FRIDAY, I ^MBER 13. 1921 •F.VARD NEWS .•:v %■ During The Yuletide Season W) extend an invitation to you to visit The Brevard Pharmacy. Where you will receive courteous and special attention; everything we sell is at a most reasonable price. Brevard Pharmacy J. B. PICKELSIMER. Ph. G, Prop. Telephone No, 1 Brevard, N. C. Let Us Sell You Medicine. A Winter Suggestion During the winter months, when the roads arc bad and you are not using your car but little, why not let us put it in good condition for the coming Spring and Summer. Mr. Dan W. Merri 1 is now with us and wili have chargc of our Autcmobile repair work. We can make your c^r run like new by reboring the cylinders and fitting oversize pis tons and rings. It save voti ^as and oil to say nothing of that smoky exhaust and noisy piston-slap which are present in most cars over a year old. Ask us for estimates on this work, or any kind of machinery repair. We are going to save you money by repairing mechanical appliances^ which you would otherwise throw away. We arc going to build o'^r ' r ■ ard reputation on this FOUNDATION: Harris Machme Co FRED SERVICE Good Workmanship—Fair Prices Brevaril We are selling Boilding Hiatenal cheaper now than it has been since the wer started. Car Load Cement Car Load Flooring Car Load Shingles Car Load Ceiling and Siding Now is the time to build. We are looking for higher prices next year on everything [in lum ber. We wili sell you anything cheap for cash. Brevard LTimber Co. PRANK JENKINS, Prop. Phone J20 Nsar Depot I cA CHRISTMAS CONFESSION “ ■ B f mm I Jicln*t Hear old Santa come—he neS^er made a sound, just left for me a Christmas tree, with presents all around! And tko I like each thing he brought, my books and all the rest, ril teU 2?ou ccnfdentiall}): I love my dollj? best! «“Bj? i^{A.RTHi\ m Successh-l Fsmun^ • CftrlftJKas i5 Gosnci I (’^r^c»ma* it . ■* Cci lij beat up -he ctf«tn I h-nA can ail onr KCtaboors tosctbcrt • u’iKB thev app< i** j t tit w W4VC thcwt s-i:’- chffr I ? Ji% Will icen cut the vjini and tb; weatbcr. ■ A OLD VULETiDE ^ ■ ->o . t . 1J i 'J V Southern Railway System Reduced Passenger Fares For The Holiflaif Reduced Passenger fares for the Christ mas Holiday season will be put in effect by the Southern Railway System tickets between All points on the System only being sold on basis of fare and one half for the round trip. This is the basis which applied prior to the world war. Tickets Mali be sold at reduced rates on December 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th with January 4th as final limit. Selling dates from December 21st to 25th inclusive. J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C. NICHOLSON DUCLOS Announce the Agency for the Famous ‘Holy Wight” Rega^'ci^d £s One cf Most BeaJiitui Songs. CHR!STiV!AS IN 1621 Rebuke Administered to New England Observers of Day. Young Men Who Had Arrived cn Little Ship Fortune Reprimanded for Festivities. IT WAS in 1G21 t!iat Governor Krad- I'li'd was Ciilied uiioii U) ;.diainisrer a rt'lmke to some ot tlie nieii of tiie Ne,v Kii.^liind colony wlio h:nl jiist come over on the little ship I'ortuiie, and who warned to teielinue the h(‘li- <hty, the I^etroit Xews recalls, i’uritan- isiii hri n.^ht over with it in tl:e Jlay- tlower tile iiiUi-Christiuas leoliiic. «ti<l when tlie groiii) of lusty younii^ters at tempted to observe the day they werr sharjiiy criticized hy the coloiiy. The men were called out to worU that day as on other <!ays. hut the iiewcoiners declared it a^'aiU'Jt tlieir consciences to work on Chrl^'tmas day. The {governor left them and led away the rest ol the workers. lUU when he returned at noon the youni.' men were i'l the street at ]»iay—some pitchiii;; tlie l*ar and some playinjr-s'ool hall, ile took awny the!’' impieii:eiits and told (hem it was ajja'ust his (vmscietice that thev shov.ld play while others worked and that they co\iUJ' observe the day witlr.n doors, luit there shoitld be no reveling in the streets. On the day in. fniestiun a tree was choppe<l down and d:;i^,c<'d futo one of the ron;r!i cabins v, her^ it was tritnined with cranberries and pop corn, while the youn-j: poopie feasted their eyes on its b(*a\jMes. The,se •'ri'v- e’ries" w<*re frowtUMl upon by the ma jority of the colonists and in the "eneral court of Massafiiusetts eliricteo a law that made any p»*rs(>n iMiservin,;; Christmas day liable to a jine of “five shi’.lini;s.” The* law was repealed in ISGl. ‘ "Draw Nigh, Immanuel,” One cf Old est Pieces and fi.r Ante dates Any Others. The ancie!;t Chr:st .i.i Ni^hc” i.s ■ ui ;i and is conside:-*^'! be the most bea i! mas carols. It . ^ ^ . ascribed to .Mar-, n 1. const'Dsu.s of exp‘ ; . j-.i. is tnttch older thiir. !i:s ti of the «ildest of (-crai.' n The carol “God iU'.- CentleiiH'n.” is L: ^iisn and dates back to ;;b(ji:t of the Seventeenth -en ur;.-. althou;;h the niithor of the wonl> .-mi the com poser of the music are .liki.oui.. The fine old luelcdy .sun" to rhis poem po.s- sesses all the best qual.McaT;ons of a sterling hymn tune and will probably last as long as the verses with which it Is always associated. The carol “I>r:iw Nigh, liniiumuel.’' is one of the oldest pieces of colierent music in existence, and both the word- and nnisic far antedate any of the oth ers. Tlie niii.sic is an old French mel ody, dated from the Thirteenth cen tury, although, of course, it has been hj>rmon;ze<l to conform with more nuulern standards. There is a most curious htit heatiti- ful musical eflv?ct at the close of this carol. The words of “I>raw Nigh. Im manuel," are about KW years older than the intisic, being taken from the Mozarabic breviary of the Twelfth cen- .tury, and it is generally believed that they were taken from the liturgy of the early Christians at Toledo, Spain, where the Mozarabic breviary was for mulated. Another carol, "The First Noel,” has a traditional French melody and probably originated in Breton, al though tlie exact origin of this tine old song is somewhat in doubt. 4® SHMTTOMfc H LOutsvgf ■ KT PAN LJirist t.’;at it and IS one Merr\ origm leginnuiu Louisville Pipeless and Pipe Ftirnace and will call upon anyone interested and demonstrate this new invention. They can save you trouble and expense in the heating of your home NICHOLSON (Si DUCLOS Plumbing Tin and Sheet Metal Work Brevard, N. C. WHY THE CHRISTMAS KISSES? Placecards. Next after d^'covi'/inur the tab!';! comes the question of piacec'-n ds. These may he as sinii>’“ or as elabor ate as you like. btU you rt'aliy shouli! have them! You might cv;* nliiie csird- Itoard into small round pi<‘<es. r.ivc each an irregularly outHncd border of green and at the top of tbi.-: littU* make- believe Christmas wrf'nMi p'-n-h g small ho'e, tlircugh it dr.iw red !)uby ribbon, and tie in a hev*. Tlie name is written in the center. Unc-.t p:cni,c::nr!iv v cse. “Cb/iyli-on'.c's bui a ycfir said the re:Hly-i!.; ile p;; her. “Yes." '•< M’ii '! .'.i!' G; ’a ■ nado dnc.' c<'.iie i-' ifr.’ti . ■ that. Bi.' ■ iis'df':- * to ,i;et (r- ‘ Osculation, Allowed by Custom, C«lo. brates One of Most Charming Events in Tradition. m HY should men kiss girls who stand under mistletoe? Because they like it and be cause cu.stora allows it. Every kiss under the 'nistletoe, however, is a kiss which celebrates one of the most charming events in Christmas tradi tion. The romance goes back to the days of the gods of Scandinavia, when Bal- dur the I’eautiful was shot by Locke, tlu* Spirit of Evil, with an arrow of ii’isfletof'. But his mother, Venus of rile resioro(! liiiii t«> life by sa- tii kisses ail who passe<l be- iiancli held in her band. I ,’> in of love • colt brnlIon. AmcIi ;;t race.- We Do Not Claim To Have Made Any Special Deal At the Mine but believe we have brought the price of coal to a living price in Brevard. The best price we can sell for is $8.00 per ton, but it is the very best Lump Coal, and not slate, etc. Good Oak Wood—Big Load. Leave orders'at Deaver's Feed Store or Phone U8 Sioiard Transfer CQupany Yard Near Gelton I Fione 118 lutin- neni: Profe^-sor Lewi,» say: will win fuiure wars, fondly hoping iut.'iii,„' them. One vei'v (i:i!ifu'‘ tb press a ...j!, oj: tl’.iit spil iiig pa.stin;e. j'.iU in !lU‘ f . ■,v Yoar- ":n.'.: ihe ;i an;. i' .)U'-!i;'il :i •s an <,:i! r ve:;i'i-ai ion, ; r ■ v'ro ’vr!!! in jiN "o ci*!!'..*i't i it was (!' ' : s a sa<-:' .'-art ()f ;!;• ‘ ,.:-.:-,:iid it '.V!; n lif ii;.;K-ndi: If you want Transylvania news take the Brevard News. ii'f' I- come b,-'(' i'dinir '' ’.‘id hroVo" is (-'ily !-a‘ural for a io come to Its last quur- Notice I About 18 months ago I £c!d lo J. W. Glaze- nier an intci est in my Rcf man store. I have many accounts which were mace prior to this sale which have not been settled. Please call and settle the e £ccci:rts by Jan. 1, 1922, with J. W, Glazener or n yself. After Jan. 1, 1922, these books will be in the hands of D. L. English for collection. O. L. ERWIN.

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