it itai Ultolr INIlBiiiwi pwy Thussday «iid iMuitoffice «t 'vwrd, N. C. «i second clast mttsr.. — ■ - ■ ...-=-^-•^^ SUBaipRIPTlON PRICEt ()«• yeai .$1.50 Six non^ ^75 TIttee months ...... i. . .60 Two Months ■■ Cards .of thanks, resolutions and memorials. published ■ only at half commercial rate, cost ing; 15c per inch or one half cent per word. ■i*''-s. (TW "^Smdair CitisM.) FRIDAY, ^PRIL »dt, 1920 THE NEW OWNERSHIP Wilji this issue of the Brevard jlS^ews the property of the Mr. Wm. 7E. Breese. Of his plans for the pa per 1 know nothnig, but my intimate icnowledgre of his abilities and the Ikneen interest he has always manir :fested in community betterment, is aafficient ^^uarantee that the progress of the upper French Broad valley ’v.'ill in no wise be retarded by this <^nge. is’either Brevard nor Transylvania «ounty ever had a more consistent or enthusiastic advocate than William lEl. Breese. He loves this county and -Hs people and their interests are safe so long as he shall remain the guid- iuig influence of the News. Young, •energetic,* capable and progressive, “‘Will" Breese will give the people a Toewspaper in fact as well as in name. As for myself, the years have «ome and gone since I first became identified with Transylvania and its fine citizenship. During those years *5 have desired to serve them accord ing to my ability, and have earnest ly tried to serve them, and Transyl- ■srania — may God bless y her. And so, as the new editor enters upon his labors in the news paper field, I can wish for him no Isf.tter wish than this; 'That the county give to him the «ame unmistakable evidences of ap preciation that \hey so freely gave Id me. M. L. SHIPMAN. Ik: thra^ forces wn- >«ndi^ t<a world ma^ryr rell^on* Vo^cs aM buslnm. • The statei^ OMn are etei^ally logg^theads» «id are pitted ig•[£nst^^tk• priest. Speaking broad ly, tiul tineas xnaa would place everything; on i bosineae . basis, all social relatioasy'-government an^ re ligion. The statesman would make the whole organization of so^ty t matter of government. The govern ment is to do everything, and be everything. The pri^t would organ ize the world on a religrious basis. We 'iihould all live as children of the one 5'ather. The teachings of Jesus are :o be the rules of social conduct. The direction of the social evolu tion appears to be along the line*of the resultant of these three great contending forces. Life is a blend of -business, politics and religion. Business says: **Blessed is the man who has found his work.” Politics says: *‘A11 men are equaL” Religion says: “Whatsoever ye* would that men should do to you, do ye even to them.” Religion was the first of the three great evolutionary forces to recog nize the^ essential brotherhood of man although in practice it has not real ized, its ideal. Governn:3nt and bus iness are becomming ti 3 realization of brotherhood. The tha?3priiigf «nd the wliole fantty would profi;t by taking Pepto^Man- ^n, which.tones up,and,bail[ds iip. It is pfeasatkt-tasting and ^akes you feel ib^tter." Your own dniggist has It ready for your call, and |n both liquid «nd tablet form^ just as you prefer; ^ But to be certain ^t get the genuine Pepto-Mangan, ask for it by the full 'name, “Gude*s Pepto-Man-^ gan.” Look for the name **Gude’s** on^ the package.—adv.. uan will leavd aplek and rea^y fbr* I3ie busy' inMon up-to-date firm*^ usually enjoys. ^ ' V >' The n^y frienda of MarshaU. Kil- liialfrick wiU be. delighted to know th^t he h al>Ottt agldn after being la^ up wil^ rheumatisi^ fof the past six veeks* I,- who has found his wc statesman who agrees ^ equal before the law ; accepted the practical contained in the injunc' to others as you won do unto you.” Withou‘ ismess man and the at men are ve not yet Implications r;n: “Do un- have them the concep tion of brotWrhoon roiitics oecortieiS tyranny. Untouchc ' l>y the rense of brotherhood, business is brutal and materialintic. It is the function of religion to spiritualize and lift up g'overnment and^ business. Govern ment, business and religion must w6rk together to spiritualize all life, to make the ideal of brotherhood a workable theory in every depart ment of life. Governpient and bus iness must be forced fully and com pletely to recognr.d the brotherhood of man. Tlie way is to understand ha^tlie government is an agency to ~^omote happiness and welfare. A wise man has said :“Get your happiness out of your work, or you won’t get any.” Since we must all work in order to live, we should be determined that our work or busi ness shall be so organized as to give as the greatest amount of happiness. This will mean short hours of w’ork, a pleasant place in which to work, and a comfortable Jiving as the iri- sult of the work The world then will be one great happy work shop, shot through with joyous spirit of brotherhood, and motivated with good-will. To recapitulate, religion must fur nish the motive power for the socia lization of human relations; the >di rection of social evolution is thru v'ovemment and business to brother hood. HASWINTER WORNYOU DOWN? Sieknesf That Linc*rs, or Strain of Caring for odMbw, Mains Spring -Days Dangerous. GET BACK YOUR STRENGTH I Red Blood Mean* Old-Time Vigor* And Pepto-Mangan Builds Rich, Rod BloodL o> Perhaps you've been ill this winter —or others in the family have, and you*ve worn yourself out with extra burdens. And now your strength is slow to return. Week after week youVe felt too tired for anything, and have looked it, too—color bad, eyes dull, and no ei^usiasm. When yoa 4on*t feel w«U you are not well. Probably wiwt you need light now is the good blood vtonic, Bepto-Mangan. Physiciaas eVery- wbere recommdid Pepto-Mangan for run-down, anemic people.' Ask yout doctor about it. Pepto>Mansan s^ jlies things ^t^ lilood-sUrvad It,.piit8 1|0B Mid vig^ TO THE VOTERS OF TRANSYLVA NIA COUNTY ReaHzing that this is the Young Man’s t , Age” and that the men wha fought*‘‘to make the world safe for democracy'’ are subject to our deep and grateful consider ation; and that the professional politician is now a back number; many friends pre- V diet that the nomination and election of Eck Simms as sheriflf and tax collector of Transylvania County will be consummat ed at the forth-coming election. L - ^ xt ^ PUT A CHECK ON YOURSELF. YOU*LL BE Gl^ SOME DAY. IF YOUR MONEY IS IN OUR BANK INS^A%OF IN YOUR POCKET. YOU CAN’T LET IT SUP t|lROUGH YOUR FINGERS. X IF YOU PUT SOME MONEY IN THE BANK EVERY PAY DAY YOU*LL HAVE ENOUGH SOME DAY TO GO INTO BUSl- NESS FOR YOURSELF. START A FORTUNE. Tasott. BREVARD BANKING COMPANY The FORDSON at a Glance The FORDSON is Light Weighs Only 2,700 Pounds The Fordsoh Tractor is Econoimcal—both to buy and to operate—^two and one quar ter gallons of kerosene per acre plowed is a fair average. The Fordson Tractor is powerful:—^will pull two 14Uinch plows in th estiifest soil or drive a threshing machine-r-maintain 1,800 pounds of drawbar pull at plowing speed, 2,- 500 pounds on low gear. Twenty to twenty-two horsepower is available at the belt pu|ly. The Fordson Tractor is durable—simple, rugged, accessible in design with few parts. The toughest steels which science can produce are used to give strength and durability in- stead of depending, on heavy masses of metal. All moving parts are inclosed and lul>ricat- ed, air is washed clean^to protect tiie motor. •; FC«DS{^ TR^CTCH& PARTS FORI^ SERVICE FORD GARS

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