THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, DlOniBEK If; I9Z1 BREVARD, NORTH CAROUNA Depwcments—ColleRe Preparatory, Normal, Music, Business, Do mestlc Art, Household Economics, Agriculture. All departments are directed by teachers with sptcial training and large experience. They know their business. Influences of the Institute are alone worth Opens on September 3. worth the cost of tuition. Beauty and Utility A fence can be a thing of beauty as well as a protection. Your home surroundings help tomaJce yovir home. You can select fencing here that reflects your ideals of home building. Or ii it is rugged strength that you wish find it here in our ex tensive stock. Sturdy Fence Posts After all wood is truly the natural as well as the economical fence material. Quality and designs have improved with the years but the basic material holds its own. Our fence posts especially — the backbone of any fence — are sturdy yet incor.spicu'us. Th?y will find favor with you. Come ar.d sec. Como to us for of duality at J^conomy "Prices ORR-SITTON LUMBER COMPANY Our specialty is Hous3 Patterns and Rough Lumter Depot Street Fhonc 42 Brevard^ N« C« nsurance i'fcf May mean weepiag in smoke or in sadness viewing the ruins of your home. ^ But InrAirancG shows business ability. Means sat isfaction in p- -ction. Means Contentment of mind. Means the cf a lifetime's earnings. Means ths comfort of c.!d age. ^ Destruction hac visited your neighbor and our neighboring town — It awaits us. Insure while it waits — tomorrow may be too late. Brevard Insurance Agency T. H. GALLOWAY, Manager Brevard, N. C. SMITH’S PLACE where you will receive courteous treatment, and where every one who * is employed is a Tonsorial Artist We will be pleased to serve you SUMMARY OF FARM DEMON STRATOR'S WORK. BETTERMENT TO SERVE DIN- NERi Following is a brief summary of my annual report from Dec. 1st, 19- '0, to November 12, 1921. No community Fairs held, 3. No Community Farmer’s Clubs organi zed, 6; Total memberships, 90. How many of these .clubs are organized so as to include the farmer’s wife, child ren, and others in their membership, 3. No. of tomato demonstrators, 3; Xo. demonstrators reporting, none. Total acreage in demonstrations, 2; Average yield per acre, estimated — (bushels), 30. I wish' to say by way of explana tion that the demonstrations in to matoes were not so good because wilt attacked the plots. Blight was over come by spraying, but the only way that has yet been discovered to over come wilt, is to use wilt resistant varieties. I expect to do this in my demonstraf ons next year. No wheat demonstrations etarted this Fall, 7; Total acreage in demon strations, 35; No. Crimson Clover de mons! rations started, 9. Total acre age in this crop, 43; How many acres vvcre inoculated, 4; How many farm ers ordered inoculation material thru you from U. S. Dept of Agriculture, 1; Estimate total number of acres in County turned under for soil improv--' ment, 500; How many acres were sown this Fall?, estimated, 300. Red clover, herds, and orchard grass, de monstrations, 4; Total acreage in these crops, 50; Estimate total no. acres in County turned under by a- gent’s advise, 50; How many acres were sown this fall?, estimated 1000. Number of Soybean demonstrations, 12; Total acreage of this crop, 30; Average yield per acre (tons cured hay), 2; Number cov/ peas demon- : trators, 2; Number Suc'ar beet de monstrations, 3. Failure to get stand.': caused us to abandon two of these demonstrations In the one succe.^.sful plot beets of large size were grown, and specimens j were sent to Washington to test for sugar content. | Number of Demonstrations home i Orchards, Apples, 18; other fruits, 2; j Number trees in these demonstrat-} ions, 125; Orchards inspected by a- :rent, 30; trees, 3000; Orchards prun- j ed due to your influence, 25 trees, I 2000. Peach orchards treated for ! borerc, 5; trees, 250. How many | trees RiNCE Albert the nationcd joy smoke Copyright 1921 ^ R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wiaston-Salncia N.C. aaei —il Only Eight Days Left» To Your CliHstmas Shopping The Brenner-Penny Company has a Christ mas present for everybody, young and old. A practical and sensible gift that all will appre ciate—a gift that will make your Christmas money go far. Our Gift to the People This Christmas— 20% OFF Every Single Item In Our Entire Store For The Next Eight Days Twenty per cent means l-5th saved. Twenty per cent means five gifts in place of only four. Twenty per cent makes possible the remembrance pf a friend who might be otherv/ise slighted. Our store right now has marked down to the lowest possible level all its merchandise. This further 20 per cent reduction is a Christmas present that should be most acceptable to all. Our Opportunity Sale of Men’s Suits At $22.50 Is the One Best Bet in Town For Xmas Values Brenner-Penny Company Outfitters to Men and Women Success Drs to Anthony Bros. Next Door to Hunter’s Pharmacy HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. I