FRIDiWY, DECEMBER 23, 1921 ■ariwihi THE BREVARO Blii£VARD, NORTH CAROLINA. •m * *1* * * « J. M. J^riaon spent Tuesday in vAshcville. Did yon jcver notice that most fi nancial are poor? Miss Barnett Tisited friends in Henderspnvile this ireek. We apprfciate the real thing after we have se4n the imitation. 1 H. P. Fc|yan of Asheville was in Brevard Tuesday. A man snokes a pipe for solace— a woman takes off her shoes. Mr. Bre^se is attending court in Asheville this week. If you treat some men courteously they think they are “easy.” Dr. Summey Asheville. spent Tuesday in D(N)CEBROniEIS APPOINT DEALER JeM Smith Will Sell Popular Detroit Car In This Territory Announcement is m’ade by Dodge Brothers, Detroit, of the appointment of Je's Smith as their dealer in this city. Mr. Smith will occupy ihe buildiftt^r on Main Street with a com plete cal-fcsroom and service station. His terriiury will'include Transylva nia county. The reiiiarkable popularity of the Dodge Brothers Motor Car has caus ed automobile men all over the coun try to clamOr for sales privileges, but E^dge Brothers policy of quality in Most of us take better care of our automobiles than we do of ourselves. Mrs. A. H. King is spending some time in Ocola, Fla. Don't let ambition get so far ahead that it ioses sight of the job at hand. The Library will be closed from Dec. 24 to Jan. 2, 1922. A. B. Riley will come from Pem broke, where he is teaching to spend the holidays with Mrs. Riley here. Few people are so poor that they can’t boast of at least one rich yela- tive. Mrs. Margaret Seter was a Bre vard visitor to Hendersonville on Tuesday. Remember that today is your op portunity; tomoiTow is some other fellows. Wm. Wallis is spending some time with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Wallis, at DeArlington. No one can learn to assugfie respon sibility unless he is made to assume the consequences of his acts. Miss Marion Younge will the holidays with her cousin, Ruth Black in Columbia. Mr. iind Mfs. C. F. Poole, of .'>22 Haywood Road, West Asheville, announce the birth of a son, Clar ence Franklin, Jr., on December 16. Tanlac' is well advertised, but ad- vortisin^r alone could not have pro duced Tanlac’s popularity. It had to have merit. Davis-Walker Drug Co. Miss Elia Wallis has returned to ) Brevard after an extended visit to friends in St. Louis, Mo., and Alex ander, La. Is your liver out of order? Do you suffer from biliuosness, head aches, constipation? If so Tanlac is what you need. Davis-Walker Drug Co. Mrs. M. A. E. Trowbridge has re turned to her home here from an ex tended visit to relatives in Virginia .nnd Maryland. Mr. and Mis. P. S. Ging and Miss Lillian King will spend the Xmas holi days with Mr. King’s son in Hender sonville. John McMinn and Edwin English who attend Baily Institute at Green wood, S. C., are here to spend the holidays. Miss Alice Band left on Sunday for Spartanburg, S. C., after a week’s visit v/ith her brother, Wm. A. A. and. / i The honorable Cos Paxton has re turned from Raleigh, where he at tended the special session of the Le gislature. The many friends of Mrs. D .G. Ward will be pleased to know that' she ha? returned home from the j Stoke’s Hospital and is regaining strength and health daily. L. I^. Scruggs, chairman county L’ommissioners made a business trip in the interests of the county to up per South Carolina several days this week. ^ Do not forget the Christmas treat for the County Home. Send your contribution to the Library on Fri day. Nuts, cakes, candy, dried and fresh fruits espcc’ally requested. Rev. Chas. C. Smith, pastor of the Baptist church, announces that Rev. E. D. Poe, of Durham, wiU preach in the Baptist church on next Wednes day night, Dec. 28. Dr. Poe supplied the pulpit of this church the month July, and the congregations were -trfelighted with his sermons. He comes here at this time on a brief business trip, and many people in this town will be glad to avail them selves of the opportunity to hear him ugain. To the public a cordial in vitation to attend th's service. The hour is 7:30 o’c’ock. tKe car, requires a painstaking in vestigation in every instance before a selection is made. In Mr. Smith Dodge Brothers have a dealer on whom they believe.^hey may rely for both progressiveness and fair busi ness methods. The prompt lhanner in which Dodge Brothers assumed one of the foremost positions in the automobile indutsry is regarded as a striking tes- timonal to the high regard in which their name v/as held by the public even bef(Jre they marketed a motor car bearing their name. Prior to that time Dodge Brothers had built the vital parts for more than half million other cars, establishing a re putation for thoroughness and me chanical skill. This reputation has been more than upheld. It is said of Dodge Brothers in explanation of their un usual success, that they spare no m.oney or effort in building a car to suit their particular ideas of thor oughness in manufacture. What their iedas on this subject mean to the purchaser of their product may be imagined from the fact that they have a staff of several hundred in spectors who do nott;ing but check up on workmanship in the various processes of manufacture. In addi tion there are several large depart ments devoted entirely to similar spend I work, such as the physical and chemi- Miss j cal laboratories where raw and finish ed materials are subjected to tests so thorough as to leave no doubt of the quality. It is significant that the first Dodge Brothers Motor Car ever built vras made up exactly as a car is made in the regular line of produc tion. Ordinarily the “experimental job,” as the first car is known, is built of castings because of the great time and expense involved in prepar ing dies for forgings. Dodge Bro thers, however, decided that their ex perimental car should be like the car they expected to build, in every de tail, so that neither they nor the pub lic might be “fooled.” So they spent almost a year in making these dies and preparing otherwise for a com pletely manufactured car. As a re sult, when the car was built they knew what they had and what they and the publicVmight expect of their products. As a further result this first car, although only an “experi mental job,” has rolled up a total of more than 150,000 miles, traveling year after year under all sorts of road conditions. This is but an il lustration of the many things unique in the history of Dodge Brothers as manufacturers. Public approval of their principles of thoroughness is seen in the rapid expansion of Dodge Brotlwrs Works made necessary by public demand. I.: December, 1914, it was a plant of less than 20 acres. Today Dodge Bro t-hers Works covers 100 acres of for space. Advt. If you are feeling badly, put your troubles away by taking Tanlac. Davis-Walker Drug Co. The Brevard Betterment wll meet on Monday afternoon at 3:30 P. M. I at the U. D. C. Library. Important busin 3. DEATH OF MRS. Wm. McKELVY Mr -. V*'m. McKelvey died on Mon day, Dcc. 19, 1921, and was buried Tuesday, Dec. 20, in Carrs Hil Ce metery. Meditating Violence wm EVERY MOVE HURTS Lame every rnornin;? achy and stiff all day, worse when it’s damp or chilly? Suspect your kidneys and try the remedy your neighbors use. Ask your neighbor! Mrs. J. C- Loftis, Main St., Bre vard, says: “I had a bad time with my back some years ago. There was a pain over my kidneys all the time and it kept me miserable. When I would go up or down stairs, pains would shoot through my back so bad ly I could hardly move and often I would get so dizzy, I would nearly fall. I had dizzy headaches and my ankles and hands swelled, too. My kidneys didn’t act properly. I tried different remedies with no relief and finally I heard of Doan’s Kidney Pills. They soon relieved me and con tinued use entirely cured me.” Price' 60c at al! dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy—get DoSln’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Loftis had. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. PROGRAM OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN DEMONSTRATION CLUB The Cedar Mountain Demonstra tion Club has held two very instruc tive and beneficial meetings in the school buildng since the time of or ganization. The r'rst meeting was held on 'Tov- 23, at which time IvLss Ciark gave instruction in makng aprons to the lades and girls. Mr. Lindley, who has charge of the boys’ and mens’ club, gave instruction on “sorting potatoes,, and terrace making.” The second meeting was held fr. Dec. 7, when Miss Clark gave an# in teresting talk on “effects of foois upon the body.” She also taught how to make attractive Christmas gifts and “hat remodeling.” Mr. Lindley gave valuable instruction or. “how to grow potatoes successfully” and also “hog raising.” The meetings are well attended and it is believed that much benefit will be derived there from. Mr. R. A. Ford, President Mrs. J. A. Burns, Secretary It is painful for some people to think. NOTICE OF SALE Salisbury, N. C., OfHce of Federal Prohibition Director. December 20, 1921. The following described pro perty seized from W. L. Woodard by Federal Prohibition Agent, J. L. Os teen on December 7, 1921, in viola tion of the National Prohibition Act, Sections 3 and 26, will be sold at public auction, in front of the Court House of Transylvania County, at Brevard, N. C., on Saturday, January 14, >1922, at 11 A. M.: One Ford auto mobile, stripped-down. R. A. Koh- loss. Federal Prohibition Director. Jan.-13-22-c. AUDITORIUM out a terriblo Mcret aboat Mamma I -i-tind BOW she goos to try tbe trick herself to win a husband. You'll yoll when yoa see it. A First National Attraction Also EddUe Polo in the final epi sode DO OR DIE. Admission 10 and 2Sc Thursday, Dec. 29 Norman Talmadge in THE PASSION FLOWER Hyes that flash both loTe and hate; lips inviting then denying; smile al- luringy then alarming; heart tbmt calls but will not answer. That is Acacia, The Pasion Flower at plajed by Norma.. Talmadge. - A Fii%t National Attraction Also Art Accord in THE WHITE HORSEMAN and Mutt and Jeff in SHADOWED. Admission 10 and 25c Matinee 2:30 Night 7:IS Coming Zane Grey’s greatest story of the great plains and the rugged mountains in i^mtoplay form: DESERT GOLD Saturday, Dee. 24 Pearl White in BEYOND PRICE The story of a wishing-week and how one girl got three big wishes. Harold Lloyd and Bebe Daniels in RAINBOW ISLAND Also Ann Little in THE BLUE FOX. Admission 10 & 20c Monday, Dec. 26 Pola Negri in GYPSY BLOOD A ctirring love tale of old Spain. This mighty marvel of the screen taken from Prosper Merimee's story from wbich the opera “CARMEN” was adapted will thrill and thrill you. You will long remember the battle in the mountains, the duel and the great mad dance of **Carmen” at a big festival. .A picture that will live in your thoughts long after others have been forgotten. A First National Attraction Also a comedy. Admission 10 and 25c A tourist can’t help noticing that the average small-town public garage is the best building in the place. Friends of William Marchant wii. regret to learn he was shot accident-1 ally by a friend while out huntincr near Jonesville, S. C., on Saturday last. He is now in a hospital in Un-, ion and while his wounds are painful; they are not dangerous. | Tuesday, Dec. 27 Constance Talmadge in MAMMA’S AFFAIR Hold your hats on. She's found ANNOUNCING Tliat we have just received a shipment of W. H. Robinson’s White Label Brand unmixed 100 per cent pure Georgia Cane Syrup, evaporated. This syrup is nothing more nor less than the pure juice of the sugar cane boiled down to a pure, delicious syrup. It’s guaranteed. Half Gallon, 50 cents. One Gallon, 90 cents. T. M. MITCHELL TKe Grocer $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ )$$$$$$$$$$* M- WHEN NERVES ARE UNSTRUNG GUDE’S PEPTO-MANGAN BUILDS UP VIGOR AND STRENGTH ■■“Hum,” said the magazine editor, “this is going a bit too far.” “What’s the trouble?” “A chap v/ho says he has received fifty rejection slips from me in the past twelve months states in this note that he’d like to meet me ” “Well, you might grant the poor devil an interview.’* But he adds, ‘in an alley, after dark.’ ”—Birmingham A FOR SALE — Second hand Majestic Range, as good as new for less than half price. R. B. LYON. FOR RENT — One of the best store rooms in town to lease after Jac 1st. Next door to Aethelwalc Hotel, 25 X 100 with basement. T.' W. WI^ITMIRE, Eox 842, Arhz ville, N. C. VJ- Vi- ««■ €«• M- W- W- Vi- V3- W- ee- vy w- w- ««■ w- W- vs- ««■ Vi- v> (A ««■ v^ Vi- M- M- Vi- w- v>- ««■ v> W- Vi- We wish to extend to everyone A Very Merry Christmas WE BISHOP & CO. 4A ■€» ■€» •€» <0 •V* ■y* ■Vi •€« •Vt ■ee 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 <0 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 IS I