THE BREVARD NEWS, BREViMlO. N. (C. FRIDAY. APRIL 9tk. Iflftt JUST RECEIVED High Quality RUGS and FurnU ture. If you are interested in l)avenports or Furniture and i Hardware of any kind now is the time to call on .I j LITTER I.AME GIRL TO UNDER. GO final operation A letter from Dr. Hugh A. Thomp> son to Miss Lula M. Cassidy states that little Virgie Whitmire will un- ^dergo the final operation this week which will enable her to return home :n splendid conditioj^. VALUABLE HORSE SAVED Expected Horse Woiild Die—N0w Sleek and Healthy. In reporting his experience, Mr. J. C. Huste, of Rock Bridge Baths, Va., stated: “My horse is the best ad vertisement you would want for Dr. LeGear’s Stock Powders. He was in a run down fix and poor and I thought he would soon die. I got some of Dr. LeGear’s Stock Powders —and today he is as fine a looking horse as you can see in this section. I only used a few boxes of Dr. Le- Gear’g Stock Powders.” Mr. Huste benefited by the advice of Dr. LeGear. By following the Doctor’s advice you can also keep your stock sleek and healthy. Get Dr. LeGear’s Stock Powders from your dealer; feed it to your horses, milk cows, steers, hogs, and sheep as per directions. Satisfaction or money back.—Dr. L. D. LeGear I, ,ed. Co., St. Louis, Mo. adv. “THERE’S A REASON” Get Your Fresh and Cured Meats, and all County Produce from us. “Ask Your Neighbor.” Brevard, N. C. THE CITY MARKET Phone 47 S. F. ALLISON W. L BISHOP I CONiPANY SALE On Monday, the 10th day of May 1920, at 12 o’clock M., at the Court House Door in the Town of Brevard, N. C., I will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder the fol lowing described tract or parcel of land, in the County of Transylvania, State of North Carolina and in Bre vard Township, on the west side of the public road leading from David son River to Penrose, and more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on a stake in the said public road, in a branch (which branch is the second branch crossing said road north of the residency of T. E. Patton,’) raid runs north o-j deg. west, 297 feet to a stake; thence north 35 deg. East, 142 feet to a Black Gum; thence south 55 deg. east, 297 feet to a stake.* in the road; thence with the I’oad to the beginning containing one acre more or less, and being the same land de?cribed in a deed from T. E. Patton and wife to ivL S. Brohun, dated August 29th, 1918; and also describeil in a deed in trust from M. S. Brohun to R. L. Gash, Trustee, daterl Ausnist 29th, 1018. Said sale made to satisfy indebt edness secured by said deed in trust, from M. S. Brohun to R. L. Gnsh. Tru,;tGo. cor,ts of dei'vali havin.'x been made in the paym^’nt of said ind('bt(Hin( s;-, an ’ tVi-c; owiier:-; thereof having dircf'te^i I'no un.lcr- signed trustee to a(-vertiso and sel! the property to satisfy said indc'bte('- ne"^i' and costs ar.t? ex];ensos of as ^’'rovidod in ‘^.■iid dcM'd in trust. This April Gth, 1020. CJASII. Trustee. At-vh Phone 120 Close to Depot Brevard Lumber Co, WE HAVE IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF HOME MADE COFFINS. WHEN IN NEED OF ONE COME IN AND INSPECT OUR LINE AMD GET PRICES. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. DON’T FORGET, WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATER IAL ON HAND AT THE VERY LOW- EST PRICES. ALSO WE WILL SUP PLY YOU WITH THE BEST ACIDS AMD FERTILIZERS AT THE EIGHT .J. ‘^n 1 ii WT 3TifrmrTrrgi^^^ I hurt u H IS ONE OF THE GREATEST EVILS OF THE AGE, SOME MEN REALIZE THAT THEY OUGHT TO MAKE CERTAIN PROVISIONS FOR THE FUTURE, BUT CARELESSLY NEGLECT IT—JUST PUT IT OFF FROM DAY TO DAY UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE, AND CONSEQUENT- LY THEY NEVER ACCUMULATE ANYTHING AND FINALLY BECOME A feURDEN UPON SOME RELATIVE, OR UPON THE COUNTY, OTHERS GRASP THE OPPORTUNITY WHEN IT PRESENTS ITSELF AND COME OUT ON TOP. THE BUILDING & LOAN HABIT WILL BRING YOU OUT ON TOP. START TODAY. -DON’T PUT OFF BREVARD R & L ASSOCIATION A. M. VERDERY, Sccretary-Treasurer.