FRIDAY, JANUARY ?. 123 AD. NORTH CAROLINA miimiHHiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnmih ....umiiinnria The AMERICAN TOBACCO CQ TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY Japan lias an American spy scare Tokyo police arrested an American of the charge of running a motor boa without a license, and incidentals searched his lodgings for incriminatirJ documents. eo wicked. We didn't know we wen Wh It has also been previously derl onstrated that when an mterurb; car and a locomotive dispute the po session of a grade crossing somethuf unpleasant is likely to happen to tl interurbau car. See The In undertaking to find out how al why Pullman cars are named, t Scientific American Invades the real of forbidden knowledge and lays its open to punishment for impious p sumption. THE VOICE OF THE STONES Stones speak. They have a voice, especially when they are memorials of great and noble deeds. Every where throughout the Allied coun tries, in England, Scotland, and Ire land, FYance, Belgium and Italy they have been dedicating memorials of th egreat World War, and our own country has been erecting monuments for the noble part she took in the bat tles of the giants. It is right and just that she should do so "Lest We Forget." I am glad that Transylvania coun ty in the Old North State has resolv ed to erect a memorial arch as a gate way to the Pisgah National Forest. It is a splendid though. God give her jrrace and courage to carry it through. It will speak to the present and com ing generations of those principles of freedom, justice and humanity for which Americans live, and dare to die. I am persuaded that whenever a member of the American Legion looks upon it he will hear it speaking to him of God and country, and bidding him uphold and defend the Constitu tion of the L'nited States of America, maintain law and order, foster and perpetuate a on(. hundred per cent Americanism, preserve the memories and incidents of their association in the Great War, inculate a sense of in dividual obligation to the community, state and nation. Combat the au tocracy of t'ne classes and the masses; make right the master of might; pro mote peace and good will on earth; safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; consecrate and sanctify l heir devotion to mutual helpf ulness. "Hats off." so ay we one and all, men. women and children and join with them in the one common duty of us all. to love our country, support its Constitution, obey its laws, re spect its flag and defend it against all enemies. ('. D. C. P. S. Would that every man. wo man and chili) might have a share in the Menu-rial Arch. An Illinois woman has won a pr: for "America's best cookies," and newspaper account says they were tl kind that mother used to make. N sense the best cookies were the kfl grandmother used to make. While the great war cost more thj 10,000.000 lives, all armies dealt moJ successfully than ever before with tl problem of protecting themselves frol contagious disease. The degree success varied widely in differei countries, and full details on soul points art5 yet to be compiled; btl enough is known to warrant that ge oral statement. In our own Spanisl war, for example, at least twelve mel wore killed bv disease to everv onl claimed by hostile bullets and sheila Even the ilussian and Serbian force! in the great struggle made a bettel record than that. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powe of sale contained in a certain Dee in Trust from A. II. King and hi wife, Ilessie R. King, and H. C. Sims to the undersigned Trustee, said Deed in Trust bearing date of October 21. 1 1 '2 0 , and being executed to secure certain lnuobto-.mess tnerein named, p6TesoTTT!TvnA? thence with Alexander's line south 4-i deg. east 70 poles to a chestnut oak and hickory (oak now down); thence ea-1 with the old Miller line i'2 po'"s and default having been made in the to the oid Gash line; thence with the ,,:iyment of said indebtedness, j Gas- h line north about 5 poies to a whereby Gn- power of sale contained j service tree. Gash's corner; dunes' :n Miiii" Deed in Trust has become i still with Gash's line north 11.'. pole--o'H rative. and all notices required ' to the beginning. containing 30 y You Should Lumber Dealer 'First About Owning Your Own Home IT is a well-established fact that many homes which arc "built to sell" are both poorly constructed ard contain cnly the cheapest of materials. Consequently the lawman who knews nothing or very little about materials or construction cll'rres dee ret get full value for his money when he buys a house which is already constructed. It is often thought that the lumber dealer is merely a merchant whose business consists wholly of selling such materials as "are re quired for construction work. Instead, he is a man with a thorough knowledge of and wide experience in all matters pertaining to build ing. He is the one man who renders, and is able to render, more real service without cost to builders and prospective builders than any other party or parties connected with the building industry. In the matter of hemes small rcmes especially are his acvice rd service of special value to the builder. To consult a reliable lumber dealer about Owning Your Own Heme is to insure yourself of getting the most and the best for the least money. Many people who would like to build instead ci buying hesitate in so doing because they believe that to build rcquiics jrayirg -he entire cost at one time. This is net so. It is .just as rasy to iinence the building of a heme as it is to buy a ready built K use en tc:ms. We will gladly explain to any prospective heme ouncr hew cniiy the financing problem can be solved. Let Us Help You "Own Your Home'' . mi mi m ... 4 ' under tho terms of said Deed in V r : t . e f f c c t i n g s a i d de :ot:cos r; quired under the terms of fault not having been made good, and 'ae holder of the note evidencing said indebet edncss. having requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the embraced in said Deed in Trust to be applied upon said indebtedness aft-.r paying all the costs of said sale; Now, ilu-n fnre, I. the undersigned Tru-tec. a-: aforesaid will, on Friday o c un lock M. t 'l. i : i -J : Ilous -ward. I ransvlvania eountv fi! to the highest bidder for cash, following described real proper- acres, more or less. i Seventh Tract: Referred to in Deed in Tru. t as eighth, tract, and ; being all that tract of land lying and ' being in Boyd township. Transvlvn- j nia county, N. C. Beginning al n ; bridge on Boilston Creek in th" : Blantyre road and runs north 2 dev.. vest r 1 poles to a stake in the Boij- ; ston road near th- yard rate of th" oh1 George Orr house; thence north 3 deg-. east with said road 10 poles t th" corner of the garden. P. P. If t 't PI fW. U i 3 Co J. A. MILLER, Manager ' i v " :' i v j v s v :t s ; c i i . . y . ; y ,, .. 633' j j y ) 8 &1V ; o w s t : Tract: Situate, lying and ::i tho town oi ijrcvard ana on Main S: Vieg ii.ning at ep .via. n rstroet. mi ieet i rnin (iu!';v.i t iunctioM of Main ant door in the town , un' T c''or; ,ln',.'u'''. wltn . Ills !,,n',' 1 .I 'i LllVvtll l I I L I ! Ill V HIIilL; I M I U e -MO t'o!e to th." ton (t l ine Mountain, . i'at'o:;, l.anl;.-- and Summ r's cofnei-; j thence south '' deg. West with Pai ! ton's line '.7 poles to a slake in il's line; thene south .7 deg loS poles to a north 4 deg. ea-' (Sash's corner; e b m. a. jh au. . a aa.- it mn -lm-l LA IVI i i as n s n im i east with Ga-h's line 1 Snanish oak ; t hence r idles td a turn Cbc Gbavlottc V CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the friends who v.-ere so kind and sympathetic (lur ing the iline.-.-- and death of my sister, Mary. VICTORIA GALLOWAY i tii.i,,,.,, 1 1, st; , i , '.11 St 'i.i't 'in.) rim-; with tlie ' . ' . 0. , to '.) oianrh: then, m m wain .uee "" v,ih yai,j hr:;nch south !. d, g. west- .. let i io a siaKC. .v:c- ( A Carolina Newspaper For Carolina PeopleConstructive, Clean and Reliable CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our be'.ow-d companion and niother and for tru beautiful floral offerings. May the kind Heavenly Lather bless each o;ie. MR. T. 11. HAMPTON', and children "In the T.and t,f Waterfalls" "Done?" Yes, we finish our day's work and spend the p-maining hours at what we think is rest. But come to think, our eyes work 12 to 18 hours every dav and during that tinig there is never a stop or rest. A perfect p.iir ot eyes is rare. Nature is seldom ex act, so it is hiohl . important, if you suspect your eyes need assistance, that a relia ble optometrist be consulted one whose knowledge, skill and experience are as surance of correctly fitted glasses. DR. S. ROBINSON Optometrist "Know Us By This Sign" 78 p.stton Ave., Aslievil'.e; N rth Carolina Note Watch this space for announcement of Bre vard date. . (inn s corner; t'vnce at a right angle to Main Street, south '2h deg. west l."l! feet to a stake: thence parallel : Ma:n Street, soinh U deg. east " f to a stake. Misliop's corner; ' :i. ree uerth .'.'' deg. est 1 : eet 'o th.- bt g-ii:,'iiig. contaMiing- one . . t;ri'i ef :'.n ::! . more or less, being nvr' of Lot Xo. ."' as howa on h u'o' of ;he to of I'ri-var!. ami ! - iig the lot o t wi icit is now located :s ' a.s King's Garage. Second Tract: Lying and being i.i - t-wn of Brevard an;! on Galdwell rect, and knov.-n. in the plat of said 'wn as Lot Xo. .". ; beginning jvt a 'a;;e the corner of Lots o,()-l and . rims soiith ! dog. e;:st 15 ; o a stake in the margin of Cald 11 Stre'.-t ; ihfpce south 2d dg. west '"J f.-c-t to a stake; thence north d-1 'e - west Ida feet to a. stake, corner f Lot Xo dd ;thence north 2d deg. e:et l-2 feet to the beginning, con ';n;ng one half of an acre and being ilv hands on a corner of which is lo oted what is known as the Snelson iliav ksmith Shon. 'i h:r ! Tract : Lying in '"'-ansylva--,'a conn. v. X. ('.. and on the water ef Sir ton's Greek; beginning at a tone. George Orr's west coi'ner and : 4 0 poles to a stake; thence poles, to a Mil all hickory; west urh 11 '. east ; ro!i llf.ll.-.. ,l,,vvn .1.1 e.ast poles to a stake in said branch; 1 -e -it'll 1 ' i O .e- , . i i th'.' head of tile r'-;n. anon town nolo- an it Wnn o the 1 o ' eg ;,' 1. id b: a. rich ! a- :-;o v. : n s;i a rgg I'eecn -t uiiip tn th 'ran.cii ; south '' 'e to ;( ftodsToe rote .VI St :td Tl inch east 1 Hettee h '4 : oh- i.' poles 1 i Gives to its readers the worthwhile news of the Caiolitias, tin . , i -.11..:.. j? - i wires, la.riv ami accural civ repoi ie.i o e cut p- ot special corn-siiiitin greatest i:es giithering agency in t'ne wo rid. supplemented bv the ("nivei et prise .-v O'.V! i.-iih; o f th- Aew spacer A ian'.-r proiiu-.ed !iy t'aro!i:;a p-ople and .- -eks cial news, f i':.t'rn;il (ifuc;- -oe tat ion. . i . . . an'.on tnat : ci-p- onstatuly in n:;nl to give them ju-t w' thy wa:.t in genera! new-m-ws and viev s. a:ni numerous sieg!;i! articles rrt S. vn.-i le ihetlc. lit) r-g.H soiith :ia kg. .!i'-:lCe sOUtll S (i"-g. i.i and entertaiiuent of the whole family, including daily TH!-: tint Mi l .-to; v ree tu-e west "2 poles a s co riorin -v. fio cs o a rt c M'i-r west ('.2 noles to a. stake;! iii'ce north Id? pole- to a pine;! ca-t 00 poles tni stake on! pine 1 1- !'.'!,-: -.he old Miller corm r. marked "DM"; thence south. 4 ' O'-h-s to Boii. ;,:n th.ence iown am! with sai ' io t!ie beginning, coe. '.ai''!ng I i"0 act triore or less. e i--rt S fe-'t a'otv the Miller line deed ed to Wiliiani Bayn.ard for a road ; :his being- the same tract of hand deed ! -.m T. B. Situs and wife to II. G. S'ms. by de''d dated September 12. t,:1'! registered jn Boo'.; io. -1" o , - .1 , i - ,,,, i Ti,...,,,. 1 or I ran--ylvanta county. The proceeds of stlid .-aio ply upon said indohetedncss, int.r'";t. coinmissions, costs of sale. etc.. tin surnhis. jf any. to bo pa:d to the said Grantors named in said Deed in "): as tiicir .-everal interests m-.ty aj?K ar. Tliis the 22nd dav of Janutirv, 192;. I). L. ENGLISH, Trustee S'c. ). L. E. NOTICE A fw of the manv features that n.ak (' A 11LOTTE OBSERVEii the Lieai ne .-. -pa.-r of the 'aroli'i.-i.- are : Editorials !v ab'e writers. The enly cor.M-;i' Fraternal Order Section published in the South. Wcelc'y articles cy Frar.k H. S'.moncir, the world's greatest aut'nor'iv on international Politics. One Minute lr. i' a 'ess .on - a. to exc ers. Pithy Paragraphs chuv-kles. Bri. s a! it nest sttv.ngs the society ot lilt evetit Weekly Bible Talks bv A a's ( i real 'e.m- moner, William Jennings Bryan.. Fcrwprd Observation Pott A we . : i 1 v of the V,:t-:.l War. by Gale Buige-s. VeeI:'.y Book Review?, by William Thoi Wliitsett !'e. s:,i.. i (.f 'hitsett Institute. r. ;o:i Recor to a ! ne ciisf orv o! f the stli's Fame So-i- ly Henry E. Hiiirnan. Potash and Per'mutter, a weekly storv by Mon tague G'ass. A department of Rio Nevs, edited by th.' world's k-t's; authorities on the subject. The Woman's Page : a section containing gen eral Jioust hol.l k.itits and reci'ie.s for the house wife. Subscription Rates Bv Mail 1 I: :.V Dailv and. Sunday . . . Onlv -y Only i-r.ran"ti. -".id Urr r,npo down the branch ,h ma nit than. ccrnc r ; i about 4U south 10 to ' :. S voles to a stake in the ; .. F-r'ng; theng'e north -r7 deg. east no'u's to a slake: thetice south S! 'c '. "J'-t 10 pedes to a stake; thence ouih .1 d"g. ast 1K poles fo a locust; he.ic- south 7" deg. cast 10 poles to 1 '; thence south 41 dcr. east 29 ole to a siake in the public road; h; nee v.itli the stMne -outh 3d deg west 18 . west 37 oles; 10 noles; thence t 20 poh oies; south oefj oi-th !"!." deg. west or b. peles to tne beginning, s; aid 'ract of hind containing 1 02 acre" vo'-e or less., and said boundary co 'riv two small tracts of ten and fourteen acres resnectivelv hereto fore conveyed bv G. A. Gash to F. W. Ilollingsworth, and conveyed by him to II. G. Sims and specially Mentioned and intended to be con fined in and conveyed in this boun 'arv, and described as follows, viz: First: Described in a deed from Geo A. Gash and wife to William r' HollingswoT-th by deed dated Sep ember 28, 1917 and registered in Deed Book No. 40 page 216. Begin- Havlng qualitied aa Executrix of the estate of Justice J. Miner, de ceased, late of Transylvania county, '. Ck, this is to notify ail persons hav ing claims against the estate of the . a'd Justice J. Miner, to exhibit them ;o the undersigned at the office of W. Bivcse, of Brvard, X. C, on or before the 12th day of January, 1924, r this notice will be pleaded in bar f their recovery. All persons indebt a to said estate will please make ho ned ate payment. tl'IE MIXER WRIGHT, Executrix of Justice J. Miner, deceased. Send subscriptions to Circulation Department, THE CHARLOTTE, OBSERVER Charlotte, X C. E JUfc nd tite World, hot off the mj ir.d tin- A-.-ociate.l Press. SB -al v-t. rvice l'-port: and 'J il" needs ami desires of 8 . -r: . m.-.rV't news, so- J) i features loi- th,. bene- H ! IV '-O, ' BM iCrv.cvs, a ; corn a in .rig ex- tflj ha ni - ot v. v. - .f e . -n ,.",'" bf n y; a r--ege fa;' of laughs and "J Ifered ;;ch (i lV for tile IB Ulnn.itei :;v ! he subscri!,, rs M the Caroiinas, a section fea.nrin1- wl d of the two ' 'aroiin.-is. 1 P h-tai'ed i-enotts of lm 1$ :: :vitM:;y and se- M nelu iing tile we'.i- Ji icr," by Cm:-. .. lc. Kg entihe WritinTs. and oik f.-.-:- kr U kiv Sunday sc'.tco! .-' ":hich a- ;o en- JU to the in bistria!. t,K i-.tere-'.s of the p) aroima. J Til 1 .Mo. 3 Mris. G Mn,. 1 Yv .75. $2.25 $4.30 $9.00 A 65. 1.75 3.50 7. CO AO 1.00 1.75 3.5D ?J The most comph Sports jiublishcil m the state. A Colored Coiriao Section ' 'eral (i;ii!y comic features, i Unown "Bringing Up Fs Manus. r ict ion, S: ture articles. A Church Director", wee lessons. Real Estate page, et Speiial attention is calle Carolines Section, the objeet courage, advance an 1 nronta commercial, civic and social ; states of North and South t " ORDER FUL LIGATION Wood, a Justice of the Peace, of that the DOGWOOD WANTED Bring in your dogwood from 3 in dies at small end up. Paying high rice, from ten to sixteen dollars per ord, according to grade and size. a.-h as delivered at mill or on rail oad siding. ' BREVARD MANUFAC- IT'MXG COMPANY. V. Fontaine. ning on a large apple tree on the . Tanar,or bank of the road bv the garden pail-i ' '"I tiff. THOS. S. WOOD Justice of the Peace Jan. 2G.-C. Paxton. ORDER PUBLICATION North Carolina garden mail ings and runs south 47 deg. east 1-20-tfc. North Carolina Transylvania eountv A. R. Gillespie vs. Lee Henderson It appearing to the undersigned Justice of the Peace, from the affi davit of A. R. Gillespie the PlaintiM in the above entitled action, that the defendant cannot after due diliigence be found in the state, and that the nlaintiff has a irood cause of action i against the said defendant and that Transylvania County. it further appearing that the said de-1 Brevard Banking Company fendant has departed from the state 1 vp. with the intent to defraud his ere- t-oe Henderson ditor and avoid service of summons. It is therefore ordered bv the court Ju other public places in the county for davit of Brevard Bankii four successiv the title of the action and stating the tion, that the defendant cannot after names of the parties and the amount due dillignce be found in the state, of the subject matter, and the nature 1 and that the plaintiff has a good appeaini; c.-ij ,i..r, vi.i ,,t I-.,- .i .i t ! T,. a ;o u:.. -- li'i.-'iL ,;a ie parted i i .i i !. v i v tin icx tuuiiu i u hi ) in r r , i , ..... iKreva.-.i Towoshin "on the o,5H, lrom lnv etate wun ttie intent to h i of Januarv. 1!23. and answer or do. fi"ud his credior and f mnr to the comnlainf of :iid uln.'vi- f Summons. w uif eou i i i nonce ot t n.- i-o ae- avoi i service It is therefvare ordered This the 2nd day of Januarv, 1923. : ,'n be ivertisc;r at the court hou door and four other public niaees b the county for four successive week setting forth the title of the action, and stating the names of the parties and he amount of the claims the issuc ing of the attachment an,) a brief re cital of the subject matter, and the nature of the suit, and requiring th defendant to appear at the office cf Thos. S. Wood, a Justice of the Peac ,.C rp 1... . . oi i ictiis. lvania county, at his otm-e It appearing to the undersigned j rovard Township on the 26th dav stice of the Peace, from the alii-i 01 January. 192o, and answer or de- places in the county for davit of Brevard Banking Company, , ,."t lu int complaint ot said plain - sive weeks setting fortn the plaintiff in the above entitled ac-! j ot the suit, and requiring the defend- ; cause of action against the sail' de- j ant to appear at the cmce of ihos. b. fendant and that it further a This the 2nd day of January, ID 2 3. THOS. S. WOOD Justice of the Peace Jan. 2G.-C. Paxton.