FKIDAY, JUNE THE BREVARD news. BUVARD. N. C lUC STRIKE j Ten for 10 cents. Handy j size. Dealers carryboth. j 10 for 10c; 20 f<\r 20c. I It’s toasted. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES: 1 will oiler for sale as the Law di* rects at the Couhrt house door in Bre vard,' N. C. at 12 noon on the 1st Monday' in June, being the 6th day of June 1921, all the following de scribed land on which the taxes are due and unpaid. COS PAXTON. BREVARD, 1920. 'Cunningham, Jason A., 1 lot, tax and cost $5.90 Farris, F. B., 138 acres, tax and cost $32.55 JFontaine & Verdery, 1-2 interest 40 Acres $29.86 King, A. H., 15 acres and 2 lots, tax and cost; .... f318.25 McCarroll, S. P., 2 acres, tax and cost $8.88 Y. J. Simth, 1 lot, tax and cost $15.65 BOYD Kinjj:, S. G., 70 acres, tax and cost $25.02 1 Simms’, T. B., 135 acres, tax and . . cost $29.09 EASTATOE White, J, E., 2 acres, tax and cost, $2.93 HOGBACK JMcCall, G, T., 32 acres, tax and cost -* • $6.65 LITTLE RIVER Booker, Asa B., 45' acres, tax and S21.00 HERE AT HOME Brevard CatiBon* Gladly T««Ufy and Confidently Recommend Doan^s Kidney Pills. It is testimony like the foUowing that has placed l>oan*s Kidney Pills so far above competitors. When people right here at home raisti their voice in praise there is no room left for doubt. Read the public statement of a B.revard citizen: S. A. England, retired farmer, of Brevard, says: “1 am glad of the op portunity to recommend Doan’s Kid ney Pills, for they did me a lot of good sOme years ago. I was troubled with the too frequent action of my kidneys. Hearing of Doan’s Kidney Pills I used a few and they vmade m« feel a great deal better.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy- get -Doan’s Kidney Pills—^the same that Mr. England had. Foster-Mil bum Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. CEDAR MOUNTAIN NEWS When in need of Ftiesh Bread Cakes, Pies, Rolls, and all other Fresh Baked Pastry try us. Bread one day old is now sold fdr nine cents a loaf. ^ s our intention to deliver Bake^ «OOV^‘ ** established in oar building. Mrsf Eula Bishop, Jennie Bishop, Lois Burns and B. F. Hendrix mo tored up from Greenville last Sun day for the singing at Connaetee. Rev. Vaughn from Greer, S. €., is spending a few days in Cedar Moun tain. Mr. and Mrs. Fore from Greenville are visiting Mrs. Fore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. McCrary. Miss Rosa Heath and Dorse Alli son visited relatives and friends in Greenville last week. Weldon Lee is in Virginia for a few days on business, Bobart Bishop motored to Green ville last Sunday where he expects to stay for a while. Hamlin Bishop was in Brevarj last Tuesday, j Little Elizabeth Heath has return- i ed to her home after a t^^o weeks ^visit with her sister, Mrs. L. E. Ham- Jey, of Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith were in Brevard last week. Miss Gladys Pears'e is up from Greenville for a few days. J. Lewis Bell of Brevard visited E. A. Heath last week. Sgt. Paul Jones returned home Wednesday, 25th from the Bailey Military Institute at Greenwood, S. C. where he has bee^ in school. Miss Rhoda Heath was in town last week. Mrs. Carmon Hogsed visited her father, V. B. McGaha, last Sunday. Markley and Claud Jones attend ed the commencement exercises of the Bailey Military Institute last v/eek. Little Jeanetta Bishop spent last Wednesday night with her grand mother, Mrs. V. B. McGaha. A CORRESPONDENT. The Universal Car S440 f. o. b. Detroit Vi- Vi- Vi w- Vi Vi Vi- Vi Vi- «©• Vi Vi Vi- ce V9- ee- Vi We represent the most thorough atid up-to-date motor car factory in the world, turning: out the best all-round car on the market todaythe most a- daptable to every need of every class of people. The Ford Service organization, of which we are a branch, is the most ex tensive as well as the most intensive organization of its kind in existence, con sisting of over 18,000 Service Stations in the United States. It is our duty to uphold the high ideals of the Ford organization in this territory, to deliver cars as promptly as pos^ble, to give' quick and thorough repair service and courteous treatment to all customers. BREVARD MOTOR COMPANY C. H. KLUEPPELBERG, Manager Ford Cari? Ford Service Ford Parts Fordson Tractors $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ M- Vi- ce> Vi ««• «e- Vi Vi- w- Vi Vi v^ <«■ ««■ ■Vi ■Vi ■Vi ■Vi -Vi ■(0 •Vi C. M. DOYLE DEMONSTRATES VALUE OF ADVERTISING The News is in receipt if the fol lowing clipping taken from Fort Worth Star-Telegram: TRAFFIC RULES SUPPLIED BY AUTO DEALER Philip’s 6ai(er]f ife MM lii* < o&i. H. Doyle, local dealer in Mitchen cars, has evidently had his ear to the ground regarding the new traffic regulations, for he admits hav_ given considerable thought to the difficulties that the average motorist may have with ;he requirements of the new parking laws. As a result of 'oyle’s study of the subject and his t ..^ughtful sympathy with tkc motorist '^'ho wishes to com ply with the law. iie offered to sup ply the City Traffii^’ Department with a printed folder containing a copy of the official rules as they apply to the various streets. Permission having been given him, Doyle had 10,000 of the folders prT«t ed at his own expense on yellow card board, being in conformity with the color of his “Yellow Front” Gara^re and sales rooms. Naturally, Doj^e reserved the right to advertise his place of business on the reverse side of the cardboard with wWch he so generously supplied the City Traffic Department.” Mr. Doyle says that he had the fnH police force working for him. AH giving out his ad\ jrtisements. Ver ily “Dovle” is sor e live wire and it i was Fon Worth’s :ain and Brevard’s I loss when C. Doyl' moved to Texas. BREVARD CK -RCH DIRECTORY: For sale by HaviS’Walker Drug Co, BAfTirr CHURCH; Rev. C. C. E^ith, Pastor; Preach ing evo-y Suniay at 11:00 A. M.; i and T " • P. M.; Sunday School, 9:4S A, M • 1*. F. Mooi^, Supt.: Prayer I moating eveSry VTednesday nigkt. All welcome. GITY MARKET S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor V FRESH VEGETABLES - LAMB, VEAL, PORK AND BEEF - CURED MEATS. COUNTRY PRODUCE. CASH PAID FOR FRESH EGGS, Etc. t ' CITY MARKET S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor. Market Phone 47 Residence Phone 90 BREVARD,, NORTH CAROUItA Depcnrtments—College Preparatory. Normal, filasic. Business, Do mestlc Art, Ho'a<$sh!>ld Ek:onomic3, Agcicalture. An depart are directed by teasers with'^ecial training and large experiene.^. They know their bosiness. Inflaonces of tlte li titute are alooe worth the cost of taitioa. ciOpem on Se^toa^er 5. E. F. MOFFITT NQN-UNION ' Ipontractor and Builder I Estimstes proinfjplly furnished on allwor^ 7-1-21 EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Rev. John C. Seagle» P««tbr; Sor- I vice* on Sunaay at 11:00 A. M.; and I 5:00 P< M«; Sunday School 10:00 A. I M.j Serrice on Friday at 5:00 P, M. The Public Cordially InTitod. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Itev. JoliB R. Hay, Pastor; Praadi [Inff at 11:00 K, M. avwy SwMbyi I Swiday School at 10:00 A«' M«t E. W. Blytho, Su»t.| Song Service Wodf notday Evening*. METHODIST CHURCH: PreacUng otm^ Saaday at 11:00 Rar« A. S, Rap«r» PMtor. A.fvl.» and 7:00 P. M.; Sunday Scliool 9:45 A.' M.; Wolch Gallo'iray, Supt. Prayer M««tii|ff orery Wodnosday Night. i Evoryoaa w«|eome at all sorvicas. New York Cafe MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL YOUR WANTS. A CLEAN, SANITARY, ATTRACTIVE PLACE .TO GET YOUR MEALS. REGULAR DINNER EVERY DAY from ,12 to 3 for ONLY SO cts. SUNDAY DINNER 75 cents. M«m Street Gus Roman, Prop. Rose Cafe and Brevard Cafe Under One Managements ^ The best place in town to get a square meal or a good Itinch* Our country friends arc invited co try us when in town and hz convinced. W. Y. THOMASON Mi m m Ml The News is only $1.50 a year.