FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1921 THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, NORtH CAROLINA. I Give Useful Gifts ISTTSJSAS aiits It Give Sensible Gifts ONLY ONE WEEK to do your shopping, and let us suggest some useful present for all members of the family. For men and boys we carry a nice line of Rain Coats, Mackinaws, Bath Robes, Sweaters, Umbrel las, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Daniel Green Bed Room Slippers, Scarfs, Suit Cases, Hand Bags, etc. In Ties we have a beautiful line from 50c to $2.00. See our line of Handkerchiefs in Christmas boxes. We also have / Irish Linen Handkerchief^ from 35c to 75c. Bath Robes and Bed Room Slippers for tne Children Standard ClotMng Company V- V C . 7\ ^ / > An / \ & / ifO A. E. HAMPlOH, ^anagif Opposite Ayditoriui!) K. 0-!?“ - 5 ^ w ■a Santa Claus Says: If you want the children as well as the grown«ups to enjoy to the fullest extent the stocking-opening Christ- mas morning do your shopping at W. E. BISHOP & CO.’S They have on display for the little ' folk a full line of mechanical toys as well as wagons, tricycles, sleds, etc. Their Furniture line is full of excellent gifts, and they are not as high as you think. In carpets, rugs, art squares, etc., they have many designs to select from. If you are looking for something in hardware we cannot fail to please you. While on your Christmas shopping tour visit W. E. BISHOP ®, CO / The Home of Santa Claus iliristnies 4 QiSS^' !• gl