcipated. KNEW WHAT TO DO Some people know what to do at the right time. A young man was stopping at Mrs. Cos Paxton’s and he lost a gold watch a few days ago. What did he do? He sent an ad to the News as soon as he discovered his loss. What was the 1 result? Why the ad was read by The cave-dwellers didn’t permit a | Mr. D. C. Scruggs, who had found coal shortage to worry thf m. lived in the mines. They the watch and the owner now has the lost property. Editor Brevard News: May I express through your paper the gratitude of my heart to the pas tors, the church directors, the W. M. U. w’orkers and all other workers that were concerned in the Baptist 75 Mil lion Campaign and in fact every pled- I ger that had a part in subscribing the liberal amount of $30,000. and better in this association. We over sub scribed our quota 50 per cent. We Baptist think this is one of the great est epochs in the Baptist denomana- tion, since the day of Pentecost, and of course we Baptlcit think we had a representative crowd on that day. I contend our crowd at the day of Pentecost was accused of being drunk with nev/ wine. We feel deep in our hearts that all Baptists who have had a part in this pledging can rejoice to know that they are w'orthy to be called Baptists. Those who have not lined up w*e have no word of cen sure in our heart tow’ard them, but we only desire the spirit of deep pray er, that they may soon come to the light and rally to the cause that will glorify and crown our savior, King of kings and Lord of lords, who is worthy of all the praise that we can give him and all the service we can do, and of all the pledges we can make that his great name may go to the ends of the earth and tell dying men and sinful nations that he shed his blood to redeem our souls and save our lives for his meek service. Very respectfully, C. C. DUCKWORTH. Sometimes, perhaps, readers of the* Krcvard Nt'ws think there is an item ' r ‘ paper which should^ -. - _ 's just one reasoir why it was not there—because the editor did not know about it . The- SufFolk County Review has the foI» lowing sensible editorial headed “Sug gestions.” There is nothing that an editor likes better than suggestions which will make his paper a better paper. Of course, these suggestions must be constructive and not something like- this: f An irate subscriber enters the of fice the day after press day and fix ing his beady eye on the editor de mands an explanation of why his. wife’s sister’s cousin didn’t get a. “local.” “She’s been in town thre©^ days”, he concludes. Yes, it does look like a bad case- against the editor. Of course, no one had told him said “cousin” was iix tov.n. He is an editor and should have known it. That’s what he’s there for. Remember, friends, an editor is. just like the rest of you and bound to make mistakes. But granting thatj no human being could cover all the field v.’hich an editor is expected to> cover and not miss something occa-> sionally. We try to get all the personals, but if somebody’s wife’s sister’s cousia slips in about 10:30 at night in a au tomobile, we can’t expect to know it unless you tell us about it. And if you have a party, on th6 same day that there happens to bo- a funeral, a ball game and a runaway in town .just to make sure that we know it, call us up and give us the details. You know we are just as anxious to have our paper cram full for news as you are to find it that way. JONES GAP ROAD TO BE IMPROVED The following article from the Daily Greenville Piedmont of Dec. will be of much interest to the peo ple of Brevard and Transylvania coutk ty. “The Jones Gap road, the main thorofare thru the mountains in the? vicinity of Caesars Head and connect- Greenville with Brevard and Transyl vania county, will be surveyed withint the next two weeks, according to a. statement by L. P. Slattery of the firm of Slattery & Henry. The state highway engineer has ordered the sur vey which will be in charge of R. H. Horton of this city. “The old Jones Gap road likely witt be relocated in order to elimate many the steep grades which now exist. When this is done the road wall be on. a par with the Buncombe road which connects Greenville with Henderson ville and Asheville. The work of sur veying the road will begin about Dec. 15th and when completed a report will be forwarded to the state high way engineer. It is considered likely that the work of re-locating and re pairing the road will begin, altho it is not thought that the highway can be completed in time for the tourist travel next summer.” **WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN?**— OR Who killed i>oor business and hard times in Brevard" and made Transyl vania County prosperous? Ans. The people when they built the Brevard-Rosnmn-Seneca Railroad. C. W.H. ./< \i

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