■>/ 'V ^The Pure Food Grocer In buying your Staple and Fancy Groc' eries Be Sure You Are Getting Pure Foods. Our Line of Canned Fruits, Vegeta bles, Pickles, Jellies, etc.. Are always of Superior Quality and we have al- , ways a supply of Fresh Country Veg etables, eggs, butter,' etc. C. C. YONGUE Main Street. Brevard, N. C. RED BUS LINE (Inc.) DAILY SCHUDULE — BREVARD TO HENDERSON VILLE MAKING CONNECTION FOR ASHEVILLE. Leave Brevard 7:30 — 11:30 A. M. 2:30 — 4:30 P. M, Leave Hendersonville 9:30—11:30 A. M. 2:30 — 5:00 P. M. Leave Hendersonville for Asheville 9—11 A. M. 1-3-5 P. M. Leave Asheville for Hendfcrsonville 9-11 A. JVl. 1-3-5 P. M. r ' IGe Rose Cafe and Brevard Cafe ' One ManagemenL I wish to announce that I have opened up another restaurant at the Depot. * We solicit your patronage at both restaurants. W. Y. TfiOMASON iirrnirr’ds»inOTin<» mm Insurance Neglected May mean weeping in smoke or in sadness viewing the ruins of your home. But Insurance shows business ability.' Means sat isfaction in protection. Means Contentment of mind. Means the saving of a lifetime’s earnings. Means the comfort of old age. ^ • 4 ibbr Distruction has visited your neighbor and our neighboring town It awaits 11S. Insure while it waits •— tomorrow may be too late. Brevard [Insurance Agency T. H. GALLOWAY, Manager Brevard, N. C. ms BREVARD, NORTH CAROUNA Departments—College PreDirator/, Normal, Music, Basineas, Do mestlc Art, Household Economics, Agriculture. An departments are directed by teachers with special training and large experience. They know their business. Influences of the Institute are aloae worth the cost of tuition. □ i^Opens on September 5. LOSES HIS NERVE Exposed to Police by His Wife, Crippled Veterp Tries to End His'Life. IS CAUGHT IN HOLDUP Escapes From Prison, Goes to Chicago to Meet His^Wife and Finds De tectives at Rendezvous Instead. Chicago.—Overseas they called him “the gaiuest man of a hard-boiled reg iment.” In the midst of the terrific artillery bombardments at Toul and San Mihiel he drove his team and plied his shovel and never faltered under fire until he dropped. Iloy Little, top sergeant of company B of tlie forty-fifth engineers, came home from the war to Chicago with Ills left arm and side paralyzed from shell shock. He was able to work but little. His goveruiuent pension didn’t come. He was cheerful withal. He could battle with life and win against all the hard knocks, he said. Then he fell in love.. After a while they were married and took up their home near Twenty-eightlj street and Cottage Gr^ve avenue. A few mouths —and discord. Little wjis broke. His pension still hadn’t arnvcd. He wfi.«i jtiid no one wanted a crijniied employe. He was discoiira^^ed and desperate. This was in SeiJtoniber, 1919. Meets Tempters, Falls. About that time l>e met two men who gave the ii:iiites of Philip Hurt and .lames Walsh. They told how easy money could be gotten; they pro fessed great friendship for him. They proposed, finally, a tiip to Milwaukee. Little wont. The trio lield up a jewelry store, caught. an answered to tlie name; BAPTIST CHURCH: Rev. C, E, Puett, Pastor; Preach ing every Sunday at 11:00 A. . M.; and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday School, 9:45 A. M.; D. F. Moo«*e, Supt.; Prayer meeting evciry VTednesday night. All welcome. Go to the BREVARD PHARMACY for Norris Candies, Cigars, Cigarettes, to baccos, ice cream and soft drinks. It is a pleasure to serve you. BREVARD PHARMACY J. B, PICKELSIMER, Ph. G, Prop. Telephone No. 1 Brevard, N. C. Let Us Sell You Medicine. EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Rev. John C. Seagle, Pastor; Ser vices on Sunday at 11:00 A. M.; and 5:00. p. M.; Sunday School 10:00 A. M.; Service on Friday at 5:00 P. M. The Public Cordially Invited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John R. Hay, Pastor; Preach inc at 11:00 A, M. every Sunday; Sunday School- at 10:00 A. M.; E. W. Blythe, Supt.; Song Service Wed nesday Evenings. METHODIST CHURCH: Rev. A. S. Raper, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11:00 A.M.f and 7:00 P. M.; Sunday School iS^((S A. M.; Welch Galloway, Supt. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday .Night. Everyone welcome at all tliese services. NOTICE OF SALE: State of North Carolina, Transyl vania County, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Nan Smith et al. vs. James Jones, Jr., et al. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Transylvania, I the undersigned commissioner, will on Monday, May the 30th, at 12 o’ clock M., 1921, at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow, ing tracts of land for partition among the tenants in common, which tracts of land are described as follows: Lying and being in the County of Transylvania on Reason-over Creek, adjoining the lands of C. Y. Slatton and others. ' i?lKST TRACT. BEGINNING at a Spanish oak, Crook’s old comer, and runs east 80 poles to a broken top spanish oak; thence north 80 poles to a spruce pine at a branch; thence west 80 poles to a staHe in Slatton’s line; thence south with his line to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING AT A SBANISH OAK. Crook’s comer and runs east 80 poles to a stake. Crook’s comer; thence South 60 poles to a stake in Soloman Jones line; thence west 80 poles to a chestnut; thence north 60 poles to the BEGIN NING. Containing 30 acres, more or less. This April 30th, 1921. This April 30th, 1921. LEWIS P. HAMLIN, Com. 5-6-4t.c. May 27. Catarrh Caonot Be Cured with L£>CAL. APPUCATIONS. as tlMT cannot reach the seat of the diseaaew Catarrh 1s a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, aaS In order to cure it you must take an Internal remedy. Hall’s Catarrh Mett> dne Is taken internally and acta thra the blood on the mucous surfaces of tba ^ system. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicius m this country for years. It Is cons* posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best bkwA purlllers. The perfect combination eC the Ingredients m Hall's Catarrti Medl- elne Is what produces such wondeiftl. results la catarrhal conditions Send far testimonials, free. ~ J. cramBT * CO.. Props., Toledo, a An Druggists. niU’s Iramlly PlUs lot