FHE BREVARP NEWS. BREVARD, N; t, THE BREVARD NEWS. Published •T«rjr FriJUy and aBter- •d at Pottoffic* at BroTard, N. C., «• Sacond Class Matter. W. E. BREESE, Owner A. B. RILEY, Editor Wm. A. BAND, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Subscriptions payable in advance) One year $1.50 Six months ..»• •••• :••••' ^1.00 Three Months • Two months . » • • • • ^25 ADVERTISING RATES ’ Display, pev column inch . . • • . .30c Reading Notices, per line .... . • lOc Want Column Notices, per line . ;Sc M^e charge 5 cents a line fohr Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect «ind for notices of entertainments where admission is chJVged. Address All Communications To The BrevaVd News: Wc are disposed to leave law en-> forcement to the sworn oiBcers of the law, who have been duly elected or appointed to this kind of service. Any attempt to suggest is often re garded as interference. Ne^rtheless, the smoke of contin ual violation*of law — especially of the prohibition laws — argues the existence of the hidden fire, which as yet no official vigilance has been able to extinguish. This especial kind of violation is one that in its nature is most difficult to control. At the same time it is one thjat most keenly touch es the public spirit and conscience. If a law enforcement league can render any real assistance, if it does noth ing more than show forth the senti ment of the community and thus give law its moral support, it can be of real service. If the league aids in the enforce ment o^ law, it is a good thing. If it fails to do so, it is useless.. But it failure or success depends on the number and kind of citizens compos ing it. It should not be limited to just a few members. It needs the- co-operation of all the citizens of Brevard to make it effective. MICKIE SAYS: r Ti Foreign Aovertising Representative THE AMRRICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION FRIDAY, MAY 20th, 1921 Beware of the merchant who tells his customer that he can save money on an article because his competitor sells a nationally or lo.cally advertised product which is not any better quality but costs more because the cost of advertising is passed on to the consumer. The increased amount DIVISION INTO WARDS: —X— A better representation of the town : laigg always takes care of the cost on the Board of Aldermen has been ^ advertising expense, and the pro- sugc?ested by a citizen of Brevard. i (j^-t that is not advertised is generally His plan is to divide the town into : inferior and CHEAPER IN EVERY iour wards and to have one represen- i reSPECT — It is not advertised be- lative from each ward on the board, caugg it vvori’t stand the light of pub- thia Mctlon^all be gailty of a mis demeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days and shall also be liable in dam ages to any person injured or suffer ing loss of his prope^y^o^ chattels. Dr. W. J. Wallia, Brevard, N. C. PiYgrsifieil AJs. All diversified advertisements must be cash unless you have aregular account with the News. FOR SALE — Foui* sets of double harness price is right. THOS. H. SHIPMAN. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR REAL ESTATE — Seven passeng er automobile. A sacrifice and at your own price. Apply to the NEWS OFFICE. FOR SALE — A good Second Hand Car Cash or on time. THOS, H. SHIPMAN. FOR SALE — Second two horse wagon on time if you wish. THOS. H. SHIPMAN. FOP '? E — Plenty of Potato slips, Nancy Hali and Queen of the South 25c a hundred at the bed. By par cel Post, 5 cents extra per hund red. Ready for sale May 2|th. See C. M. Siniard, Brevard", N. C., 4-15-6tc.s WHEAT HEARTS: GROCERS. AT ALL •w.ith one alderman at large. This plan has certain evident ad vantages. Each section of the town vt'ould thus be represented by a man FOR RENT — LARGE GARDEN on the T. L. Walters property near Brevard Baptist Church. Apply 4-6-2tp. Mrs. J. A. Hartman. WHEAT . HEARTS: EVE!^Y- BODY’S CEREAL. vVANTED puppy. - A thoroughbred terrior Apply at News Office. WHEAT . HEARTS: GROCERS. AT ALL licity. An article not worth adver tising has something about it to keep under cover. The folks now-a-days are from Missouri and are not swal- Vvho would presumably look after the lowing these old gags about the mer- interest:-; of his own section. ihere chant saving his customers money, would be no loading of the board They realize that he is looking after vith men from the same part of the | i ^nd has made all his money city. While all the people are sup- gelling his commodity at a profit and 7)0sed to have interests in common, it of course wouldn’t fool or waste time Is certain that among the various im- arjruing with a customer unless it was provements in the jurisdiction of the to make money and'get their almighty Weighing t ity authorities. Some are needed tjollar. The dear pepil also are i ^ee Ed Swangin realizing, as never before, that the | merchant who advertises is soliciting ; Typewriter repairing. All work their business, is inviting them to' guaranteed. 20 years experience. - G. S. Jones, Phone 658 J. 5-20-4tp spirited citizen who believes in “Liv- I ing and letting live”. THe merchant who advertises is proud of his goods and believes in progress, in the build ing up of his community. It is a rare hi more pressiiigly in some sections than other.-.. It is only natural to snr:T)ose tliat these needs would be FOR QUICK SALE — One pair of buck skin horses seven and eight years old weighing twelve hundred )unds each. See Ed Swangin. DaVidson River, N. C. 5-13-4tpd. lightly. There is nothing revolutionary in the proposal. It is thoroughly de- :nTiocratic in spirit. The only diffi culty Avould be in finding always the TO TELEPHONE SUBCRIBERS: man from the ward who would suit- thing to find a “live wire advertising” ably represent the tow'n. It would , business that belongs to any rings, be rare, however, to find any section ' trusts or price combinations. They suffering from such a dearth of good j are willing to stand alone realizing , ■ I thr.t competition is the life-jof trade. Beware of the merchant who says he LAW AND ORDER LEAGUE An organization called the Brevard Lav.' enforcement League has been formed in this town with the expres sed purpose of co-operating with the can save you money by not advertis ing; he is only fooling himself. DANGER FROM DOGS: Let Us take care of the people of On May 11th there were about two thirds of the subsdribers tbat had not paid their telephone rent for the month of April. The Brevard Telephone Co., it now a co-operative business owned by the citizens of Brevard. In order that we may make a soe- cess, and give service, all subscribers should pay their rent by all means by the 10th fofr the preceding monti^- or their phones will be discontinued lentil done. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, CITI-^ ZENS TELEPHONE CO. ion IS competed at present of good ^ send to the State laboratory of Hy- citizer/i — nien and women who are ^ gienics to be examined for rabies, known to lend orderly lives. They i The head was forwarded by expi'^ss are evidently sincere in their desire | the following mor ing, the report was to promote good conditions in the | not positive as to ?;abies or freedom caninuinity. They belong to the j from rabies. La^t Wednesday the' fairly w^ell educated and intelligent head of another c ig that had been class of citizens, and some of them bitten by the dog whose head was are religious both in profession and in sent the first time, was brought to practice. They are, therefore, on- me and forwarded at once. There- titled to respect, whether or not one port on the second dog head was posi- be willing to i^ttopt their methods of tive as to rabies. I -am now asking THE BREVARD NEWS IS ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. J;binking f>'‘ ^ung. Question naturally arising from the people of out county to take care of their dogs as laid down in section the present local situation is. Who is5 and published with this article. ! for law and order? The other night 1 am also publishing an ordinance en -at the Methodist church, in response to a question like this, every person acted by the Board of Health of Transylvania County last July and in in the large congregation, as far as force as may be deemed advisable by the County physician or health officer. Tliat rabies is prevalent in North Carolina is evident by the following extract from a letter dated May 13, 1921, and written :vie by C. A. Shore Superintendent of the State Labora tory ofl[ Bygiene at Raleigh, N. C could be seen, rose to his feet. Of cour c th-y ~tood up. Their very presence at that meeting was an evi dence that they were on the side of law and in favor of its enforcement. In other words, the very great ma jority of people in this town are both ^aw abiding themselves and wish oth- j The lett^ was ir _’eply to an enquiry ers to be so. The league as recently { as to a cow thf.'; was bitten by the organized has no monopoly of good | dog whose head v as sent the second citizenship. The majority, we re peat, favor law and order. A busi ness man wants order, for anarchy wopld ruin his business. A mother wants it, because it means the safe . this ai‘ i; oon proved to be mad. Our tv of her son. Lovers of education ! 'irice i--’ treatment of animals is time. Raleig’i, N. C., May 13,1921 My Dear Doctor:— The o^’s head received from you want it, because chaos is at war with enlightenment. Lovers of the church want it, because moral uplift is their great ideal. What need, then, of a league? Just what need Brevard has is a matter of question. Time was, when it was a lawless town. Happily, that 520 CO. But just at this time the dtiv T.nd for human cases has been so gr :it that we have had difficulty in k- sping a supply on hand. We can not therefore just now send out treatment for animals. Yours very truly, C. A. SHORE. SECTION 5, — No person shall $1.00 to $1.S0 per lb» For sale by DaviS’Walker Drug Co, E. F. MOFFITT NON-UNION Contractor and Builder Estimates promptly furnistied or all work. 7-1-21 IN mi . DFWXSTE PAPER Man Tak^s Up the Habitat of Hermit in Crowded Section of New York City. MADE CAVE FOR SELf Naked Body Reclinea Beneath Mata of Old Paper* and Rags Which Completely Fill Room in Tenement. New York.—New York city’s East side—a minute strip on a minor island —^is, perhaps the most densely popu lated region on the Western hemi sphere. And yet it was in this hu manity-throbbing district that Theo dore Greesley chose to take up the habitat of a hermit. It was in the spot where more persons liv^ and have their being than any other in this country that this old man, long bearded and gray, sought to withdraw from all human contact. Up on the third floor and to the right of a dull, brown tenement at 129 Chrystle street there’s a small room, which, along with its few chairs, its small bed and a picture or two, Mrs. Alice Bernard had rented to Theodore Greesley Six years ago. She had seen little of him since. He would call to pay the rent occasion ally—It was only .$1.50 a week. For almost a montli Mrs. Bernard had not seen tlie old man at all, nor had any one else. Police Chopped Door Down. ' So tills ^landlady trudged up the three flights of steps to find out what had happened.^ She stopj>ed at the door of the small room atid listened. There was no soui^and her rappings went unheeded, pi-en unlocking the door did not g^n for her admittance. Frightened she called the polic^^. Two sturdy Irishmen tried their weight against the portal but they bailed to move it. A Are ax finaliy chopped an en trance. but ifpon a strange scene. The room was literally packed with oid newspapers and rags. Tliey were v.-edged in so completely that they had barred tlie .<w?nging of th" door. Nowhere was there a that the m time is past. It would be* hard to j allow his dog over six months old to ^nd a more law abiding community j run at large in night time unaccom- in all respects than this. As a con-1 panied by the owner or, by some mem- servative people we are suspicious of her of the ownpr’s family, . or by the alarmist arid have little sympathy with the knight-errant who couches his lanes to charge windmills. some other person by the owner's permission. An;^ per;?on intontona lly, knowingly and v/.nfu’ly v rf)' ’ng An advcrtisernf^nt Ncw^ will sell that cow or horse for vcti.' in kh< stsrplu Found Kim Dead. room w'as inhabited. It was complete ly filled with this* waste. From the ceiling it slanted' do\ni toward the door. Had Tunneled' Beneath Heap. On one side wa» an indication of a passage or tunnel into this strange hillside of papers and rags. And into it the policemen burrowed. They fol lowed "several feet until they came to a wider opening—a cave in this un usual artificial mountaii^ It was about’ four feet wide and not more than two feet in height. It left only room enough for a small man to curl up in a reclining posi tion, And that was the position in wliich they found Theodore Greesley —dead,' stark naked except for the covering of his long and tangled beard. ' BOY’S WIT SAVES TWO LIVES Ten-Year-Old Lad Snatches His Sis ter From Paths of Street Cars. New York.—^The quick wit of tsn- year-oM Pasquale Demortstl of Lodi. N. J., probably saved him and his six- year-old sister, Rosa, from death nnder ^he wheels ef a Third avenue car at Twenty-nfhtli street. •The mother and father had crossed the street. Pasquale and his sister trailed’ behind. Hand in hand, both started across the avpnue. A south- boand an^ a 'north-bound caV ap proached. Kosa became fritrhtened' and screamed.* The children startert to nm when the north-bound car bore down OD them, despite the motorman’s fmntic efforts to stop It. Whew ft seemed certain one'of the cars would strike them, Pasquale grabbed Rosa around the waist, made a flying kup and caught hold of the edge o^ the vestibule of the south bound car and held, on until the c#r broxight to a stop. FRIDAY, MAT 20tli, 1921 li Why is a Bank? COMPARATIVELY FEW KNOW THE MANY USES TO WHICH A 1» GOOD BANKING CONNECTION CAN BE PUT. YOU MAY BE USING ONLY ONE DEPARTMENT WHEN YOU MIGHT BE USlNG SEVERAL. • BANKERS ARE NOT TO THROW COLD WATER ON BUSINESS PRO JECTS. MODERN, PROGRESSIVE BANK ERS ARE ANXIOUS TO AID ANY NEW, WORTHY ENTERPRISE. .COME IN AND TALK TO OUR OFFICERS ABOUT A BANK SER- VICE. 4 per cent paid on Savings Deposits Brevard Banking Company "9~. In a now «lze package LUC STIHKE 10 for 10 cts Many smokers prefer it. They’ll find that this compact package often Lucky Strike Ogarettes will juFt suit them. Try them—dealers now carry both sizes: 10 for 10 cts; 20 for 20 cts. It’s Toasted Watch the Label On Your Paper And if your time is about up fill in the blank below, accompanied by check or post office money order for renewaL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One Year $1.50; Six Months Sl.OO; Three Months 50c; Two Months 35c. ^'Brevard News,** Brevard, N. C.: « Gentemen—Enclose find $1.50 in pajrment for Subscription to ‘THE BREVARD NEWS.** Name R. F. D. Dale Town & State CLIP THIS AND MAIL IT TODAY.

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