ou must Register by Saturday to Vote. Attend Mass Meeting at Court House Friday night to name ofBcials. TIm Aim is FraakaM« and Sincerity. EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. VOLUME XXVI. BREVAkD, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1921. Number 16 COMMENCEMENT IN niE an scHooi^ TO BE NEXT WEEK Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Nights Will Be Given To Closing F.xereises—Address On Thursday Night HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL PLAY TO BE GIVEN FRIDAY NIGHT The Brevard public schools will close next week, commencement ex ercises being hsld on Wednesday Thursday and Friday nights at the High School auditoriuin. The only daytime exercises will be a piano re cital by Mrs. O. L. Erwin’s class on Thursday afternoon, April 28, at 4 o’clock. The cxerciscs on Wednesday night FINAL SEFJICE BY .1. Pastoz* Of Baptist Church Preached Last Sermon Sunday Night to Large Congregation: Rev. C. E. Puett closed a three f year pastorate of the Baptist Church ' last Sunday night. It cama rather suddenly to most of his members, only a few having: a hint of his in tention. Mr. Puett has impressed himself very forcibly on his members and in the association by his earnest labors as pastor. From tho *pulpit he has preached the truth in an able and forcible way, giving* out the truth and standing for all that was good and moral, and pointing out the impor tance of agreement between profes sion and practice as a necessary con- EMRD AT ENON S. M. FdacFie Announces That Mr. Rents Property To Ala- Perry of Hendersonville Will Be Here Next Tuesday. bE.tna Wom-rn to Conduct A Girl’s Camp. Former Resident Of This County Dying in Asheville Brought Back For Burial. I have arrnn(?ed with Mr. Perry, Sinlard recently entered into ,he Florist of Hender-onville, to spend ^ contract with Mrs. L. G. Joyner of next Tuesday and Wednesday at my Birmingham, Ala., on the terms of store, and will be glad for all the conduct a camp ladies in Brevard and Vicinity to Siniard place about a Cc£.li‘:hzz!:or]to the News Fu;:cral services of George Baxter S ROAD NEED WilUam Goldsmith, Visiting In Bre> vard, Urges Work On the Jones Gap Highway. meet Mr. Porry and get valuable .suggestions on growing better flowers, Ho will have bedding stock samples of a great many flowers too numerous to mention; also ferns, vines and ever:;reens, hanging baskets and porch boxes. A short talk with Mr. Perry will make us all more enthusiastic on grow mile and a half from town. Grccnviille is beginning to realize vjho-t the Jones Gap Road would mean Not on!v Eias the chamber of com- Mor-i.n; of 40 n:2.h;r.nd strcL^t, Ashe- and the young .mens’ .clubs villc, I'l. C. VvOi'j hold Tuesday 'after- | taken up the mater, but articles have noo'i Anri! 12, at the home of the ' *»®«n appeari<.-ig in"the Piedmont and In honor of this town, whose reput- deccii::: .! and lalcr completed at the I News not only from Transylvania ation as a centre of camn activities 3^ penrose. The is continoally spreading, Mrs. Joyner ; j conducted has named her camp “Camp Brevard.' The Siniard residence will be ac- by ^ ^ aition of the spiritual vitality of the , April 27 Will consist of a two-part] i, , u ^ T church and its ability to wm r.cw program: a rccitation and declamation ! ^ . i X -1 j ^ i members, contest among four girls and four tt j i.- i j u- i. i. u ^ Ti- c 1- 1 ^ 11 j V Under his leadership the church ■ boys of the High School, followed by , , • j> j x .,,7 , : 1 has been moving forward, until to-j day she is in a growing and flourish- ; 7. \7. F. rowell, pastor of the cap’cd r.3 headquarters for the camp, | ’by Rev. Benjamin which will have the privilege of the | Itev. W. F. Cann. grounds and the lake. Mr. Siniard The services at Enon Baptist ing better flowers and more of them. | occupy their cabin on j church v/cre conducted by Rev. Benj. Let’s make Brevard a veritable > above the residence during . Sorgee assisted by Rev. Elijah Alli- Flower Garden for oUr Summer Visi tors. — S. M. MACFIE. ing condition and God is blessing his labors among us. It is with much regret that W'e give up Brother Puett; but feel that he has been divinely guided into new lields of labor, and we bid him God Speed as he soon leaves us for his new field. A MEMBER. an operetta, “Under the Sugar Plumb Tree,” participated in by all the grades. The prize to be awarded in the declamation and recitation con-, tests is $5 to each winner. | Thursds.y night, April 28, will be devoted to the exercises of the grad uating class and tha annual address to graduates. About forty minutes will be cakcn up by the class in his-^ tory, prophecy and kindred subjects, after which Dr. D. D. Wallace, pro fessor of historv rnd economics at, Wofford Co’ieLre, will make an ad- | dress. ! On Friday nir^ht, April 29, tho High School students will present the an- jiual play, entitled, “All on Account of Polly.” ! All the exercises will be free of surviving brother, James Kilpatrick, charge to the public cxcept the play with his family of Blantyre; also the on Friday night, for which an admis- families of D. P. Kilpatrick, T. L. sion will be charged. | Allen, Eardley Aiken, C. C. Kilpat- i rick, Ed Gillespie. R. P. Kilpatrick of J. L. BELL DECLINES TO 3F 'Brevard; W. P. Kilpatrick, Paul CANDIDATE ON TOWN TICKET McCrary, R. W. Kilpatrick of Ashe- I am sure I do not fail to apj.^cc- i Rhodes, I. S. Kilpat- ' iate the compliment paid me by tho.^e ATTENDING COURT; FAMILY REUNION AT HOME OF ROBERT G. KILPATRICK R. J. Kilpatrick of Little River celebrated his 79th birthday on Sun day, April 10th with a family reun ion embracing the fourth generation. Among those present were his only The followilig visiting attorneys were in attendance on Superior Court presided ovex- by Judge W. J. Adams, here this week. Solicitor G. D. Bailey of Burns ville; J. E. Shipman of Henderson ville; Walter E. Moore and E. P. Stillwell of Sylva. Emerson Eaves, court stenograph er, is also at his post of duty. ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF JUDGE AND SOLICITOR: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn entertained Chac. B. Deaver, W. E. Breese and J. E. Shipman to supper at the Crary Hotel, on Monday evening to meet Judge Adams and Solictior Bailey, who are stopping at the Crary Hotel during the Court. All present en joyed a splondid meal well served. OAK FOREST SCHOOL OPENS friends, who have su'xgested my name for Mayor in The News and many others who have privately asked me to accept a nomination. From expcr>nce I know the work the office ontnila I also know the "ick, T71!lie and R. L. Kilpatrick of Penrose; Mrs. Florida Case of Horse Shoe; Daniel Justus of Blantyre; D. H. and L. P. Kilpatrick, Mrs. F. Albea and Mrs. T. J. Shipman, Jr., of Hen derson vill'e ;W. H. Gray, J. C. and Z. V. Kilpatrick of Flat Rock, in all nunibering about one hundred and fifty guests. An elaborate dinner \va3 served on the lav/n and the day '.vas very happily spent by all who were nresent. limitations that age has placed on my physical and nervous energy. It involves more work than I am able to do. For this reason I must decline the proffered honor. | I make this public announcement place of reunion was the old that our people may center on some bome of Porter Kilpatrick, who died man who can and will accept the of- ‘ibout 35 years ago. There he raised fice and not cast their vote for one sons, Ben, William,« Eob^t, who would have to decline. | James and Charles. William was a In this connection let me say that Lieutenant in the Confederate army I have no sympathy 'with a prevalent killed in the war. J. L. Osteen, v/ho recently finished a session as principal of the Lake Tox away school, has opened s, school at Oak Forest. This school house is on the top of the mountain in Eastatoe Township. Ov/in'? to failure to open at the usual time, this district has been without a teacher throughout the w^inter months. the summer. The camp will open about the mid dle of June. MAYOR T. H. GALLOWAY WRITES sc:i and Rsv. C. E. Puett. Mr. G. H. Kleuppelberg sang very beautifully, “Sometime We’ll Under stand.” Mr. Morgan died at the Mission citizens, but from citizens of Green* ville as well. . Among them a splendid letter appeared in the Piedmont of AprH 18, by Wm. Goldsmith who is visiting with Dr. Hunt. . The article very ably noints out the many advan* tages to both Greenville and Transyl vania County of the Jones Gap road and shews how highly important to both sections that this road be im proved at once. Mr. Goldsmith deser ves the thanks of both Greenville and Transylvania Counties for his stirring appeal. . We quote from an editorial in the Greenville Piedmont: WHERE GREENVILLE IS LOSING BUSINESS Hospital Monday morning April 11, To the Citizens of Brevard; Greeting after a short illness. He was bom in In the closing days of the present | Brevard in 1862, and since has been ' 'r' ‘ ’ ini , ■ administration of the town of Brevard a conductor for the Asheville Power , . 7 a vast ' amount of money and a very consid erable quantity of trade because the Jones Gap highv;ay to the North Caro lina line is unimproved. The Piedmont urges every business man a.id every public spirited citizen, to read, elsewhere in this issue the I take this opportunity to express my I and Light Company, appreciation to the -c ' people of; said town, Dcy^ocrats and Re h’h publicans for The deceased is survived by the widow and the following children: neir sup-| Lester, Elizabeth and port, not only in elecur.g me Mayor : Morgan, of Brevard in 1919, but for their i ^ moral and co-operative joirit during ^ pall-bearers ,vere: R. L. Wor- my entire term of office.* i P. Miller, J. B. j letter 'vritten to this newspaper by It has been’in a tinle of reconstruc-' ‘ P^emmons and E. P. j Wmiam Goldsmith who is at present tion and in the midst of a ficod-tide ! These v/ere fellovz-workmen j sojourning in Brevard for his health- i^quor-makin'^ and Trinking a^d auto^^^r the Power and i All Greenville hopes that Mr. Gold- mobile racinj, all of which tend to Company. The honory pall- smith will speedily be quite well a- demoralization. My court at times niembers of the Junior Or- may have had the tone of a Sunday School lecture, nevertheless it had the effect, I have no apology to offer for such lectures. During the 1st year gain and back home. The arguments presented by Mr. Goldsmith for the immediate improve ment of the JoneS^ap highway are unanswerable. He demonstrates der were: J. W. Edson, J. T. Wallens, X. A. Harrison, J. H. Adams, George Pennell and S. G. Donald. By his quiet and upright life Mr.. I tried more than 100 cases and dur- ^^organ had won his w-^ay to the hearts clearly that Greenville is losing an in- ing the second year, I have tried less many of the best people both in i calculable sum because the road is than 50 cass. I have been a con- ’ Asheville a>d, iyr th? vicinity of his ! impassable. He points out the in- tinuous citizen of our to^^-n for 38 boyhood. This fact wag atte^ed by ! disputable truth that, were it improv- years and I wili say, that the resnect tne large crowds that attended the ! v*o\ild greatly increase the for and obedience to Law and Order funeral services. A multitude of ume of business done in Greenville has never been bettor than it is to Ashevihe’s best citizens gathered at! aud add to our trading territory, clay. the home to pay their last respects.! ^ highway is improved, the As to th progress in soirit and con-1 ■‘^t Enon Baptist Church the building j money used for that purpose will con structive achievements which have ' crowded to the limit by friends | stitute an investmeljt prolific in divi- been randicapped for lack of funds the surrounding country who i dends to the business interests of this I will let the street and finance bad gatjiired to show their great es- Greenville. It is the best sort of THE PRAYER CORNER. Enfoi'ced Rests. “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures”. Pastures are for mourish- all an affectionate farev, ell. committees explain. i teem for the deceased. And now to each member of the ' A large number of friends accom.- Board of Aldermen and our street panied the body from Asheville to overseer for advice and help as faith- the cemetery at Penrose, ful guaraians of our to\%n and to G. , Mr. Morgan was a brother-in-law E. Lathrop, Clerk and tax collector, of Dr. W. M. Lyday of Brevard and for his integrity^ ability and efficiency v;as well known by many residents of as v/ell as kindness shown, I bid you this countv^. T. H. GALLOWAY, Mayor EPISCOPAL CONVENTION: TRAINING INSTITUTE BAND idea am.ong some o f our best business men that to accept the position of Mayor or Alderman v/ould hurt their buoinecs. A faithful discharge of ^ duty, official or other\\ise, never hurt | any man’s business, and I trust none ——— of our active business men will refuse Bromfield, Mayor; E. W. Blythe, Some of the greatrgreat-grand- children of Porter Kilpatrick now live in Brevard. A GOOD TICKET SUGGESTED: Institute and he reports satisfactory progress among the learners. Tho three drum.s the call of our city for service. J. L. BELL. RED BUS LINE TO OPERATE i AGAIN THIS SEASON: j The Red Bus Line management in * a co:nmv’iicalion to the Brevard News ' announces that buses will ply between Brevard and Henderscnville beginn- i ing Monday of next week, making a daily schedule of four trips. I Alderm.an; C. H. Klueppelberg, Al- 1 derman; J. M. Allison. Alderman; Cos j Paxton, Alderman; H. R. Walker, |Aldcrr/ian; G. E. Lathrop, Secretary I and Treasurer; T. B. Crary, Superin tendent Street Works. A safe conservative and progres- civo bunch to look after the progress rnd welfare of the Best Tovm in N. C. Chief Barnett and policeman Harding v/ili look after anything dis- ment, and for rest. Some times there are enforcd rests. The shep- j herd makes his sheep lie down that ■ they may get rested, and-groxv strong j and beautiful in their spirits. This ^ 27th Annual Convention of is what the Good Shepherd does with Episcopal Missionary District of us sometimes, when we fall sick, for ^ Asheville rriet in St. Mark’s Church, band numbers nineteen instance. j Gastonia, April 12th, 13th, and 14th. : ond sixteen horns. We think we have not time to rest There was an unusually large atten-| prepares all the music for and the that th lie dcvv^n, and we find our sick room Reports made at the convention i j showed marked progress business proposition to get this high way into shape at once. It is econ omy to do it. It is extravagance and wastefulness not to do it. The South Carolina Press Associat ion is to meet in Greenville early in July. It is much desired to take the newspapermen from all parts of the State to spend the day at Ceasar’s Head and show them the glories of that beautiful region. This would mean i.nmense advertisement and M. J. Orr of North Brevard is train- i, b^efit to that part of the county, yet iiig a band organizeo at the Brevarr. | question to carry the a bit of pasture. j showed marked progress along all A fr’end who had been in the hos- It v/as unanim.ously agreed j pitai several v/eeks, and y^'as conval- to petition the Gen - Convention | escing wrote, “I have found my little ^he Episcopal Church, which meets | It was also stated that more buses * orderly and guard our property while will be put on if necessary later in sleep. A CITIZEN. have very reasonable rates. A printed schedule will appear next week. SERIES OF MEETINGS TO BE HELD IN METHODIST CHURCH: A series of meetings will be held in the Methodist Church beginning 1st Sunday in May at 11 o’clock. I^ervices for each night at 7:45 will be held the week following. The preaching will be done by the pastor, Rev. A. S. Raper. All ministers in the town aj^e cordially invited to work in the meeting together with all Christian people — in praying, and doing personal work. Thi^fteeting is intended to help the people; therfore those who are |tot Christians, are earnestly asked to consider their ways each and every service. “Put God First” is our slogan! PASTOR. in the season, and it is planned to make th’s cervicc an all the year around FISHI?IG SEASON TO OPEN SOON e ^iness. The cars will stop for any- , STREAlvIS STOCKED V/ITK TROUT o^ on the Horseshoe route and will | Leroy 0''Kelly, district ranger for the Government Reserve, was in Bre vard recently and reported that the fishing season on the reserve would open May 1. The streams have been stocked with rainbow and brook trout, 85,000 being put in this year and an other carload is expected soon. The new auto road from Pisgah Forest, connecting with the Pisgah Motor road, will be open within the next month, Mr. O’Kelly said. Fishing permits can be obtained from ■he district fiscal agent, forest ser vice, Washington, D. C. Only ten daj's are allow’ed to any one fisherman c’ur^.g the season. The price of the neSihg permit is $1.00 for men and M cents for women. No charge is and attendiftiaclc for children under fourteen vfdiite cot here in this qui?t room a bit of God’s Green Pasture.” He never makes us lie c.ov/n on the rott'zh hillside or c.i the dr.t,ty road or among the rocks; it is always in the soft rich grass, w^here we may feed while we rest. t Be sure you do not miss the bless- eighteen months hence, that this Dis trict be erected into a Diocese as the District is nnv.^ ready and able to meet all the requirements of a Dioscese. The convention accepted a cordial in vitation to conduct its gneral meeting , in the 1st Presbyterian Church the, second evening of the convention. This iarge beautiful church was filled nev.'spapermen there unless the road is iriproved. The Piedmont endorses heartily all th'it the Chamber of Commerce and tKe-.i"oung Men’s Business League secure the improvement Gap road and cannot too the legislative delegat ion and Supervisor Dili to do all with in their power to see to it that this MONTIE” CHAPMAN IS MADE I highv*ay is put into the best shape VESTRYMAN. j without further delay. The expendi- I ture of the public funds for the im- In the Anderson Daily Tribune of | provement of the Jones Gap road will April 12, we note that M. M. Chap- j be amply justified and approved by man has been elected a vestryman i the people of -Greenville, city and 0^ tho Grace Episcopal Church of county. that city. MATHATASIANS MEET Mathatasian Club held a very en- In the opinion of The Piedmont, the conversion of the Jones Gap road in to a modern highway will mean the addition of hundreds of thousands of dollars -a year to the volume of busi- ing of sickness, of sorrow, of trial to the doors. Two notable addresses j^yable meeting with Mrs. Julia | ness done in Gn of anv kind. God wants vou to , ^ -r^ Trowbridere on Thursdav. Onlv two > Let’s go get it. Greenville. of any kind. God wants you to grov>r in patience, in trust, in joy, in peace, in all gentleness, and kindness v^henever He makes you lie down in the green pasturs.” A PRAYER 0 Thou blessed Shepherd, we thank Thee for those precious v/ords, “He were delivered by Rev. Dr. Way, rec ior of St. Mary’s School, Raleigh; and the Rev. Dr. Olham of Sa. Ann’s Church, Bx'ooklyn, N. Y hoar:- one good Presbyterian layman Trowbridge on Thursday. Only two ^ members w'ere absent. Mrs. Seagle i and Mrs. Chas. B. Deaver were elect- j "’’he ^iter delegates to the St.ate Federation | which meets in June. Tv/o new mem. I BIG SNAKE KILLED Jason Huggins, while on his rounds y, ‘-Come again and let us know | i substitute mail carrier on Route each other better.” The next meet- ii:g of the District will be held in bers elected, alsp other matters of j One, picked up the following infor- years accompanying persons having permits. l^aketh Me to Lie Down in . Green Grace Church, Waynesville, April 20, Pastures.” We know not what is 1921. J. C. S. best for us, but Thou knowest, and . , n . ■ ... fiome times Thou dost make us lie grov/ in patience, in trust, in joy, in down that we may get rested and grow peace, in all gentleness and kindness, ctrong and beautiful in our spirits, whenever Thou makest us to lie down | But it is always in green pastures, the green pastures.” M. never on the rough hill side, or on the Help us ever to yield to Thy loving dusty road or amoiig the rocks — al- guidance V/iih glad and willing hearts, ways in the soft rich grass, where we knowing that in the green pastures may f'ied while we rest. we shall grow in patience, in trust, On never let us miss the blessing of in joy, in peace, in all gentleness and sicknss/of •son'owB,-of trials of any landness if we will but trust Thee kind,, Thou dost long for. . us to and rest in Thy live. Amen. C. D. C. business discussed, after which the Club adjorned to meet April 28th with Mrs. Ralph Zachary and Mrs. Raper, joint hostesses. r,!RS. WARD ENTERTAINS: mation which he reported to the News: Frank Lance, son of Joe Lance, re cently killed a rattle snake, which w'as over five feet long, weighed ten pounds, and carried nine rattles and a button. Frank is, fifteen years of age. Mrs. D. G, Ward entertained the faculty of the city schools with a rook party on Wednesday night ~he I R. H. ZACHARY BUYS HOUSE teachers v/ere invited to meet with i — Rev. C. D, Chapman once m ore be-' R. H. Zachary has bought the house’ fore th(B close of the school term.! of Mrs. John Zachary n^ar the city Delicious refreshments were served I limits and expects to move into it and a social evening much enjoyed. | this week.

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