FRIDAY* DECEMBER 19th, 1919. \ THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD NEWS Name changed from ‘Tylvun Valley Now s. January i.igi?* M. L. SHIPMAN, Editor C. B. OSBORNE, Managing Editor and Publisher C. H. LOOP Advertising Solicitor I*iib!islu'vluvcry I'iiiirsday. ICntoii'G ;it po.s'.ollici' .it I'reviird. secuivi . l;tss SUBSCRIPTION PraoMi; One year - - - - $ 1 .■'30 Six months - - - - .75 rards montli.^ - - - ,hO Two months - - - .35 Payable by check, rtJ Rrxips or monay ordor. C'anls of I'nanks, rcsolntioii-. aiKl •'ieiniivial> on!-, nr ha'. cn!'.i- >r.crcia'r.ite. i;ostinL; t,i i-uiits jicr inc!i )r >!if liaif (•■'Mt por woi't. not iyirj(j-rrorex- >ir;ir;,'.i of tiiDo |>ai(l for quest. red and religious hatred. What the rale-or-ruin policy of :;hese Senators has cost the world in livcG and in property cannot be cal culated. What it has cost the United States in prestige and influence is likewise beyond calculation. If they had set out deliberately to wreck what Prussian militarism had left of civi lization they could hardly have pro ceeded niore effectively than they have done in the exploration of their own meanness and malice. “It is a record of which no Ameri can of the next generation will ever bo proud. It is a record that no com petent American historian will ever defend.” FKIDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1919. WE ARE STILL AT WAR “A year ajro the German represen tatives .sifrred the terms of the armis- but tlie United States is .still in I t'tate of war. 1 Hero is no peace | the Unite:; States Senalo has! iifused to permit peace,” said the ■Nov. York World in ar. editorial ap- ' ■t.'nrip.'.; on ‘‘Armistice Day.” “Germany has ratified the Treaty ; v>f Versailles with th^^ covenant of the Lc';:”i;e of Nations. (Jreat Britain, Italy Japan have ratified Mr. Jenkins’ bondsman looked for war with Mexico. Carranza expected war aj^rainst Mexico. The son;'.te pro- poseil to pave the way for war with Mexico. Excited brethren of the press predicted war with Mexico. The w’ar department prepared for war with Mexico. All the world had pretty well made up its mind that tiiere would be war with Mexico, except Dr. Gray son’s patient. There will be no war with IMexico.—Greensboro News. HONOR ROLL "''h aicir.c of clic* ..)'e .1 I'OWvi.', is iu'!d back by ihe per- \ersily of a |iarf..-an Senate which in- ;-.ists on (icrilin,*.:: in the smallest pos sible Vv'ay with th:' jrrcatest treaty , r rubn'iitted to it. ‘•I'oi.tically, economically and in- ust'. !'.y the worbl is un.juestionably vor^o ('ir ;o-(Iay than it was when the’.i I'le was ai retu to a year a^ro. have for the -.leriiobilizinjr their armies n ' in .-:ir:.iice, riO sen.'^.- of security . where. '• 1 ('ovornnK nls that have rati- iiaxe not b: on able to !;'/lo eliecL bv'cause they do not ;i 1 find out what the ’ S:; fS I- lo <-o. They • \ i • ’V.'-.; - cT a.-^ierU*''in'.i' wheth- •I \,-hi‘.h is the It .ert ami most }>ov.-orful of all the t-'ons, will continue to dis-charse the rviixv moral obll^atior.s that it incur- it ei’Lv'rcd ch-j war or wlieth- • ; j'oiiciially ,'Mstracted and a finan- ::’ly iiii])ovcrisb.Ci! T^urope* is to be i/o\vn wholly upon its own resources ! le'i to survive or perish as fate ilecree. “ During- the four months in v.hich \ Senate lias been dealinfjr with the . ity a.; if it v ere an assualt and '^al'evy case before a Justicj of the "^,‘a e. riiatier.' have bten ji'oin;^- from ' lo everyv\here. The Uni ted States has never before known Uv h an unrest and discontent. Hun- In d of thousands of workers are o.' ii strike and many of them without nny a.dequate reason. Federal and i:^tate authorities are daily arresting woiutionists who are plotting to -jverthrov; the Government of the United States and to destroy Ameri can institutions. Bolshevism is . preading: from coast to coast. “Although the lighting has been tiver for a year the army has been ■oroujrht back from France and the .-.oldiers have returned to civil lire, i.ot a sic'jle measure of reconstruc- . ion has been enacted by Con.crress. :Cot a finfjier has been lifted by the legislative branch of the Government ..o meet any of the problems created ■ I’y the war. Congress was in f; ‘ | r. r.ionth before th. .-.aty of peace | signed at Versailles; it has been | i’:n session ever since, and it is still | 1 I marking time while Henry C. Lodge ^nd his Senatorial associates exploit their vanity and vindictiveness by trying to tinker the treaty in the name of spurious “Americanism” that they have to invoke to cover tiieir partisan operations. “In the furtherance of this plan they have appealed to everything that is selfish and sordid and ignoble in the American character and trampled underfoot everything that was gener ous and brave and honorable. Not satisfied with that, they have appealed \ &3 well to race hatred and class hat* Will Georgia go Republican next year, Not if t'le IMacon Teiefiraph un derstands Georfi’ia. The Tele,tjraph rays: “Will Hayes, Chairman of the R( jubiican National Committee, Ceorirla will Ian'’ :i the Repub lican column in 1020. 1" Will could jump as hi rh as he cou '.ope he’d be a swell attraction at cov ■ fairs after hi^- nros^nl job jiives t If you have the iont -een. Shop SUGAR FOR ALL. r. C. YOUNGE. Photographs are more popular eacr. >car for Christmas re- meirsbcrances. We guarantee to please you. Baker’s Art Galfery, al Hcnde'.-sonvilie, N. C. THE CLUB GIRLS OF ROSMAN Tlu‘ of Rc.-man club ,uav(' a ; \ ill-.' : chool i.ouse to r . iv.o-'.ev the oxpences ov ii’.e’. vie iiitu ii litlie jjio.criiiii Sc.' ’—America. > e c! i.;. I. ■ 0 n—Ossie Galloway. Demonstration Girls. ’ ,i • . Luc ie Fu'iibrI.u’ht. !■■ ■ • >y School (iirls. J'ony—I'y all. :-e hcu;'e was lUll and everybody ■ . to enjoy thing’s very much. T-'. ‘ s.j^-pei* v.a- enjoyed by everyone. We had a fortune teller. It was the ^ . n!- -. , of all; near’y every- ho! ••..•! (a». Board. All expressed themselves as being well pleased v/ith the i)rogre;;s made along the line of the Home Demonstration work. FriLei:3mcii!a often follows a .\V/ir;;!lii Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD! €A Tranuylvania county, adjoining lands of T. H, fiftmpton and others. FIRST TRACT—Belngr *11 that land H«t out and d«ncribed in a deed minlo by ChHi'l«i» Stoneclpher to W. li. PttwlkHBf dtttttd April 15, 1909, aiul rt'K'iBtwrwd In l)«ed Book No. 27 at pnK‘‘ of the deed records of TriiiiNylvaniM county, N, C. MKCOND 'I'llAC'l -Being th same tnu-t ur imrt'dl of )und described in a d*'«iil tiMKlu by Widt'h Galloway, the TniMtrn lo W. H. Fttulknt^r, dated on .Inn. I Mill, iiiid regiatered in a IhM'd Moolt, No, 'M\, wt page 20 of the I r«trordti of 'I'ljiiiaylvania county, N. C. 'i IIIUM TKACT lU ing the name bind (U'ci'iIn M d*'»i*l n»ade by C. f*. l.vtH li UM'I W. II. Faulkner I". r,»OV, mid r<«giHLr*red ill |>cii i| liiMil- '. “I t«) ((H}/** Ii*{ of i|ii< t t'l 'it do *»f ’* I. V a Co., N. <• Fonin II ri(A< r |j« ini; (h- same |.‘tii(l I ili« *1 ill n iiiad<* by (y. I y-'ifs —:'r.£;, sure, no ■-u\ . i;,,. V C' le in ?. - ’Jc"T:;! j-.> 3 tl.'jvr. I).;:: : ' i: i''L. Th- friend. can buy anythinf J9m **** site tii^m Christmas eTCcpt holograph. Baker's Art Gal- *^«adersonville, N. C. ANa’vwws Wreck ' Com ® woman "who has be- J ra, "a nervous wreck”, be-, I the physical ills pecu- ^ women there’s relief and Iif“'■ation to health an.l hap-1 J in an old family doctor’s 1 ascription us^d in his prac-j I f'>r half a century to helo ] I women and safeguard < I tins. Mrs. ParsTpe Fmzirr, Lon:»\-!cTr, Tcx., | o rofuadecL ! Thacker medicsns co. I i, C iattasoc^ra, TetLH., 17.3. A, OYSTER SUFPEi 2> Liver I h 50 years ^v-U’ov.i a ciiar;r,'e. The r.ood Old Fashioned kind tbat ncvftr fails. U n <: vj u £i ] 1 e d * c. r Bilinnsncss, S >'.1: He"'’.Tr:bc, Coniti* p.ii'jn and Mr\Ia- ri i. Yo'-.r Grand- f- -iiCr r‘!-ed on t: ''m. betlcr a*. c.ny pi >cc. G.'" th" r'.'Hiir.e. P M iLh ffi A u luiiC H! * * -f The one best Christmas Gife (or all the family is a Columbia Grafono* la. See the line at Baker's Art Gal* lery, Hendersonville, N. C. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO ALL Columbia Grafonolas are hard to get but we have some beautiful mo dels in stock now. Baker’s Art Gal lery, Hendersonville, N. C. Sledge has the fruit, candy and nuts for all the kids. Come early to get any size orange or apple. If you owe F. P. Sledge anything now is the time to pay up. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured oy local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is snly one way to cure catarrhal deafness 4»d that w by a constitutional remedy. Latarrhal Deafness Is caused by an in- Bamtrd condition of the mucous Ilnlne of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im- perfect hearing, ana when It is entirely 3losed, Deafness Is the result Unlens the inflammatloa can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur- faces. Hall s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will ^ve One Hundred Dollars fop any case of (^tarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HaU’s CaUrrh Medicine. Cir culars frse. All r>ru^gi.sts. 75c. V. J. CHEXE' t CO.. TolsdO. O. Have the world's best music in your home this Christmas. Buy a Colum bia Grafonola at Baker's Art Gallery, HendersonTille, N. C. WE INVITE THE* •J* PUBLIC : * to visit our store for J * " their Xmas presents. ^ There are many use- ^ * fill articles in our ^ I * ^ line and we will be * ;;; gflad to serve you* * ^ * * * — «’ * Brevard Pharmacy I ^ Reliable Druggists « * J. B. Pickelsimer, Ph.G Prop. * Phone No. One Brevard, N. C. * * . w -K- * Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions. * ■» •» . X'%'« %%%% m 1.m « NOTICE ^LA^D SALE by Trustee By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed in trust exe cuted by W. H. Faulkner and wife to the undersigned trustee to secure the payment of certain indebtedness due as mentioned therein, which deed in trust is dated Dec. 21, 1912, register ed in Book 7, at page 131 of Deed of Trust Records of Transylvania Co., N. C. And wheras, said indebtedness is is past due and unpaia, and the legal holder of same having giventthe re quired notice to tne makers to pay said indebtedness and the default not having been made good, and the holder of said note having dema|^ded of said trustee to advertise said lands and premises described in said deed in trust. Now therefore, the undersigned trustee will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court fabuse door in the town of Brevard N. C. on Manday Jan. 5th, 1|20, at 12 o'clock M. all the followin^lescribed lands and pre mises: Situwd in Brevard township, \Vc want your raw Sond us by mii'.I—or betiei' ctill, brhij uz ..A i, ck'..'.;?.!-, coDi'i or mink fiirG you I j.v3. v'/c r.ra hie cniy exclusive fur dealers in Brevard therefore your lot be it large or sT7:all always receivco prompt attention, MiTCHELL, BRADLEY & COMPANli BREVARD, N. C., Box 45. CiSce: T. M. Mitchell’s G ^cerv Store I • n it The Worth of a Car is the Worth of the Motor “It is the motor that makes the automobile from the stand point of utility,” says White, Woodwarci Auto Co., of Rosman, N. C., local dealers in Chevrolet passenger and commercial cars. . . . Hundreds of dollars may be spent on body comfort an(T|ap- pearance, but in the end, the Enjoyment of a car is limited tovthe ^yorth of the motor. Just as the heart is the center of lifle in a human being, so the motor xs the heart of the automobile,^ It makes it go. \ If s. man has a strong!' heari. he is generally capable of doing physical things. The ordinary tests of every day do not tax him at all, they do not wear Uim out. Ho has endurance. ^le lives long and is fit and vigorous ii^ his old age. In just the s^we manner the capacity of a car for hard service and the length of that service depends on the character of its motor. .It is be cause so many people fail to grasp this important point that they make so man^ costly experiments before finding real motoring satisfaction. ^ is because of this that so many makes of auto mobiles an^ perinitted to flourish or th* sole strength of attrac* tive surfaced featuKS before public opinion snuffs them out. . . . On the other ha^ the most successful cars of today are those whose motors have st^®